• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Nov 26, 2002
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 118 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 118

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  1. GrzegorzH
    May 3, 2007
    It's totally cool. One of the best SUM*41 albums for me.... Waiting for an "underclass hero"... ^^ :D
  2. elisha
    Feb 15, 2003
    I think this cd is awsome. Its got everything, punk, craziness and kick arse punch lines. Does this look infected is definatly better that the last 2 albums, all killer no filler and half hour of power
  3. AdrianB
    Jan 2, 2007
    By far the best sum 41 album to date
  4. Asa
    Feb 15, 2003
    Its a really great album, Despite what other people think.
  5. JoeB
    Mar 23, 2003
    i think this CD was kick *** and all you people that think it is a bad CD you need to think agin!!!
  6. conorm
    May 14, 2003
    this is good music .enough said.
  7. MarkM.
    May 30, 2003
    this is the best album i never stop listening to it it kicks a**
  8. nikole
    Jul 23, 2003
    sum 41 is my favorite band, and only the very best band get that far
  9. subw
    Aug 11, 2003
    sounds just as good live as on the cd- a true sign of a sick new skool punk band......
  10. Freya
    Feb 23, 2004
    I loved this cd!!!!!!!!!! The songs are well played and they're great singers too!
  11. emilyw
    May 20, 2004
    too bad the highest rating is 10! i'd give it 1,000,000,000!
  12. mattt
    Sep 9, 2004
    bleedy great
  13. MichaW
    Apr 11, 2006
    This cd was really awesome. I couldn't stop listening to it for weeks. I think this beats any of there other cd's.
  14. DeanK
    Dec 8, 2002
    By far Sum 41's best album yet. I don't think it deserves the parental adviory sticker!!
  15. [Anonymous]
    Jan 1, 2003
    I love this album! In my opinion the only song on there that deserves the parential advisory is A.N.I.C (track 5). I highly recomend it.
  16. susannasupernault
    Mar 12, 2003
    i luv the sum 41 cd it is so great! i think i like it because deryck is singing in it i luv him! well keep up the good work guys ru doin great!
  17. JonnyJ
    Mar 6, 2003
    By far this is the best album to come out since the old Sum 41. All u dumb idoits who hate punk rock or even rock u are missing out badly.
  18. LidsayH
    Mar 9, 2003
    This cd kicks ass!
  19. LisaL
    Apr 19, 2003
    it is a really good album and i also think its their best yet.
  20. jamiem
    Apr 21, 2003
    this is a really good alblum
  21. NickK
    Apr 4, 2005
    Best CD in the entire world; "All Killer No Filler" and "Chuck" are also damn good, but "Does This Look Infected?" has just the best music there is.
  22. alistat
    Sep 23, 2005
    Awsum CD. These guys know what their doing.
  23. DavidD
    May 25, 2007
    This is a great album. You can tell that they have matured from there past albums. It still has a little pop-punk feel to it, but it is a lot more hardcore. This is the only pop-punk band that I enjoy, and this is my favorite album by them. It is worth a listen to if you enjoy Punk/pop-punk.
  24. RossS.
    Feb 7, 2008
    Awesome! best cd I've ever herd in my life.
  25. LizD
    Mar 28, 2003
    this cd is awesome i love it and i listen to it all the time!
  26. ccccccmmmmmm
    May 14, 2003
    ass ass ass
  27. yosoy
    Jan 18, 2005
    this is a great album. its full of sweet as5 music. go track 6!
  28. Nov 26, 2013
    This album is incredible from start to finish. Pure desperate energy and desperate urgency. Sum 41 is a very underrated band but this album is proof that they are masters of their craft.
  29. lukew
    Jan 2, 2003
    not as good as all killer no filler but still great!
  30. Kate
    Mar 2, 2003
    I love Sum 41! I've been looking to an alternative to the MTV rap/pop/wannabepunk Avril Lavinge crap that's been floating around since the fall of the boy bands. This is a great cd. It's hard to tell one song form another though. Ya gotta love 'em though!
  31. pdiddy
    Jul 18, 2003
    Does This Look Infected brings me mixed feelings. While this' on its own is a great CD, and one I bought personally, it is not the follow-up for All Killer No Filler that I would have hoped for when I carried it out the door. But with track like My Direction and Still Waiting, this CD did secure SUM-41 as my favorite band of all time.
  32. someguywholivesinyourbasement
    Mar 18, 2004
    No comment, just plain good!
  33. Jan 20, 2012
    A fast, funny and enjoyable album that was another taste of what Sum 41 found on "All Killer, No Filler" which was their best album. This album doesn't quite come to that level, but it's close, and gets better with age and repeat listens.
  34. lordquas.
    Jan 14, 2003
    hot stuff. sum41 rock
  35. LinZ
    Jan 5, 2003
    i love them they know how to rock and their concerts are of da hook, i say they deserve
  36. MattC
    Feb 12, 2003
    This album rocks. And i mean ROCKS!! They finally made the decision, to go from punk-pop....to PUNK-ROCK! most people think this is the right move, and i do too. but, it would'nt have hurt to put some punk-pop on the album, nonetheless, it KICKS ASS. And anyone who rated this cd and said, quote "its just the usual ignorant punk-pop crap!", obviously havent listened to it. Go SUM!!
  37. Dec 17, 2013
    It's a great album. But I think that All Killer, No Filler is better than this album, some lyrics in songs are immature and a song titled A.N.I.C shouldn't be added to this album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. There are no real surprises here but then in the land of pop-punk surprise is not high on the agenda.
  2. Blender
    So Sum 41 have grown up... a little.... It's all relative, and, crucially, it still rocks. [#12, p.153]
  3. This disc has a clutch of songs that mix chord-y abandon with raging rock riffs--and a heck of a lot of good times.