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Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Oct 25, 2022
    First off, I've been a fan of the reunion Pixies material to date. All 3 of the albums up to this point had their flaws but equally had their merits and I would regard them as solid records. That said, I do think "Doggerel" is arguably the most consistent one yet from start to finish. It's got some great singles and there is little or no filler to be found. "Doggerel" has all the elementsFirst off, I've been a fan of the reunion Pixies material to date. All 3 of the albums up to this point had their flaws but equally had their merits and I would regard them as solid records. That said, I do think "Doggerel" is arguably the most consistent one yet from start to finish. It's got some great singles and there is little or no filler to be found. "Doggerel" has all the elements you want from the band without any of it sounding forced or synthetic. When you think about it, this is exactly how Black Francis and co should sound at this age and stage. Still weird and ghoulish, still melodic. They may have lost some of the edge or guttaral screams but thats going to go as the decades pass. Really good. Expand
  2. Oct 5, 2022
    I am going to round down my score and give this a 7, but if I could I would give this a 7.5 out of 10. You obviously aren't going to be getting the same sound they were producing back in the 90s, and it's pretty clear this isn't coming back.

    If you are a fan of their faster paced songs, then you most likely won't like this record. It is pretty mid-tempo through the entire thing. I think
    I am going to round down my score and give this a 7, but if I could I would give this a 7.5 out of 10. You obviously aren't going to be getting the same sound they were producing back in the 90s, and it's pretty clear this isn't coming back.

    If you are a fan of their faster paced songs, then you most likely won't like this record. It is pretty mid-tempo through the entire thing. I think this is a step up from their previous record, which had a lot of forgettable tracks considering how much better the singles were. Graveyard Hill is probably still their best song since they came back, in my opinion.

    This album feels very flat and uniform at times, they don't really try to experiment with different sounds anymore ever since fans & critics alike hated on "Indie Cindy" and "Head Carrier".

    For me, highlights would be "Vault of Heaven", "There's a moon on", "You're Such a Sadducee", "Doggerel" and "Pagan Man". If you just want a pixies record for the sake of listening to them, then this record is for you. if you're looking for something new, you will be disappointed.
  3. Oct 2, 2022
    I have to say, I’m pretty confident this is the best of the Pixies 2.0 albums. The first listen or two may wash over you a bit, but anything by Charles Thompson usually takes a few listens to worm in. This is a great record. It’s basically Frank Black and the Pixies at this point, and there ain’t nothing wrong with that. It has a lot of Bossanova style mid tempo chuggers on it, but thereI have to say, I’m pretty confident this is the best of the Pixies 2.0 albums. The first listen or two may wash over you a bit, but anything by Charles Thompson usually takes a few listens to worm in. This is a great record. It’s basically Frank Black and the Pixies at this point, and there ain’t nothing wrong with that. It has a lot of Bossanova style mid tempo chuggers on it, but there are plenty of surprises, and repeat listens keep revealing new sounds, accents, touches, and insights. I love it. Hopefully we get more of the fabled 40 songs written for this session in the near future. Great stuff. Expand
  4. Oct 2, 2022
    If you’re expecting this album to be Surfer Rosa part 2 30 years later from musicians in their 50’s you’re going to be disappointed and you should just move on and the same goes for people who think “no Kim, no deal”, you should move on, too. If you’re a fan of good music you should give this record a spin. Charles Thompson has been writing great songs, without interruption, for his entireIf you’re expecting this album to be Surfer Rosa part 2 30 years later from musicians in their 50’s you’re going to be disappointed and you should just move on and the same goes for people who think “no Kim, no deal”, you should move on, too. If you’re a fan of good music you should give this record a spin. Charles Thompson has been writing great songs, without interruption, for his entire career, and this collection of songs is one of his best. The band, 3 albums into their current lineup with Paz Lenchantin on bass, is incredibly tight and complimentary. Charle’s voice is in superb form and his vocal interplay with Paz is as interesting and beautiful as anything he and Kim ever recorded. The album kicks off sounding very much like a track off Surfer Rosa then branches out in all the different directions Charles has been exploring for the last 3 decades. The music is mature, powerful, grand, and never boring. We get hints of the Beatles, The Who, Neil Young, The Rolling Stones, and I’m even picking up a little Neil Diamond. The record is packed with little delicious nuggets of rock and roll goodness. The one constant in all of Charles Thompson’s music is that it takes a few listens to sink in and reveal its true glory, which is why the Pixies weren’t popular until after they broke up in the early 90’s. If you are going to give this record a try, give it at least 3 listens straight through. Your effort will be rewarded. Truly some of the best music to come along from anyone in a long time. Expand
  5. Oct 1, 2022
    Consistently great album. Highlights include Vault of Heaven, Dregs of the Wine, Get Simulated, Who's More Sorry Now and the title track. There aren't really any bad songs on here, the band sound like themselves and I'm glad! Happy that they're still releasing music.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Nov 1, 2022
    Cynicism at the door, ‘Doggerel’ is an enjoyable – and exciting – listen.
  2. Oct 4, 2022
    There may be no surprises on Doggerel but, crucially, there’s no pandering, either. The band sounds at ease, even agreeable, as middle-aged rockers.
  3. Oct 3, 2022
    A set of compelling, entertaining songs that may not thrill in the way vintage Pixies would, but give a great account of their subtler charms.