• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Feb 25, 2022
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 139 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 139
  2. Negative: 82 out of 139

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  1. Oct 30, 2022
    An okay album, but doesn't have any stand out songs on it... and could maybe be considered a Donda B Sides or should have been included with Donda 1.
  2. Mar 11, 2022
    [ ad-mer-uh-buhl ]

    worthy of admiration; inspiring approval, reverence, or affection.
  3. Mar 4, 2022
    Althouhgt i think Ye did the worst decision for his fans and the audience as itself putting this album only on stemplayer, i think the album still works good. In my opinion Ye shows his turbulent side in conflict with his personal life on this album, but i need to admit that sounds like an unfinished album. It could be better, way better, but i think people hate Ye things more than withAlthouhgt i think Ye did the worst decision for his fans and the audience as itself putting this album only on stemplayer, i think the album still works good. In my opinion Ye shows his turbulent side in conflict with his personal life on this album, but i need to admit that sounds like an unfinished album. It could be better, way better, but i think people hate Ye things more than with other artists, for me that's an 6/10. Expand
  4. May 22, 2023
    This album is not finished, but judging from the leaks this has the potential to be one of my favorite albums of ye, but in this state, I cant give it more than 6. Favorite song: Get Lost
  5. Mar 23, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I say this is an unfinished album. In my opinion, the best song on the album is Flowers, as I find the instrumental track very catchy. But the fact that Ye himself had an opportunity to put more effort into the album. I feel as If he thought his fans wanted a brand new album fast but he could have had an advantage over that. Like what he did with Donda, he put so much time into the album, he could've done the same for Donda 2 if he didn't do it so quickly, meaning, less effort. When I first heard Donda 2 I thought it would drop later this year or next year... But in a month and a half? I already expected this album to not meet my good rating of it. This could have been a better album if it took him longer. Expand
  6. Aug 19, 2023
    Pretty generic with below-par production, doesn't seem like a whole new album but like the songs that didn't make it onto Donda 1. "First time in a long time" the best song on the album by far.
  7. Mar 22, 2022
    This is such a sad album release. I can barely listen to this. Bad lyricism, bad production, bad everything. The only pleasant part is the one funny lyric that pops up and the carrying features. Oh, and Kamala Harris' sample is funny. Being a work-in-progress doesn't negate the badness of the album, but even still, it seems barely salvageable. Kanye is a genius, I'll say that, but hisThis is such a sad album release. I can barely listen to this. Bad lyricism, bad production, bad everything. The only pleasant part is the one funny lyric that pops up and the carrying features. Oh, and Kamala Harris' sample is funny. Being a work-in-progress doesn't negate the badness of the album, but even still, it seems barely salvageable. Kanye is a genius, I'll say that, but his decline that we've watched on social media and his music quality is so upsetting to see. I pray for his mental recovery. Expand
  8. Jan 29, 2023
    What can I say... I understand the concept and Kanyes vision, but it's not a good album, it has some strong points such as "too easy" or "get lost", features but it's extremely not finished and best i can do is 4

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Mar 8, 2022
    The current release of the album otherwise known as Donda 2 — is a noticeably unfinished album. ... Not that the album is unfinished to the point it's entirely unsatisfying; there are clear winners here.
  2. Mar 2, 2022
    The rawness of Kanye West’s current existence manifests in music that actually means something, which is the first time we’ve been able to say that about a Kanye album in some time.
  3. Mar 2, 2022
    Every now and then, he can still crank out his signature sweeping production or drop a line that stops you in your tracks. But no minor edit or revamped version of Donda 2 can conceal the album’s inherent flaw: It is presented as a revolutionary work but it is decidedly a non-event.