• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Feb 25, 2022
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 139 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 139
  2. Negative: 82 out of 139

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  1. Sep 11, 2023
    mid mid mid, there are no other words to describe this work. why do you treat him as if he were god? I don't understand, he did better than this mess
  2. Aug 19, 2023
    Pretty generic with below-par production, doesn't seem like a whole new album but like the songs that didn't make it onto Donda 1. "First time in a long time" the best song on the album by far.
  3. Aug 2, 2023
    wtf is this kanye? the definition of this album is: pure shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
  4. May 22, 2023
    This album is not finished, but judging from the leaks this has the potential to be one of my favorite albums of ye, but in this state, I cant give it more than 6. Favorite song: Get Lost
  5. Jan 29, 2023
    What can I say... I understand the concept and Kanyes vision, but it's not a good album, it has some strong points such as "too easy" or "get lost", features but it's extremely not finished and best i can do is 4
  6. Dec 23, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think the ideas are a 10/10 when he finishes this it will be more than amazing. This is my personal opinion and i understand if people dont agree. Expand
  7. Oct 30, 2022
    An okay album, but doesn't have any stand out songs on it... and could maybe be considered a Donda B Sides or should have been included with Donda 1.
  8. Oct 22, 2022
    Giving a 0 cause I hate any thing made by this ugly irrelevant **** he needs to retire asap, anyways he tanked
  9. Oct 2, 2022
    Kanye West is not even a musician! This album is worse than **** Kanye West is over party!
  10. Oct 2, 2022
    very poor album with poor production and a lot of throwaway tracks but does have some positive marks like the tracks we did it kid, flowers, true love, eazy & city of gods
  11. Jun 16, 2022
    Immensely mediocre. I hope Ye doesn't make any albums like this anymore. It's rushed and unfinished. Very low quality album.
  12. Jun 10, 2022
    It's hard not to notice how polar people's reviews are.
    Seems like You will love it or hate it. No 'in between' option.
  13. Apr 5, 2022
    The sequel to Donda, this albums hype was mostly fueled by the Pete Davidson/Kim K-Ye feud. I’ll give my honest opinion about the album rather than just straight up hate (like some bozos in here). A red flag for the album already was the fact that it wasn’t dropped on streaming services. Instead, you were forced to buy a $200 music peripheral to listen to the album aka the Stem Player. ButThe sequel to Donda, this albums hype was mostly fueled by the Pete Davidson/Kim K-Ye feud. I’ll give my honest opinion about the album rather than just straight up hate (like some bozos in here). A red flag for the album already was the fact that it wasn’t dropped on streaming services. Instead, you were forced to buy a $200 music peripheral to listen to the album aka the Stem Player. But you know, it’s not hard to simply rip the files off the stem player or the website and simply upload them to YouTube and SoundCloud. I had to resort to downloading the album and adding it on my local files on Apple Music. Now the album itself, it’s just terribly unfinished. Songs like True Love (rip X), Security, and Sci-Fi sounded like a rough copy with open verses taking up the last 1 min of the song at times. And then other songs just sounding repetitive and boring like Louie Bags (Jack Harlow did his part though will say that), and First Time in a Long Time. The only somewhat solid songs personally were Happy (ft Future) and Flowers. Speaking of features most of em were okay but could’ve been a lot better. But in general the album just sounds unfinished. The mixing in some cases sloppy. There’s instances were the vocals or ad libs are just cut off randomly. In conclusion, I think it had potential to be decent at best. I don’t think it would’ve topped Donda but somewhat better than say Jesus is King. Perhaps with more time to work and perhaps FAR better mixing and editing plus perhaps a streaming release and this album could be a solid 7/10. But, it’s just not good and it’s sad. Ye has been one of the most prominent artists in the game over the last id say almost 15 years and to see an album like this is just terrible in terms of Kanye standards whos well known for being a great producer. Expand
  14. Mar 27, 2022
    Really bad album, all the songs are unfinished and Kanye's verses are just terrible..
  15. Mar 23, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I say this is an unfinished album. In my opinion, the best song on the album is Flowers, as I find the instrumental track very catchy. But the fact that Ye himself had an opportunity to put more effort into the album. I feel as If he thought his fans wanted a brand new album fast but he could have had an advantage over that. Like what he did with Donda, he put so much time into the album, he could've done the same for Donda 2 if he didn't do it so quickly, meaning, less effort. When I first heard Donda 2 I thought it would drop later this year or next year... But in a month and a half? I already expected this album to not meet my good rating of it. This could have been a better album if it took him longer. Expand
  16. Mar 22, 2022
    This is such a sad album release. I can barely listen to this. Bad lyricism, bad production, bad everything. The only pleasant part is the one funny lyric that pops up and the carrying features. Oh, and Kamala Harris' sample is funny. Being a work-in-progress doesn't negate the badness of the album, but even still, it seems barely salvageable. Kanye is a genius, I'll say that, but hisThis is such a sad album release. I can barely listen to this. Bad lyricism, bad production, bad everything. The only pleasant part is the one funny lyric that pops up and the carrying features. Oh, and Kamala Harris' sample is funny. Being a work-in-progress doesn't negate the badness of the album, but even still, it seems barely salvageable. Kanye is a genius, I'll say that, but his decline that we've watched on social media and his music quality is so upsetting to see. I pray for his mental recovery. Expand
  17. Mar 20, 2022
    Best album ever pablo is a classic and security is a classic some might say the album is bad just wait until its finished
  18. Mar 19, 2022
    no mucho más que decir a parte de que este tipo no se merece ni el 0 una pena la verdad
  19. Mar 19, 2022
    Es una pérdida de tiempo escucharlo y dedicarle un mínimo de tiempo a este álbum
  20. Mar 17, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not good. No solid direction. No life. A fruit of recent issues and chaos that make the album worse. Expand
  21. Mar 15, 2022
    Get a hold of yourself. You're a trash, so is your music and entire career.
  22. Mar 14, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Overall Donda 2 is not a completely finished album. People be trying to hate on it without waiting for the album to be finished. It’s the Miami version at the time of this review and more listening sessions will be held in the future as one is planned in Miami Gardens around April 15th. We should get a more complete album around that time. Anyways this album gives me an “so help me god” type vibe mixed with some aspects of donda and the scrapped turbo graphics 16. I felt that the way Kanye used his beats to convey his mindset and his feelings toward going on in his life. I thought really the Miami version deserves a 6.5/10 but this should improve as the album is completely finished over the next 3-5 months. Expand
  23. Mar 14, 2022
    The album is such a dissappointment
    Definitely not worth even checking out.
    There is no talent left.
  24. Mar 12, 2022
    It's Bad, and I mean really Bad.
    This Album got terrible Mixing, Lazy Sampling and the Loops aren't looping great,
    i it basically a draft Album I can't get People saying "ooh it got potential" even though if he would fix the mixing, sampling, etc the album will still be boring because all the tracks on this Album are just "oooh divorce" or "oooh I hate Pete Davidson". I know Ye is a
    It's Bad, and I mean really Bad.
    This Album got terrible Mixing, Lazy Sampling and the Loops aren't looping great,
    i it basically a draft Album

    I can't get People saying "ooh it got potential" even though if he would fix the mixing, sampling, etc the album will still be boring because all the tracks on this Album are just "oooh divorce" or "oooh I hate Pete Davidson". I know Ye is a talented guy and he deserves better, but just don't bring it out in such an unfinished state.

    I have no idea if I actually interpreted the obvious flaws because I am not a professional Music Reviewer and English isn't my first language but
    TD;LR; This was in an unfinished Album and I didn't enjoy it
  25. Mar 11, 2022
    Repetitive, nothing new to be honest, very disappointed, there are better rappers and producers doing better music!
  26. Mar 11, 2022
    [ ad-mer-uh-buhl ]

    worthy of admiration; inspiring approval, reverence, or affection.
  27. Mar 8, 2022
    Very poor. What I can say. Where is old Kanye? I hope that enevtually he will be back someday.
  28. Mar 7, 2022
    Acredito que o albúm traz muito sons comerciais e pouca identidade. Kanye ou Ye como se chama agora tem se mostrado pouco original em suas canções.
  29. Mar 6, 2022
    Amazing project
    I hope it get fixed and finished to shine more and people praise this piece of art
  30. Mar 5, 2022
    It's clearly unfinished. The best is yet to come. So far there are about 3 or 4 bangers, some unfinished songs and some filler material. It needs another drop. The beats are all good, the lyrics need some work. True Love, First Time in a Long Time, Lord Lift Me Up, Easy and We Did It Kid (this one reminds me of All of the Lights) are great. Future is the weakest link on the album to be honest.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Mar 8, 2022
    The current release of the album otherwise known as Donda 2 — is a noticeably unfinished album. ... Not that the album is unfinished to the point it's entirely unsatisfying; there are clear winners here.
  2. Mar 2, 2022
    The rawness of Kanye West’s current existence manifests in music that actually means something, which is the first time we’ve been able to say that about a Kanye album in some time.
  3. Mar 2, 2022
    Every now and then, he can still crank out his signature sweeping production or drop a line that stops you in your tracks. But no minor edit or revamped version of Donda 2 can conceal the album’s inherent flaw: It is presented as a revolutionary work but it is decidedly a non-event.