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  1. Sep 3, 2021
    A bloated mess like the man himself. There was a time where Kanye couldn't miss, but you're lucky if you find 20 good minutes in this 108 minute slog of a release. Sometimes less is more, and these days we could stand to have less Kanye.
  2. Sep 4, 2021
    This album shows exactly what Kanye West is about: innovation, master production and controversial lyrics subjects. Each track has its unique sense of originality and this ilustrates well why West is always one step ahead of the industry. Donda may sound strang at a first listening, maybe even boring, but the project gets better as you give it more listenings. It is just like a good wine:This album shows exactly what Kanye West is about: innovation, master production and controversial lyrics subjects. Each track has its unique sense of originality and this ilustrates well why West is always one step ahead of the industry. Donda may sound strang at a first listening, maybe even boring, but the project gets better as you give it more listenings. It is just like a good wine: open it, let it breath for a while and only then you can enjoy it Expand
  3. Nov 11, 2021
    I wouldn't call myself a fan but I **** with Life of Pablo so I gave Donda a chance. Listening to it wasn't a bad experience, I just felt like moving on from it about halfway in. Jail pt. 2 was the only post-Moon song that didn't feel repetitive or churchy. I felt like he was compensating for all the features by adding in all the outtakes from his previous LP. don't get me wrong, theI wouldn't call myself a fan but I **** with Life of Pablo so I gave Donda a chance. Listening to it wasn't a bad experience, I just felt like moving on from it about halfway in. Jail pt. 2 was the only post-Moon song that didn't feel repetitive or churchy. I felt like he was compensating for all the features by adding in all the outtakes from his previous LP. don't get me wrong, the features were all good (none of them like Monster-level iconic but still memorable), but it was weird to not see any credits for such a feature-heavy album Expand
  4. Sep 17, 2021
    The music is always similar to the old music. Nothing interesting and makes us want to hear it again and again. It's just avarage!
  5. Sep 1, 2021
    Incredibly over-hyped album, it's all over the place and has no structure. Overproduced with questionable features. Disappointing.
  6. Aug 30, 2021
    Has he heard of making cuts to an album? Some possible good but over looked by too much filler.
  7. Aug 29, 2021
    So sad to see one of music’s biggest names make such an unsolid and underwhelming album.
  8. Aug 30, 2021
    Really all over the place... I can separate the kanye person to the kanye musician and creator of art...but this album was so... jshwhaien iwhejwiw i dont have words...
  9. Aug 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I was hoping for a lot more. If anything, this gave me a good reason to go back and listen to Graduation again. I enjoy stream of consciousness woe is me self reflection as much as the next guy but there was no real structure or identity from one song to the next. Sure, I appreciate his talking about anxiety and relationships, but that's nothing revolutionary and really doesn't say much of anything. I know the stans will spend the next 36 hours highlighting the very overt metaphors and claiming this is another work of genius.
    And while there are some good synthwave sounds, it's a pretty boring album.
  10. Aug 30, 2021
    Este álbum es muy mediocre. Las canciones son pesadas y se hacen difíciles de escuchar. No aportan nada nuevo. Y mención aparte a lo largo que es el disco, casi 2 horas es criminal. Después de crear tanto hype con los sucesivos retrasos…
  11. Aug 29, 2021
    I think it’s a mixture of all his works, there are good feat but not well developed
  12. Aug 29, 2021
    This is just a bit rubbish in all honesty. i could accept this drivell if it revolutionised music in any way shape or form. Unfortunatley this ablum, though quirky, is no revolution 9. it's just a lazy cash grab that only fails to enforce the edgy character that kanye trys to push.
  13. Aug 29, 2021
    Didn’t live up to the hype, lots of fillers and skips, tbh worse than jesus is king. i think most of the time i listened to the same chorus, bland beats
  14. Aug 29, 2021
    Donda definitely doesn’t have that novelty we found on his 2008-2016 era. Same formula, but nothing exciting. From the lyrics, the beat, and everything surrounding its release. I think think he lost his audience in the depth of his personal problems, we saw it in the last album and it’s just becoming worse…
  15. Aug 29, 2021
    Incoherent, poor arrangement, and repetitive. Once the irrational hype dies off, I suspect this one is going to be quickly forgotten.
  16. Sep 1, 2021
    What the hell is this album? It feels like fluff and it feels like it's draining my life away. You especially feel it when you get to that last track. Not good
  17. Aug 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I believed that a great album would come. However, nothing surprised with the decline of production and composition. Improve :) Expand
  18. Aug 30, 2021
    For me this album is really messy. Some songs make sense others not a little bit. Some of the songs are very messy and are not good at all. I understand what Kanye wanted to do but it’s not his best album, i would say it’s his worse.
  19. Aug 30, 2021
    Very cluttered and not worth the wait. I was hoping this album was a lot better. There were a few songs that were decent but overall Kanye’s worst album as a whole.
  20. Aug 31, 2021
    Can he please go away already? He is detached from reality and really has nothing worthwhile to say.
  21. Sep 4, 2021
    I was really looking forward to this album, Kanye needs to come back to reality. I’m guessing he didn’t have a lot of faith in it also hence the push backs.
  22. Sep 3, 2021
    Just a ton of tired songs with not a ton of variety literally one of his worst albums.
  23. Sep 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not my cup of tea. It sounds like the same song over and over again. Plus it’s full of gospel. Expand
  24. Sep 8, 2021
    I seriously don't get all the hype, I'm usually open to most music and I love some of his work in the past, but this is just a mess with a few dusty gem stones scattered throughout the album. I don't see much new and innovative, having listened to over half the album and some of the songs people are praising. There's some great lyrics in there sure, but the sound that comes with it, justI seriously don't get all the hype, I'm usually open to most music and I love some of his work in the past, but this is just a mess with a few dusty gem stones scattered throughout the album. I don't see much new and innovative, having listened to over half the album and some of the songs people are praising. There's some great lyrics in there sure, but the sound that comes with it, just doesn't do it for me. Expand
  25. Aug 29, 2021
    Only Kanye this this is his best album. It’s too much filler. His best work is in the past.
  26. Sep 1, 2021
    Outside of moon and hurricane, for an album that is almost 2 hours there sure is alot of garbage. Kanye jumped the shark on this one. Biggest disappointment of 2021 thus far.
  27. Aug 30, 2021
    A production without a cover and songs that do not cite contributions. Is this his way of making it look conceptual and revolutionary? It's just tacky, ugly and malicious. There's no ̶t̶r̶u̶m̶p̶ card, the music has never sounded so poorly contrived. If he didn't plan on taking a award out of Swift's hand, he might plan on stealing her marketing ideas.
  28. Sep 3, 2021
    Regardless of the controversial and grievously chosen features(you already know who i mean) it still offers nothing. It reaches for meaning and falls flat. Even the best song "jail" feels bogged down and under done. It feels like an overthought effort dependent on hype. Post J.I.K kanye hasn't recovered the groundbreaking talent of his peak performances. A disappointing release thatRegardless of the controversial and grievously chosen features(you already know who i mean) it still offers nothing. It reaches for meaning and falls flat. Even the best song "jail" feels bogged down and under done. It feels like an overthought effort dependent on hype. Post J.I.K kanye hasn't recovered the groundbreaking talent of his peak performances. A disappointing release that would've benefited from time Expand
  29. Aug 29, 2021
    What the actual **** happened to kanye? This is just disrespectful. He just spits straight up nonsense for almost two hours, the bars here are one worse than the other. The beats are so generic they sound like mother****ing MIDI audio clips. Honestly Sad af that this mf is crazy and can’t even make good music now.
  30. Sep 1, 2021
    Bloated with filler that would give Kylie Jenner’s lips a run for it’s money. Questionable production choices, mediocre feature performances, and lyricism that really comes off as desperate and cringy. It’s sad to see such a talented person waste their artistic potential so remarkably.
  31. Aug 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. If you thought Jesus is King was bad, get ready for this. The man who used to make precise perfect albums that you had no problem listening to from start to finish, presents you with 27 songs clocking in just under 2 hours. The first track is a great intro of what's to come. If you enjoy that song, you'll love the rest of the trash. Hurricane is a good song, that's about it. Expand
  32. Aug 29, 2021
    Uhm too many tracks and and it dont help that its filler. Album is too long. Remixes could have been released later as the album is already bloated.

    Concept is not cohesive Production blend Features often steal the show The title is confusing cause references to it are few and far apart in the album. Try to listen to it my advice take breaks. Definitely the hype works against this
    Uhm too many tracks and and it dont help that its filler. Album is too long. Remixes could have been released later as the album is already bloated.

    Concept is not cohesive Production blend
    Features often steal the show
    The title is confusing cause references to it are few and far apart in the album.
    Try to listen to it my advice take breaks.

    Definitely the hype works against this project unfortunately.
  33. Aug 30, 2021
    What the hell is this? No, seriously, what is this? This album is severely lacking in any substance, and yet, it tries to be this huge, almost two-hour-long tribute/concept album dedicated to his late mother, Donda. This album is so unfinished, not like how The Life of Pablo felt unfinished because that was the whole aesthetic of the album, mind you, but Donda, on the other hand, is soWhat the hell is this? No, seriously, what is this? This album is severely lacking in any substance, and yet, it tries to be this huge, almost two-hour-long tribute/concept album dedicated to his late mother, Donda. This album is so unfinished, not like how The Life of Pablo felt unfinished because that was the whole aesthetic of the album, mind you, but Donda, on the other hand, is so unfinished, it's unenjoyable. The only song I really enjoyed was the track titled "Believe What I Say" because there, it doesn't sound like a demo and actually has a strong tempo that stays the same throughout the song's length. The worst song, on the other hand, is the track "Off the Grid." Off the Grid, just like this album's production. There are moments on that song where the distorted bass is way louder than everything else and is mind-blowingly distracting, and the hook is hot garbage. All of the other tracks on this are either trying way too hard to do a complete re-hash on Runaway's epicness, which is what made the song incredible in the first place, or simply just existing to fill up run-time. I'm having a hard time just grasping what Kanye could be aiming for with this record; is he trying to make a tribute album to his mother, or is he making a hip-hop album with production that is hip-hop's equivalent to black metal? Whatever he was going for, I can at least appreciate that he's making an album solely dedicated to his mother; however, in hindsight, this definitely needed extra time in the studio.

    Overall score: 1.6/10
    Favorite tracks: Believe What I Say, Heaven and Hell, Jail pt. 1, some parts of Hurricane
    Least favorite tracks: Off the Grid
  34. Aug 29, 2021
    Previous album was still better! This one was good but it was too long and non sense
  35. Aug 30, 2021
    2 stand out tracks, the rest was church and it ain’t Sunday… just not my vibe… we will always have my beautiful dark twisted Fantacy
  36. Aug 31, 2021
    The album is pretentious. This was meant to be a tribute to ye's mother, the namesake, Donda. But instead was just a self-glorification poly. A year of waiting and hyping, the results were disappointing. Postponing and preponing the release just to avoid competition is clear as day. There is no way I did believe the album was released without his approval. Lol he is so scared of drake, IThe album is pretentious. This was meant to be a tribute to ye's mother, the namesake, Donda. But instead was just a self-glorification poly. A year of waiting and hyping, the results were disappointing. Postponing and preponing the release just to avoid competition is clear as day. There is no way I did believe the album was released without his approval. Lol he is so scared of drake, I can't EVEN!! Expand
  37. Aug 29, 2021
    Unnecessarily long garbage. There are a few okay tracks but the album as a whole is terrible.
  38. Aug 29, 2021
    Álbum pouco contributivo não deixa de ser ruim mas pros padrão de kanye e pouco
  39. Aug 29, 2021
    Not nice, too much filler. Not enough Kanye verse. Very repetitive. No song really stood out to me either
  40. Aug 29, 2021
    If anyone takes Kanye's lyrics to heart these days, or looks to them as any sort of inspiration, I feel bad for you. The man is suffering from a severe mental illness and taking us along for the ride. I can only hope he drops the mic and gets behind the boards for other people. He has a dangerous mix of mental illness and narcissism that should not be taken seriously. Any respectableIf anyone takes Kanye's lyrics to heart these days, or looks to them as any sort of inspiration, I feel bad for you. The man is suffering from a severe mental illness and taking us along for the ride. I can only hope he drops the mic and gets behind the boards for other people. He has a dangerous mix of mental illness and narcissism that should not be taken seriously. Any respectable church should still welcome him to attend, but not perform or be an influencer. And anyone letting DaBaby, Young Thug or PopSmoke on your record ain't a man of God. It's sad to watch. Expand
  41. Aug 30, 2021
    Donda has two good songs. Off The Grid and Hurricane. The rest are absolutely trash. Donda would be rolling in her grave if she heard what her son has conjured up.
  42. Aug 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Scrap the album, don’t waste your time. It’s like The Game of Thrones - long waiting with a trashy final. Expand
  43. Aug 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album literally the definition of horrible the only song I liked is the one the played on the commercial it's just Uninspiring trash I couldn't even get passed the intro my ears just hurt so bad. Expand
  44. Aug 31, 2021
    Why? Just why ??????????
    He had so much time to make something great and he did this. It seems like he didn’t even try to make music on his “old” Niveau ?!?
  45. Sep 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A painfully sharp contrast to the classic albums released a decade ago that made Kanye who he is today. Expand
  46. Sep 9, 2021
    Kayne it's totally overhyped with this album, it's just bad, so simples songs that are boing, is just he being selfish talking about being a "god" and people only hype about that cus it's they are all fanboys, absolutly terrible
  47. Sep 8, 2021
    Pretentious, uninspired, auto-tuned fluff. Hopefully this will be the nail in the coffin for 10-15 tears of crap hip hop albums.
  48. Sep 5, 2021
    utter crap, kanye needs to go back to his roots and understand what made him good to begin with because he has been getting worse and worse for a long time now
  49. Aug 29, 2021
    So boring… just another proof of Kanye pretending he’s a god . For his standards it’s such a shame
  50. Aug 30, 2021
    The first track gave me optimism but every track after was so poor, auto tune nonsense, still a Kanye badly in need of some sort of intervention
  51. Aug 30, 2021
    So boring and excessively long. He could've trimmed it down to a reasonable amount and he would have gotten an okay project out of it.
  52. Aug 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ngl, Fivio Foreign verse is really good, the only positive thing to come out of this. Expand
  53. Aug 30, 2021
    It's a skip album tbh. didn't make a noise outside US purrr. i'd still give it a 1 for effort though especially for he dramatically levitated during that streaming party he held okuuurt
  54. Aug 29, 2021
    Used to be a huge kanye fan. This dude hyped up this whole album for months, named it after his dead mom, posted weird ass **** on social media for weeks, didnt drop the albulm 10000 times… then he drops this trash. Lmao. Honestly pretty funny
  55. Aug 29, 2021
    This is so wildly self indulgent. At least half of the songs on the album are completely devoid of rhythm or melody (Donda Chant, Donda, Ok Ok, No Child Left Behind...) - just weirdly a-rhythmic organ chords over religious text read with a vocal effect... Truly a waste of everyone's time.
  56. Aug 29, 2021
    There may be some good songs on Donda but if there are I didn't find them. This album is incredibly long and instantly unforgettable. Kanye is running on fumes at this point. Maybe he needs a 5-year break doing something else. How is this the same guy who put out Late Registration and Yeezus?
  57. Aug 29, 2021
    Unfortunately, the wait was for an overproduced, unimaginative copy of frank ocean without the good singing and without much rapping at all. Repetitive droning and chanting more so than anything that could be considered rap. Sucks, don’t waste your time like I did.
  58. Aug 30, 2021
    Seriously, all the hype for this. The same old god love and **** dude,u fell off.
  59. Aug 30, 2021
    Um albúm na qual estão presentes um estuprador, e um homofóbico, é um show completo de horrores, na qual west os introduz em canções vazias, na qual o conceito gira em torno de louvores a uma divindade e religiosidade, é no entanto contraditório e vergonhoso.
  60. Sep 4, 2021
    I respect him as an artist but he's kind of overrated, literally NOBODY outside the RAP community thinks he's that good ! This album is terrible.
  61. Aug 30, 2021
    Although I'm obviously a huge Kanye fan, I didn't like the album at all. The album is incomplete and sloppy.
  62. Aug 30, 2021
    There’s a lot to unpack here. Too many songs, terrible people, and way too much Jesus for my personal taste. There’s definitely some promise and interesting sounds - but it’s just not worth sifting through the mud to find gold.
  63. Aug 30, 2021
    absolutely nothing interesting to say. empty words about nothing against a pretty soundscape that means nothing, redeems nothing, proves nothing, saves nothing but the artist’s own ego and determination to self-aggrandize.
  64. Aug 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a great album, but NO. Stream reputation by Queen Taylor Swift, that album is much better and the best!! Expand
  65. Aug 31, 2021
    Horrorific, not felt like kanye, just felt like someone really high made a few songs
  66. Aug 31, 2021
    None of the songs really hit for me. A longggg album with 1 or 2 good songs. Overall disappointing
  67. Aug 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sad to get let down so badly. The production is amazing, but the songs/lyrics are terrible and uninspired. Getting harder and harder to keep supporting this. Maybe 2 track (Jesus Lord and Jail) on the whole album I like. Expand
  68. Aug 31, 2021
    no good album, everything see it again. No relevant, super lazy. Is not his best album
  69. Aug 31, 2021
    muy básico, esperaba sonidos nuevos, ritmos nuevos y lamentablemente las letras no me deslumbran. esperaba otra cosa
  70. Aug 31, 2021
    Im a huge Kanye west fan, loved his first batch of albums, when his ego started to show, it reflected itself in his music trends... but then he started to host the pornhub awards and then change into this gospel singer rapper... i disliked that album. But then i was hoping Ye would go back to his roots...

    Well he did, but it was a miss. The album is too long, if it had stayed a 8 track
    Im a huge Kanye west fan, loved his first batch of albums, when his ego started to show, it reflected itself in his music trends... but then he started to host the pornhub awards and then change into this gospel singer rapper... i disliked that album. But then i was hoping Ye would go back to his roots...

    Well he did, but it was a miss. The album is too long, if it had stayed a 8 track album maybe it would salvage itself into an introduction to the next album he does, which would have been a cool tease.

    But the tracks fall into unprofessional cuts with annoying wanna be outdate kayne wanna be beats... and it just sounds off, lame and especially with the HYPE, it ended up as a torture deal to hear all those 27 tracks with no sense of structure.

    I dislike this album and it sucks because it had to much potential, just how many times you gotta say jesus and lord and talk about how god heals, yet you act like a dick in real life , egotistical and at times confused and lost , isnt that the purpose of gospel music?

    Dont buy this album its time Kanye knew the world doesnt revolve around him. I have said good bye to Kanye. Heres hoping Kendrick Lamars and Drakes new albums are worth listening to.
  71. Sep 1, 2021
    This album is the musical version of Kanye's political rants, incoherent and without order.
  72. Sep 2, 2021
    Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that goodNot that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Not that good Expand
  73. Sep 3, 2021
    Super long album for no real reason and the people rating it so high are liars. Let’s be honest he’s not a good artist but I still think he could’ve don’t better. I understand that it’s a tribute but this was not good at all he should’ve kept this to himself
  74. Sep 3, 2021
    Disgusting excuse of a Kanye album. So much wasted potential with donda. Kanye’s rapping falls short nearly everywhere except barely getting by with “off the grid”. Every beat sounded/felt the same, Kanye usually samples well however here he barely did, he stuck to the same snare pattern on the majority of the songs. I’m actually offended by the way donda turned out. With all the hype thisDisgusting excuse of a Kanye album. So much wasted potential with donda. Kanye’s rapping falls short nearly everywhere except barely getting by with “off the grid”. Every beat sounded/felt the same, Kanye usually samples well however here he barely did, he stuck to the same snare pattern on the majority of the songs. I’m actually offended by the way donda turned out. With all the hype this album should’ve been able to captivate better sounds and emotions. The closest to this being parts of “hurricane” and “off the grid”. The album also lacks a cohesive them save some religion. However Kanye already did this and did it better on his “Jesus is king” album. 1/10 because it’s an absolute disaster, Kanye should probably stick to producing Travis Scott songs and others alike. He never reigned king over his ability to rap anyways. Other C tier rappers could put rap him especially with what we just saw on donda. Expand
  75. Sep 3, 2021
    Few songs are gems but not because of kanye but because of the features, don't know what kanye brings to the album. Other artists carried the load for him.
  76. Sep 5, 2021
    Only 4/27 songs were good honestly. Couldn’t get through majority of the album. He has not evolved at all.
  77. Sep 13, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it’s Garbo this foo is 44 trying to stay relevant with his old ass wife too Expand
  78. Sep 11, 2023
    his worst work, extremely mid the king of hiphop has fallen i guess. I'm sorry but it doesn't deserve anything
  79. Aug 30, 2021
    It just doesn’t cut it. It feels like the spectacle heading up to the album release was all he was really going for abs the listener is left confused. Only stans trying to make this album seen better than it really is
  80. Aug 30, 2021
    I'm not sure if I hated this because I kept comparing it to his other work, but it's really bad. I guess we can call it an album?
  81. Aug 31, 2021
    Easily Kanye's weakest album, and I'm a Stan. I don't think he's made anything truly great since Yeezus, but at least his other albums since then haven't been so bloated.

    Sparse production, repetitive lyrics. A few sparks of Kanye's creativity but this really isn't a good album.
  82. Aug 30, 2021
    Kanye became a parody of himself and that's sad as hell. Bringing people like DaBaby and Marilyn Manson does not help him either.
  83. Sep 3, 2021
    Pésimo, sobre producido y muy cargado, mucho relleno, la misma propuesta de siempre, Kanye viene entregando lo mismo desde 2013...
  84. Aug 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Trash! Offensive! Expand
  85. Aug 30, 2021
    It's unbelievable how mediocre West is. His music no longer sounds like art, just a cluster of lyrics seeking solace in the media scandal. West made the worst possible choices
  86. Sep 3, 2021
    Album far short of the artist that Kanye West proved to be. Definitely sometimes I think this is just a passing outburst and that soon he will be aware of making good music again.
  87. Aug 29, 2021
    Mierdanye West es lo más sobrevalorado que existe, urge que le llegue el Flop
  88. Sep 1, 2021
    His worst so far, Ye and JIK are terrible, a terrible run, hes going and moving like a madnan, really a pro-"freespeech" but done wrong, an advocate to lunacy
  89. Aug 29, 2021
    Production was amazing. Features were great. Ye's lyrics were a little weak but fit with the album's sound. I was impressed by the album. Not perfect, but I don't think the negative reviews are warranted.
  90. Aug 29, 2021
    Another album that really shows us that Kanye should have retired in 2009, What was once a promising artist, today only sins of repetitive and conflicting.
  91. Aug 30, 2021
    Kanye tiene talento para la música, pero es difícil separar al artista de la persona cuando nos referimos a este sujeto, decir que es un cabrón sería ser demasiado cortés, no alimentaré su ego calificando bien su trabajo.
  92. Aug 31, 2021
    Horrible, horrible album. Genre should change to gospel, 2 good tracks out of 26. Definitely his worst album, there's even a song with a woman saying Donda repeatedly a million times.
  93. Aug 29, 2021
    So boring, i'd rather listen a BTS album than this. Almost 2 hours of nothing good. One of the worst albums of all time. Boring at all starting with the cover
  94. Aug 30, 2021
    Kanye "Rape-Apologist" West
    The almost laughable inclusion of Marilyn Manson on a track called Jail pt2 is enraging and shows Kanye's true colours, this review is for all the women abused by this monster - my prayers go out to you.
  95. Aug 30, 2021
    This album is so boring and monotone. Such a waste of time. I couldn't hear nothing worst than this.
  96. Aug 30, 2021
    This album is a hot mess, too many songs, got bored quickly. He should’ve kept it shorter.
  97. Aug 30, 2021
    Álbum tão ruim como o cantor e sua personalidade, é de machucar os ouvidos
  98. Aug 30, 2021
    Uma merda assim como tudo o que ele faz! Mto ruim… espero que não lance mais nada
  99. Aug 29, 2021
    nonsense lyrical content, boring beats, couple songs are good but the rest seems like some other unknown artist made it. sounds like rushed but it was delayed so many times I don't what the hell happened. this is not half as good as the old kanye work, he's lost his touch.
  100. Nov 13, 2021
    So boring and excessively long. Donda leaves a sour taste that no number of good beats, gospel choirs, or church organs will cleanse. Zero stars.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Sep 3, 2021
    Though this isn’t a complete comeback, frustrated Kanye fans certainly have more grounds for optimism after this record than they did before it.
  2. Sep 2, 2021
    Donda isn't without its highlights, but taken as a whole, it's both confused and confusing.
  3. Sep 2, 2021
    There are times where Kanye recaptures the magic of his golden years. ... But there just isn’t enough good here to look past the flaws. The final result is a collection of songs with little binding energy other than a vague Gospel through line, which runs across the tracklist — chaotic like The Life Of Pablo but devoid of the magic.