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  1. Aug 29, 2021
    great rollout and you can see how he was making this album better from listening party to release, i think it's not half done and long song endings are just ye thing. you can feel how your feelings change through listening
  2. Jul 23, 2021
    Insanely good music. Kanye West is GOAT. The sky is blue. Every song is at least an 8.5 (with 5 of them 10 imo). His best album i dare say, even better than MBDTF. When people listen to it they’ll go mad, great features who all do equally well and sing sick verses/lyrics. Kanye West is a genius, he creates beautiful songs that blend in well and transition into one another, compellingInsanely good music. Kanye West is GOAT. The sky is blue. Every song is at least an 8.5 (with 5 of them 10 imo). His best album i dare say, even better than MBDTF. When people listen to it they’ll go mad, great features who all do equally well and sing sick verses/lyrics. Kanye West is a genius, he creates beautiful songs that blend in well and transition into one another, compelling storytelling, the type that hooks a listener and makes them not get old of it, The best song is 100% Kanye West’s best song OAT (bold statement i know) I’d say they’re all in his top 30, a few in his top 10 and 5.
  3. Aug 29, 2021
    One of Kanye's best albums. Such a beautiful and introspective artwork deserves the hype.
  4. Aug 31, 2021
    I think it's a pretty solid album. Songs are catchy, the production isn't anything crazy and it may be a little simple, but it works. Lyrics are also decent. Overall, I think it's a pretty solid Kanye album, but I don't think Kanye wanted to take risks with this one.
  5. Sep 9, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album has strong production and features accompanying West's performances, keeping listeners gripped consistently. It is cohesive in terms of themes, discussing struggles, losses, redemption and new beginnings throughout... a step-up from Jesus Is King, I recommend this for any rap fan. Expand
  6. Sep 10, 2021
    It's a really good album. The album was released at the hardest time of his life, and for that reason, sincere lyrics are included in the album. The proper harmony of the featuring and a new musical attempt show the value of this album.
  7. Sep 9, 2021
    I'm not even a Kanye fan and that was one hell of an experience I listened to him in the older days but now that I go through his discography I am super impressed if you rate this album bad it's probably because you're expecting him to stick with his old sound but we we are evolving and I love it I love that kinda music that can't be compared to anything else just so outlandish thatI'm not even a Kanye fan and that was one hell of an experience I listened to him in the older days but now that I go through his discography I am super impressed if you rate this album bad it's probably because you're expecting him to stick with his old sound but we we are evolving and I love it I love that kinda music that can't be compared to anything else just so outlandish that catches my attention that's how you stand out ignore the critics and unlock a new sound Expand
  8. Oct 22, 2022
    A great concept worked with creativity, respect and imagination. The problem are that is too long, with themes that really overshadow all. The polemic maybe has made the album be criticed before time.
  9. Sep 12, 2021
    He deserved, great album because it’s something diferent. The art and styles is unique, thank you kanye very cool
  10. Sep 9, 2021
    This album, for real.
    Have something to heat your heart, i never listened to anything like this. It’s simple perfect.
  11. Sep 3, 2021
    I really like this album. Another example of Kanye not being afraid to take risks and bringing the best out of the artist he features. He blends different genres yet still makes the album sound cohesive. Songs like jail, come to life, off the grid are unlike anything I’ve heard from him before and I love all of them. Definitely his strongest album for me since Pablo.
  12. Sep 7, 2021
    Kanye got the most out of his features. The sounds and topics that went into this project are absolutely amazing
  13. May 5, 2022
    In my opinion, it's underappreciated. Kanye spreads his wings and combines a million sounds in a way that doesn't feel messy or unfocused most of the time. A brilliant line up of features and solid Kanye performances, I think it's his best solo project since Yeezus.
  14. May 14, 2022
    This is probably Kanye's bets album since TLOP (excluding KIDS SEE GHOSTS).
    Besides the fact that this album is a huge mess, I really enjoyed it. There are a lot of great tracks. It's a perfect mix between gospel music and rap music.
  15. May 16, 2022
    One of my favourite Kanye album, all the songs are amazing INCLUDING DONDA CHANT THANK YOU.
  16. Jun 18, 2022
    One Of the most artistics rollouts i ever seen in my whole life,one of the bests or the best kanye album
  17. Oct 6, 2022
    Anouther masterpiece from kanye west with no skips this is very underrated and is defnuated a 10/10 album
  18. Aug 31, 2021
    Definitely not best Kanye album but it is not a 0 or a 6, a 7 is a good score for this record
  19. Aug 30, 2021
    Best album I've heard in a while. Can't say this is the best album Kanye has made but to me this is the most memorial album I've hear in a while. I'll be listening to this for the foreseeable future. Not to mention what's happening in Kanye's life is also having an impact how I view his music. Watching his Sunday service has brought a lot of meaning to me personally. For once I'm listeningBest album I've heard in a while. Can't say this is the best album Kanye has made but to me this is the most memorial album I've hear in a while. I'll be listening to this for the foreseeable future. Not to mention what's happening in Kanye's life is also having an impact how I view his music. Watching his Sunday service has brought a lot of meaning to me personally. For once I'm listening to something that isn't about "getting into the game" or "get rich or die trying". There's a lot of humility and love in his lyrics of repentance, not making it about yourself but serving bigger than yourself and being honest. Many critics I read either have an issue with his past, Marlin Manson in the album (for real? 0 stars when you gave him 3?) It sounds more that people don't trust Kanye and very quick to call him a nut because it's just easier than trying to understand. I think he's going against the grain and I know he ain't no saint. But this is art. This will talk to many people who are going through a lot. A message about hope to even those who are considered damned. God forgives and don't play favorites. Expand
  20. Aug 30, 2021
    Donda is a culmination of various Kanye styles: JIK, TLOP, and yeezus. It is not his old school style of MBDTF that many will swear by as the only good version of Kanye. However a new style of music must be evaluated separately. This music cannot be reviewed solely on depth of lyrics or strength of production. One must listen to the track without any prejudice and take it all in. WithDonda is a culmination of various Kanye styles: JIK, TLOP, and yeezus. It is not his old school style of MBDTF that many will swear by as the only good version of Kanye. However a new style of music must be evaluated separately. This music cannot be reviewed solely on depth of lyrics or strength of production. One must listen to the track without any prejudice and take it all in. With this in mind there are many tracks including come to life, no child left behind, moon, and 24 that have left me at a loss of words simply by the movement of the music and melodies. Some would call hurricane, junya pt. 2, remote control, and new again repetitive but after a few listen one can realize that the reason for the chorus is so that the listeners can easily catch on and shout the lyrics. The all around category include songs such as jail, Jesus lord pt. 2, pure souls, keep my spirit alive, lord I need you, off the grid, and praise God hold replay ability and are songs for most settings and also include lyrics that makes one think on one verse for the rest of the song. The only reason this is a nine and not a 10 we’re the oddly placed percussion on many of the songs. Basic kick bases that don’t add much to the song or a lack of classical drums that would add greatly to the atmosphere of some songs. Also it would’ve been a little more complete if there was at least one song that relied heavily on lyrics where Kanye thought out a vision for the song and took a lot of time writing introspective lyrics. However, the overall “vibe” or atmosphere of the album is one that I continue to listen to over and over again. Expand
  21. Aug 30, 2021
    Great album. Jesus Lord part 2 is a top 10 Kanye song. Some mixing could be better and the pop smoke song is unpleasant, otherwise a generally great album.
  22. Aug 30, 2021
    Kanye is a genius, no doubt. The production kinda lack of something idk. But overall a 9/10 album.
  23. Sep 1, 2021
    A step up from 'Jesus Is King'. The level of artistry displayed in this album is fantastic, with several breathtaking moments all across the album. However, there are a few duds thrown in there, and the mix and master doesn't sound complete at all. This is probably due to Universal releasing the album without his permission though. Overall, a solid entry into Ye's discography, with someA step up from 'Jesus Is King'. The level of artistry displayed in this album is fantastic, with several breathtaking moments all across the album. However, there are a few duds thrown in there, and the mix and master doesn't sound complete at all. This is probably due to Universal releasing the album without his permission though. Overall, a solid entry into Ye's discography, with some gorgeous moments on it...
  24. Aug 30, 2021
    "Donda" is a beautiful tribute to his mother Donda West and features some of his best work, such as Off The Grid, Come To Life, and Moon.
  25. Aug 31, 2021
    Donda its a complex journey of songs that are different from each other and i think this point it's as the same time the most criticized by some people (omitting the controversial actions of the artist to criticize the album by some media)
    So I think that with the passage of time this album could be better valued as it happened in the case of Yeezus.
  26. Sep 1, 2021
    A not-so-cohesive collection of 27 amazingly wonderful songs. Melodic. Angelic.
  27. Aug 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Donda, after the recent cancellations of Yandhi and DNDA this is something very acceptable to any ear, varying between Trap and Gospel, the latter being for which people make it look like a bad album, tracks like Jesus Lord, No Child Left Behind or 24 would not work without Sunday Service, tracks like Off the Grid and Heaven and Hell are collaborations that have not felt so alive since TLOP, Donda is not a bad album, it just hasn't come out at the exact moment, we are not facing an MBTDF, we are facing the future. Expand
  28. Sep 1, 2021
    We can take some tracks out and make it sharper but i absolutely enjoyed the album and I liked the risk Kanye took I personally would have never thought he would work with Fivio Foreign or baby keem so taking those risks and making the most out of it is impressive Beautiful piece of art for sure this could make a strong run for album of the year.
  29. Sep 3, 2021
    Refreshing new music. Some songs hit harder than others at certain time but I enjoy them all.
  30. Sep 4, 2021
    What a rollercoaster. Influx of hits; he did it again. AOTD. JUNYA WATANABE ON MY REEEEEEE!!!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Sep 3, 2021
    Though this isn’t a complete comeback, frustrated Kanye fans certainly have more grounds for optimism after this record than they did before it.
  2. Sep 2, 2021
    Donda isn't without its highlights, but taken as a whole, it's both confused and confusing.
  3. Sep 2, 2021
    There are times where Kanye recaptures the magic of his golden years. ... But there just isn’t enough good here to look past the flaws. The final result is a collection of songs with little binding energy other than a vague Gospel through line, which runs across the tracklist — chaotic like The Life Of Pablo but devoid of the magic.