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  1. Aug 29, 2021
    valeu a pena toda espera e ansiedade por esse novo álbum do kanye. não temos aqui nenhuma música parecida com seus grandes sucessos anteriores, como "stronger" e "power", mas temos 27 músicas equivalentes à toda a carreira do ye. São música muito bem feitas e pensadas, com destaque especial para "Jesus lord", "heaven and hell" e "Jail". Valeu a pena ouvir vom atenção essa grande obra devaleu a pena toda espera e ansiedade por esse novo álbum do kanye. não temos aqui nenhuma música parecida com seus grandes sucessos anteriores, como "stronger" e "power", mas temos 27 músicas equivalentes à toda a carreira do ye. São música muito bem feitas e pensadas, com destaque especial para "Jesus lord", "heaven and hell" e "Jail". Valeu a pena ouvir vom atenção essa grande obra de arte. Donda é o álbum do ano até o momento! Expand
  2. Sep 3, 2021
    Every song was different. I never felt bored listening to this project. The verses and features were amazing and the symbolism/messages were insane.. if i could rate it 100/10 i would do so.
  3. Aug 31, 2021
    Such a beautiful, long, amazing album. I love the length, and I don’t think there’s a single skip. One of his best yet.
  4. Aug 30, 2021
    Incredible experience of multiple ganres in one package there are some not that great song but when they hit they hit hard
  5. Aug 30, 2021
    The music is great, what you think about the artist is completely different to the music itself. **** Marylin Manson tho dk why he’s on this at all tbh.
  6. Sep 9, 2021
    This album, for real.
    Have something to heat your heart, i never listened to anything like this. It’s simple perfect.
  7. Aug 29, 2021
    Great album and I love Jesus is king too so I need these songs for my souls I love god and myself ❤️
  8. Aug 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album of the year also **** all the taylor stans giving zero lol its a ten out of 10 Expand
  9. Aug 30, 2021
    Kanye does it again, another classic under his belt with an amazing and fun rollout.
  10. Aug 30, 2021
    Unbelievable, could possibly be his best album. I thought the length would be a problem but it made it even better
  11. Aug 31, 2021
    I've been waiting for so long to listen to this album and now that it's finally here I'm sooo happy. Honestly this is Kanye's most sonically beautiful album. Off the grid is SUCH A BANGER MY GAWD.
  12. Aug 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jail and hurricane are literally the best!!!! **** Taylor and her desperate ass "supporting" Halsey now when her album dropped like 5 days ago and wants her fans to buy and stream it to block ye but he's still going to win. Expand
  13. Aug 30, 2021
  14. Aug 29, 2021
  15. Aug 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This exceeded my exception. Definitely not tik tok music Expand
  16. Aug 30, 2021
    Mó mitada do Kanye mano pelo amor de deus ele é o maior da geração sem duvida nenhuma
  17. Aug 30, 2021
    Flawless. Only flaws are "tracks" Tell The Vision, and the Pt. 2s. I do not count these tracks since Tell The Vision is an interlude and the Pt. 2s and merely bonus tracks. Other than that this album takes you through many of Kanye's songs with bangers/sad songs. All the features did their thing. And Kanye spits some of his best lyrics in a while and has some of his best singing.
  18. Aug 30, 2021
    Kanye is the greatest artist of all time and honestly saying anything that contradicts that point makes you sound like you don't care about black people.
  19. Aug 29, 2021
    Masterful cohesive mess, emotional journey, possibly his most artistically viable work.
  20. Aug 31, 2021
    Donda is album of the life, a great tribute to his late mother
    Those haters didn’t even listen to the album and those critics just downvoted this just because of Manson
  21. Sep 1, 2021
    Just amazing and pure art. Metacritic is pure bs. Lol. Everyone knows Metacritic hate kanye. Do better, meta.
  22. Aug 30, 2021
    From beginning to end, Donda is everything we have waited for, simply put, leaks we heard and loved, make their place on DONDA with a refined form. Including a variety of songs that were never heard before (as albums should be presented)
  23. Aug 29, 2021
    Really good, a bit too long but great features. Great lyrics, rushed production but it still hits hard.
  24. Aug 30, 2021
    I simple don't have words to describe how important is that album. Kanye made, in my opinion, his best album of the last years. It's powerful, amazing feats, great melody, an construction really beautiful.

    But for some brainless, this is trash because it's "not the old kanye" I can only see a new kanye, and the most artistic moment of his entire career. And if you give this 0 because of
    I simple don't have words to describe how important is that album. Kanye made, in my opinion, his best album of the last years. It's powerful, amazing feats, great melody, an construction really beautiful.

    But for some brainless, this is trash because it's "not the old kanye"

    I can only see a new kanye, and the most artistic moment of his entire career. And if you give this 0 because of DaBaby or Manson, please, do a favor, go sleep, go get a job, just not come to give some bad rating with this trash argument
  25. Aug 30, 2021
    Donda é como ir á igreja - sendo você cristão, ateu, religioso ou o qualquer outra coisa que você seja- aos domingos.
    Vou explicar: Kanye West representa aqui a pessoa que vai a igreja. Ele tem mil problemas, ele está se divorciando, vai ficar um pouco mais longe dos filhos. Ele perdeu a mãe, ele sofre com isso. Ele não tem mais a mãe aqui pra dar colo a ele quando ele precisar e isso
    Donda é como ir á igreja - sendo você cristão, ateu, religioso ou o qualquer outra coisa que você seja- aos domingos.
    Vou explicar: Kanye West representa aqui a pessoa que vai a igreja. Ele tem mil problemas, ele está se divorciando, vai ficar um pouco mais longe dos filhos. Ele perdeu a mãe, ele sofre com isso. Ele não tem mais a mãe aqui pra dar colo a ele quando ele precisar e isso machuca. Kanye teve uma infância difícil, tem cicatrizes, tem dores e tem lembranças dos tempos em que tudo era difícil. Mas as coisas estão melhores? Algumas sim, outras não mudaram e parecem até imutáveis. E os conhecidos dele? Também tem dores, também tem problemas, também tem perdas. E ele os absorve. Nós absorvemos as angústias alheias também quando o angustiado é alguém por quem temos apreço. E agora ele tem as dores e questões dele e as dores e questões de, sei la, mais 5 pessoas. Isso tudo enfrentando um divórcio, pensando nos filhos, na mãe, nos problemas que estão ao redor dele. São muitas coisas.. mas estamos na igreja. Quando tudo parece não ter sentido, quando tudo parece nos levar para a ponte mais alta da cidade que nos convida para dar fim em tudo alguém estará lá para nos salvar? Não nos salvar, tipo, impedindo que nos joguemos da ponte. Pergunto se alguém, de fato, estará lá para nos salvar? Para salvar ele?
    Deus está, pelo menos em teoria. Nossos antepassados e os antepassados dos nossos antepassados já tinham o costume de se agarrar na fé quando precisavam de um Salvador que não se encontrava entre os homens. Esse salvador é Deus? Quem sabe se ele existe? Mas se não chamar por ele, por quem ele irá chamar? Quem é que vai nos salvar?
    Um domingo na igreja é um dia em família. É pra ser um dia feliz, um dia de cantar junto ao coral, de ser grato por estar com quem mais amamos, por mais que alguns ambientes religiosos sejam extremamente tóxicos, o que aquilo e aquele significa pra ele é maior do que isso. E o momento de estar na igreja aos domingos é o acalanto para uma alma que sofre por mil motivos. Uma alma negra, de um homem negro, de alguém que tem tudo e todos contra si, de quem é invalidado e atacado a todos os momentos, de quem está constantemente vendo sua cabeça sendo oferecida a pseudo-justiceiros que pensam estar numa posição segura para fazer julgamentos. Eles realmente julgam, mesmo que sua vida não seja exemplo para nada e nem para ninguém. E eles não se vêem lá, eles não se vêem em Donda. O que eles vêem é um homem negro que é um alvo fácil, o que eles vem é alguém que eles podem atacar gratuitamente, afinal quem irá defende-lo depois de tudo? Quem vai salva-lo?
    Essa bagagem que levamos para a igreja costuma pesar, ye sabe disso.
    Perturbado com a própria perturbação e a perturbação do perturbado, Kanye faz nascer o álbum Donda..

    Uma visita à igreja aos domingos.
  26. Jul 23, 2021
    Insanely good music. Kanye West is GOAT. The sky is blue. Every song is at least an 8.5 (with 5 of them 10 imo). His best album i dare say, even better than MBDTF. When people listen to it they’ll go mad, great features who all do equally well and sing sick verses/lyrics. Kanye West is a genius, he creates beautiful songs that blend in well and transition into one another, compellingInsanely good music. Kanye West is GOAT. The sky is blue. Every song is at least an 8.5 (with 5 of them 10 imo). His best album i dare say, even better than MBDTF. When people listen to it they’ll go mad, great features who all do equally well and sing sick verses/lyrics. Kanye West is a genius, he creates beautiful songs that blend in well and transition into one another, compelling storytelling, the type that hooks a listener and makes them not get old of it, The best song is 100% Kanye West’s best song OAT (bold statement i know) I’d say they’re all in his top 30, a few in his top 10 and 5.
  27. Aug 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 7/24Review: Being that this album is not officially release yet metacritic can do what they see fit with this review. If I'm being brutally honest this is Kanye's worse album. Thank god he's delaying this, as it seems thrown together quite frankly. The only tracks I could get behind was No Child Left Behind and Don Trolliver's feature in MOON. At some points the infamous leaked versions of Donda seemed to be an improvement. For example, the changes to Hurricane, that was leaked back in 2019, seemed to do nothing but take away from the song and muddy the production. Kanye needs to start taking his meds again. Not good. 3/10

    8/29 Review Official Release: My god has it improved so drastically. It's a completely new experience and while the alt versions of songs feel just unnecessary and it's certainly not his best work, it's a beautiful, well-put-together album. 9/10, but I'm gonna put 10/10 just in an attempt to counter the 0/10 reviews that are basing their review off of Kanye's character and not the album.
  28. Sep 1, 2021
    One of my favorite Kanye albums, deep and touching lyrics, TLOP is my favorite Kanye album taking into account all the sound of the album, Donda managed to have more striking lyrics
  29. Aug 29, 2021
  30. Aug 29, 2021
    What a beautiful album! Very thought provoking, chilling, emotional, spiritual. Top 3 Kanye!
  31. Aug 30, 2021
    esse álbum é um marco! maior trabalho do ano e o de maior impacto mundial
  32. Aug 30, 2021
    Desde mi punto de vista uno de los mejores álbumes del año,

    Totalmente innovador, contiene bastantes elementos que en muchas ocasiones se sale de lo que uno está acostumbrado, la producción está a un nivel muy por encima de lo habitual, un trabajo muy espiritual y completo.
  33. Aug 10, 2021
    Very interesting album and must alsoVery interesting album and has yet to be officially released
  34. Aug 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Absolute Masterpiece!!! It's sad that "critics " can't properly do their job and simply review the material given instead of using this album as a platform for Woke points. This is some of Kanye's best work. Period.! Expand
  35. Aug 10, 2021
    Ascoltato il 2º listening party dell ultimo disco di Kanye West posso dare un parere a freddo. È un mix fra yeezus, tlop e jik, i primi due per come è strutturato, il secondo per le sonorità. In generale buon disco anche se nulla di stratosferico,anche se è un disco molto più deciso e sicuro di sé, tutto molto più variegato e in generale molto più avanti rispetto all ultimo uscito. PerAscoltato il 2º listening party dell ultimo disco di Kanye West posso dare un parere a freddo. È un mix fra yeezus, tlop e jik, i primi due per come è strutturato, il secondo per le sonorità. In generale buon disco anche se nulla di stratosferico,anche se è un disco molto più deciso e sicuro di sé, tutto molto più variegato e in generale molto più avanti rispetto all ultimo uscito. Per come è strutturato come ho detto è molto simile a yeezus e tlop (forse più al primo), senza singoli usciti in anticipoe canzoni che spiccano eccessivamente rispetto alle altre. Per il resto, testi ben curati e alcune idee molto interessanti. Per ora è un 6,5/10 molto relativo e variabile. Expand
  36. Aug 10, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very interesting album, it is a highly anticipated return of Kanye. Who doesn't like it is very stupid Expand
  37. Aug 12, 2021
    Very good album. There are no songs that stand out from the others. Definitely very alternative. Spatial audio. Those who have left 0 are asked to go to an otorino. Posso venire a trovarti mongolo ti stacco la testa vedrai che nn esci più neanche dalla finestra di casa tua
  38. Aug 12, 2021
    Really very very good arrivo in Inghilterra Elisabetta non mi inchino poop ho da
  39. Aug 13, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This stuff is very strong. Beautiful, mThis stuff is very strong. Beautiful, wonderful. Extraordinary Expand
  40. Aug 29, 2021
    This is an incredible album, with good and memorable tracks. I think that it have a good work on vocals.
  41. Aug 17, 2021
    I don't understand why that **** of @yawfi enjoys ruining the reputation of every album on kanye West's on metacritic without any argument. I invite you to delete his reviews and ban him from this site.
  42. Aug 29, 2021
    After a long wait, Donda is finally here! With a lot of v collaborations and amazing visuals before the release, Kanye didn’t fail to create a masterpiece again. One of his best works up to this date.
  43. Aug 29, 2021
    100% This album is soooo good
  44. Aug 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think Donda is a great album, it's perfect from the lyrics to the melody, it shows the person he is. Expand
  45. Aug 29, 2021
    A complete experience for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Every featuring brings quality to the album, From track one to track 26. 26 BANGER TRACKS! No words.

    My favorites: Jail, Off the Grid, Hurricane, Jonah, Junya, 24, Remote Control, Moon, Heaven and Hell, Jesus Lord, Pure Souls, No Child Left Behind, Ok Ok pt.2
  46. Aug 29, 2021
    his best work in some time the features were amazing and ye himself always adds to each track
  47. Sep 10, 2021
    It's a really good album. The album was released at the hardest time of his life, and for that reason, sincere lyrics are included in the album. The proper harmony of the featuring and a new musical attempt show the value of this album.
  48. Aug 29, 2021
    Album so Amazing, I very very like it , The album has very good melody and lyric
  49. Aug 29, 2021
    One of Kanye's best albums. Such a beautiful and introspective artwork deserves the hype.
  50. Aug 29, 2021
    I feel like this album is one of Ye's best works. It may not be as controversial as MBDTW or as revolutionary as Yeezus and 808s but this is an album that really feels spiritual and that represents who Kanye is as a person.
    There are some small things that bother me, like the censorship, some songs (and the album in general) being too long and how the tracklist is organized, but I feel
    I feel like this album is one of Ye's best works. It may not be as controversial as MBDTW or as revolutionary as Yeezus and 808s but this is an album that really feels spiritual and that represents who Kanye is as a person.
    There are some small things that bother me, like the censorship, some songs (and the album in general) being too long and how the tracklist is organized, but I feel like this is a very personal and honest album that talks about his family, his religion and how all of that is part of his life. The samples are amazing and the featuring artists, oh my god...
    We get some influences from almost all of his albuns and that is also amazing, we can really appreciate who Kanye is as an artist an it makes the album stand as the ultimate magnum opus of his career (sorry MBDTF)
    Also it was a fun experience watching the listening parties and opening spotify every 5 minutes to see if it was out for the past 2 months.
    Best songs:
    Believe What I Say

    Worst song:
    Tell The Vision
  51. Aug 29, 2021
    Kanye West has potentially just released his best album in 10 years. I honestly cannot see anyone surpassing this album anytime soon. Songs like come to life and believe what I say bring serenity to the listener and instill peace into their minds. On the contrary songs like God breathed and Off the grid have great lyrical content and amazing beats. Kanye West is well and truly back
  52. Aug 29, 2021
    Great album front to back, except for the song tell the vision. I also loved the alternative versions of some songs
  53. Aug 29, 2021
    possibly greatest album made by Kanye, from calm "no child left behind" to aggressive "off the grid" the beats and lyrics just sound so good
  54. Aug 29, 2021
    haters gonna hate!! It’s beautiful! I love it dodosososososososoosos doeodos
  55. Aug 29, 2021
    This album is complex and is a great tribute to his mother. Lots and lots of diverse tracks making this a nice album a nice listen from beginning to end.
  56. Aug 29, 2021
    The album came being straight up
  57. dzk
    Aug 29, 2021
    A lot of people could not capture the album experience unless you went to the listening event. It was a much different experience Everyone was bumping their heads to unheard music as if they've heard it before. This album is a piece of artwork when you look at all the collaborations and contributions.
  58. Aug 29, 2021
    Rivaling his past magnum opus, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Donda, named after his beloved late mother, is a heartful reflection of Kanye's livelihood. It touches on his relationship with God, mother, wife, children, culture, and himself.

    A masterpiece.
  59. Aug 29, 2021
    on god this is the most beautiful album i ever hear, all featured artists sounds great, the choirs are perfect, kanye and his team delivered a real masterpiece who will influence our lives.
  60. Aug 29, 2021
    The 10th studio release from Kanye West is an emotional homage to his late mother with whom the album shares name with. At the same time West continues to explore and rejoice in his faith in Christ. It’s arguably to long for its own good, but Kanye is no stranger to +7 minutes songs and this album has in my opinion no skippable tracks.
  61. Aug 29, 2021
    best album of the year, but we already knew that. he is the greatest of all time.
  62. Aug 29, 2021
    Donda is the long awaited 10th LP by Kanye West in which he delivers a diverse sonic and lyrical set of songs that recall sounds from both his recent gospel work as well as sounds fit for Yeezus.
  63. Aug 29, 2021
    No es tan bueno como sus trabajos anteriores,pero igual tiene un valor de produccion increíble
  64. Aug 29, 2021
    Album of the year for me. One of the best projects he has made since My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Yeezus and The Life of Pablo.
  65. Aug 29, 2021
    He’s a terrible person, but an amazing artist, I feel like the wait was worth it.
  66. Aug 29, 2021
    Probably the best overall sound design vibe of any Kanye West album. It’s heavy and dark and yet also emotionally beautiful.
  67. Aug 29, 2021
  68. Aug 29, 2021
    A beautiful tribute to his late mother, with truly some of the greatest production he has ever done.
  69. Aug 29, 2021
    the vulnerable raw side that Kanye is showcasing here is nothing short of a brilliant experience, the writing, the production and even the features feel as an honest attempt from Ye to capture his struggles and his demons, and how bit by bit he can conquer that evil with the help of his new found spiritual beliefs.
  70. Aug 29, 2021
    Kanye delivers! Great features, melodies, and concepts throughout the album
  71. Sep 1, 2021
    this is his best album since The Life Of Pablo, this is Kanye returning to form but finding a balance with his new found religious views without being up your face like it was with Jesus is King.

    there is only one weak track, that being tell the vision, then all of the tracks are 8+ and given the size of the project is a realy tough ask. the tracks started from jail and ending with
    this is his best album since The Life Of Pablo, this is Kanye returning to form but finding a balance with his new found religious views without being up your face like it was with Jesus is King.

    there is only one weak track, that being tell the vision, then all of the tracks are 8+ and given the size of the project is a realy tough ask.

    the tracks started from jail and ending with heaven and hell is a stretch of 13 tracks all being 9.5 or 10, and that is an album size for most contemporary artist, so it speaks volumes of his talent and work put on the album that he is able to pull that.
  72. Aug 29, 2021
    This is Kanye Greatest piece of art yet. Perfectly capturing the essence of what it means to be fearless, Hopeful and Scared and how his believes and his upbringing has helped through the harder times in his life.
  73. Aug 29, 2021
    The people giving zeros, not sure what to say. Sure its long and sure, it could do with some refinement in places but there are so many excellent tracks on this album and some that are really exceptional- Jesus Lord and Hurricane to name a couple. Think he's tied himself in knots a bit because of the obvious importance his mother holds in his life and coupled with the drawn out release andThe people giving zeros, not sure what to say. Sure its long and sure, it could do with some refinement in places but there are so many excellent tracks on this album and some that are really exceptional- Jesus Lord and Hurricane to name a couple. Think he's tied himself in knots a bit because of the obvious importance his mother holds in his life and coupled with the drawn out release and shenanigans with MM and Da Baby its created a bit of dissonance. But, all said, I've played it on loop since it came out and not skipped any yet and gone back to many a number of times. I thinks its huge in places and deserving of some time and appreciation. Mike Dean is so influential in any quality on this album imo. Think Ye is a bit of a dick but also a brilliant artist who at least asks questions. Expand
  74. Aug 29, 2021
    Amazing album, one of the best in his discography. How can you listen to jail and not be amazed
  75. Aug 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El mejor álbum de la década insuperable,magistral, simplemente perfecto sin errores como siempre nos ha entregado kanye su vida y su trabajo Expand
  76. Aug 29, 2021
    From the concept to the delivery, Donda is a roller coaster of emotions from an artist that dedicated his whole life to one important person, trying as much as he can to reach his mother. This is not just a Kanye album, is a generation of hip hop trying to reach with Kanye a common good.
  77. Aug 29, 2021
    Dont find it too long anymore, cant say one song that i disslike on the album. Is it just me but kanyes singing voice is for the first time really nice on this album?!
  78. Sep 4, 2021
    Beautiful eulogy dedicated to his mother. We don’t need no drums!! Another classic to add to Ye’s discography
  79. Aug 29, 2021
    Best album my man this **** good af I started believing in God again Kanye the goat
  80. Aug 29, 2021
    Stop hating on my man Kanye
  81. Aug 29, 2021
    This is all over a great album. Kanye is rapping at the best level in a long time, great features, amazing production. Coming from JIK this is a great bounce back.
  82. Aug 29, 2021
    A produção do álbum impecável, a sonoridade impecável, lírica impecável, haters impecáveis perdendo o tempo precioso deles pra vir aqui dar 0, tudo impecável, mas como a bancada de velhos vai analisar mais as polêmicas do que a produção e a qualidade do álbum em si sabemos que vai amarelar com certeza ❤️
  83. Aug 29, 2021
    Very Beautiful album. Very good production, expected from Mr West. Only thing i would say is if he left out a few songs and kept maybe 15 of the good songs. I would say it would be top 5 kanye. Other that that it's great, and love it.
  84. Aug 29, 2021
    One of the greatest and most ambitious projects, album of the year material.
  85. Aug 29, 2021
    Anyone who rates this lower than an 8 is listening with preconceptions, instead of opening their heart. Ye is back and this is the best he’s been since TLoP. This is an album that is heartbreaking, cathartic, uplifting, and bangs at the same time. It’s a meditation on grief. It is an audioprayerbook written by a man still finding his faith, and how important and transformative God can be,Anyone who rates this lower than an 8 is listening with preconceptions, instead of opening their heart. Ye is back and this is the best he’s been since TLoP. This is an album that is heartbreaking, cathartic, uplifting, and bangs at the same time. It’s a meditation on grief. It is an audioprayerbook written by a man still finding his faith, and how important and transformative God can be, if you open your heart and love others. It will be hard for any other album to approach the perfection that Kanye’s put out with “Donda” - a sure contender for AOTY. 10/10 Expand
  86. Aug 29, 2021
    Album of the year Just the rollout process itself shows us the genius Kanye is.
  87. Aug 29, 2021
    2021 Album "Donda" is not what I would consider a album it's a experience thousands of years of human evolution has lead to this album 10/10
  88. Aug 29, 2021
    Simplemente god, buen álbum en todos los sentidos, diferentes ritmos sin bajar la calidad del disco
  89. Sep 5, 2021
    Album of the year!!! every song has something special, excellent balance between collabs everything actually worked pretty well lots of great songs in this album !
    Make up your own Mind!
  90. Aug 29, 2021
    This album speaks to your soul.

    Kanye never fears experimenting with his work. And this album is the perfect example of this. He is the real GOAT.
  91. Aug 29, 2021
    The wait was worth it, this could very well be my AOTY. This album has incredible production and vocals mixed in with great lyrics, The pt 2 tracks didn't need to be there but since they're pretty much just bonus tracks it doesn't impact my review
  92. Aug 29, 2021
    Man, simply AOTY, great production, concept, lyrics and features. You gotta be a Taylor Swift fan to give it less than 7 lol
  93. Aug 29, 2021
    Its a great album, no the best, but have a lot of good song, thanks Kanye for do this
  94. Aug 29, 2021
    Master piece of Kanye simplemente la combinacion de todos sus albums, no muchos comprenderan
  95. Aug 29, 2021
    CumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucket CumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucketCumbucket Expand
  96. Aug 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This ain’t the album of the year. For real, for real

    This the album of life.
  97. Aug 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. picasso level creativity. kanye outdid himself. i’ve never heard a project with more than 20 tracks and still want more Expand
  98. Aug 29, 2021
    Simplesmente kanye west fanfanagnatjtantanatntanymyantanlatnltantapnfapnfaa
  99. Aug 29, 2021

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Sep 3, 2021
    Though this isn’t a complete comeback, frustrated Kanye fans certainly have more grounds for optimism after this record than they did before it.
  2. Sep 2, 2021
    Donda isn't without its highlights, but taken as a whole, it's both confused and confusing.
  3. Sep 2, 2021
    There are times where Kanye recaptures the magic of his golden years. ... But there just isn’t enough good here to look past the flaws. The final result is a collection of songs with little binding energy other than a vague Gospel through line, which runs across the tracklist — chaotic like The Life Of Pablo but devoid of the magic.