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  1. Aug 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Seriously going to play Sour again to heal my ears from the injuries made by this album. Expand
  2. Nov 12, 2021
    Péssimo, simplesmente um álbum que você se arrepende de dar play! Decepcionante.
  3. Sep 6, 2021
    Kanye Created An Experience of Salvation
    From Hell to Heaven
    its almost a Greatest Hits album bcs He Hits on every Song
  4. Sep 7, 2021
    Perfect! Period. Songs blend seamlessly together. The "Pt 2" are just remixes. The lyrics are thoughtful and clever. Who doesn't like a double-disc album with BONUS TRACKS? Such a 90's thing.
  5. Oct 22, 2021
    I’m sorry, but the critic and audience score is WAY too low. The album was a bit of a let down and had flaws but it still was at least 75-85. I think people judged it too quickly and I think it will age well like all his albums.
  6. Sep 24, 2021
    Beautiful piece of music that no one could have ever created but Kanye West.
  7. Aug 31, 2021
    Fantastic album, Kanye is back with some of his best verses in years. The production is minimalist yet fantastic, great features all around. Only detracter is we didn’t seem to get enough Kanye as his features played a large role, but in 27 track album, it’s impressive that it never lulled through any feature or verse. DONDA would be proud
  8. Nov 4, 2021
    Kanye returns to form with DONDA. Minimalist but very creative. Production always amazing, Kanye brought out the best in the features.

    update November 4
    its gotten better after original listen. As per every Kanye Album
  9. Sep 2, 2021
    Absolute trash. Meandering and way overlong - also overproduced, despite featuring precious few actual songs. And West is garbage on the mic, when he's even showing up on his own songs. Anyone impressed by this tripe needs to listen to more music - or at least to stop talking about music.
  10. Sep 2, 2021
    just pay for my therapy right now, the worst musical experience of my life, now i understand why kim kardashian listened on the mute, it's the only way to play the album without killing your brains
  11. Apr 24, 2022
    I don't care about what people say about this, i don't care about Ye's previous records. That album is so important to me, and now when i'm really depressed, some of the songs that always helps me are on this album. Come to Life my favourite one. Album for my life. Thanks Ye.
  12. Aug 29, 2021
    To me, every song gives off the same vibe. There are no “oh damn” stand out moments. It feels like I could drop any 10 songs on the album and not be butt hurt. A couple of the songs are worth adding to your “go to playlist” but I wouldn’t pick any of the best songs on this album over any of the decent songs on his other albums. I don’t think time will save this album either, mostly becauseTo me, every song gives off the same vibe. There are no “oh damn” stand out moments. It feels like I could drop any 10 songs on the album and not be butt hurt. A couple of the songs are worth adding to your “go to playlist” but I wouldn’t pick any of the best songs on this album over any of the decent songs on his other albums. I don’t think time will save this album either, mostly because the beats sound like mash ups of his other albums, and less like brand new sounding beats like 808s or yeezus. Overall the album feels like he threw everything at the wall to see what sticks, half the songs have collectively created a puddle on the floor. And to all those babies giving the album either a 0 or a 10, grow up. Expand
  13. Sep 24, 2021
    A nice addition to Kanye's discography.
    Although there are some terrible choices being made in the form of overtly long run time and unnecessary features, such as DaBaby and Marilyn Manson on Jail pt.2. Nevertheless there are great songs in the album that compliment each other in a way only Kanye West knows how to do.
  14. Nov 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Don't expect it to be rap because it really ain't it's gospel music at most. There are tracks which were great from the start like Jail and Off The Grid (Praise God is good but quite annoying) and then the awful tracks like Tell The Vision which was unfinished and still is poorly made and should've been cut from the original release. The deluxe version was alright but ordered different. Life Of The Party was phenomenal but should've been on the original release. Expand
  15. Aug 30, 2021
    An album claimed to be a condolence to his dead mother. Donda lacks in substance and character. His worst work to date
  16. Aug 31, 2021
    Truly what JIK was meant to be. Some of the best songs Kanye has released ever. High points like Come To Life and Pure Souls really make you appreciate that we are still getting new top quality music from this Artist. Although there are a few snags in the track listing such as Jonah and Tell The Vision, which is just a horribly mixed Pop Smoke interlude. The good songs definitely out weighTruly what JIK was meant to be. Some of the best songs Kanye has released ever. High points like Come To Life and Pure Souls really make you appreciate that we are still getting new top quality music from this Artist. Although there are a few snags in the track listing such as Jonah and Tell The Vision, which is just a horribly mixed Pop Smoke interlude. The good songs definitely out weigh the bad. Expand
  17. Aug 31, 2021
    Kanye's best work since 2016, arguably 2010. While the tracklist does not seem to flow exactly right and there are some questionable track choices such as a stripped down Tell The Vision interlude, this does not downplay the sheer beauty and artistic ambition of this album. The features are very reminiscent of The Life of Pablo era, all adding their own flair to the song they are on. ThereKanye's best work since 2016, arguably 2010. While the tracklist does not seem to flow exactly right and there are some questionable track choices such as a stripped down Tell The Vision interlude, this does not downplay the sheer beauty and artistic ambition of this album. The features are very reminiscent of The Life of Pablo era, all adding their own flair to the song they are on. There are at least 4-5 tracks here that you could comfortably place in his best songs of all time, and the emotion in his lyricism is at a high here. He may not make tight focused narrative/concept albums like MBDTF anymore, but albums like TLOP and Donda are more of an insight into the mind of a genius at certain points in his life: most particuarly through his personal experience of fatherhood. Expand
  18. Sep 24, 2021
    Beautiful and meaningful album with exceptional production. I just hope he would add Chris Browns verse in New Again
  19. Sep 8, 2021
    Very good album. My only complaint about Donda is it's being a little too long.
  20. Aug 31, 2021
    Out of 27 songs you will easily find 9-10 gems which will likely become eternal classics. I look forward to people reading these tragic reviews in the future while their kids venerate this album. Jail part 2, com e to life and moon all hold significant staying power and is some of best and real art kanye has ever produced.
  21. Aug 31, 2021
    He used to be good...unfortunately this album drags so much. Quality over quantity...
  22. Sep 17, 2021
    The music is always similar to the old music. Nothing interesting and makes us want to hear it again and again. It's just avarage!
  23. Sep 6, 2021
    This album was supposed to drop before and that shows how scared he was beacuse the album has no cohesion he is just trying to express an idea that is so cliche it had to be controversial. But the reality is that it was a failed attempt it os awful and it charges me with negative vibes
  24. Aug 30, 2021
    It ultimately lacks direction and is probably too long for its own good. There's some hits and misses and will probably spawn a few charting singles but as an album it is one of Kanye's weaker efforts.

    Ona a side note, might as well throw away that Independent review which is very clearly a personal issue with the artist and not a review of the subject material. It's a pretty sad grab for
    It ultimately lacks direction and is probably too long for its own good. There's some hits and misses and will probably spawn a few charting singles but as an album it is one of Kanye's weaker efforts.

    Ona a side note, might as well throw away that Independent review which is very clearly a personal issue with the artist and not a review of the subject material. It's a pretty sad grab for clicks to be completely honest.
  25. Aug 30, 2021
    This album is just bad! I wasn’t even able to finish it, like it’s sooooo long.
  26. Sep 2, 2021
    Although I still liked Jesus is King, this is probably kanye's best interpretation of what a gospel album should be since The Life of Pablo. This album may have some of its flaws in tracks like tell the vision and remote control, but every other track is either something I absolutely love, or a track I don't mind while listening to the album. 8/10 pitchfork and the rolling stone suck
  27. Aug 31, 2021
    I really have to say something . .
  28. Aug 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. donda donda donda donda donda donda donda donda donda donda doonda doonda doonda Expand
  29. Aug 31, 2021
  30. Aug 30, 2021
    After all the hype and the controversity, huge disappointment. Ye created some of the best album from the last decade(see MBDTF), but this is mediocre at best. Lots of useless fillers. It could have been reduced to 9/10 tracks.
  31. Aug 30, 2021
    What the hell is this? No, seriously, what is this? This album is severely lacking in any substance, and yet, it tries to be this huge, almost two-hour-long tribute/concept album dedicated to his late mother, Donda. This album is so unfinished, not like how The Life of Pablo felt unfinished because that was the whole aesthetic of the album, mind you, but Donda, on the other hand, is soWhat the hell is this? No, seriously, what is this? This album is severely lacking in any substance, and yet, it tries to be this huge, almost two-hour-long tribute/concept album dedicated to his late mother, Donda. This album is so unfinished, not like how The Life of Pablo felt unfinished because that was the whole aesthetic of the album, mind you, but Donda, on the other hand, is so unfinished, it's unenjoyable. The only song I really enjoyed was the track titled "Believe What I Say" because there, it doesn't sound like a demo and actually has a strong tempo that stays the same throughout the song's length. The worst song, on the other hand, is the track "Off the Grid." Off the Grid, just like this album's production. There are moments on that song where the distorted bass is way louder than everything else and is mind-blowingly distracting, and the hook is hot garbage. All of the other tracks on this are either trying way too hard to do a complete re-hash on Runaway's epicness, which is what made the song incredible in the first place, or simply just existing to fill up run-time. I'm having a hard time just grasping what Kanye could be aiming for with this record; is he trying to make a tribute album to his mother, or is he making a hip-hop album with production that is hip-hop's equivalent to black metal? Whatever he was going for, I can at least appreciate that he's making an album solely dedicated to his mother; however, in hindsight, this definitely needed extra time in the studio.

    Overall score: 1.6/10
    Favorite tracks: Believe What I Say, Heaven and Hell, Jail pt. 1, some parts of Hurricane
    Least favorite tracks: Off the Grid
  32. Aug 31, 2021
    I genuinely have no idea what people who like this are hearing. This was 2 hours and it was terrible pretty much all the way through. It was like being waterboarded by audio
  33. Sep 7, 2021
    Awful music. Every song is 2 min and made from random sounds. Kanye is not good rapper at all.
  34. Aug 31, 2021
    Um álbum diversificado, que remete a vários trabalhos anteriores do artista sintetizados numa nova roupagem. Uma proposta criativa, misturando imposição, religião, provocação, produção única e muitas composições complexas, com diversas camadas cuidadosamente montadas. O único pecado é o excesso de músicas, que tem um lado artístico positivo, mas ocasiona em momentos mais fracos do disco.Um álbum diversificado, que remete a vários trabalhos anteriores do artista sintetizados numa nova roupagem. Uma proposta criativa, misturando imposição, religião, provocação, produção única e muitas composições complexas, com diversas camadas cuidadosamente montadas. O único pecado é o excesso de músicas, que tem um lado artístico positivo, mas ocasiona em momentos mais fracos do disco.
  35. Sep 1, 2021
    This is just a bit rubbish in all honesty. i could accept this drivell if it revolutionised music in any way shape or form. Unfortunatley this ablum, though quirky, is no revolution 9. it's just a lazy cash grab that only fails to enforce the edgy character that kanye trys to push
  36. Aug 30, 2021
    This is probably the worst album i've ever heard. Poor lyrics, poor production, poor... everything. There's no flavor in it. Horrible.
  37. Aug 30, 2021
    too many tracks, generally monotone album. the hype it gets is only because it’s kanye.
  38. Aug 30, 2021
    this is the worst album ever produced, i cant believe how kanye west still creates this kind of music. try to reinvent yourself kanye, try something new
  39. Sep 2, 2021
    Very out of place, out of touch and just everywhere. It felt like I was in Newyork, trying to catch the train on a Monday morning in an overcrowded station. Make it stop!
  40. Sep 2, 2021
    Amazing album, unfortunely the critics don't show the real greatness of this. How The Independent give a ZERO because has a feature with Marilyn Manson who is being ACCUSED and not guilty of anything and ignore the other 26 songs
  41. Aug 29, 2021
    Previous album was still better! This one was good but it was too long and non sense
  42. Sep 10, 2021
    An average album for "Kanye West" imo. 27 songs in an album is just boring. I was waiting for the album to end. btw it isn't that bad to get 0 from Independent lol
  43. Aug 30, 2021
    I don’t like this album. The sound is very bad and the lyrics are incomprehensible. Maybe maybe he's a little passable about the album's friendship. But other than that, the most boring albums I've ever heard.
  44. Aug 30, 2021
    it was trash by all means
    he didn't make any effort to make something that is worth listening
  45. Aug 31, 2021
    One of the worst music I've ever heard. Kanye has fallen too deep into the depth of mediocrity. An embarrassment to me and my home girls.
  46. Aug 30, 2021
    noise! Pipeline musicn. It deserves a low score! Can this thing win the championship Maybe the title single result .That was ten years ago
  47. Aug 30, 2021
    a piece of s**t, the meta critics said it all, I even saw someone gave it zero.
  48. Aug 30, 2021
    Great album but it doesn’t feel finished yet. Some songs are too long and some of them are just fillers. But I still like most of them tho good job ye.
  49. Sep 2, 2021
    This donda sheet is wild garbage. music for hedgefund bros.
    (filler words)
  50. Aug 31, 2021
    Great rollout. Some unnecessary songs but It's ok."Those who stuck with him through thick and thin will love it, while the rest of us can safely dip our toes back in the water".
  51. Sep 4, 2021
    Initially I didn’t know what to make of this album, one of the main reasons kanye is as successful and loved as he is is because he is so good at putting together great albums, and over the last 5 or so years as his life has become a lot more busy and chaotic it seemed like that talent as wained, however as I spent more and more time with this album, I came to realise that these are someInitially I didn’t know what to make of this album, one of the main reasons kanye is as successful and loved as he is is because he is so good at putting together great albums, and over the last 5 or so years as his life has become a lot more busy and chaotic it seemed like that talent as wained, however as I spent more and more time with this album, I came to realise that these are some of the best tracks he has made in years, and even though the album is bloated and disjointed it is endlessly listenable, so in conclusion even though some of the guests are questionable, it’s super long and doesn’t meet the very high bar of quality he has set for himself by releasing numerous classic albums in the past, this is the most enjoyable kanye album in years and signals a return to form even if it’s not a certified classic. Expand
  52. Aug 31, 2021
    taylor swift is better this is trash he should just retire and medicate trashh
  53. Aug 30, 2021
    The worst album in history just overhyped, overrated album full of abusers, rapists homophobes, blackfishers simply disgusting. Also if he was a woman he would've been over by now but since he's a very disgusting man he is free to do whatever and his pets will still eat it up
  54. Sep 8, 2021
    Was expecting better.......................................................
  55. Aug 31, 2021
    It's definitely chaotic, full of fillers and contains some traces like w God etc and others with too much trap.
    But all in all well, there are some great hits and that's enough for me.
    He may not be the best Kanye but he is still an artist with a superfine musical taste.
  56. Aug 30, 2021
    Incoherent mess of an album. Overhyped and under delivered. Don’t waste your time and money.
  57. Aug 31, 2021
    Such a beautiful, long, amazing album. I love the length, and I don’t think there’s a single skip. One of his best yet.
  58. Sep 7, 2021
    Pretty disappointing album.
    Off the grid and Praise God are the only 2 songs of the project i like.
    I havn’t liked any of kanyes recent albums. He used to be so ahead of his time and change the rap game in many ways. Ever since the life of Pablo i feel like he’s been trying to prove, that he is musical genius, which i think has resulted in some very corny albums. Miss when i released
    Pretty disappointing album.
    Off the grid and Praise God are the only 2 songs of the project i like.
    I havn’t liked any of kanyes recent albums. He used to be so ahead of his time and change the rap game in many ways.
    Ever since the life of Pablo i feel like he’s been trying to prove, that he is musical genius, which i think has resulted in some very corny albums.
    Miss when i released something innovative like 808’s and Yeezus.
  59. Sep 7, 2021
    Donda. a whole lot better than the last 2 projects. lots of features, some didnt make the cut..*cough* *cough* "soulja boy" *cough* *cough*. theres a lot more tracks on this coverless album. half the songs have great beats but not so great vocals or raps and vise versa. "Jail prt 2", "Pure Souls", "Heaven and Hell", "Believe What I Say" and "Ok Ok" were the stand out tracks..everythingDonda. a whole lot better than the last 2 projects. lots of features, some didnt make the cut..*cough* *cough* "soulja boy" *cough* *cough*. theres a lot more tracks on this coverless album. half the songs have great beats but not so great vocals or raps and vise versa. "Jail prt 2", "Pure Souls", "Heaven and Hell", "Believe What I Say" and "Ok Ok" were the stand out tracks..everything else can go f**k itself. i miss the old Kanye. Expand
  60. Sep 17, 2021
    Absolutely bloated, there are moments in there I enjoyed but I can't find them again after repeated listens because so much of it is just boring. Sounds wise, there's nothing new or exciting here that Kanye hasn't done before, sounds kinda similar to Life of Pablo just way less inspired.

    If he managed to trim it or label it as a Disc 1 and Bonus Disc maybe you could make an argument
    Absolutely bloated, there are moments in there I enjoyed but I can't find them again after repeated listens because so much of it is just boring. Sounds wise, there's nothing new or exciting here that Kanye hasn't done before, sounds kinda similar to Life of Pablo just way less inspired.

    If he managed to trim it or label it as a Disc 1 and Bonus Disc maybe you could make an argument that it's the best of the last 3 albums, which isn't really saying much.

    The album art too...

    Kanye was never the best lyrcist but still made even his dumbest lines work. His production was always where he was years ahead of his contemporaries but here it's just boring.
    I even somewhat enjoyed his last album shortly because it was at least unique for him despite the fact that it did not hold up on repeated listens. This can't even annoy me, which is the worst part, it's just bland and inoffensive.
  61. Aug 30, 2021
    Este álbum es muy mediocre. Las canciones son pesadas y se hacen difíciles de escuchar. No aportan nada nuevo. Y mención aparte a lo largo que es el disco, casi 2 horas es criminal. Después de crear tanto hype con los sucesivos retrasos…
  62. Aug 30, 2021
    Podre igual tudo que esse homem faz. Espero que amargue terrivelmente!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  63. Nov 21, 2021
    Un altro capolavoro di Kanye.
    Spesso messo a paragone con Certified Lover Boy, ma Donda è nettamente meglio.
  64. Aug 30, 2021
    Álbum com pouca relevância, temática simples e sem graça, e fora as divulgações nos estádios de mal gosto.
  65. Sep 18, 2021
    A wise man once said “This is not album of the year, this is album of the life.”
  66. Aug 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this is so bad, worst Kanue's album, where tf is his voice??? he's not that good, overrated album Expand
  67. Mar 5, 2022
    [ ek-suh-luhnt ]

    possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good.
  68. Sep 7, 2021
    Donda lacks unique production, brilliant lyrics and effort, yet considered to be a tribute to his mom. Few of the features are very well put and well assigned for the album but other than that, it's a filler/loop material that also lacks magic and craft that Kanye had beforehand.
  69. Aug 30, 2021
    Donda starts out strong, with the hypnotic "Donda Chant", the sort of experimental tracks like "Jail" and "God Breathed", the hard-hitting "Off the Grid", and the beautiful "Hurricane" featuring The Weeknd. However, near the middle of the album, there is a lot of questionable songs that I feel like could be better off in maybe a deluxe version of the album instead of the main release. ADonda starts out strong, with the hypnotic "Donda Chant", the sort of experimental tracks like "Jail" and "God Breathed", the hard-hitting "Off the Grid", and the beautiful "Hurricane" featuring The Weeknd. However, near the middle of the album, there is a lot of questionable songs that I feel like could be better off in maybe a deluxe version of the album instead of the main release. A lot of songs in this section seem bland, unfinished, and I'm sorry to say, but sort of like "filler tracks" which is very uncharacteristic of Kanye.

    "Jonah", "Ok Ok", and "Heaven and Hell" are sound very unfinished. The production, also, in this section of the album seems very unpolished. The vocals will seem perfectly clear in one section of a song, then in another section, very quiet and unpolished like they forgot to master it fully.

    Near the end of the album, however, it starts to pick up a bit. "Jesus Lord" is a beautiful song with emotional and personal lyrics. I love the production on "New Again" and the end of the song is very chilling, reminding me of the choir in "Closed On Sunday" from Jesus is King. "Pure Souls" is a wonderful song with great production. One of Kanye's best songs in my opinion, and one of the best on the album. I feel like the pt 2 tracks at the end of this album would be better on a deluxe version of Donda, however they are in fact great tracks.

    This album is solid, however it's definitely not Kanye's best work. But, it is extremely refreshing from his previous underwhelming album "Jesus is King". I hope it can only get better from here.
  70. Aug 29, 2021
    may be a lot of filler, but, more bangers than filler in my opinion, genuinely don’t think there’s any really bad songs, just some kinda meh songs here and there, if he got rid of a couple songs it would honestly be a 10

  71. Aug 30, 2021
    I hate Kanye, always putting on overproduced stuff, with mediocre lyrics and lazy vocals. No one listens to a narcissist's album.
  72. Sep 17, 2021
    Easy or hard to listen to... Ye wanted to stick to a style which at times can go for benefit. The tracklist could be shorter, but a lot of tracks do give me a feeling that I'm rising into the sky.
  73. L_P
    Oct 16, 2021
    This album shows that Kanye’s newfound full hearted move to religious music can still be some of his best work
  74. Jan 11, 2022
    Yes it is a step up from Jesus Is King. But even standing on its own. This is a great album with heavenly production and little filler
  75. Oct 2, 2022
    amazing album that actually has soul with amazing production and really future classic songs like Off the grid, hurricane, jail, praise god, believe what I say, moon, heaven, and hell, keep my spirit alive, Jesus lord, new again, pure soul, no child left behind & come to life but it does have misses like tell the vision, Junya, ok ok & remote control
  76. Sep 1, 2021
    This is the worst album to come from a high profile artist this year, Donda sounds like an array of tracks thrown together into an "album". The album lacks perspective, it's supposedly in memory of his mother but the album is a disgrace in honour of his mother
  77. Aug 30, 2021
    esse álbum é um marco! maior trabalho do ano e o de maior impacto mundial
  78. Sep 5, 2021
    Kanye has produced a mainly strong album again. DONDA, his 10th full-length LP, is powered by not only strong verses and an array of unique collaborators, but the fact that he held three listening parties to keep spirits high. Some interesting tracks that deserve to be pointed out is the electric yet experimental collaboration between Ye, Lil Baby and The Weeknd, titled Hurricane. TheKanye has produced a mainly strong album again. DONDA, his 10th full-length LP, is powered by not only strong verses and an array of unique collaborators, but the fact that he held three listening parties to keep spirits high. Some interesting tracks that deserve to be pointed out is the electric yet experimental collaboration between Ye, Lil Baby and The Weeknd, titled Hurricane. The shape-shifting and somewhat dangerous Off The Grid, with Playboi Carti and Fivio Foriegn, and the spoken word interlude from Donda West herself on the album's title track. Most of the album is good, but improvement must be made on songs such as Jail, with a repetitive hook backing the track. Overall, there are some key points on this album Ye brings up, and a reasonably good LP, Recommended for Die Hard fans of Kanye.

  79. Sep 18, 2021
    This album had some trash songs, it's bloated, misconceived, and executed poorly. That aside, no one else could make it.
  80. Aug 31, 2021
    A solid 9. Daria 10 se não fosse pela versão extended, unica boa é Jesus Lord pt 2 que poderia ser apenas ela no lugar de Jesus Lord. As demais da extended são dispensáveis principalmente Jail pt 2 que é absolutamente terrível e vem logo depois de No Child Left Behind o que é uma blasfêmia, entendo que ele fez pela ordem que está na versão normal porém odeio igual. Tiraria Lil Yachty de OkA solid 9. Daria 10 se não fosse pela versão extended, unica boa é Jesus Lord pt 2 que poderia ser apenas ela no lugar de Jesus Lord. As demais da extended são dispensáveis principalmente Jail pt 2 que é absolutamente terrível e vem logo depois de No Child Left Behind o que é uma blasfêmia, entendo que ele fez pela ordem que está na versão normal porém odeio igual. Tiraria Lil Yachty de Ok Ok pois ficou meio off the beat, tiraria Shenseea de Pure Souls porque ficou uma musica grande sem necessidade e tiraria Tell The Vision também. Talvez mudar a ordem de algumas musicas para a transição fluir melhor. Fora isso apenas críticas positivas. Muito bem produzido como sempre, Kanye West um dos melhores produtores do mundo. Quero mencionar especialmente Hurricane, botar The Weeknd nessa foi genial. No Child Left Behind foi uma musica perfeita para finalizar essa obra de arte. Adorei as listening party achei muito conceitual tudo e inovador. Fico muito feliz com Jail porque sei o quanto Kanye gosta de Jay Z. Queria dizer que o album é ótimo e Donda estaria muito satisfeita com a homenagem (mesmo contendo feats do comando vermelho). Expand
  81. Mar 25, 2022
    Solid album all around. OFC when the intro pops up on a drive or shuffle its annoying af. However there are still many tracks i come back too. The Highs may not be as great as some of Kanye's previous materiial however it is a highly consistent album that is enjoyable to listen to. Furthermore, all the features kill it even The Weeknd who I am personally not a big fan of normally.
  82. Aug 31, 2021
    This album reminds me of 'JESUS IS KING' and 'Ye' and i love it. Production on this album is top notch as well as having plenty strong melodies. Highlights in this album are definitely Jail (either one they're both solid), Hurricane and Jesus Lord. The lyrics might not be Kanye's best but the storytelling is compelling to say the least. Solid 7.5
  83. Aug 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amaizing album. Not his best work but definetly one his better ones. Some of the tracks make me feel something I've never felt before. Astonishing. Expand
  84. Aug 31, 2021
    The incomparable Ye has blessed us with another remarkable body of work from his truly gifted mind. He cements his place as the G.O.A.T of production and a mastermind of putting together an album that both evokes wonderment of his genius and a deep emotion that is rarely felt when listening to music.

    Musically, this album is hauntingly beautiful and forces you to reach into your soul to
    The incomparable Ye has blessed us with another remarkable body of work from his truly gifted mind. He cements his place as the G.O.A.T of production and a mastermind of putting together an album that both evokes wonderment of his genius and a deep emotion that is rarely felt when listening to music.

    Musically, this album is hauntingly beautiful and forces you to reach into your soul to fully process the genius of his work.

    27 songs, 108 minutes & 31 features is a lot to take in and at times it can feel some what disconnected, but there is true, genre shaping, gold amongst this play list.

    Jail with HOVA blesses us with a moment in HIP HOP history that can not be overstated, Jay and Ye together is rare air, and to hear them together again brings me pure joy. God Breathed is a marriage of techno goes to church, with beautiful vocals and an up tempo beat that takes you on a wild journey and is one of my favourite tracks and Off the grid & Hurricane are also early favorites.

    Not every song on the album will make my playlist, and that's OK, because the good is, like, best Ye ever good, and that's saying something from a man that is hall of famer and has 9 studio albums that have all been #1 on the BILLBOARD top 200, included MBDTF which has a Metacritic score of 94

    My advice is listen to it a lot before passing judgment, this album may not feel like a classic to many critics just yet, but I am predicting, with time, it will be rated amongst the very best HIP HOP albums of all time
  85. Aug 30, 2021
    This was straight trash. I’m not even exaggerating. Or hating. And the fact I’m not even Christian made even worse to listen to...
  86. Aug 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Donda is a perfect album to Remember the old kanye andjsjdususjjdjdjdjdjskalxjxbfksksmsmdndnsnsnsnsnananananananandjdjsjjaaja Expand
  87. Aug 30, 2021
    The album was very difficult to get through on first listen. Over time there are a few highlights that have emerged, a few sparks of polished creativity, in a seemingly dark jungle of creative, but ultimately chaotic and unfinished darkness.
  88. Aug 30, 2021
    Just the goat doing goat things, no one will ever come close to his ability, the album is practically perfect and will easily win album of the year
  89. Aug 31, 2021
    Gets better with every listening, the length is like an opus, every song will have a day in the next weeks to be stuck in my head at some point
  90. Aug 30, 2021
    De fato o álbum tem alguns problemas, como a falta de direção e algumas faixas desnecessárias que só o deixam ainda mais longo, como os remixes, mas continua sendo brilhante e tendo faixas brilhantes, que soam como novos clássicos, como "Jail". Ainda não acredito que esteja finalizado, por isso a bagunça, mas vamos aguardar para ver se estou certo.
    Infelizmente, não estão mais avaliando o
    De fato o álbum tem alguns problemas, como a falta de direção e algumas faixas desnecessárias que só o deixam ainda mais longo, como os remixes, mas continua sendo brilhante e tendo faixas brilhantes, que soam como novos clássicos, como "Jail". Ainda não acredito que esteja finalizado, por isso a bagunça, mas vamos aguardar para ver se estou certo.
    Infelizmente, não estão mais avaliando o trabalho do Kanye nos seus discos mais recentes, mas a pessoa por trás dele. Acredito que esses discos receberão mais valor quando ele morrer e for "perdoado" pela imprensa, pois música boa sempre sobrevive ao tempo e fala mais alto do que qualquer crítica.
  91. Aug 30, 2021
    the new kanye album is perfect, donda is a masterpiece, the best album of 2021.
  92. Aug 30, 2021
    Donda by Kanye West is different from everything I have ever listened to, the album is flawless from first song to last song, the features are amazing, the lyrics are amazing and emotional, the production is my favorite part about the album. Kanye in my opinion is the best Hip-Hop producer of all time, his music is original and perfect. The melodies in the album is special, Kanye WestDonda by Kanye West is different from everything I have ever listened to, the album is flawless from first song to last song, the features are amazing, the lyrics are amazing and emotional, the production is my favorite part about the album. Kanye in my opinion is the best Hip-Hop producer of all time, his music is original and perfect. The melodies in the album is special, Kanye West manages to take the best out of every feature in the album, placing the features in a perfect place and time for every song. The album Donda is a homage to his mother Donda West, who passed away in november of 2007, all over the album you can find references about his moments with his mother, in the song Donda (tittle track) there is a audio of Donda West speaking on the influcence of her son Kanye in a interview, spoke about his thoughts his mentality and their relation of Mother and Son. The album feels like getting closer to God and Jesus, its a Gospel album that retracts Kanye faith, struggles, thoughts, and moments. At the moment is my favorite Kanye West album, I don`t know if its his best album, but I`d rather wait for the album to age more time, so i can decide if its better than masterpieces like ``My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy``, ``Late Registraton`` and ``Graduation``. The album Donda is better than Jesus is King, he got to execute his emotional religious Gospel music in a much better way than he did in his previous album. The first half of the album is much less Emotional and more agressive, while the second half has songs more emotional and focused in Gospel and Donda. Songs like ``Off The Grid`` and ``Heaven And Hell``, are prime examples of agressive and fire music in the first half. My favorite song of the album (at the moment, it might change) it`s ``Jail``, featuring Jay-Z, the song have perfect production, a heartwarming melody and great lyrics. The molodies and the production are my favorite aspects of this album, is really the best new album Rap music has got in a long time. The album is flawless musically, BUT there`s only one negative point in the album, the fact that in ``Jail pt 2`` the features are Marylin Manson and DaBaby, the song is good and their participation is also nice, but i just canoot listen to this especific song, my reason is because DaBaby made Homophobic comments in the start of August, whiel Marylin Manson case is even worse. Marylin Manson is a rapist, abuser, he tortured woman, have multiple accusations of Rape and Pedophilia, he should be in JAIL if you get what I am saying lol. Marylin is also a Satanist, i have nothing agaist Satanist people is their choice, but the album Donda is a christian album where Jesus and God are praised, I really hate the ideia of Manson in the album, I don`t know what Kanye West was thinking when decided to bring Manson to the album, i want to believe it was a Bipolar disorder that made him do that. Anyways this fact does not affect my opinion in the album, Jail with Jay Z is a way better song than Jail pt 2, I`d rather forget the song Jail pt 2 even exists. Coming back to the album. in my opinion it will go down as a big influence to Rap music and music in general. just like 808s & Heartbreaks was a big influencer to the sound of Hip-Hop in 2021. Talking about the features again, Don Toliver, Roddy Ricch, Kid Cudi, and Vory were my favorite melodies in the album, Kanye really got the best features he could place in every song, he has a visionary view and futuristic thoughts in relation to music, he is always inovating and bringing something original to the table. In conclusion, my rating on the album is a 10/10, a 10 out of 10, no musical flaws, i really enjoyed the album and I bet it will be in my rotation until the end of my life, lol. Thank you so much Kanye West for this masterpiece Expand
  93. Aug 30, 2021
    Best return of the greates rapper and producer, he joine your genius, empathy, story with protest . Great lyrics and feats with best voices. THE ALBUM MAKES US REFER THE AUDITIONS REMEMBERING A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE
  94. Aug 30, 2021
    I really loved Donda straight up. There were many reasons where I felt the instrumentals were simply incredible and very complementary to the lyrics and the general themes of the various songs. I appreciated the album from start to finish and it's prolly gonna be on my rotation for a long time.
  95. Aug 30, 2021
    Best album ever created, kanye omari west the goat himself, listening in loop
  96. Aug 30, 2021
    Amazing album!! He accomplished to make an album with so many songs and 'Jail 2' is the only skip. I think his mother would be so proud if she could see the beautiful tribute he paid to her.
  97. Aug 30, 2021
    Magic Atmosphere! This Religious Feeling! From Brazil! Álbum muito bom, nota 10, fala de superação pessoal, problemas familiares, religiosidade, a atmosfera que os sintetizadores trazem a cabeça e o coração nos leva a outro mundo.
  98. Aug 30, 2021
    Donda is just perfect. An album with a emotional charge, 10/10.

    Kanye once again gave us a classic

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Sep 3, 2021
    Though this isn’t a complete comeback, frustrated Kanye fans certainly have more grounds for optimism after this record than they did before it.
  2. Sep 2, 2021
    Donda isn't without its highlights, but taken as a whole, it's both confused and confusing.
  3. Sep 2, 2021
    There are times where Kanye recaptures the magic of his golden years. ... But there just isn’t enough good here to look past the flaws. The final result is a collection of songs with little binding energy other than a vague Gospel through line, which runs across the tracklist — chaotic like The Life Of Pablo but devoid of the magic.