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  1. Sep 4, 2021
    What a rollercoaster. Influx of hits; he did it again. AOTD. JUNYA WATANABE ON MY REEEEEEE!!!
  2. Sep 4, 2021
    this album hits! its exactly what jik shouldve been. the amazing lyrics and features make every song on this album an experience to listen to. my only issue with the album is that its a bit too long. with a runtime of almost 2 hours, its the longest kanye album by far. Otherwise, i love this album and it is one of kanyes best!
  3. Sep 4, 2021
    This has to be the worst album ye has released. It’s all over the place and a whole mess. He has definitely gone downhill. Overhyped album that was a huge letdown.
  4. Sep 4, 2021
    Just the best album I've ever heard in my life. Definitely one of the best albums of all Kanye West's carreer.
  5. Sep 4, 2021
    Very good very I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I. I I I. I I I I I I I I. I the the they the the the the the the three r the the the meadow was so nice I got the green one for utopia so I got the one that was in my room so it looks good but it’s still not good for utopia lol oh well my sister is king of earth earth king king earth earth moon moon and moon earth moon andVery good very I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I. I I I. I I I I I I I I. I the the they the the the the the the three r the the the meadow was so nice I got the green one for utopia so I got the one that was in my room so it looks good but it’s still not good for utopia lol oh well my sister is king of earth earth king king earth earth moon moon and moon earth moon and earth earth king moon earth moon and earth earth moon and max earth moon and earth earth king moon moon and earth earth king earth Expand
  6. Sep 4, 2021
    A lot of beautiful moments on this project. Some songs could be trimmed down or cut, but overall a great Kanye album.
  7. Sep 4, 2021
    I see too many people saying this album is either AOTY or complete garbage, let's be honest it is neither, I think the album is way too long and on the second listen a lot of songs got pretty boring once the excitement wore off. Still, it has an interesting and slightly unfinished production with a few bangers like Hurricane, and Jail.
  8. Sep 4, 2021
    I thought this album was great and showed the growth and maturity of a multi-generational artist. I thought the marketing was excellent and the music production was amazing. The album maybe a little too long for my taste but I enjoyed every minute of it. I appreciate that Kanye took a risk in changing his sound that is worthy for album of the year.
  9. Sep 4, 2021
    I respect him as an artist but he's kind of overrated, literally NOBODY outside the RAP community thinks he's that good ! This album is terrible.
  10. Sep 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not my cup of tea. It sounds like the same song over and over again. Plus it’s full of gospel. Expand
  11. Sep 4, 2021
    Finally, a new Kanye west album that blends just enough of his signature sound that we were all waiting, with his new age god fearing gospel sound. Many of these gospel elements are much more enjoyable to me than they were on Jesus Is King. Most of the features come through and show why Kanye is regarded as one of the best music curators of all time. Take off the pop smoke song tho...
  12. Sep 4, 2021
    Very underwhelming album that is really overhyped, couple good songs on it but other than that not my cup of tea, Kanye gotta drop the gospel stuff man
  13. Sep 4, 2021
    Niceee álbum ye, un gran álbum y con gran potencial en el, lanzado inesperadamente, ojalá tuviera un mejor racking pero es grandioso las 27 canciones
  14. Sep 4, 2021
    wonderful album all the way trough, with off the grid being my new favorite kanye track
  15. Sep 4, 2021
    Fantastic and beautiful album. Best Kanye has made in years. Only Kanye can make a clean, gospel album and it be such a success
  16. Sep 4, 2021
    Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and IAmazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the album Amazing very creative and I loved every second of the albumrhejdjdje Expand
  17. Sep 4, 2021
    it is great example of a album who gets better every listen, after hype a lot of people didn't liked this album but every next listen, its getting better you can even see after user score getting progressively better. It have hell beautiful songs (almost cried to Come to Life) which is very good because a lot of people don't understand this album despite the name that already tells this isit is great example of a album who gets better every listen, after hype a lot of people didn't liked this album but every next listen, its getting better you can even see after user score getting progressively better. It have hell beautiful songs (almost cried to Come to Life) which is very good because a lot of people don't understand this album despite the name that already tells this is dedicated to his dead mother Donda West and not another album about his life who have couple of bangers and that's it, people stopped thinking that hip hop or rap album can have deep and sad meaning, that's why I like the whole idea of this record, I know that there's bad mixing but I believe there is gonna be the same redux version of this album like with tlop and I don't think I will need to change my review here Expand
  18. Sep 4, 2021
    Needs to be finished soon as possible album is not done.Final version might be 9
  19. Sep 4, 2021
    Even at the age of 44 kanye continues to release tracks full of youth and vigor. This album is full on experimental and chaotic at times but thats what makes it a kanye album.
  20. Sep 4, 2021
    Its a Masterpiece. Definitely his best album in years. My favorite tracks are jail, off the grid, jonah, moon, pure soals, come to life, and no child left behind.
  21. Sep 4, 2021
    Kanye’s best album since TLOP, Kanye takes unexpected risks and deals with new subject matter making this album a definite top tier kanye LP. The features are for the most part great, and the album showcases Kanye’s talent as not only a performer, but a producer.
  22. Sep 4, 2021
    Really great album from top to bottom ,before going into this album i expected a lot of filler tracks because of how long it is but ye manages to keep a high level of quality and creativity on almost all the the tracks and even tracks I didn't initially like have grown on me
  23. Sep 4, 2021
    While not as good as some of his best, it still has several great songs on it, and only a few skips despite it’s incredibly long run time.
  24. CSA
    Sep 4, 2021
    Sorry, but unfortunately, this sounds like some new artist tryin' to sound like Kanye making his first songs and putting them all out at once without even selecting the ones which actually worth being on an album... Some of the songs sounded unfinished, some of the beats sound like they are undone, it feels they can't drop somehow and the entire song feels like made over a intro part ofSorry, but unfortunately, this sounds like some new artist tryin' to sound like Kanye making his first songs and putting them all out at once without even selecting the ones which actually worth being on an album... Some of the songs sounded unfinished, some of the beats sound like they are undone, it feels they can't drop somehow and the entire song feels like made over a intro part of the instrumental. So many filler tracks. Sure Kanye showed some signs of his talent on this one too but overall, it was luckluster. Expand
  25. Sep 4, 2021
    Dobry album kocham go essa essa kanye król jebać leszcza drake. Kanye jest
  26. Sep 4, 2021
    An album with really high heights and really low lows.(With some average tracks)
    The album starts of strong (donda chant song of the year).But already weakens off at praise god with a meh travis verse and awful keem verse. Jonah picks it up a bit .But im not so crazy with the beat tbh.Ok ok and junya are just afwul tracks .What made kanye think to bring lil yachty on this album is beyond
    An album with really high heights and really low lows.(With some average tracks)
    The album starts of strong (donda chant song of the year).But already weakens off at praise god with a meh travis verse and awful keem verse. Jonah picks it up a bit .But im not so crazy with the beat tbh.Ok ok and junya are just afwul tracks .What made kanye think to bring lil yachty on this album is beyond me.But don't get me wrong it's not only bad because of lil yeachty.The beat is generic and kanye probably brings one of his weakest performances on this song.Rooga was ok.After that we get a couple of mediocre songs wich i did get the appeal of but just didn't land with me.Remote control was also pretty bad lmao.Then tha album pciks up heavy again with moon.Probably my 2nd favorite track outside of off the grid.I also LOVE keep my spirit alive with a killer chorus and verses.
    jesus lord it needed a switch up(get it?).Great track tbh but it's samy after 8 minutes.Then ffs the album drops again in quality.Probably the most inconsistent album in have heard in years.Kanye should have never made the album 28 tracks long.The pt2 tracks were cool but i liked the part 1 tracks more.(except for ok ok were part 2 is slightly better).Then it ends good with the last 3 tracks(not oncluding the pt 2 tracks).
    If kanye simply took the best 14 tracks of this album it would have been one of the best albums ever like not even kidding.Just the ammount of meh tracks on here made this album just ok ok.

    top 5 tracks:
    -off the grid
    -keep my spirit alive
    least favorite:
    -tell the vision
    -ok ok
    -new again
    -remote control
  27. Sep 4, 2021
    Kanye this is what happens when you work with abusers, homophobes and rapists. Karma exists!!!
  28. Sep 4, 2021
    This album shows exactly what Kanye West is about: innovation, master production and controversial lyrics subjects. Each track has its unique sense of originality and this ilustrates well why West is always one step ahead of the industry. Donda may sound strang at a first listening, maybe even boring, but the project gets better as you give it more listenings. It is just like a good wine:This album shows exactly what Kanye West is about: innovation, master production and controversial lyrics subjects. Each track has its unique sense of originality and this ilustrates well why West is always one step ahead of the industry. Donda may sound strang at a first listening, maybe even boring, but the project gets better as you give it more listenings. It is just like a good wine: open it, let it breath for a while and only then you can enjoy it Expand
  29. Sep 4, 2021
    There are some good tracks like "24", "Lord I Need You" or "Off The Grid" but it isn't everything that Kanye can do. I'll back to this album in the future because some tracks are highly emotional.
  30. Sep 4, 2021
    Album for me is very various personal, every track’s got his own style and feeling behind. As alvays Ye hits in my very own music style. However fiew of them are not as good as they were when licks went off.
  31. Sep 4, 2021
    Initially I didn’t know what to make of this album, one of the main reasons kanye is as successful and loved as he is is because he is so good at putting together great albums, and over the last 5 or so years as his life has become a lot more busy and chaotic it seemed like that talent as wained, however as I spent more and more time with this album, I came to realise that these are someInitially I didn’t know what to make of this album, one of the main reasons kanye is as successful and loved as he is is because he is so good at putting together great albums, and over the last 5 or so years as his life has become a lot more busy and chaotic it seemed like that talent as wained, however as I spent more and more time with this album, I came to realise that these are some of the best tracks he has made in years, and even though the album is bloated and disjointed it is endlessly listenable, so in conclusion even though some of the guests are questionable, it’s super long and doesn’t meet the very high bar of quality he has set for himself by releasing numerous classic albums in the past, this is the most enjoyable kanye album in years and signals a return to form even if it’s not a certified classic. Expand
  32. Sep 4, 2021
    A return to greatness for Kanye. The highs on this album are some of the best things Kanye has put out in a decade. Jesus Lord, Off The Grid, Come To Life, Heaven and Hell, Lord I needed you are all top tier Kanye songs.
  33. Sep 4, 2021
    I would rate this album an 8. But the amount of reviews lowering their score because of the Marilyn Manson and DaBaby controversy astonishes me, so here’s an extra 2 points to compensate for their nonsense. Moments like the entirety of Remote Control, the beat of God Breathed, Tell the Vision and all the part twos make this album truly imperfect, but most negative critiques saying eitherI would rate this album an 8. But the amount of reviews lowering their score because of the Marilyn Manson and DaBaby controversy astonishes me, so here’s an extra 2 points to compensate for their nonsense. Moments like the entirety of Remote Control, the beat of God Breathed, Tell the Vision and all the part twos make this album truly imperfect, but most negative critiques saying either that it’s messy or that it isn’t diverse enough which are complete opposites proves me that some of you are just searching for reasons to hate on Kanye, and he’s not the one to avoid giving you these reasons. But you have to see past your opinion of the man in order to witness the epic, faith-discovering nature of this album, the integration of techniques that he explored and perfected throughout his career, the unitary creepy atmosphere, the mourning gloomy aesthetics that dominate the album, the theme of trust in God in the middle of a sea of personal and mental turbulence. Doesn’t matter if you’re a christian or not. The message of this album is powerfull and Kanye is pretty transparent on this one. Donda is well balanced stylistically as opposed to many of his previous works which were all over the place. I love this one, even though I do not consider it necessarily better than The Life of Pablo. Expand
  34. Sep 3, 2021
    not that much of fan, but i liked the album allot actually, i think its spectacular & something that you can jam to.
  35. Sep 3, 2021
    Refreshing new music. Some songs hit harder than others at certain time but I enjoy them all.
  36. Sep 3, 2021
    A masterpiece in music and live performance that will only get better in time, if this is Kanye West’s final album it is the perfect way to end the musical career of the greatest artist of our time
  37. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album has a lot of ups and downs that bring you into ye’S life after his mother’s passing. There’s songs like “come to life” that brings this amazing melodies and a piercing ye, creating these ideas that can come to life to save ye from himself. ultimately he can’t have those ideas save him… for example yeezy. He’s saying he wanted it to be an escape but he couldn’t. It’s a negative. BUT the song title is a positive he’s saying he’s finally coming to life and being reborn without these ideas Expand
  38. Sep 3, 2021
    Great listen, I really enjoy this album. Ye came with it this time around. I’ve listen to this album all week and probably going to listen to it all next week as well. Album of the year!
  39. Sep 3, 2021
    New Age gospel? Because bit feels like it! Kanye worked really nicely on this and I like it verses the last album. This album is one you could play over and over again. It's the album you could play to your grandma and she's gonna like it. Not every song is perfect (Pop smoke trash) but solid mixing and vocals and wording. I've listen to the album at least 10 times and I can say it's aNew Age gospel? Because bit feels like it! Kanye worked really nicely on this and I like it verses the last album. This album is one you could play over and over again. It's the album you could play to your grandma and she's gonna like it. Not every song is perfect (Pop smoke trash) but solid mixing and vocals and wording. I've listen to the album at least 10 times and I can say it's a clear winner in the Drake vs Kanye battle. Expand
  40. Sep 3, 2021
    Incredible feature list , most of the songs are sonically pleasing overall good album , AOTY imo
  41. Sep 3, 2021
    I really like this album. Another example of Kanye not being afraid to take risks and bringing the best out of the artist he features. He blends different genres yet still makes the album sound cohesive. Songs like jail, come to life, off the grid are unlike anything I’ve heard from him before and I love all of them. Definitely his strongest album for me since Pablo.
  42. Sep 3, 2021
    Donda was simply an amazing experience to listen to. From the listening parties to the hype built up behind the album, Ye truly delivered an extension of his deepest thoughts. Donda chant is a fitting way to start off the project which is dedicated to his late Mother. On songs such as Jesus Lord and Come to Life, Ye sounds vulnerable and his verses are packed with raw emotion. It’s trueDonda was simply an amazing experience to listen to. From the listening parties to the hype built up behind the album, Ye truly delivered an extension of his deepest thoughts. Donda chant is a fitting way to start off the project which is dedicated to his late Mother. On songs such as Jesus Lord and Come to Life, Ye sounds vulnerable and his verses are packed with raw emotion. It’s true that the album structure and track order might not be the most ideal to create flow between songs. However, the sloppy masterpiece that Donda is feels like he’s bringing us alongside him on a life journey of self improvement and realization. Ye emphasizes important themes of life such as self acceptance, forgiveness, faith, truth, love and always remembering what’s important to you. Yes, Ye is very christian but one need not necessarily believe in christ to empathize with the things he says on this record. I’m not christian, and I can personally say that certain verses on this album made me contemplate my life experiences and question my core values. Expand
  43. Sep 3, 2021
    A rock solid release from Kanye in 2021 feels like winning the musical lottery. A consistently enjoyable listen all the way through with some massive highlights in tracks like 'Jail', 'Off The Grid', 'Moon', and 'Jesus Lord', the last of which is a serious contender for one of Kanye's best tracks of all time. The features on this album are nearly flawless as well, with beautifulA rock solid release from Kanye in 2021 feels like winning the musical lottery. A consistently enjoyable listen all the way through with some massive highlights in tracks like 'Jail', 'Off The Grid', 'Moon', and 'Jesus Lord', the last of which is a serious contender for one of Kanye's best tracks of all time. The features on this album are nearly flawless as well, with beautiful performances by the likes of Kid Cudi, Fivio Foreign, Jay-Z, Jay Electronica and more. Additionally, Kanye has obviously been practicing his singing in particular as what he displays on this thing is nothing less than the best vocal delivery he's ever had. Expand
  44. Sep 3, 2021
    Pésimo, sobre producido y muy cargado, mucho relleno, la misma propuesta de siempre, Kanye viene entregando lo mismo desde 2013...
  45. Sep 3, 2021
    West Sub Ever stays on top fr. Easily album of the year. The album Donda is a deeply personal and moving introspective look at Kanye’s life in its entirety. We haven’t gotten something this personal from Ye since 808. Absolutely incredible album that continues to cement his undeniable legacy. No two songs sound the same on Donda. Thank you Kanye, for this truly amazing work of art.
  46. Sep 3, 2021
    Donda is probably Kanye's best album since TLOP and the Album feels unique in the sense that kanye hasn't made me feel so strongly in any of his albums
  47. Sep 3, 2021
    This album isn't music it's a work of art. All the songs are done well and leave you with a feeling of peace and assurity leaving wanting to listen again and again.
  48. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kanye West mais uma vez entrega um trabalho único e inovador .Seu melhor álbum desde de TLOP Expand
  49. Sep 3, 2021
    Anyone giving this a negative score due to his questionable collabs is a hater - rate the music, not the people. This album perfectly reflects the narrative that was strewn together from the 3 public listening parties that were held prior to its release. Kanye was able to visually display the entire story for us in those events, and people are somehow still not understanding this album. ItAnyone giving this a negative score due to his questionable collabs is a hater - rate the music, not the people. This album perfectly reflects the narrative that was strewn together from the 3 public listening parties that were held prior to its release. Kanye was able to visually display the entire story for us in those events, and people are somehow still not understanding this album. It baffles me that people are only able to critique superficially (both users and critics) and are missing the entire concept. It is not a 10 because of the very random Tell The Vision interlude. Expand
  50. Sep 3, 2021
    I love it ye, great production, great vocals, great lyrics. Much better than ye and Jesus is king. As time goes on we'll see if its better than tlop but it's looking like it's going to be close
  51. Sep 3, 2021
    Fantastic! Each song is unique and good! No skips besides intro. Album of the year?
  52. Sep 3, 2021
    Just love this new Ye. This album is another that will be remembered fondly and age beautifully. Not the greatest reception off the bat, but Ye fans know that this album will be influential, same as 808s and yeezus. Not surprised to see initial reception to be harsh, as this happens every time kanye tries a new style. Personally it was a job well done. Simply put, beautiful and ethereal.Just love this new Ye. This album is another that will be remembered fondly and age beautifully. Not the greatest reception off the bat, but Ye fans know that this album will be influential, same as 808s and yeezus. Not surprised to see initial reception to be harsh, as this happens every time kanye tries a new style. Personally it was a job well done. Simply put, beautiful and ethereal. Ye masters production as he always has, from drill to gospel and everything in between. Incredible. Expand
  53. Sep 3, 2021
    I love this album so much - had me playing it on repeat for the past week. Kanye's top 4 for sure, sonically has one of the best pieces of music that he has made. Seeing this album evolving into this one final product was really satisfying. Expecting Kanye to come up with more music later this year. One of the most innovative musical artist ever that our generation and the upcoming ones will see
  54. Sep 3, 2021
    great rollout. great album. Mr west is back. The album matched the hype. Certified W
  55. Sep 3, 2021
    Excellent album, disregarding Tell the Vision, it has relatively no skips despite some mixing issues.
  56. Sep 3, 2021
    If Donda Chant, Tell the Vision, Jail Pt.2, Junya Pt.2, OK OK Pt.2 weren't on the album and Jesus Lord was replaced with Pt.2, I would be fine with the leftover length. Sonically a fun listen. I thought most of the features were decent despite not usually being a fan of most of them. I do believe Kanye needs to explain why it was necessary to use DaBaby, Marilyn Manson, and Chris Brown onIf Donda Chant, Tell the Vision, Jail Pt.2, Junya Pt.2, OK OK Pt.2 weren't on the album and Jesus Lord was replaced with Pt.2, I would be fine with the leftover length. Sonically a fun listen. I thought most of the features were decent despite not usually being a fan of most of them. I do believe Kanye needs to explain why it was necessary to use DaBaby, Marilyn Manson, and Chris Brown on the album. There is better ways to get attention. Expand
  57. Sep 3, 2021
    I cant say more than this is a life changer.
    Come to Life is Song of The Decade.
  58. Sep 3, 2021
    Some of his most inspired work since MBDTF. It’s a mess, the mixing and mastering is a bit off in places, but even being lucky enough to venture through Kanye’s soundscapes makes you realise how much of a once in a generation talent the guy really is. Regardless of how you feeling about him personally. You’re getting pure, unadulterated gospel, to god infused drill, to anthem tailored popSome of his most inspired work since MBDTF. It’s a mess, the mixing and mastering is a bit off in places, but even being lucky enough to venture through Kanye’s soundscapes makes you realise how much of a once in a generation talent the guy really is. Regardless of how you feeling about him personally. You’re getting pure, unadulterated gospel, to god infused drill, to anthem tailored pop and possibly one of the best outros we’ve heard in a while. Everything Kanye does feels like a journey, with a album roll out being a somewhat wild ride with 3 listening parties, that’s climax is an hour and fourty-eight minutes album that truly is incredible. Donda would be proud! Instant classic. Expand
  59. Sep 3, 2021
    Maximo respeto a DONDA, gran álbum, gran sonido, gran historia. Dejando de lado a la persona que es Kanye el álbum es muy bueno.
  60. Sep 3, 2021
    A frustrating, but very well thought out roll out in terms of publicity. Gaining his highest sales debut since MBDTF (tied with Yeezus on this one), a full album with new sounds yet old sounds from himself, only flaw if there was one was not having Never Abandon Your Family on the album.
  61. Sep 3, 2021
    An elevated being, making an elevated album. A mix of gospel and new age rap, makes for a beautiful record.
  62. Sep 3, 2021
    Chaotic, haphazard, strange, dedicated, off putting, hair-raising, freeform. Nearly impossible to rate. The highs on this album are SKY high, stellar. The lows are… just wild head-scratchers, strange, sometimes awesome, most often obnoxious, fascinating, entertaining. What a mess of an album - but such a creative one. The weird, the downright stupid, the overcooked, the undercooked - itChaotic, haphazard, strange, dedicated, off putting, hair-raising, freeform. Nearly impossible to rate. The highs on this album are SKY high, stellar. The lows are… just wild head-scratchers, strange, sometimes awesome, most often obnoxious, fascinating, entertaining. What a mess of an album - but such a creative one. The weird, the downright stupid, the overcooked, the undercooked - it all still feels like a ride, though. Some might say mid-40s Kanye should wrap it up, but I’m not so sure. While he’s certainly well past his prime, it sure seems like he has a lot left to offer - as long as you skip the theatrics, and let go of any expectations or safe notions of his legacy. Kanye acts out when you stare at him for too long - but what he’s capable of in the studio is set in stone. Sonically entrancing, extraordinarily immature, chaotic, unstructured - not an ideal Kanye album, but a glorious Kanye compilation. 7/10 Expand
  63. Sep 3, 2021
    Amazing! What a come back for Kanye West. The beats are amazing, the features are great, and Kanye raps some genius bars. Thank you Kanye for the amazing album. Album of the year.
  64. Sep 3, 2021
    Good music. 2nd greatest album in the Ye discography. The bookend and final chapter of rap and trap replacing pop. My bet is Ye will make experimental operas, or Yeppenings, next
  65. Sep 3, 2021
    I genuinely enjoy most of the album. There some songs that rub me wrong e.g. 24 but it's also long and I appreciate from Mr West.
  66. Sep 3, 2021
    Fresh, good, perfect and Great. Kanye God
    All songs are good. Kanye returns like a Goat
  67. Sep 3, 2021
    I only like 2 songs I think it's weird style but it's kanye style the album is not commercial songs
  68. Sep 3, 2021
    everything is perfect about this album apart from one or two parts, but nothing substantial to lower rating.
  69. Sep 3, 2021
    esse álbum é de outro mundo elevadíssimo nos conceitos de qualidade, críticos brancos jamais entenderiam a genialidade disso aqui.
  70. Sep 3, 2021
    I am disappointed with this album. it is repetitive and boring. I expected better.
  71. Sep 3, 2021
    An album full of incredible highs and the lowest of lows. Donda is excruciatingly long due to needless filer and lacks the structure of previous releases
  72. Sep 3, 2021
    This guy keeps outdoing himself and it goes over a lot of heads, whether it's because of the hate they have for him or inferiority complex I can never tell you.
    This guy leaves every inch/ iota of himself in the studio every damn time. I can't help but imagine how drained he must be after delivering a mammoth of an album. He is simply the greatest living artist of our time. With work that
    This guy keeps outdoing himself and it goes over a lot of heads, whether it's because of the hate they have for him or inferiority complex I can never tell you.
    This guy leaves every inch/ iota of himself in the studio every damn time. I can't help but imagine how drained he must be after delivering a mammoth of an album. He is simply the greatest living artist of our time. With work that not only stands the test of time but also gets better with time, for our simple minds.
    Much respect to him.
    I appreciate what he has done for us. I promise to bump all his projects with the deserved appreciation and respect till the end of my time on this earth.
    You deserve all the flowers sir.
    GOD bless you.
  73. Sep 3, 2021
    AMAZING MUSIC. Kanye is the GOAT! This album is literal experience on so many levels. You cry, you jam out and you fell euphoric. The production on this project is literally more that amazing and is insanely unmatched by any other artist. I think this could be one of Ye’s best work. Kanye is a genius with suck amazing talent, making music that literally alters every single emotion in aAMAZING MUSIC. Kanye is the GOAT! This album is literal experience on so many levels. You cry, you jam out and you fell euphoric. The production on this project is literally more that amazing and is insanely unmatched by any other artist. I think this could be one of Ye’s best work. Kanye is a genius with suck amazing talent, making music that literally alters every single emotion in a person. This is also a beautiful tribute to his mother!! Expand
  74. Sep 3, 2021
    It became my soul album. It's a masterpiece!
    Songs are pretty good, track list is well-designed.
  75. Sep 3, 2021
    Extreme mids. Kanye and religion is the worst thing since eminem and politics. Donda
  76. Sep 3, 2021
    I enjoyed this album. I like Kanye west. I enjoy most of his music. I still think the college dropout is his best album. I like that he takes a lot of chances on Donda and he doesn’t care if the audience gets it or not. I truly believe he wants the audience to understand him and get something out of his art but if they don’t he’s not losing sleep over it. He’s an artist, usuallyI enjoyed this album. I like Kanye west. I enjoy most of his music. I still think the college dropout is his best album. I like that he takes a lot of chances on Donda and he doesn’t care if the audience gets it or not. I truly believe he wants the audience to understand him and get something out of his art but if they don’t he’s not losing sleep over it. He’s an artist, usually misunderstood, but never shies away from chances to express his vision. The sound is all over the place in a good way. Each track is it’s own journey but somehow they all flow together in some wandering traveler eclectic way. It’s a little long but mostly worth it. 8/10 Expand
  77. Sep 3, 2021
    This was my first Kanye rollout. Even if the mixing is not perfect, I can workout to like 7 songs on the album, other 7 I can cry to, and the rest I can vibe to. All songs I don't like is junya, tell the vision, and donda chant.
  78. Sep 3, 2021
    Really good album, loved most of the tracks! Just wished that Kanye didn’t censor the swear words.
  79. Sep 3, 2021
    Album far short of the artist that Kanye West proved to be. Definitely sometimes I think this is just a passing outburst and that soon he will be aware of making good music again.
  80. Sep 3, 2021
    a very good album, honestly if it was worth the wait, for me it is the album of the year, very good songs and good collaborations
  81. Sep 3, 2021
    Regardless of the controversial and grievously chosen features(you already know who i mean) it still offers nothing. It reaches for meaning and falls flat. Even the best song "jail" feels bogged down and under done. It feels like an overthought effort dependent on hype. Post J.I.K kanye hasn't recovered the groundbreaking talent of his peak performances. A disappointing release thatRegardless of the controversial and grievously chosen features(you already know who i mean) it still offers nothing. It reaches for meaning and falls flat. Even the best song "jail" feels bogged down and under done. It feels like an overthought effort dependent on hype. Post J.I.K kanye hasn't recovered the groundbreaking talent of his peak performances. A disappointing release that would've benefited from time Expand
  82. Sep 3, 2021
    Every song was different. I never felt bored listening to this project. The verses and features were amazing and the symbolism/messages were insane.. if i could rate it 100/10 i would do so.
  83. Sep 3, 2021
    Few songs are gems but not because of kanye but because of the features, don't know what kanye brings to the album. Other artists carried the load for him.
  84. Sep 3, 2021
    Possibly one off his best albums maybe top 3 for me
    The level of production and the creativity is so amazing and the vibes are so great
  85. Sep 3, 2021
    Just a ton of tired songs with not a ton of variety literally one of his worst albums.
  86. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Loved it.. i just think it some songs were too long, other than that production was awesome.. features awesome. Better than Jesus is King Expand
  87. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I just read listened as if the album was for my mother too, I was moved,I'm from another country, you know? I'm from Brazil and well the kanye here is an influence, the music around here can change but at the moment I believe this album won me over Expand
  88. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I like it. What you want me to tell you. Also I tough this would never come out Expand
  89. Sep 3, 2021
    High quality is the first thing that comes to mind after listening to this album. It may seem lengthy on paper but the production and deep verses keeps the duration out of mind. Even as a non religious person this album still touched me. 9/10
  90. Sep 3, 2021
    27 songs and not a single hit. It sounds like an almost 2 hr long excuse made into an album
  91. Sep 3, 2021
    A bloated mess like the man himself. There was a time where Kanye couldn't miss, but you're lucky if you find 20 good minutes in this 108 minute slog of a release. Sometimes less is more, and these days we could stand to have less Kanye.
  92. Sep 3, 2021
    West continues to innovate music.
    The ablums and absolute roller coaster and i still dont get how he managed to input the religious perspective of it.
  93. Sep 3, 2021
    Kanye said that universal released this album without his approval, and sure enough it does sound incomplete and no where near as good as his earlier projects.
  94. Sep 3, 2021
    Disgusting excuse of a Kanye album. So much wasted potential with donda. Kanye’s rapping falls short nearly everywhere except barely getting by with “off the grid”. Every beat sounded/felt the same, Kanye usually samples well however here he barely did, he stuck to the same snare pattern on the majority of the songs. I’m actually offended by the way donda turned out. With all the hype thisDisgusting excuse of a Kanye album. So much wasted potential with donda. Kanye’s rapping falls short nearly everywhere except barely getting by with “off the grid”. Every beat sounded/felt the same, Kanye usually samples well however here he barely did, he stuck to the same snare pattern on the majority of the songs. I’m actually offended by the way donda turned out. With all the hype this album should’ve been able to captivate better sounds and emotions. The closest to this being parts of “hurricane” and “off the grid”. The album also lacks a cohesive them save some religion. However Kanye already did this and did it better on his “Jesus is king” album. 1/10 because it’s an absolute disaster, Kanye should probably stick to producing Travis Scott songs and others alike. He never reigned king over his ability to rap anyways. Other C tier rappers could put rap him especially with what we just saw on donda. Expand
  95. Sep 3, 2021
    Give it some years until people understand this piece of art which is way ahead of their tiny tiny minds.
  96. Sep 3, 2021
    Obra emocionante e genial que está sendo claramente boicotada pela crítica "especializada"
  97. Sep 3, 2021
    Not just music it is an experience. It's what Jesus is King should have been.
  98. Sep 3, 2021
    Another incredibly strong album from Kanye, his most personal yet, very heavy in places but worth investing the time
  99. Sep 3, 2021
    Masterpiece. Different from what we are used to ear. The album is a trip from the first to the last song.
  100. Sep 3, 2021
    Great album, more than I could have dreamed of. So many nice features ass week. Love Hurricane, Jonah, Believe what I say, 24, Moon, Keep my Spirit Alive, No Child Left Behind, but there's a lot of gems on this one. Ye's the true GOAT

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Sep 3, 2021
    Though this isn’t a complete comeback, frustrated Kanye fans certainly have more grounds for optimism after this record than they did before it.
  2. Sep 2, 2021
    Donda isn't without its highlights, but taken as a whole, it's both confused and confusing.
  3. Sep 2, 2021
    There are times where Kanye recaptures the magic of his golden years. ... But there just isn’t enough good here to look past the flaws. The final result is a collection of songs with little binding energy other than a vague Gospel through line, which runs across the tracklist — chaotic like The Life Of Pablo but devoid of the magic.