• Record Label: Polydor
  • Release Date: Aug 7, 2020
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 69 out of 81
  2. Negative: 2 out of 81
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  1. Aug 7, 2020
    GA has managed to create a record that sounds simultaneously incredibly new and quintessentially them at the same time. Rarely is a 3rd record my favourite (F + The Machine How Big... is the only other I can summon currently) but this may be their magnum opus. Great job boys :)
  2. Aug 7, 2020
    they never disappointed me,no matter what their music style/genre is,dave can always find a perspective to finish his whole production, genius,so special.
  3. Aug 7, 2020
    The style of this band is unmatched. From their first album to this one, they have constantly pushed the norm and looked to push the envelope. Dave is the man!!!
  4. Aug 7, 2020
    The only men who don’t let me down have done it again. The vibes are immaculate
  5. Aug 8, 2020
    never done before, totally unique, breathtaking, showstopping, incredible & amazing.
  6. Aug 14, 2020
    this might just be my new favorite glass animals album... the way the tension is built up in the second half of the album is just... majestic... and how it all is resolved and it comes full circle at the end with helium? im Very here for it
  7. Aug 16, 2020
    It’s semi different from there last two amazing albums but in some ways still got there Glass Animals signature vibes which get me every singe time! Waterfalls coming out your mouth/ space ghost coast to coast top hits in my book. Once again you guys made an album that I can’t get out of my head. I have a suggestion for a single call it BIKINI BOTTOM
  8. Aug 19, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Honestly one of my favorite takes on pop music in awhile. What Dave Bayley managed to do is pretty impressive considering the modern state of music. Props Expand
  9. Jun 27, 2022
    This album is a music producers dream. Production is a 10/10 no question. Lyrics could be improved, but they are perfectly fine how they are. Very fun and great listening experience.
  10. Sep 8, 2020
    There is NOTHING that compares to the way that this album makes me feel. Like I feel like There is something WRONG with me because the feeelings that come from listening to “heat waves” and “hot sugar” make me feel somewhat insane. Like this is what love feels like?!? Anyways, greatest album in the history of the universe.
  11. Jan 20, 2023
    From the feeling of confusion and dreaminess in dreamland to the kafkaesque feeling of falling in and out of love presented in tangerine and your love. To the moments of silence, and the feeling of summer memories makes this a perfect album for me.
  12. Aug 8, 2020
    Excelente album de Glass Animals. De principio a fin cuenta con pasajes, texturas y melodías únicas y diferentes entre si. Es de esos discos que se disfrutan muchísimo con la luz apagada y los ojos cerrados. Realmente un sueño!
  13. Aug 18, 2020
    So good. Filled with beautiful melodies and slappin beats. Such a fantastic listen all the way through
  14. Jan 4, 2022
    'Dreamland' is the theater in which Glass Animals crafted a terrific atmosphere. If Dave Bayley's distorted voice can be quite repelling and monotone as you reach the bottom of the tracklist, the content is definitely here to catch up. It is daring, provocative, poetic, deep and original all along.

    The 'Tokyo Drifting' track featuring Denzel Curry deserves nothing less than a ten out of
    'Dreamland' is the theater in which Glass Animals crafted a terrific atmosphere. If Dave Bayley's distorted voice can be quite repelling and monotone as you reach the bottom of the tracklist, the content is definitely here to catch up. It is daring, provocative, poetic, deep and original all along.

    The 'Tokyo Drifting' track featuring Denzel Curry deserves nothing less than a ten out of ten : both Glass Animals and Denzel are raging on a marvelous firework on here. This particular track showcases the ambitious patterns and structures Glass Animals can produce.

    Interludes are as short as they bring some dynamism to the record that looks more like a huge musical fresco rather than a conventional one. In a word it is more eclectic than the majority of other Pop/Rock contemporary works. They surprisingly managed to make it personal yet highly popular and contagious.
  15. Aug 7, 2020
    A sublime album filled with songs that feel like you're moving through a dream. An immaculate album from Glass Animals, this might be their best work yet.
  16. Oct 28, 2020
    In all honesty I could talk for days about how this album creates a soundscape that both impresses and intrigues. Glass Animals have managed to hone in on their sound without creating an album that feels repetitive, it is distinctively them and I love it.
  17. Jun 7, 2023
    Such a different sound. They really did something that no one else was doing. Their best album and one of my favourites albums of all times. Even though some songs are a bit the same of the other tracks, still remains unique. A huge shout out to Your Love (Deja Vú), Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Waterfalls Coming Out Your Mouth, Tangerine, and of course, Heart Waves.
  18. Aug 8, 2020
    In Glads Animals new album titled “Dreamland” the band was able to deliver on the expectations put on them by fans to live up to their two prior albums. Offering a different feel than “How to be a human being” and “ZABA”; Dave was able to produce a much more intimate and lyrical album. Telling from 1st hand experience rather than others (How to be a human being), “Dreamland” did notIn Glads Animals new album titled “Dreamland” the band was able to deliver on the expectations put on them by fans to live up to their two prior albums. Offering a different feel than “How to be a human being” and “ZABA”; Dave was able to produce a much more intimate and lyrical album. Telling from 1st hand experience rather than others (How to be a human being), “Dreamland” did not disappoint. Simply put, the band continues to impress fans and lead their genre in quality music. Personally, my second favorite album of their, behind “ZABA”. Expand
  19. Dec 11, 2020
    All of the music on this album is a bit samey. A few tracks stick out, but all of it seems quite sanded down, with none of the grit that made their previous two albums great. It is still a good album, but they’ve made better.
  20. Aug 15, 2020
    I initially left a much lower score. I don't really hip hop and my favorite songs by Glass Animals are usually the more psychedelic rock type songs or Poplar Street with its killer guitar riff.

    That said, I like this album a lot. It's impossible for me not to get into their music. I really like Heat Waves, Tangerine and Tokyo Drifting but I don't like the featuring artist Denzel
    I initially left a much lower score. I don't really hip hop and my favorite songs by Glass Animals are usually the more psychedelic rock type songs or Poplar Street with its killer guitar riff.

    That said, I like this album a lot. It's impossible for me not to get into their music. I really like Heat Waves, Tangerine and Tokyo Drifting but I don't like the featuring artist Denzel Washington or something...the hip hop beats are actually pretty cool. Better than most of what I hear on the radio.
  21. Aug 31, 2020
    i loved this album, glass animals have such a unique style. the album's concept is great and many of these songs deal with interesting and/or heavy subjects. unfortunately, it is a little monotonous for a 45 min project.
  22. Aug 7, 2020
    When I initially listened to this album I was expecting my score to be MUCH lower. However it has managed to surpass my rather low expectations (I wasn't keen on the majority of the teasers).

    There are tracks that feel like classic Glass Animals but being taken in a different direction that's been influenced by Dave's recent producing exploits for 'trap' artists (Tangerine). The most
    When I initially listened to this album I was expecting my score to be MUCH lower. However it has managed to surpass my rather low expectations (I wasn't keen on the majority of the teasers).

    There are tracks that feel like classic Glass Animals but being taken in a different direction that's been influenced by Dave's recent producing exploits for 'trap' artists (Tangerine). The most obvious sign of this is the way most of the beats seem to have been created through machine percussion as opposed to a studio drum kit. While this works very well in the case of Tangerine, there is a sense of this becoming a repetitive trait after a few tracks (just a kick drum or two would be fine!)

    That said, the second half of the album is probably better than the first. The songs feel more stripped back, honest and raw. The build on It's All So Incredibly Loud is satisfying while Domestic Bliss feels extremely dreamy (even if the lyrical matter doesn't really fit this kind of vibe).

    Quite a lot of this album feels like it varies between good (above tracks and Your Love) and quite good (Space Ghost, Waterfalls... and Heat Waves). Unfortunately there are still one or two which are far off Glass Animals' best work. Helium does not feel like a coherent song, let alone a strong album closer, as it jars between two different ideas for the same song, a reprise of the album's opener and the home movies that intersperse the album. Melon and the Coconut also feels it could do with a bit more life being put into it; it's just a bit too spaced out.

    Overall, this is probably the weakest album from Glass Animals to date, and I'm still giving it a 7! It shows the band are keen to continue evolving their sound. Even if this does result in a few misses, the majority hit the right spots which many will be able to relate to some points in their lives.
  23. Feb 9, 2022
    A pretty good album, though it can't surpass How to be a Human Being. Whatever the case, Glass Animals are the best animals.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Aug 27, 2020
    Bleak memories are retold here, and at times you really have to stick with Bayley with a sympathetic ear as the album extends to 16 tracks, including childhood interludes. But it’s delivered in an exuberant manner and, despite some very profound lyrics, songs such as singles Heat Waves and Your Love (Déjà Vu) would have had kids dancing at the festivals in the summer sunshine.
  2. Aug 17, 2020
    Despite the amount of effort that appears at the surface, from the several websites to the layered and unique production, Dreamland is a project that’s as momentarily annoying as it is infinitely forgettable.
  3. Aug 11, 2020
    Glass Animals' most cohesive and satisfying album to date, Dreamland is a well-deserved triumph that's as rewarding for fans to hear as it was for the band to make.