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Universal acclaim- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 41
  2. Negative: 3 out of 41
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  1. Feb 2, 2023
    The minimalist jazz inspired production makes this a refreshing experience for anyone who wants to get away from the regular 'trap drum' production. The lyricism here is on point, with plenty of songs and bars that are almost puzzle like in how he wants us to decode them. The album is a short 10 tracks, but it's the perfect amount of time for us to sit with this masterpiece. Easily some ofThe minimalist jazz inspired production makes this a refreshing experience for anyone who wants to get away from the regular 'trap drum' production. The lyricism here is on point, with plenty of songs and bars that are almost puzzle like in how he wants us to decode them. The album is a short 10 tracks, but it's the perfect amount of time for us to sit with this masterpiece. Easily some of Lupe's best work, especially considering the fact it was made in 72 hours, with a $100 USB microphone, using garage band, truly inspiring. Expand
  2. Dec 20, 2022
    amazing sexy beast of an album, huge step-up from stokeley, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  3. Dec 20, 2022
    better than wejhrknfgshngjernhgj.kerrgfergregregergrtgrstgrtgersghsreererger
  4. Sep 16, 2022
    A few tracks either drag on past their natural end point or stop just as they get going, and the laid-back instrumentals slightly dampen the urgent bite of Lupe's ever-socially conscious lyricism, but the free-flowing style of the rapper's pensive yet incisive musings on art, capitalism and American society writ large nevertheless meshes well with the record's loose, jazzy beats andA few tracks either drag on past their natural end point or stop just as they get going, and the laid-back instrumentals slightly dampen the urgent bite of Lupe's ever-socially conscious lyricism, but the free-flowing style of the rapper's pensive yet incisive musings on art, capitalism and American society writ large nevertheless meshes well with the record's loose, jazzy beats and ensures "Drill Music in Zion" ultimately satisfies as a thinking man's rap album.

    Choice Cuts: "GHOTI," "PRECIOUS THINGS [feat. Nayirah]," "KIOSK," "MS. MURAL"
  5. za1
    Sep 8, 2022
    Great album. The fact that Lupe wrote this whole album in 72 hours and was able to bring master lyricism and flows shows him to be an all time great.
  6. Jul 22, 2022
    It’s genuinely impressive that this album was created in under 72 hours. Smooth production, dense lyricism and amazing songwriting combine for one of the best albums of the year so far.
  7. Jul 8, 2022
    In just 72 hours of writing, Lupe managed to perfectly express his anger and sadness on the negative effect of drill music in Chicago and beyond. The relaxed production superbly compliments the clearer and more straight forward verses from Fiasco, something the casual fan may have complained about in his previous, more dense, albums. Whether you're a Harvard graduated Lupe stan or new toIn just 72 hours of writing, Lupe managed to perfectly express his anger and sadness on the negative effect of drill music in Chicago and beyond. The relaxed production superbly compliments the clearer and more straight forward verses from Fiasco, something the casual fan may have complained about in his previous, more dense, albums. Whether you're a Harvard graduated Lupe stan or new to the Chicago emcee, this is a must listen. Expand
  8. Jul 7, 2022
    another great album late in lupe career. cohesive, concise and needed in these times.
  9. Jul 2, 2022
    DMIZ continues Lupe's success with thematic album, this time packed neatly in a ten track 40 minute project.
  10. Jun 30, 2022
    Lupes best work in almost a decade. Masterful lyricism and flow. An absolute pleasure to the ears of any rap fan.
  11. Jun 29, 2022
    Another classic from the man. I was blown away by this project. Lupe constantly shows us that his pen is not from earth.
  12. Jun 28, 2022
    Lupe doing what he does, SPITTING

    I wish it was a bit longer but regardless, great album

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Dec 13, 2022
    On DMIZ the rapper finds a third gem in the post-T&Y crown, building his incisive pen into smaller frameworks -- with stunning consequences.
  2. Jul 7, 2022
    No one song matches the widespread appeal of Lupe’s best work. Still, the overall impression makes up for that lack of dynamism; the understated tracks give his intricate riddles room to breathe and Drill Music in Zion gives Lupe’s humanity and command of language plenty of space to exhale.
  3. Jun 28, 2022
    With nothing to prove, no features or flashy hooks or bells and whistles, it is his most accessible album in seven years.