• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: May 13, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 28
  2. Negative: 4 out of 28
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  1. May 14, 2022
    Classic Black Keys. This album has the same formula as most of their works, but is it a bad thing? Their formula is really good and this album showcases that these two can still write albums full of blues rock bangers. I still think a change of direction would be nice for the duo, as i feel that if they keep this formula for more like, 2-3 albums the music will start to sound uninspired,Classic Black Keys. This album has the same formula as most of their works, but is it a bad thing? Their formula is really good and this album showcases that these two can still write albums full of blues rock bangers. I still think a change of direction would be nice for the duo, as i feel that if they keep this formula for more like, 2-3 albums the music will start to sound uninspired, but this album is great ,a standard on black keys discography, in my opinion. Expand
  2. May 27, 2023
    There's a couple of duds but the album pulls off the formula about 75% of the time

    Notable tracks: 'Baby I'm coming home' and 'It ain't over'
  3. May 13, 2022
    Though the jerky-tough guitar lines, smoky vocals and note-perfect drumming on "Dropout Boogie" still undoubtedly thrill on a moment-to-moment basis, the cracks in the Keys' established`formula are more noticeable here than ever before, with the duo's once-invigorating retro stylings feeling increasingly stale and uninspired with repetition and a fair few tracks sounding like carbon copiesThough the jerky-tough guitar lines, smoky vocals and note-perfect drumming on "Dropout Boogie" still undoubtedly thrill on a moment-to-moment basis, the cracks in the Keys' established`formula are more noticeable here than ever before, with the duo's once-invigorating retro stylings feeling increasingly stale and uninspired with repetition and a fair few tracks sounding like carbon copies of earlier, better tunes.

    Choice Cuts: "Wild Child," "Good Love [feat. Billy Gibbons]," "Happiness"
  4. Jul 4, 2022
    Wild Child! needed to listen more times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Jun 25, 2022
    The Black Keys weakest album to date by far. Almost every track sounds leaden and uninspired. It's predecessor Let's Rock was far superior.
  6. Aug 5, 2022
    I thought I'd give the album a chance to 'grow' on me after repeated listenings but as others have commented, it just sounds dull and pedestrian when compared to their other albums. Here's hoping they can get back on track with the next one.
  7. Aug 1, 2022
    Not sure how much they paid the critics for the good reviews. I love the black keys, but this was their first album that was truly a dud for me. It just doesn’t work.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. May 16, 2022
    Its first side certainly has its moments. ... Unfortunately, there is just as much pedestrian material that stubbornly fails to lodge in the memory.
  2. May 16, 2022
    As the record swiftly spins through these production and melodic hooks, it gives the impression of a jukebox filled with a bunch of excavated gems, and that's not a bad comfort zone for the Black Keys at all.
  3. May 13, 2022
    Dropout Boogie is full of hearty, feel-good songs that make me think of irreverent comedies like The Full Monty or The Commitments or any film featuring ragtag characters trying to get by.