• Record Label: Vagrant
  • Release Date: Jun 27, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 48
  2. Negative: 11 out of 48

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  1. Apr 9, 2016
    Why do all these type of bands try to be overly dramatic? Any substance in the music is drowned out by the soap opera type drama they convey to their listeners. If you start playing this album Don't Wait till it gets good because it won't. There is no Reason To Believe that any part of this can be remotely entertaining. The Stolen time from listening to this will never come back. The musicWhy do all these type of bands try to be overly dramatic? Any substance in the music is drowned out by the soap opera type drama they convey to their listeners. If you start playing this album Don't Wait till it gets good because it won't. There is no Reason To Believe that any part of this can be remotely entertaining. The Stolen time from listening to this will never come back. The music feels So Long, So Long that I felt like the entire thing was one continuous song. Dusk & Summer is one of those albums that just feels long and tired, and on top of that everything is also incredibly annoying. I think this band can produce a good sound if they channel there sound into something that can produce a little more excitement. Then again advice from strangers is probably not a good idea either. The type of music they make is the kind were they no that most people won't like it, so they target people who like music that most people hear as gargled white noise. It is a good way to sell albums, but not the best way to be liked. Expand
  2. max
    Sep 8, 2006
    what did this guy ever do to make people think he has talent? crappy vocals and horrific non songs. rubbish
  3. anna
    Jul 17, 2006
    the album feels contrived. his past album's demo feel is lost and what you're left with is an overpolished studio sound. The lyrics seem as if they were written in a hurry and his ability to write what he feels has been converted in attempt to writing hooks. As far as the collaboration with Duritz, the two sound fine apart but when they sing together it's obvious that the the album feels contrived. his past album's demo feel is lost and what you're left with is an overpolished studio sound. The lyrics seem as if they were written in a hurry and his ability to write what he feels has been converted in attempt to writing hooks. As far as the collaboration with Duritz, the two sound fine apart but when they sing together it's obvious that the voices do not pair well. This album is less of a natural evolution than a studio product with all songs under the 4 minute mark, a perfect fit for the attention span they're marketing to. Expand
  4. WillW
    Jun 27, 2006
    this doesnt even sound like dashboard. with the exception of "dont wait" "the secret's in the telling" "so long, so long" "dusk and summer" and heaven here" the album doesnt even sound like dashboard. and even these songs are a stretch. and i am a huge dashboard fan. i think they've gone away from who they are on this cd and it was not a good risk. by far worst cd yet!
  5. ERod
    Jun 27, 2006
    What happened? When did the voice of teenage angst turn into a carbon copy of baby boomer easy listening? Time flies, and dashboard isn't showing signs of aging well.
  6. MattD.
    Jun 27, 2006
    Whiny and irritating. Even more so than before because of the anthemic musical soundscape.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Blender
    It's at once a distillation of all that drew tweeners to Dashboard... and a messy, multidimensional celebration of romance and regret. [Jul 2006, p.99]
  2. Rolling Stone
    Dusk and Summer can be as ponderous and precious as a Hallmark card, but it succeeds because Carrabba has found music as intense and bittersweet as his deep, deep feelings. [29 Jun 2006, p.68]
  3. They've never sounded so unoriginal. Or, frankly, better.