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Generally favorable reviews- based on 153 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 153
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  1. Sep 3, 2022
    Probably the highest peak Megadeth has reached since Rust. Kiko and Dave provide the best ever double guitar attack of Megadeth history with a ton of intriguing harmonies, riffs, variations and arrangements, while Chris Adler absolutely thrashed his drum kit. A modern, solid, entertaining and diverse album, which shows that Dave is still able to escape his comfort zone and bless his fansProbably the highest peak Megadeth has reached since Rust. Kiko and Dave provide the best ever double guitar attack of Megadeth history with a ton of intriguing harmonies, riffs, variations and arrangements, while Chris Adler absolutely thrashed his drum kit. A modern, solid, entertaining and diverse album, which shows that Dave is still able to escape his comfort zone and bless his fans with high quality, thoroughly compelling thrash metal. Expand
  2. Sep 3, 2022
    This album is like a ride on a roller coaster. Once it starts you can scream and yell with it until it finishes. The quality of both guitars and lyrics are astonishing and it only shows how it overshadows "Hardwired..." of Metallica. Loureiro does an incredible job at mixing dark sounds with melody while soloing, drums in the band are heavier than ever while vocals of Mustaine finallyThis album is like a ride on a roller coaster. Once it starts you can scream and yell with it until it finishes. The quality of both guitars and lyrics are astonishing and it only shows how it overshadows "Hardwired..." of Metallica. Loureiro does an incredible job at mixing dark sounds with melody while soloing, drums in the band are heavier than ever while vocals of Mustaine finally found their sweet spot. The whole album is just pure thrash metal from start to beginning Expand
  3. Aug 22, 2022
    This album is somehow even more pretentious and irredeemable than Beyonce's new album. Imagine stroking your hand through sand and pulling out crap. That's how I feel about.
  4. Mar 23, 2019
    This is the best Megadeth album to come out in quite some time. From start to finish, The band drags you in with hit after hit. It's a great album.
  5. Jul 16, 2018
    Megadeth in it's best form. An album that remember band's best days. Not forgetting amazing cast, such as Kiko Loureiro an Chris Adler.
  6. Jun 6, 2018
    Kiko Loureiro joining Megadeth brought more technically perfect solos with his style of playing and vice versa, Adley did a great job as almost always, the bass line accompanying all the melody, a really good album to enjoy and we don't need to talk about Dave's compositions, wonderful.
  7. Dec 7, 2016
  8. Nov 22, 2016
    Es un Excelente disco megadeth a recuperado el thrash que lo caraterisa con un guitarrista brutal mejor que el Hardwire de metallica todo es genial empezando po r threat is real y la cancion mas floja es the emperor le doy 9.5-10.
  9. Nov 19, 2016
    It's a big step for Megadeth after releasing Super Collider. Chris and Kiko perfectly suit on this album. Personal favourites: Look Who's Talking, Conquer or Die!+Lying in State, Dystopia, The Emperor. The rest of album is good too though. An album sounds really modern and oldschool at the same time.
  10. Nov 11, 2016
    Taken out of context in Megadeth's discography the album certainly is above the average modern trash metal release.

    It has the melodic edge, and some truly catchy riffs, but for somebody looking for something properly game-changing this is not the album. Similar to previous releases the songs are fast and brutal, but lack the quintessential energy that was present back in the 80s and
    Taken out of context in Megadeth's discography the album certainly is above the average modern trash metal release.

    It has the melodic edge, and some truly catchy riffs, but for somebody looking for something properly game-changing this is not the album. Similar to previous releases the songs are fast and brutal, but lack the quintessential energy that was present back in the 80s and 90s. The honesty and bare-boned nature of their older stuff is no longer there, and now they almost sound like a parody of themselves.

    This is something all ageing metal acts have to come to grips with, as not all of them can age as well as say Overkill. Whether or not they should record a new album truly depends on their motives, either they want to earn some more cash under their recognisable name, or they have received divine inspiration that allows them to get in touch with their former, and glorious creative side.

    I think its alright. Sure, its not revolutionary, but tracks like "Conquer or Die" do remind me what these guys are capable of.
  11. Jul 8, 2016
    After the "meh" Th1rt3en and the awful Super Collider, Megadeth returns with their best album since Endgame. Personally, I like this more than Endgame. It's fast, it's brutal, it's technical and the addition of Adler and Loureiro really benefits Mustaine's last work.
    Sadly, politics have never been so prominent in a Megadeth album. Personally, I felt kinda "distracted" by the lyrics. I
    After the "meh" Th1rt3en and the awful Super Collider, Megadeth returns with their best album since Endgame. Personally, I like this more than Endgame. It's fast, it's brutal, it's technical and the addition of Adler and Loureiro really benefits Mustaine's last work.
    Sadly, politics have never been so prominent in a Megadeth album. Personally, I felt kinda "distracted" by the lyrics. I wanted to enjoy the music, and I did, but I was thinking "Oh, come on Dave, seriously? 'Messiah or mass murderer/No controlling who gets through the door'?" and so on.
    Also, the fact that a bunch of songs are available only if you buy the album on iTunes or other services is **** One song? OK, but here we're talking two unreleased original songs and two more cover songs.
    Luckily, these songs are not as good as the rest of the album.
  12. Jun 17, 2016
    The politics may offend, but it's hard to criticize the level of talent displayed in the music itself. You can spend your time whining about Dave Mustaine's "offensive" views or you can grow up, realize that people have different political views, and enjoy some excellent thrash metal. I chose to do the latter.

    It's heavy and aggressive in sound. A strong return to form for the band. The
    The politics may offend, but it's hard to criticize the level of talent displayed in the music itself. You can spend your time whining about Dave Mustaine's "offensive" views or you can grow up, realize that people have different political views, and enjoy some excellent thrash metal. I chose to do the latter.

    It's heavy and aggressive in sound. A strong return to form for the band. The instrumental work is incredible. Solos and riffs are blistering in their ferocity and talent. Mustaine's vocal work is just as fantastic. There's a youthful energy to his voice that blends nicely with seasoned tones of age.

    It's simply an excellent addition to the genre by one it's most notable names. Megadeth doesn't disappoint with their sound. As long as you can get past the lyrics, which should be easy unless you are an easily offended, entitled child who thinks everyone needs to see the political landscape your way, then you should get your hands on this album. It's some of the best thrash metal in recent years and a welcome return to form for Megadeth.

  13. Jun 17, 2016
    A score of 69?! Get the **** outta here, this is Megadeth's best album since 2004's The System Has Failed. What else do you want? Lyrics about the real situation of world, heavy and mind boggling riffs, the addition of mr. Kiko Loureiro was perfect to say the least (he's the second best guitarist in Megadeth), David Ellefson continues to make the bass present and relevant with his amazingA score of 69?! Get the **** outta here, this is Megadeth's best album since 2004's The System Has Failed. What else do you want? Lyrics about the real situation of world, heavy and mind boggling riffs, the addition of mr. Kiko Loureiro was perfect to say the least (he's the second best guitarist in Megadeth), David Ellefson continues to make the bass present and relevant with his amazing tone.
    The downtuning really affected their sound, but in a positive way, they sound (heavier than ever and) much better than in the last album.
    Maybe I'm biased because I was totally not expecting this but the album's a must have if you like metal, and especially if you like Megadeth
  14. Feb 28, 2016
    First three songs are masterpieces. The others aren't this good, but you still listen with pleasure. Mustaine's voice is ok and the guitars are awesome (Kiko Loureiro makes a big difference). Every Megadeth fan should try this record.
  15. Feb 22, 2016
    Megadeth dystopia its great thrash metal results, Mustaine and Kiko(xterrest) the best team! See you in Brazil august 2016, america space sao paulo-sp
  16. Feb 4, 2016
    This album was awesome in my opinion, but it suffered from the cancerous songs that were unfortunately on the album. Some songs just didn't hold their own on the album, especially in the way that Post American World or Poisonous Shadows just dominated. A few of the songs started out epic but then kinda dropped after the intro. Can't rate it any too high, but can't rate it very low either.
  17. Feb 2, 2016
    Great riffs throughout and Dave always seems to be at his best when he's pissed off and railing against the system. Probably the best effort since The World Needs a Hero.
  18. Feb 1, 2016
    Musically, this is Megadeth at its very finest. Aggressive, driven and powerful. Like a cornered beast, Dave Mustaine throws savagery in every direction, lashing out at the media, at US politics, at the thought police and at death itself... And with so many wild swings, the songwriting does miss on occasion, but there are enough hits to leave nose-bleeds all over the mosh pits...
    Musically, this is Megadeth at its very finest. Aggressive, driven and powerful. Like a cornered beast, Dave Mustaine throws savagery in every direction, lashing out at the media, at US politics, at the thought police and at death itself... And with so many wild swings, the songwriting does miss on occasion, but there are enough hits to leave nose-bleeds all over the mosh pits...
    Best tracks: Dystopia, Poisonous Shadows, Lying In State
  19. Jan 31, 2016
    The playing on Dystopia is tight, with Adler's drumming being a major improvement over the previous album. Mustaine, as always, shines as a guitarist, as he throws ripping guitar riffs and solos all over the LP; however, it's his other contributions to the album that make Dystopia another generally mediocre Megadeth offering. While I think that Dave's finally coming into his own as aThe playing on Dystopia is tight, with Adler's drumming being a major improvement over the previous album. Mustaine, as always, shines as a guitarist, as he throws ripping guitar riffs and solos all over the LP; however, it's his other contributions to the album that make Dystopia another generally mediocre Megadeth offering. While I think that Dave's finally coming into his own as a singer, I've never appreciated his nasal vocal delivery. Usually Megadeth's greatest hindrance is Mustaine's idiosyncratic whine, but this time, it's the lyrics. Dystopia is peppered with frontman Dave's paranoid conspiracy ramblings, and while one can usually separate the performer from the art, Mustaine stitches his distasteful ideologies into the fabric of the music. I'm also not particularly fond of the production on the record. It's overly compressed and too squeaky clean for thrash metal. I guess that's the style nowadays, but I don't think it's appropriate.
    I would recommend fans of Megadeth (and American conservatism) to give this album a listen, but otherwise, skip it.
  20. Jan 29, 2016
    This is one of those albums where I enjoyed every song on it :) It also got me into Megadeth so there is also that ;) So if you like Thrash Metal or Metal in general, check this album out.
  21. Jan 28, 2016
    Undoubtedly a great album! My personal favorites The Threat Is Real & Fatal Illusion. Although reminiscent of Rust In Piece & Countdown To Extinction sound-wise, a must buy for all die hard Mega fans like ME!
  22. Jan 25, 2016
    Few Megadeth fans rarely dislike a new release, and this one is no different. This album is definitely as good as Endgame, and the critics really made some mistakes with their reviews otherwise the Megadeth community would have a problem with it as well. Megadeth is one of the few thrash bands left that releases great metal regularly.
  23. FIF
    Jan 25, 2016
    Best Megadeth album in years! Pummeling drums driving ferocious riffs and the instantly recognizable Mustaine vocals doing the damn thing!! Not always the best in the lyric department is the only thing keeping it from a 9/10.
  24. Jan 25, 2016
    This is a decent album they have done better but their first album in three years is pretty good of course they could do better but that is the same with many albums. I did enjoy it anyway.
  25. Jan 24, 2016
    I really like this album, it is **** awesome, songs like bullet to the brain or dystopia are really good. Definetily, their best album since Endgame. I recommend it a lot.
  26. Jan 24, 2016
    Now this is truly a well deserved comeback from their previous albums (im looking at you risk and supercollider) but its not as good as Rust in peace or Peace Sells. if your a fan of Metal or even Hard rock this album has the right riffs, lyrics, and melodies you will love
  27. Jan 24, 2016
    After a few listens,I love the whole album.The sound is wicked,reminds me of Endgame.The lyrics are memorable.This album will surely blow your mind.Too bad some critics didn't like the lyrics.Buy it,it's worth the money
  28. Jan 23, 2016
    This new release makes megadeth going to a new horizon, with animals guitar solos. this is definitely the best album that their can made ever. My favorite song is The thread is real.
  29. Jan 22, 2016
    All I can say is WOW! These guys came back with a huge bang, this is definitely one of their best albums ever made. Chris Adler's drumming is just perfect for Megadeth, adding a nice LOG-like heaviness to the songs. My favorites are Dystopia, Fatal Illusion, Bullet To The Brain, Lying In State and most importantly Poisonous Shadows. Poisonous Shadows is the best song of the album in myAll I can say is WOW! These guys came back with a huge bang, this is definitely one of their best albums ever made. Chris Adler's drumming is just perfect for Megadeth, adding a nice LOG-like heaviness to the songs. My favorites are Dystopia, Fatal Illusion, Bullet To The Brain, Lying In State and most importantly Poisonous Shadows. Poisonous Shadows is the best song of the album in my opinion: amazing drumming, sinister vocals and chorus, strong instrumentals and just overall a masterpiece! Expand
  30. Jan 22, 2016
    Incredible album. Every song, even if it doesn't catch you at first, is well written. Each song has great riffs, choruses, harmonies, and the solos are the bomb! Even the worst songs and bonus tracks are better than the best songs off the last 2 albums or even some of the worst songs from the earlier days. Best album since Countdown

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Feb 26, 2016
    While it’s a decent comeback effort Dystopia is nothing close to recent comeback triumphs like last year’s Purple from Baroness, or 2013’s The Next Day from David Bowie, however that doesn’t mean it’s a flop.
  2. Jan 28, 2016
    Dystopia is an absolutely blistering return to the state-of-the-art bombast and refined technicality of past glories like Rust in Peace and Endgame.
  3. Jan 28, 2016
    Interestingly, the tracks that fail to scale the same heights as those mentioned above don't take away from the general value of Dystopia, as there is enough underlying merit to be found.