
Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 20
  2. Negative: 5 out of 20
  1. The set is somewhat of a shambolic affair, wherein kernels of good ideas get blown out, jumbled up or lost in execution.
  2. 40
    Their sixth album is shambling and empty, spiked infrequently with a good bassline or an almost-good chorus, and even the jokes founder on the band’s contempt.
  3. Their sixth album (and the first on their own label) is their most self-assured set yet, veering from sparkling glam to funky New Orleans boogie by way of early Nineties shoegazing.
  4. Too often, Earth sounds like the Dandys have too many toys — or maybe too many ideas.
  5. Their smug posturing makes the Dandy Warhols a difficult act to like, but the sheer quality of their songcraft on Earth goes a long way toward earning them a measure of goodwill.
  6. 50
    Singer-guitarist Courtney Taylor-Taylor has an undeniable way with a sticky-sweet hook -- too bad most of them are buried in self-indulgent sludge.
  7. They were better as clever corporate whores.
  8. If the lyrics were cleverer, they might work as a critique of vacant rock culture, but instead they come across as the embodiment of what they profess to be sneering at.
  9. Q Magazine
    They may have no defining sound of their own, but they're admirable recyclers. [Oct 2008, p.141]
  10. Mojo
    'Welcome To The Third World' is a likeable pastiche of post-Chic funk, but tiresome country skits and Musee D'Nougart's 15 minutes of ambient fart-around are less welcome. [Oct 2008, p.110]
  11. Uncut
    [They've delivered] a spawling 70-minute opus devoid of drive or inspiration. [Oct 2008, p.83]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 36 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 36
  2. Negative: 12 out of 36
  1. Mar 25, 2016
    When the work was lacking terrible alternative music for Seattle Dandy Warhols stepped to the occasion. This is another clear example of aWhen the work was lacking terrible alternative music for Seattle Dandy Warhols stepped to the occasion. This is another clear example of a group that is not big and the music shows why. Its really hard to get their music because everything is really lacking an sense of originality. The music comes across as either underwhelming or clearly inspired by something else. Some of their music videos are pretty cool, but to me the band always comes across as force mix between Yo La Tengo and Nirvana. That sounds awesome right! Not exactly, the music lack the creativity of Yo La Tengo and the energy of Nirvana. I much rather listen to morning Talk Radio than have this playing in my car. When I first heard this album I thought the Dandy Warhols were a terrible Velvet Underground cover band, but to be honest that is probably the best way of describing them. I know every artists has a bad album once in a while, but honestly it's hard to imagine anyone wanting to continue to listen to them, especially if this was your introduction to them. Full Review »
  2. rob
    Nov 1, 2008
    Much better than the haters would have you believe.
  3. oscarl
    Oct 8, 2008
    I dont get it? critics go on about how good thirteen tales, their "old" stuff is so good, and they bitch about how crap is. sure, it I dont get it? critics go on about how good thirteen tales, their "old" stuff is so good, and they bitch about how crap is. sure, it sounds like they haven't progressed anywhere with the album, but is that such a bad thing? Full Review »