• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Feb 11, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Feb 8, 2022
    While a fun and energetic record, much of the songwriting falls into the somewhat forgettable. Everyone is bringing their A-game, and they're having a blast while doing so, but nothing entirely sticks to the ribs.
  2. 60
    Dismiss this as uninspired “dad rock”, or embrace it as a dad making the music he’d want to hear.
  3. Feb 10, 2022
    Earthling is a grounded, earnest, weird, and sometimes corny album. It’s is a hodgepodge of inspiration, whims, and deep contemplation. It’s also a very uncalculated album – nothing is hidden or shielded in irony or convoluted symbolism. Earthling wears its earnestness on its sleeve and that is an underrated asset.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Jun 10, 2022
    Feels like Eddie tries to move forward, that's great.
    But as for me, the album seems too eclectic.
  2. Apr 8, 2022
    I hear Don Henley, Paul McCartney, U2, Tom Petty. I hear the very definition of Dad rock. Not much that has the energy, anger,I hear Don Henley, Paul McCartney, U2, Tom Petty. I hear the very definition of Dad rock. Not much that has the energy, anger, vulnerability or creativity of Eddie Vedder's best. Maybe it's just a bad album - or maybe it's finally time to retire. At this rate, he'll be playing the casino circuit before long. Full Review »
  3. Mar 8, 2022
    Appropriately soaring and bombastic musically to complement Vedder's frequently sky/stargazing lyrics, "Earthling" still can't hold a candleAppropriately soaring and bombastic musically to complement Vedder's frequently sky/stargazing lyrics, "Earthling" still can't hold a candle to the Pearl Jam frontman's best work with his main group but is certainly his most accomplished solo effort to date, with reliably powerful vocals, solid songwriting and an intriguing alt-glam sonic profile all adding up to form a strong, enjoyable listen. Full Review »