• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Nov 17, 2009

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. There's nary an ounce of diva in Lewis, she seems to enjoy singing for the sake of it, which helps her out on an album like Echo, where the melodies are elliptical, not catchy, designed to showcase range, not to stick in the head or evoke emotion.
  2. Taking its title a bit too literally, the album sticks to the winning formula that made “Spirit’’ a runaway success. Problem is, we already know these sides of Lewis’s talent.
  3. It's a far bolder and more convincing album than her first, and suggests Lewis might be able to pull off an even bigger and more unexpected triumph than winning "X-Factor" and scoring an international hit.
  4. Vocal heroism is Ms. Lewis’s game, and she plays it ruthlessly, with an unselfconscious gusto evocative of classic Whitney Houston or Celine Dion.
  5. As haunting as Lewis' ballads are, perhaps fewer of them would do her some good.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 45
  2. Negative: 3 out of 45
  1. Jan 4, 2011
    Great ablum but not close to SPIRIT!!! Spirit is the best album ever made even better than Thriller from Michael Jackson!!!!!My Hands isGreat ablum but not close to SPIRIT!!! Spirit is the best album ever made even better than Thriller from Michael Jackson!!!!!My Hands is definitely my favourite!!! Full Review »
  2. Mar 19, 2021
    The best Leona's album by far. Happy, Outta my Hand, My Hands and the cover of Oasis song are the best songs. Leona's voice is pure magic withThe best Leona's album by far. Happy, Outta my Hand, My Hands and the cover of Oasis song are the best songs. Leona's voice is pure magic with a gorgeous range. Infant understand how critics scored that with 59 points! Full Review »
  3. Jun 14, 2017
    Simply the best album of Leona's carreer. This record is full of pop-rock tracks like "Naked" and "Love Letter". A Britney Spears' kinda songSimply the best album of Leona's carreer. This record is full of pop-rock tracks like "Naked" and "Love Letter". A Britney Spears' kinda song like "Outta My Head", overrated ballads like "Happy", "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" and "Broken", and dispensable tracks like "Lost and Found". Leona shows here the most amazing vocals of her discography. The best track of the album is "Can't Breathe", a R&B song that shows her versatility while singing. She shown that she can sing all music genres without giving us a "frankenstein" album. Overral, ECHO is such a mature and consistent record. Full Review »