
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jul 18, 2019
    Generally, Egoli bends toward joyous exuberance, music that sustains itself through its spontaneity and its open heart. The immediacy makes Egoli an instantly inviting listen but it's the camaraderie that makes it a nourishing one.
  2. Jul 12, 2019
    Given the number and variety of artists appearing on EGOLI it could have been easy for it to feel uneven, but it flows brilliantly and should be hailed as a significant achievement.
  3. 80
    EGOLI is a scattershot and hedonistic diary of the collective’s week-long recording sessions, and each song offers an insight into the vibrant sounds of Johannesburg and the city’s unique twist on house, folk, jazz and beyond. Community and collaboration are a powerful force on this album.
  4. Q Magazine
    Jul 10, 2019
    The projects most diverse and entertaining recording so far. [Aug 2019, p.109]
  5. Jul 15, 2019
    Egoli is a party album almost end to end, an update on Buraka Som Sistema’s Angolan-Portuguese rave dynamics and more like a Gorillaz record than anything you might normally file under “world music”.
  6. Uncut
    Jul 10, 2019
    18 tracks--and stylistically it's disparate, but that's the point. It's a one-time postcard. An advert for uninhibited experimentation. [Aug 2019, p.25]

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