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Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
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  1. Jun 20, 2020
    Great album still would like some heavy up tempo rock , the guy is so smooth.
  2. Feb 28, 2020
    Marcus king is an absolute virtuoso on guitar. Unfortunately he seems to have arrived at the opinion that watering down his music and making it more appealing for mass consumption is the way to go. His last two albums have been a little too generic and boring for my taste. MKB's self titled 2016 album was incredible - raw, creative, featuring high levels of musicianship. His recent effortsMarcus king is an absolute virtuoso on guitar. Unfortunately he seems to have arrived at the opinion that watering down his music and making it more appealing for mass consumption is the way to go. His last two albums have been a little too generic and boring for my taste. MKB's self titled 2016 album was incredible - raw, creative, featuring high levels of musicianship. His recent efforts are extremely well produced and polished, and very bland. Nothing new or exciting to see here. I bet he made more money from them though, so I guess there's that. I was expecting big things from this kid a few years ago. :( Expand
  3. Jan 27, 2020
    This is a response to DKStrohl. I can agree about generic, blue eyed soul blandness in most of today's iterations of blues, but, I think Dan Aurbach's production takes these El Dorado's songs up several notches. Why does music like this still get made? Well, because it hits a sweet spot for those who want fresh, new songs in a genre of music that is classic, but still well loved. ThisThis is a response to DKStrohl. I can agree about generic, blue eyed soul blandness in most of today's iterations of blues, but, I think Dan Aurbach's production takes these El Dorado's songs up several notches. Why does music like this still get made? Well, because it hits a sweet spot for those who want fresh, new songs in a genre of music that is classic, but still well loved. This album has touches of country, rock and soul. The songs are catchy and go down like lemonade. People always ask, why don't they make music like they use to? This album seems to strike that chord. For me, the standout songs are soul-inflected Wildflowers & Wine and One Day She's Here. Good voice and guitar. Expand
  4. Jan 23, 2020
    Lets get the positives out of the way first, Marcus King can play the guitar well, his voice can hit notes cleanly and accurately. His songs are..fine, I guess? The album is well constructed, produced, arranged, etc.

    WHY? Why is this record being made? There is nothing new or exciting on here. Nothing that hasn't been done better by countless acts. Marcus King's voice is the kind of
    Lets get the positives out of the way first, Marcus King can play the guitar well, his voice can hit notes cleanly and accurately. His songs are..fine, I guess? The album is well constructed, produced, arranged, etc.

    WHY? Why is this record being made? There is nothing new or exciting on here. Nothing that hasn't been done better by countless acts. Marcus King's voice is the kind of generic, blue eyed soul blandness that we have been hearing since the Doobie Brothers, and McDonald does it better. The blues is a dead genre, at this point it's nothing but cover acts. Nothing interesting has been happening here since SVR. Hell, jazz was invented because musicians in the early 20th century - over 100 years ago! - got bored with blues. Just put on the Allmans, SVR, early Clapton, or countless others who have explored this same ground 50 years ago.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Mar 5, 2020
    his songwriting and vocal performances give a picture of the coming of an important voice in the genre. Certainly one to watch.
  2. Jan 29, 2020
    El Dorado might not boast enough shredding for King's usual audience, but if their interest in roots music goes beyond barroom blues into vintage soul, they should find plenty to enjoy here, and he's a more capable vocalist than some would expect, making this worth a spin for listeners who enjoy modern-day soul.
  3. Jan 29, 2020
    Despite the glaring transition on El Dorado, there's no identity crisis to be found — King is just as commanding as a crooner as he is with his guitar wailing through a cranked-up amplifier. It's unclear where King will go next, or how much of Auerbach's influence directed the sound of El Dorado, but King certainly has the versatility to make any shift worth listening to.