• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Nov 2, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 99 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 61 out of 99
  2. Negative: 18 out of 99

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  1. Jan 4, 2013
    this album isn't for everybody; but if your open minded there's some enjoyable tracks. passive, imagine, lets have a war, and on a good day, counting bodies.
  2. j30
    Sep 22, 2011
    APC have taken a few steps back with releasing this (mainly covers) record. It has some good covers, but I'd much rather listen to the originals over most of this cover stuff. The best songs on the record comes from their originals 'Passive' and 'Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums'. But surprisingly, 'Imagine' (John Lennon cover), is a haunting take on Lennon's classic tune.
  3. PeterB
    Dec 24, 2005
    I wish people would stop referring to Tool when reviewing APC music. They are DIFFERENT bands for crying out loud. Furthermore, if you bought Emotive without realising it's an album of covers, then you are not worthy of being able to vote in this forum!
  4. Shays
    Aug 20, 2005
    This album is a tad dissapointing to APC and tool fans. Although Passive and Imagine are two of the most moving songs done by this and other artists, the rest turns out to be sluggish remakes of old overdone anti-war songs. Nothing against the original writers, but I stopped listening to this album when i heard how they butchered the great "When the Levee Breaks".
  5. V.Z.
    Dec 7, 2004
    It doesn't compare to each of the APC albums (13th step is my favorite). The songs they chose don't seem to fit to them properly, the band tried to do them their style, but style isn't enough. In the process, many songs have lost some of their essence. Still, there are some good tracks on it. It's still a pleasant listen. And the new version of their own song "Counting It doesn't compare to each of the APC albums (13th step is my favorite). The songs they chose don't seem to fit to them properly, the band tried to do them their style, but style isn't enough. In the process, many songs have lost some of their essence. Still, there are some good tracks on it. It's still a pleasant listen. And the new version of their own song "Counting Bodies Like Sheep In The Rhythm Of The War Drums" is amazing. Expand
  6. NathanD
    Nov 24, 2004
    i like many other people who rated this album am a huge A.P.C. and Tool fan. But I also like many of you was extremely dissapointed. this is by far maynards weakest release ever. i love maynard for his unique genius, and i buy tool/apc albums because of his lyrical and musical insight, not for that of other artists. yes the reworking of the tracks was well done...so what. any other artist i like many other people who rated this album am a huge A.P.C. and Tool fan. But I also like many of you was extremely dissapointed. this is by far maynards weakest release ever. i love maynard for his unique genius, and i buy tool/apc albums because of his lyrical and musical insight, not for that of other artists. yes the reworking of the tracks was well done...so what. any other artist could have done that. maynard has set the bar so high for himself with all his previous work that anything that is short of extraordinary is a let down only because you know what he is capable of. he would have been much better off if he would have sat down and crafted his own origional songs about peace, war, greed and love, im positive it would have been more successful than this album. i only pray he finds HIMSELF again in Tool's upcoming album. Expand
  7. kirilm
    Nov 23, 2004
    maynard please tell us, what in the tool's name have happened to you, man...
  8. Bort
    Nov 18, 2004
    Being a huge APC fan, and seeing Maynard first transition his ideas and innovation from Tool to APC with Mer de Noms and then see APC truly mature through 13th step, Emotive was a real letdown. It lacks originality .. come on, it was put out within 1 year of 13th step and is almost totally covers. The only non-cover, Passive, is the only song I think deserves much credit on the album, and Being a huge APC fan, and seeing Maynard first transition his ideas and innovation from Tool to APC with Mer de Noms and then see APC truly mature through 13th step, Emotive was a real letdown. It lacks originality .. come on, it was put out within 1 year of 13th step and is almost totally covers. The only non-cover, Passive, is the only song I think deserves much credit on the album, and is the only song I immediately picked out as deserving some credit. Yeah, yeah, the message and overall tone of the album are deep and full of emotion, but bottom line is that Maynard is one of the most innovative artists of modern music and should not have to rely on remaking already "infamous" songs, like Imagine, into boring remixes. I mean, look what happened in "Counting bodies...", he took a really original powerful song that he made in 13th step and made it complete crap. I've listened to this album over and over again, and I just can't appreciate its lack of originality. Save the $15, and Maynard .. please do what you do best and put out something original. Expand
  9. RichardH
    Nov 5, 2004
    A little boring...

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Uncut
    Unexpectedly impressive. [Dec 2004, p.138]
  2. Emotive falls flat and fails to raise the bar set so high by the quality of their previous two releases.
  3. Mojo
    One of the most bizarre covers albums ever. [Dec 2004, p.102]