• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 29, 2021
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Mixed or average reviews- based on 273 Ratings

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  1. May 22, 2023
    grotesco, achei triste esse álbum não tem nenhum tipo de tempero, completamente insosso
  2. May 21, 2023
    Sabemos que esse é o estilo do Ed mas convenhamos, já saturou. A essa altura toda música dele soa com alguma já feita antes. Está precisando se arriscar e se reinventar
  3. May 8, 2023
    This is Ed Sheeran at the most uninspired or most dissatisfying point of his career. He hit his peak long ago, and now all his music is as personal as if a toddler wrote ballads about toys. 'Equals' stands out for all the wrong reasons as the bargain bin album of 2021.
  4. Mar 30, 2023
    how is this possible that his music is getting worse and worse, like it’s soo bad!
  5. Aug 7, 2022
    Una porquería, musica pop basica hecha para ser escuchada en la radio y nada mas
  6. May 10, 2022
    It's AOTY: Abortion Of The Year and I don't even need to hear it in full to come to this conclusion
  7. Jan 6, 2022
    Instrumentally, it sounds not only outdated and awfully outside of Ed’s brand, but it’s also embarrassingly empty and kitsch. On =, Ed tries to open up about his recent experiences, mainly about his family life and big ego. Sadly, it doesn’t work out for him at the end. Before, it used to be cute and magical, but now it’s just tragical.
  8. Nov 19, 2021
    After this album I stop listening to Ed, it's okay to maintain his music style. But this one?

    like pitchfork said, He’s settled into the comfort zone of songs that will haunt weddings for years to come. Kinda disappointed.
  9. Nov 19, 2021
    This is horrible, amen doubts is ed's worst album From Ed. It's a mess, the singles are pretty generic and work, but the album itself, discards
  10. Nov 15, 2021
    I honestly don't have much to say... only this: Ed Sheeran = Below average
    Why did i even bother??? It was not like i was expecting anything...
  11. Nov 11, 2021
    why is he still doing this? it's not that his old music is bad, it just that it was never something that needed to be replicated, and yet here it is. for the third time.
  12. Nov 9, 2021
    One of the worst albums ever! Don't listen
  13. Nov 8, 2021
    It's a wonder Sheeran has reached the heights he has when he puts out dull, pedestrian 'music' like this.

    As someone else remarked, he makes music for people that don't like {or at least appreciate} music.
  14. Nov 6, 2021
    Same old sound, nothing new. Skipped all songs and removed them from my playlist. Yuck sums this grabage up
  15. Nov 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is boring like ed personality nothing new he just repeats himself Expand
  16. Nov 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Bad, always the same sounds and style. He should taste new generes and give better music Expand
  17. Nov 3, 2021
    Music for grocery stores. This album is bland to the point of offensiveness. If you like this, then you you don't like music.
  18. Nov 2, 2021
    Me decepcionó por completo, jamás creí que tenían razón sobre ed Sheeran y su carrera. Otro álbum monótono y aburrido.
  19. Nov 2, 2021
    Lo siento pero este se convierte en otro álbum monótono... no trae nada novedoso. Bad habits tiene un sonido básico y es sobrevalorado.
  20. Nov 2, 2021
    bland songs, mathematically made for the charts with no flavor at all, just boring and no worth a full listen
  21. Nov 2, 2021
    Unlike his previous albums, Equals (=) seems inauthentic and made solely for the charts. The songs are so generic and boring and lack an emotional appeal.
  22. Nov 2, 2021
    Absolute garbage................................................................
  23. Nov 2, 2021
    Um álbum lixo de um homem lixo. julio do cocoricó continua lançando bombas nucleares e cadê as pessoas atacando ele? vergonha da humanidade
  24. Nov 2, 2021
    Infelizmente, mais do mesmo. O Ed parece que não consegue evoluir musicalmente. Enquanto artistas femininas são versáteis o tempo inteiro ele continua enfadonho.
  25. Nov 1, 2021
    Chart-obsessed drab. Probably the most basic, lazy music you can make. His fan-base has grown up, but he isn’t maturing with them.
  26. Oct 31, 2021
    His worst album ever. I’m so disappointed and mad about this. Everything sounds worse than his other albums and you can tell he doesn’t care anymore
  27. Oct 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ed Sheeran carefully constructed yet another album , this time his target is tiktok hits. But he is so blatant about it that the dishonesty is pouring out of it. Even a child can tell you this album doesn't have the "it" that makes us love music. Expand
  28. Oct 31, 2021
    very bad album.
    My expectations were very low but I was still disappointed. The lyrics and the instrumental are very empty
  29. Oct 31, 2021
    Bland, Tasteless but what can you expect from a white guy that has never done anything other than generic songs over and over again. He makes one good song as a single and then just makes the rest so bland.
  30. Oct 31, 2021
    Underwhelming album. The past 2 albums have been such a letdown after the fantastic 'divide' album.
  31. Oct 30, 2021
    Basic mainstream pop not worthy to listen. I wish he goes back to singing beautiful ballads
  32. Oct 30, 2021
    The best that can be said about Equals is that it is inoffensive. Absolutely nothing on the album is memorable or bears a second listen. Dreadful.
  33. Oct 30, 2021
    his music is not special anymore, he is playing for the charts and trying to make hit songs
  34. Oct 30, 2021
    Bland, unoriginal, and uninspired. Ed seems more interested in trying to make the most palatable, least common denominator, safe music that can do well on the charts than actually making music with artistic flare, personality, and uniqueness. His music has never been anything good, but at least albums like + had the personality of a small-town "bring home to your mom" guy at a party with aBland, unoriginal, and uninspired. Ed seems more interested in trying to make the most palatable, least common denominator, safe music that can do well on the charts than actually making music with artistic flare, personality, and uniqueness. His music has never been anything good, but at least albums like + had the personality of a small-town "bring home to your mom" guy at a party with a guitar charm with it. This is just a facade or perhaps parody of that personality, therefore stripping it of authenticity. I've seen interviews with Ed, and he speaks more about the success he desires and comparing himself to the success of artists like Elton John, Dua Lipa, and Adele rather than the music itself. I'm not surprised in how terrible and superficial this album is in the least. I just hope something traumatic happens to Ed so he may dig out some vulnerability to make his music at least somewhat genuine. Expand
  35. Oct 30, 2021
    totalmente sem graça, esses últimos lançamentos dele estão ficando pior com o tempo.
  36. Oct 30, 2021
    Honestly this is the worst album of the year in my opinion. Very generic, awful vocals. Meh.
  37. Oct 30, 2021
    Equals is remarkable only in that is sets a new standard for musical blandness. Totally forgettable from beginning to end.
  38. Oct 30, 2021
    Com melodias e letras que beiram ao tédio, o "artista" Ed Sheeran entrega mais um trabalho medíocre digno de pena.
    Os 5 fãs; que já não esperavam muito, considerando seu histórico; terão que fingir muito.
  39. Oct 30, 2021
    The album has 2 or 3 songs that are the best, yet the whole project in general has not shown sound and musical evolution compared to the previous Ed Sheeran albums like '+' and '÷', which have something in common: a basic production with generic sounds that we had already heard from previous projects by other artists, something that I think Ed tried to imitate, but this time the formulaThe album has 2 or 3 songs that are the best, yet the whole project in general has not shown sound and musical evolution compared to the previous Ed Sheeran albums like '+' and '÷', which have something in common: a basic production with generic sounds that we had already heard from previous projects by other artists, something that I think Ed tried to imitate, but this time the formula did not work for him, it is a completely mediocre album. Expand
  40. Oct 29, 2021
    Ed Sheeran has four albums, but as we can see, the only difference between them is the number. Doesn't he get tired of always making the same album with the same songs?
  41. Oct 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un álbum realmente horrible con sonidos básicos y repetitivos urge retiro para ed pobre moda Expand
  42. Oct 30, 2021
    his music doesn't feel authentic anymore, to be fair there are 1 or 2 tracks that stands out, but overall, i tried my best to enjoy the album but sadly i cant, chart driven album, it doesnt have any appeal, instead of evolving in every era, he devolves tragically.
  43. Oct 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The Only Songs that really catched me were First Times and The Joker And The Queen. The rest kind of is what we always here from Ed. It's simple as always. It's like Divide. At most times I knew were the song was going just from listening the beginning. I really recommend "First Times" and "The Joker And The Queen" but that's it. 2 from 14 tracks. That's not much. And i would't even say these song were superior good. The second half was way more boring than the first. We have songs like "Collide", "2step", "Stop The Rain" and "Love In Slow Motion" which feel the same. The Opener "Tides" didn't got me at all. It had a loud start, had a quiet drop and than it got loud again. Hasn't there been an opening song with a similar concept this year? I think so... The closing track was a real missfit. Didn't really felt like it was over. I didn't really expect something new from Ed because since Bad Habits was the first single I was like, here we go again. Sorry Mr. Sheeran but you have to change your concepts a bit. Like all these female artists, doing it almost every album. Thank U Expand
  44. Oct 30, 2021
    this album have very generic lyric with basic production and very boring!!! he dont know how to make music
  45. Oct 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ed cayó en lo mismo de siempre creo que necesita despertar y renovarse urgentemente Expand
  46. Oct 29, 2021
    Ele nunca vai se reinventar????? Ele faz a mesma música desde o início da carreira medilcre dele haha
  47. Oct 29, 2021
    Acabo de escuchar el Álbum, se Siente la Misma Vibra que Sus Trabajos Anteriores, Lo único rescatable del Álbum Sería Su "Reinvención" en Bad Habits
  48. Oct 29, 2021
    Two or three good/okay songs, the rest is uninteresting. Ed comes back after such a long time and still does the same old thing. Boring and unoriginal. Dude even tried to ride The Weeknd's 80s wave with two or three songs and proved why Abel is superior. There are artists that do what he does but 10x better.
  49. Oct 29, 2021
    I had high hopes for the album after Bad Habits. Nope. Another lazy, boring album from Ed and one decent song (being Bad Habits). Next.
  50. Oct 29, 2021
    es tan malo... no entiendo como le puede gustar a la gente de verdad ed tiene tan poca creativad, flop
  51. Oct 29, 2021
    So +(plus ) is his best that's all i can say this is just ok! Nothing exciting
  52. Oct 29, 2021
    Still the same. Still boring. I couldn't get through the whole record although I tried. Endless clichè
  53. Oct 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ed Sheeran es exitoso, pero no por música que valga la pena gastar dinero o darle stream. Este es uno de los peores álbumes de la ERA mainstream. No transmite nada, letras básicas y más de lo mismo. X y Divide son lo único bueno que tienen aunque ambos también tienen relleno. Simplemente un cantante sobrevalorado y sin chiste. Que te hace pensar menospreciar las actuaciones de los MTV del 2020 para que luego estés con una guitarra y una vestimenta de persona corriente. mejor que se reinvente o cambie de genero y experimente otros temas de que hablar en sus canciones. Expand
  54. Oct 29, 2021
    This is Ed Sheeran on cruise control. He has become the Jimmy Fallon of pop music. Sheeran's shtick is now a well-practiced formula with almost no risk or interesting new ideas. It's just rinse and repeat.
  55. Oct 29, 2021
    This has to be one of the blandest albums ever. There is absolutely nothing special about this album. Vocals? Bland as anything (but listenable). Lyrics? Boring and lacking depth. Production? Mediocre at best. It's just so boring.
  56. Oct 29, 2021
    Ed Sheeran seems to get progressively less interesting and more dumbed down with every album he releases. Feels like an album made for people that don't like music.
  57. Oct 29, 2021
    Not very good, just very exhausting, boring, and old. It doesn’t intrigue me, its just like any other album of his.
  58. Oct 29, 2021
    Another bland album by Ed Sheeran, It's like If It was written by a 5 year old kid.
  59. Oct 29, 2021
    If ed sheeran is anything he is consistent. From his lovable good guy persona that feels very real to the ballads that rule wedding soundtracks. At that he hasn't failed. His songs fall into place predictably and the songs are easily digestible with acoustic guitars sharing 90% of the presence. But with this return to form are the same faults of before .

    His songwriting although direct
    If ed sheeran is anything he is consistent. From his lovable good guy persona that feels very real to the ballads that rule wedding soundtracks. At that he hasn't failed. His songs fall into place predictably and the songs are easily digestible with acoustic guitars sharing 90% of the presence. But with this return to form are the same faults of before .

    His songwriting although direct is terribly clichéd to a point of trolling. The nostalgic "first times" feels like a "+" outtake with better profuction and the unintentionally insincere "visiting hours" does so little with it's themes it might as well be a John Green book. And unfortunately those are the few highlights. The perfectly skippable "love in slow motion " is the "thinking out loud " sequel nobody (apart from his label) asked for.

    I will admit the record did disprove my fears of this being ed sheeran's poor man "After Hours" era after the historically disappointing "Bad Habit".

    "Shivers" is a higlight in a dark room. It has a gripping hook supported by a chorus only Ed could deliver. Also the conclusive "Be Right Now" ties the album together really well.

    This album is in no way a failure,it will definitely dominate charts and satisfy fans,but as one myself who also expects any form of growth in a musician's discography i remain disappointed. The ingenuity of "Don't " or experiments of "Gallway Girl" are forgotten answers to a test that i wish could just be filled in. The opening "Tides" doesn't try to be impressive but tells us as many other times on the record, "that im a father now". Even all his realisations and thoughts feel bored and dated. Is an intriguing moment possible? Not according to the cringefest that is " the joker &the queen" isn't worth describing. Just when you feel it couldn't get worse "sandman" tries to lull a baby to sleep but does so to the listener brave enough not to skip ,instead (based on the childlike xylophones alone ).

    This album arouses the same satisfaction "Lover" provided after the compelling "reputation ",leaving you wondering "umm...wtf ".

    I tried. I really did but you can add all the glitter and roses and gold to a wet pool of warm diahorreah and it will still be a **** . This is form four listens. The record could grow on me but currently i am disappointed. A 10/10 would not ~recommend~ touch with a 10ft pole.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Dec 16, 2021
    If you’re a fan, you’ll still be a fan and if you’re not, you still won’t be.
  2. Nov 4, 2021
    Here, Sheeran's melodies are soft yet insistent, and the production glistens with flair borrowed from younger, hipper artists who mine a similar blend of retro new wave and modern R&B, but he knows how to turn this stylish sound into something cozy and reassuring.
  3. Nov 2, 2021
    He’s settled into the comfort zone of songs that will haunt weddings for years to come, like “2step,” in which he raps about “Two-steppin’ with the woman I love.” Even at his most passionate, Sheeran sounds as threatening as a meringue peak. ... Sheeran’s reliance on clichés is especially unfortunate during the album’s back half, which is where he placed a majority of the songs about death and fatherhood.