• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 29, 2021
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Mixed or average reviews- based on 273 Ratings

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  1. Apr 13, 2022
    Equals is not quite the same as Sheeran's other great albums but it manages to be enjoyable
  2. Mar 30, 2022
    [ ad-mer-uh-buhl ]

    worthy of admiration; inspiring approval, reverence, or affection.
  3. Nov 4, 2021
    The album is good but I don't feel the same essence that Ed gave us with his sounds and lyrics in previous musical works.
  4. Nov 3, 2021
    As a big Ed Sheeran fan I'm quite disappointed, I thought he would return to his original style and that would be a more acoustic folk album. I feel like it's by far his worst album, most of the songs are soulless, and are more of the same poppy songs we are used to. The lyrics of most of the songs are of basic topics (love, his fatherhood) and these are approached in a way too shallow andAs a big Ed Sheeran fan I'm quite disappointed, I thought he would return to his original style and that would be a more acoustic folk album. I feel like it's by far his worst album, most of the songs are soulless, and are more of the same poppy songs we are used to. The lyrics of most of the songs are of basic topics (love, his fatherhood) and these are approached in a way too shallow and superficial tone, most are the lyrics are pure clichés. Most of the artificial sounds are quite generic and overuses typical hooks and chord progressions.
    Nevertheless, most of them are catchy, and sure I'm going to listen to them. I also, like the choirs that he uses in many of them. I would save the first part of the album, "Tides", "Overpass Graffiti" and "First Times" are enjoyable and fresh tracks but the last part of the album it's just terrible.
  5. Nov 3, 2021
    Undeniably well put together and polished to a mirror shine, Sheeran's latest will certainly please diehard fans but sticks so aggressively to the singer's safe, established formula of trite acoustic balladry and anodyne electropop numbers that it's otherwise unlikely to leave much of a lasting impact, with every song present here having already been done far better at least once before.
  6. Nov 2, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Some of the tracks are interesting but i feel that there is something missing, "Bad habits" its ok and totally enjoyable but some tracks are just too basic. It's almost the same thing that happened to his other 2 last albums, they are made to make numbers and have some good tracks on it, but 80% its not good. 4/10 i wasn't expecting a lot but it disappointed me Expand
  7. Nov 2, 2021
    Ed Sheeran has dissolved into his relationship and it is painfully apparent in this album. This is Ed's version of Chance the Rapper's Wedding Day. Uninspired pop songs flank recycled sounding ballads all with as much depth as a shallow puddle. I find it hard to believe the same man who created the amazing variety of music on ÷, created this album. A lot people dislike No.6, but I thinkEd Sheeran has dissolved into his relationship and it is painfully apparent in this album. This is Ed's version of Chance the Rapper's Wedding Day. Uninspired pop songs flank recycled sounding ballads all with as much depth as a shallow puddle. I find it hard to believe the same man who created the amazing variety of music on ÷, created this album. A lot people dislike No.6, but I think it's streets ahead of this album in creativity and execution.

    Ed Sheeran was the first artist I ever saw live and I will never forget the passion he had when on stage. This album is devoid of the passion for sonically pleasing fans and is instead a sappy and, quite frankly, poorly written love letter of exposition to his wife and daughter. Even the "party" songs feel neutered
  8. Nov 2, 2021
    Kinda missed Ed Sheeran here... Although the album has some good moments too.
  9. Nov 1, 2021
    This is a normal album, which almost went wrong. (Sorry) and now my question is... where did the musical evolution go? We reached a fourth album and we kept listening, something similar or the same as in "÷". With nostalgia I can remember songs from that album "x", which filled us with emotion because they were good. Honestly, I really wanted an album with sublime and different lyrics, butThis is a normal album, which almost went wrong. (Sorry) and now my question is... where did the musical evolution go? We reached a fourth album and we kept listening, something similar or the same as in "÷". With nostalgia I can remember songs from that album "x", which filled us with emotion because they were good. Honestly, I really wanted an album with sublime and different lyrics, but with great sadness I say that it is more of the same. Expand
  10. Oct 31, 2021
    Just decent. However, like any Ed Sheeran's album, it contains boring and same/similar patterns of music.
  11. Oct 30, 2021
    Bad Habits y Shivers fueron buenas canciones, pero el resto es tan intrascendente que no vale la pena dedicarle tiempo.
  12. Oct 29, 2021
    Good effort but it still feels lazy from Sheeran, doesn't he want to do better? Maybe he is not able to - after so many bland albums...
  13. Oct 29, 2021
    The beginning of this album got me really excited for a second but it just lacks so much of everything… I like Ed’s music and I really enjoyed the rest of his albums but this is just not it. Personally I only enjoyed “First Times” and “2step” but that’s only two songs out of fourteen. It’s just not interesting and it bores you very easily. “Divide” also had a lot of upbeat songs andThe beginning of this album got me really excited for a second but it just lacks so much of everything… I like Ed’s music and I really enjoyed the rest of his albums but this is just not it. Personally I only enjoyed “First Times” and “2step” but that’s only two songs out of fourteen. It’s just not interesting and it bores you very easily. “Divide” also had a lot of upbeat songs and ballads but they were enjoyable and easy to listen to, and they were different.
    Even songs like “Visiting Hours” that are heartbreaking didn’t make me feel emotional at all. The songs about his daughter are beautiful but could have been left in the drafts cause no one really cares about them… Who wants a song with kids instruments? I’m just being nice and rate it with a 6 but man this was VERY disappointing. I hope he does better next time.
  14. Oct 29, 2021
    Ed Sheeran takes a step away from the soft, acoustic, heart-wrenching and organic-sounding tones that he had previously been known for in his earlier releases.
    The album in many moments, sounds to have very non-creative lyrics;
    “When it was all over, I cleared out the room Grabbed a couple beers, just me and you Then we started talking the way that we do” -Track 3, First Times It sounds
    Ed Sheeran takes a step away from the soft, acoustic, heart-wrenching and organic-sounding tones that he had previously been known for in his earlier releases.
    The album in many moments, sounds to have very non-creative lyrics;
    “When it was all over, I cleared out the room
    Grabbed a couple beers, just me and you
    Then we started talking the way that we do”
    -Track 3, First Times
    It sounds almost lazy, but not quite.
    while there were more emotional pieces like The Joker and the Queen, and Visiting Hours- the rest of the album nearly failed to capture much of any feelings.
    = (Equals) seems to be the leftovers of his previous studio album, ÷ (Divide), which was decent at best.
  15. Oct 29, 2021
    The bar is already set too low. Even in this way, Ed Sheeran's new album cannot reach it.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Dec 16, 2021
    If you’re a fan, you’ll still be a fan and if you’re not, you still won’t be.
  2. Nov 4, 2021
    Here, Sheeran's melodies are soft yet insistent, and the production glistens with flair borrowed from younger, hipper artists who mine a similar blend of retro new wave and modern R&B, but he knows how to turn this stylish sound into something cozy and reassuring.
  3. Nov 2, 2021
    He’s settled into the comfort zone of songs that will haunt weddings for years to come, like “2step,” in which he raps about “Two-steppin’ with the woman I love.” Even at his most passionate, Sheeran sounds as threatening as a meringue peak. ... Sheeran’s reliance on clichés is especially unfortunate during the album’s back half, which is where he placed a majority of the songs about death and fatherhood.