• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 29, 2021
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  1. Oct 30, 2021
    It’s so personal and incredible. He could give us old sounds from + like first times, and such great tunes out of his comfort zone like sandman or stop the rain. Love it, so worth it.
  2. Oct 30, 2021
    It is good album, my early favourites are first times and Tides. It is different from other albums
  3. Oct 29, 2021
    sheeran is really trying to experiment with new sounds, with some interesting results; however the ballads are where he shines most, and the near absence of them on this record isn’t only disappointing but deeply surprising, given the lukewarm reception of his predecessor.
    all that considered, when equals works, it’s a brilliantly produced piece of music.
  4. Oct 30, 2021
    É um album muito bem produzido, gostei que ele saiu um pouco da zona de conforto. Espero que continue inovando.
  5. Oct 29, 2021
    This album is a rollercoaster of emotion and more importantly Ed Sheeran's best album lyrically to date. What does this album does so well is that tells different stories, his worries, hopes and what is his perception of life at the age of 30. I love that Ed has experimented with different kind of sounds throughout the album and not doing what one would expect out of him. There has beenThis album is a rollercoaster of emotion and more importantly Ed Sheeran's best album lyrically to date. What does this album does so well is that tells different stories, his worries, hopes and what is his perception of life at the age of 30. I love that Ed has experimented with different kind of sounds throughout the album and not doing what one would expect out of him. There has been put great deal of detailing into the sound and production of this album but not like in your face, the subtlety of the production fits perfectly with his writing....Also you would have to real dumb if you thought Bad Habits was a weekend rip off coz bad habits has a 4/4 edm beat meaning its literally is pop edm and thats nowhere near what The Weekend did on After Hours and an actual music reviewer making this comparison is genuinely laughable and embarrassing. Expand
  6. Oct 29, 2021
    Album is near perfect. A mix of fast paced songs and slow songs. Each one special in their own way. 10/10
  7. Oct 29, 2021
    Awesome ! This album is so **** amazing. Ed Sheeran fell in love
  8. Oct 30, 2021
    Another masterpiece from mr Sheeran. Amazing album from beginning to end! Loved it!
  9. Oct 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it’s amazing album !! And I wanna say that to the people who still miss his old songs ,and old Ed who writes about break up, alcohol and just how sad he is. U will never find such person is not exists anymore! He is happy and has a family right! Expand
  10. Oct 30, 2021
    It is just wonderful ! Thanks Ed. I really enjoy listening to it. My favourite track is shivers
  11. Oct 30, 2021
    wonderful album, sounds really different from what he's done before. it definitely shows ed's songwriting abilities.
  12. Oct 30, 2021
    Um álbum simplesmente autêntico, Ed sempre traz histórias pessoais de uma forma em que todo o público possa de identificar. Emoção a flor da pele do começo ao fim, incrível é a palavra.
  13. Oct 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best' album of the year It gives me add "+"vibes
    Ed never disappoints.
  14. Oct 30, 2021
    "Equals" is Ed's most personal and heartfelt album with hits that fans of new and old will get a kick out of.
  15. Oct 29, 2021
    Amazing album! Ed is a great singer and songwriter and this album shows that. You can travel trough his life when you listen to this se songs
  16. Oct 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is an amazing coming of age album for Ed. All the milestones in his life and where he is at in life is beautifully painted in this album. Turning 30,becoming a father, loss of a close friend, experiencing grief for the first time. The themes really hit home for me. Visting Hours is such a heartbreaking song. There is a song called "First Times"on this album which is classic Sheeran, very acoustic with violins in the background which I loved. The joker and the Queen might be the best ballad hes ever written so much vulnerability and soul in the song. Sandman is another standout which is a track dedicated to his daughter and it too cute and wholesome, it might be the best lullaby of all time. 2step is another banger,which brings back "rapper ed" or singing fast lyrics ed which is a signature style he cultivated .Overall I love this album so much. Thank you Ed for your art Expand
  17. Oct 29, 2021
    Excellent album. There’s a song for every mood. This is a new sound but he gives old fans throwbacks with rap but entertains with new musical arrangements. His lyrics prove he’s grown as a musician and has learnt to appreciate his success whilst not forgetting where comes from. He’s also become a father and it’s clear it has changed his perspective of the world.

    Ed is an excellent
    Excellent album. There’s a song for every mood. This is a new sound but he gives old fans throwbacks with rap but entertains with new musical arrangements. His lyrics prove he’s grown as a musician and has learnt to appreciate his success whilst not forgetting where comes from. He’s also become a father and it’s clear it has changed his perspective of the world.

    Ed is an excellent musician and “=“ proves he has a lot to give.
  18. Oct 30, 2021
    I think this one is the best Ed's album so far. We can see his evolution as an artist.
  19. Oct 29, 2021
    Equals is undoubtedly the most mature and sophisticated work Sheeran has done in the last few years. The opening arena-pop track 'Tides' is a great intro to the album, setting the tone for the rest of the songs. Shivers is an excellent dance-pop track likely to be an earworm. Only Sheeran could brag about playing 80000 people at wembley and come off as not. First Time is an elaborate song,Equals is undoubtedly the most mature and sophisticated work Sheeran has done in the last few years. The opening arena-pop track 'Tides' is a great intro to the album, setting the tone for the rest of the songs. Shivers is an excellent dance-pop track likely to be an earworm. Only Sheeran could brag about playing 80000 people at wembley and come off as not. First Time is an elaborate song, one of the highlights on this album. Overpass Graffiti is another pop song with an insane hook likely to become Sheeran's next No.1. Still, the standout track on the album is 'the joker and the Queen', an exquisite piano ballad containing all of Sheeran's finesse, a ballad for the ages.
    All the songs fit well into a album filled with pop bangers, beautiful ballads, and basically making one album for the ages.
  20. Oct 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album so good.... Great emotion and lotta story telling... Just a vibe on vibes... Maybe better than Divide Expand
  21. Oct 29, 2021
    Ed really explored with this album more than he has ever done before, the beats, production and melodies on this album are insane, he stepped out of his confort zone with this one and I can't be more proud than I am right now.
  22. Oct 29, 2021
    Cada álbum que Ed hace es mejor que el anterior realmente disfrute cada canción del álbum
  23. Oct 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. te aml te amo te amo te aml te amo muito te Mo nssjsjsjhssh7fugjgivig serioe eu ge aml Expand
  24. Oct 29, 2021
    Cada una de sus canciones fue escrita con mucho esfuerzo, no desmeritemos el trabajo de este gran artista solo porque no es de su agrado.
  25. Oct 30, 2021
    Lyrics on point you can totally say it has a lot of radio hits but is only the production that also helps to don't feel the album flat, every song is different. We can see Ed going through a crisis of what is life, love, grief, and parenthood.
  26. Oct 29, 2021
    = is an amazing album. There’s a song for every mood, beautiful vocals with different stories to tell. Especially loved the song Visiting Hours
  27. Oct 29, 2021
    His best body of work to date. Great production. His voice sounds majestic, and the amount of genres here is incredible. Sheeran tries something new without giving up on his authenticity and essence. The themes on this album are great. You get exactly why he made this, and what point in life he’s in. Perfect.
  28. Oct 29, 2021
    This album explored Ed's love on everything that matters to him. A lot of artists did this but with this album, it went superb on beats and lyricism at the same time. The production is fine and the lyrics are good enough to understand how passionate he is as a lover and a friend and as a songwriter. His voice is everything in each tracks. His voice filled with huskiness really matched theThis album explored Ed's love on everything that matters to him. A lot of artists did this but with this album, it went superb on beats and lyricism at the same time. The production is fine and the lyrics are good enough to understand how passionate he is as a lover and a friend and as a songwriter. His voice is everything in each tracks. His voice filled with huskiness really matched the cohesive sounds on this music. He has shown a big growth of artistry with this era. This is a recommended album. And despite the album being full of romance and contentment, Ed showed unexpectedly great tunes and lyrics that makes Equals a remarkable and memorable album, making the listeners listen again and again. Expand
  29. Oct 29, 2021
    it´s no talking about hearts broken anymore, Ed is happy now so the album is higher than multiply or divide
  30. Oct 29, 2021
    Great lyricism, a cohesive sound, solid production, beautiful vocals and a lot of interesting concepts explored across the whole album. Ed exceeded my expectations with this one.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Dec 16, 2021
    If you’re a fan, you’ll still be a fan and if you’re not, you still won’t be.
  2. Nov 4, 2021
    Here, Sheeran's melodies are soft yet insistent, and the production glistens with flair borrowed from younger, hipper artists who mine a similar blend of retro new wave and modern R&B, but he knows how to turn this stylish sound into something cozy and reassuring.
  3. Nov 2, 2021
    He’s settled into the comfort zone of songs that will haunt weddings for years to come, like “2step,” in which he raps about “Two-steppin’ with the woman I love.” Even at his most passionate, Sheeran sounds as threatening as a meringue peak. ... Sheeran’s reliance on clichés is especially unfortunate during the album’s back half, which is where he placed a majority of the songs about death and fatherhood.