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Generally favorable reviews- based on 188 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 15 out of 188
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  1. Sep 25, 2015
    A horrible record. Why is Lauren Mayberry "brave" and "strong" when she bullies her fans online? Why does no one mention that she got one of her fans banned from Twitter?

    But back to the record. It's boring, tired, and the same thing as the first one. It's like Lauren threw her vocals over some instrumentals on YouTube, it's just amateur and not good. Thanks but no thanks Chvrches. I
    A horrible record. Why is Lauren Mayberry "brave" and "strong" when she bullies her fans online? Why does no one mention that she got one of her fans banned from Twitter?

    But back to the record. It's boring, tired, and the same thing as the first one. It's like Lauren threw her vocals over some instrumentals on YouTube, it's just amateur and not good.

    Thanks but no thanks Chvrches. I choose to vote with my wallet and not buy your record. I hope your 5 minutes in the spotlight ends soon.
  2. Sep 25, 2015
    I liked their debut album, but that was because it's sound was something fresh and colorful. It feels like EOE is an attempt to be darker and deeper, and yet it doesn't seem to be a good direction for Chvrches.

    One of the reasons boils down to the singer's voice. It isn't so much that it sounds bad, it's just hard to take it seriously when used in a serious song. I feel like Chvrches
    I liked their debut album, but that was because it's sound was something fresh and colorful. It feels like EOE is an attempt to be darker and deeper, and yet it doesn't seem to be a good direction for Chvrches.

    One of the reasons boils down to the singer's voice. It isn't so much that it sounds bad, it's just hard to take it seriously when used in a serious song. I feel like Chvrches has a dry well on their hands, where what used to be a band with lush and interesting production is now so overproduced that I can't separate them from other electronic musicians.

    The most important thing about pop music is the "hooks" and the catchiness of the tracks. When the singles "Never Ending Circles" and "Leave A Trace" came out, I thought they were so lifeless that it made me question why Chvrches is even a pop group to begin with. Which then leads to tracks like "Clearest Blue" who's second half feels like an Avici knockoff without the (you guessed it) catchiness. The other songs (and I mean literally the rest of them) I can't seem to remember for the life of me.

    I admire Chvrches for going into a new direction, but it starts to dwindle when it feels like the album is so redundant and copypasted that it feels like I'm listening to the same song for an hour. It's a pop album that fails to be musically memorable in any way, which is so bizarre considering how seriously it takes itself.

    I still like their debut TBOWYB, but this was so lifeless and wimpy for a respectable band's sophomore album. In the end, Every Open Eye is like a deflated beach ball, some color and size here and there, but that can't really change the fact that there's absolutely nothing inside.
  3. 7KT
    Sep 26, 2015
    It's Bones 2.0...but without the catchy songs and....without the insightful lyrics and...without the rich soundscapes. Thinking about it, there's a lot missing here.

    EOE could be a forgetable 80s synth pop album collecting dust in the 99cent bin at your local Tesco. The whole record is hard to listen to, and not just because Lauren Mayberry often soars out of her vocal range, resulting
    It's Bones 2.0...but without the catchy songs and....without the insightful lyrics and...without the rich soundscapes. Thinking about it, there's a lot missing here.

    EOE could be a forgetable 80s synth pop album collecting dust in the 99cent bin at your local Tesco. The whole record is hard to listen to, and not just because Lauren Mayberry often soars out of her vocal range, resulting in her voice more resembling your mum calling you down for dinner than a pop singer.

    The production and mixing leaves a lot to be desired, and listening to the album more than once gives the listener a feeling of fatigue.

    It's a shame Lauren Mayberry and her two producers spend so much time fighting "trolls" (otherwise known as people they disagree with them) online, because if they didn't, they might have put out a decent sophmore album.

    But as it is, I'll be looking forward to scooping this record out of the discount bin come Christmas time. Every little helps!
  4. Sep 25, 2015
    Weren't it for the cheap pseudo-vintage aesthetic and vague drama that surround it, this album would be considered the equal of every other disposable mainstream synthpop record released in the past ten years, because that's exactly what it is, musically speaking.

    No innovation is to be found on it, and the project's heavy reliance on tired pop formulas is only made more obvious by its
    Weren't it for the cheap pseudo-vintage aesthetic and vague drama that surround it, this album would be considered the equal of every other disposable mainstream synthpop record released in the past ten years, because that's exactly what it is, musically speaking.

    No innovation is to be found on it, and the project's heavy reliance on tired pop formulas is only made more obvious by its lazy attempts at building a distinct imagery to disguise an overall lack of relevance. Unfortunately, Lauren Mayberry is far from being the only "glamorously plain" (or should we say "fashionably ugly"?) singer in the pretentious twee synthpop game. As for the rest of it, it is readily available in the laptop of any female college student who thinks that a master's degree can redeem a grating personality.

    Sonically, it seems decently mixed, even though too much room is left to Lauren's nasal moans in comparison to the (marginally) more soothing production. The latter can only be defined as a clumsy attempt to replicate the latest internet trends by watering them down and stripping them of any abrasive or innovative quality. This is especially problematic considering the band's reputation as forward-thinking musicians.

    Even though this record lacks progressiveness and any true emotional impact, it is not entirely without merit, as it somehow managed to fool such a large amount of listeners into thinking that it was unique in any fathomable way. While not unheard of, this performance is worthy of consideration.
  5. Sep 25, 2015
    It's a pretty bad record. It's just generic, boring and the same as the first record with different lyrics. They fell into the trap of trying to make the first record again, so while it might sell, they didn't progress as artists.
  6. Sep 25, 2015
    A sad followup to a lackluster debut. Lauren Mayberry plus her two producers make a record that's altogether forgetful and another drop in the bucket of synth pop trash.

    Tracks are repetitive and reuses pads from the debut record, Lauren's vocals are often strained and in a range that makes her tone unpleasant to the ear. Her lyrics are misandrist, and her cyber-misandry seems to be
    A sad followup to a lackluster debut. Lauren Mayberry plus her two producers make a record that's altogether forgetful and another drop in the bucket of synth pop trash.

    Tracks are repetitive and reuses pads from the debut record, Lauren's vocals are often strained and in a range that makes her tone unpleasant to the ear.

    Her lyrics are misandrist, and her cyber-misandry seems to be a overall theme through out the album.

    If I was in a staring contest, this record would put surely make me fall asleep and lose.

    I hope one day that Chvrches is more open in the future with that fact that they are not a band and instead are a singer and two producers.
  7. Sep 25, 2015
    Overall, a disappointing record. It's your classic case of sophomore slump. I wonder how much Chvrches' label paid the AV Club to give them a 100/100? It's clearly a flop in my mind. Subpar production, cringey lyrics and it was horribly mixed.

    When I was a little boy, my momma told me to grow up and be a strong tampon boy. Find a qt waifu, she told me. So I found Lauren, but she
    Overall, a disappointing record. It's your classic case of sophomore slump. I wonder how much Chvrches' label paid the AV Club to give them a 100/100? It's clearly a flop in my mind. Subpar production, cringey lyrics and it was horribly mixed.

    When I was a little boy, my momma told me to grow up and be a strong tampon boy. Find a qt waifu, she told me. So I found Lauren, but she rejected me with this record, as every lyric she sings is like a knife in the heart of my love.

    So, adieu, Chvrches. You hit us with a one hit wonder and it was great for a while. But every tampon boy must grow up one day.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Nov 5, 2015
    The Glasgow threepiece has figured out what works: in this case, catchy funk-pop ("High Enough to Carry You Over") that threatens the radio friendliness of Bruno Mars, and nods to early Depeche Mode.
  2. Magnet
    Oct 14, 2015
    Every Open Eye takes an "if it ain't broke" approach, following in the same sonic vein as Bones--sometimes outright repeating Bones--but not really building on it. [No. 125, p.58]
  3. Oct 9, 2015
    CHVRCHES are a still a terrific alternative to the barrage of mind-numbing EDM and soulless euro trash of acts such as Icona Pop that permeate our airwaves and devour advertisements. Another heavenly and peerless collection from the Glaswegian synth-poppers.