• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: May 22, 2001
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 2 out of 10

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  1. Nov 8, 2014
    One of the smoothest, funkiest records ever recorded, truly breathtakingly beautiful. So much soul, both of the music and the human variety. A fantastic album to sing and especially dance to, Nikka Costa's genre-mixing and vocals-mixing makes one extremely underrated album. She utilises both the sultry soulful element of her voice as well as her piercing, 'high notes'. Speaking of, I amOne of the smoothest, funkiest records ever recorded, truly breathtakingly beautiful. So much soul, both of the music and the human variety. A fantastic album to sing and especially dance to, Nikka Costa's genre-mixing and vocals-mixing makes one extremely underrated album. She utilises both the sultry soulful element of her voice as well as her piercing, 'high notes'. Speaking of, I am pretty stoned, but yeah goddamn this album is awesome, I just listened to it and I was rocking out from start to finish. This record is not one genre, while it is overwhelmingly funky, you will also hear R&B, soul, and jazz sounds. Also features two legends in ?uestlove (of the Roots) on drums and Billy Preston (only person to be on a song with the Beatles, aka 'The Fifth Beatle') on clarinet. Collapse
  2. Oct 1, 2010
    Greeat Album! I found Nikka out when I heard one of her songs on a movie! "Like a Feather" is the best song ont he album and "Everybody Got Their Somethin" is the second best song and is an album to definitely check out
  3. MarvinfromPR
    Apr 26, 2005
    This album is brilliant. A brilliant debut by a brilliant performer. The woman surpasses anything she might have ever recorded in her live performances. The album has some near-perfect songs, like the only song anyone who doesn't care about good music will probably recognize; I'm talking about Like A Feather here, and less known stuff like Just Because, So Have I For You and Tug This album is brilliant. A brilliant debut by a brilliant performer. The woman surpasses anything she might have ever recorded in her live performances. The album has some near-perfect songs, like the only song anyone who doesn't care about good music will probably recognize; I'm talking about Like A Feather here, and less known stuff like Just Because, So Have I For You and Tug Of War. The album is great, check it out. But if you get the chance to see Nikka perform these songs live, believe me, you will be amazed. Expand

Awards & Rankings


Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Q Magazine
    It's the tender slow rollers that really clinch this supreme collection. [#180, p.97]
  2. Costa is a potent force with all the ballsy punch of a power rocker and the brazen belt of a sharp-tongued R&B survivor.
  3. An intoxicating starburst of self affirming R&B...