
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Jan 3, 2019
    While it's not quite a classic like his seminal late '80s to early '90s run, Everythang's Corrupt is a return to form, especially after Cube's rudimentary 2000s releases like Laugh Now, Cry Later and I Am the West. It's heartening to hear an icon with nothing left to prove rap with the hunger of a youngster so far into his career.
  2. Dec 18, 2018
    Overall, the 16-track project is mostly cohesive aside from the few disposable tracks that clutter its message and, at times, elementary lyrics.
  3. Dec 10, 2018
    Ice Cube’s social consciousness makes Everythang’s Corrupt a refreshing release. From beginning to end, Cube’s maturity as an artist shines; the songs in which he acknowledges his achievements feel well earned because the primary focus stays on social injustice.
  4. 80
    These are some of Cube’s hardest and most energetic beats since the ‘90s.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 32 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 32
  2. Negative: 6 out of 32
  1. Dec 13, 2018
    The New Ice Cube album is a return to his roots of both solid production, westcoast g funk ( from lethal era) and hard hitting politicalThe New Ice Cube album is a return to his roots of both solid production, westcoast g funk ( from lethal era) and hard hitting political commentary which made Raw footage such an epic throwback in 2008. From the intro song arrest the President which demonstrates the need for justice for the corruption linked to Russian Intelligence to "Chase down the Bully" which talks about the need to stand up to the alt right white supremacist bullies such as the ones in Charlottesville. Don't bring me no bag is an ode to the need to make money the legal way, while on them pills speaks out against the toxic drug culture of chemicals making today's youth sick and causing over does. Fire Water talks about how he is going to die a natural way b eating too much food and drinking too much. The lone guest spot by too short ( another westcoast legend) ain't got no haters has a smooth 90s like beat that captures how Cube can switch up his flow to being laid back. The George Clinton g funk ode of "that New funkadelic" takes the listener back to when Cube and the westcoast of the 90s was under the bop gun of that smooth funky parliament sound. Finally, the thunderous last track "good cop bad cop" emphasizes the need for good police officers to not only serve to protect but to stand up against their racist and corrupt coworkers. Over all the album is a refreshing return for Ice Cube and ranks among the best of the year. It is quite nice for anyone who grew up in the 90s to have a break from the mumble crap that has dominated the charts as of late. Full Review »
  2. Apr 23, 2019
    Ice Cube decides to come back to his roots and creates a great album in the style of 90 s' hip hop. His lyrics are once again up to the point.Ice Cube decides to come back to his roots and creates a great album in the style of 90 s' hip hop. His lyrics are once again up to the point. Ice Cube proves he's still able to show the new school their place in the order. "That New Funkadelic" is one of the most refreshing songs in the last years. Full Review »
  3. Dec 19, 2018
    Another great project from Ice Cube. A welcome and refreshing change from the boring, stupid "mumble (kkk)rap" that the mainstream mu-sickkkAnother great project from Ice Cube. A welcome and refreshing change from the boring, stupid "mumble (kkk)rap" that the mainstream mu-sickkk industry is imposing upon the masses. Sadly, this stellar project will get ZERO support from radio because IT ACTUALLY HAS SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE TO SAY!

    I'm not a fan of the trap mu-sickkk sound. In fact, I HATE it! However, I'll give Cube a pass by invoking elements of it on some of the tracks. I prefer more of the West Coast/G-Funk flavored tracks that best serve him.

    Overall, solid production, insightful social message. One of the better LEGITIMATE RAP projects of 2018. :-)
    Full Review »