
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Feb 10, 2015
    Overall, a nice effort by these never-say-die Scots.
  2. Feb 17, 2015
    A warm, endearing release, Everything Ever Written is a bold and profoundly independent return.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Feb 26, 2015
    While the album lacks the killer punch of a big hit single, it's full of charm and depth, making it a rare treat indeed. [Apr 2015, p.100]
  4. Feb 9, 2015
    The focus is there, the execution is there. It’s a record that delivers, satisfies, challenges and is occasionally sublime.
  5. Kerrang!
    Mar 10, 2015
    It's adventurous, daring, different. [7 Feb 2015, p.54]
  6. Magnet
    Feb 19, 2015
    Everything Ever Written falls right in line with the great records the combo has produced 2002's The Remote Part. [No. 117, p.57]
  7. Feb 10, 2015
    Idlewild have taken some time, done the latter and the result is their most accomplished album to date.
  8. Feb 20, 2015
    Everything Ever Written even ends with a pleasant curveball, the gorgeous Utopia, an illuminating reverie that poignantly illustrates the measures people take to adapt to their surroundings in spite of the final outcome.
  9. 80
    Musically, the lay-off, and the acquisition of new bass and keyboard players, has worked wonders for Idlewild’s sonic palette.
  10. 70
    This is a fan’s album, made for, helped by and a testament to Idlewild’s worshippers’ passion and patience. For some, the changes will be welcomed with flung-open arms like an old friend; for others, it might just be a little too much to handle.
  11. Feb 9, 2015
    Everything Ever Written is a welcome return for a band that's long been held in high regard.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Mar 7, 2015
    With a great blast of a tune to promote this album there was a lot to look forward to for this album, unfortunately, it's appears anWith a great blast of a tune to promote this album there was a lot to look forward to for this album, unfortunately, it's appears an inconsistent -both by the guitars and the production- plod of attention dimming disappointment, where nothing here brings the album to a lighter stance. Full Review »
  2. Feb 19, 2015
    Everything Ever Written is an unbelievable and unexpected return to form for Idlewild. That's probably a gross understatement, as EEW mightEverything Ever Written is an unbelievable and unexpected return to form for Idlewild. That's probably a gross understatement, as EEW might actually be the band's best album to date. The level of ambition and sonic texture found on this LP is far superior to anything the band has released prior. The way the songs flow and build into an atmospheric, cohesive experience is really quite masterful. Yet on the flipside, this record also collects up the many different eras of Idlewild into one package. 'On Another Planet' takes care of the brash punk of Hope is Important and A Hundred Broken Windows. 'Radium Girl' is pure The Remote Part style mainstream pop. 'Nothing I Can Do About It' and 'Like A Clown' could have easily found a home on Warnings / Promises. 'Collect Yourself' sounds like it comes directly from Make Another World and 'Come On Ghost' is the best single that Post Electric Blues never had. More than the sum of it's parts, sounding fresher than ever but somehow recalling the band's best moments, Idlewild's Everything Ever Written is a fantastic record. Full Review »
  3. Feb 16, 2015
    As a big Idlewild fan, I was very excited when they announced their return with "Everything Ever Written" - however, I was not a big fan ofAs a big Idlewild fan, I was very excited when they announced their return with "Everything Ever Written" - however, I was not a big fan of the two radio tracks, "Collect Yourself" and "Come on Ghost." The saxophones and inconsistent guitar quality distracted me from taking in the rest of the sound and this hasn't gotten any better. "Collect Yourself"'s wonky chorus is a sign of how the rest of the album will play out. The record feels more improvised than anything else they've put out and it's a very unique sound. That sound, while worth exploring, is not what I love about Idlewild, so while the overall effort has a mixed bag, the majority of the tracks are misses for me. I hope with time I'll grow to appreciate this album, but for now, I'm largely disappointed. Full Review »