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Generally favorable reviews- based on 804 Ratings

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  1. Jan 5, 2019
    I bought it because Beyonce but in all honesty Im really not a fan of the album at all. Some decent tracks but overall its a very Urban heavy record with some songs I just don't really care for.
  2. Aug 25, 2018
    A really good album! But not my fav album of hers! I have mix feeling about this album! Idk how explain
  3. Jun 20, 2018
    It's all a bit Meeh. Feels more like a Beyonce album with Z feats. And is their relationship really something to put on a pedestal? Yeey, ya hubby is cheatin' on ya, ya fight, make up and now ya feel like royalty bc you got through it... FML.
  4. Jul 3, 2018
    This album starts off strong, but doesn't quite keep up with the bar it sets at the very beginning. The video for APESH** was interesting, but also alienating at the same time. I understand that they're on this sort of high society arthouse type vibe, but that can drive away a good chunk of listeners who don't have half a billion dollars to relate with. Some of the songs on the album wereThis album starts off strong, but doesn't quite keep up with the bar it sets at the very beginning. The video for APESH** was interesting, but also alienating at the same time. I understand that they're on this sort of high society arthouse type vibe, but that can drive away a good chunk of listeners who don't have half a billion dollars to relate with. Some of the songs on the album were fairly interesting, but at the same time the more commercial efforts stood out a little too much in a way that wasn't the most flattering. I appreciate what they did with this project and it had the potential to be one of their best works to date collectively and individually, but it just didn't quite hit that note. Expand
  5. Jul 5, 2018
    First and foremost, we did not need any new music from Jay-Z in 2018. I appreciated 4:44 for being a great progressive shift for mainstream hip-hop music but this is just basic economics. Supply vs. demand. As much as HOV is a legend, the supply is outweighing demand for his music. Now, as for Beyoncé, I find it real annoying that as established as she is; and given her calibre; that she,First and foremost, we did not need any new music from Jay-Z in 2018. I appreciated 4:44 for being a great progressive shift for mainstream hip-hop music but this is just basic economics. Supply vs. demand. As much as HOV is a legend, the supply is outweighing demand for his music. Now, as for Beyoncé, I find it real annoying that as established as she is; and given her calibre; that she, instead of innovating, decides to follow the heard of trap hip-hop R&B. SZA has a much more authentic and better quality take at what Beyoncé is trying to reach for. Cool is not cool when you are desperately trying to be cool. P.S. Beyonce should quit rapping. Expand
  6. Jun 19, 2018
    Really good in the beginning and has become worst towards the end. Beyonce seems like she is trying to be prove something in this album which she doesn't have to cause she's freaking Beyonce!
  7. Jul 6, 2018
    No me gusto del todo. Este nuevo rumbo que tomaron Beyonce Y Jay Z musicalmente no me gusta, nada que ver con 4:44 o Lemonade (los cuales son mejores que este album). Ya con escuchar APES*IT sabria como iba a ir este album y no me equivoque, canciones con contenido lirico basico y beats que no resaltan fuera de lo normal, un trap cualquiera
  8. Jul 7, 2018
    Meh. Downgrade from Jay Z's 4:44 and Beyonce's Lemonade. Its kinda weird to hear B and Jay just flex rap like everyone else now is. Lacks any real creativity or any passion as the previous projects I mentioned had. Besides **** and one or two more, nothing really that good on this project. Plus, Beyonce is not a good rapper. She literally has one flow and a monotone voice tone to rap withMeh. Downgrade from Jay Z's 4:44 and Beyonce's Lemonade. Its kinda weird to hear B and Jay just flex rap like everyone else now is. Lacks any real creativity or any passion as the previous projects I mentioned had. Besides **** and one or two more, nothing really that good on this project. Plus, Beyonce is not a good rapper. She literally has one flow and a monotone voice tone to rap with for the entire project. Jay Z's choppy flows sound weird and that he actually overwrote his lines and that he had to cram his lyrics in each line. Not terrible, but disappointing Expand
  9. Jun 29, 2018
    Terrible, mediocre album. APE$HIT is the best song on the album, and considering it's not that good a song, you can imagine how the rest sounds. If the Migos demo of your song sounds better than your own song then you got a problem. Beyonce on auto-tune sounds horrible, the instrumentals are for the most part bland, the lyrics forgettable, and overall, a very forgettable album. Would haveTerrible, mediocre album. APE$HIT is the best song on the album, and considering it's not that good a song, you can imagine how the rest sounds. If the Migos demo of your song sounds better than your own song then you got a problem. Beyonce on auto-tune sounds horrible, the instrumentals are for the most part bland, the lyrics forgettable, and overall, a very forgettable album. Would have expected much better from these two, but maybe they expected everything they touched to turn to gold thanks to rabid fans. Expand
  10. Aug 17, 2018
    This is not an album you listen to every day, and the songs do not stay in the head, unlike **** Bey and Jay deserve something more than that!
  11. Jun 19, 2018
    The album is underwhelming under every single point of view. It has no soul or no relevant content.
    Beyoncé decided that rapping with autotune’s help is better than singing. The lyrics are basic and do not express the artistic vision the couple had; instead, they express fanaticism and unbearable narcissism (f*ck u, f*ck u - We’re the best- We’re legends- our friends are better than
    The album is underwhelming under every single point of view. It has no soul or no relevant content.
    Beyoncé decided that rapping with autotune’s help is better than singing. The lyrics are basic and do not express the artistic vision the couple had; instead, they express fanaticism and unbearable narcissism (f*ck u, f*ck u - We’re the best- We’re legends- our friends are better than yours-I’m a boss). In this joint album, the Beloved Beyoncé does not shine in this record either since her husband carries the “best” verses and delivers the most vocally speaking, even Though Beyoncé manages to find few rare moments in which she manages to deliver nice harmonizations. The sound production is surely the best part of the record.

    Overall, two of the most influencing and talented artists of this generation decided to produce a “sellable” record instead of mixing their incredible talents together.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. The Wire
    Jul 26, 2018
    As an album it’s almost entirely soporifically dull though beautifully appointed throughout (and it’s a joy to hear Beyoncé rapping) by some smart production from both main protagonists and some slick grooves from the Daptone band. [Aug 2018, p.68]
  2. Jul 25, 2018
    It's also a sonic master class in marital counseling and commitment, wherein Beyoncé emerges with the upper hand and a contrite Jay is lucky she's so gracious. Vocally, it's a similar story: Beyoncé shines here, balancing light rap verses ("Apeshit" and "Nice") with some of the prettiest vocals she's recorded in years ("Friends"), while Jay offers his standard braggadocious bars that nonetheless make an impact for their occasional honesty and humility.
  3. Jun 27, 2018
    There’s a sense of immediacy and even unpredictability in the most restless moments on Everything In Love, which saves the album from being a rather static and defiant contemplation of The Carters’ victories.