• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jul 28, 2017
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 355 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 56 out of 355
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  1. Jul 28, 2017
    You may not like it.
    You may think it's a departure from everything they've done.
    The funk is real, the disco influence is real, the rock is real.

    Arcade Fire has set out to make THE dance rock album, and they've soared.
  2. Aug 9, 2017
    No, it's not Funeral. NOTHING WILL EVER BE FUNERAL EVER AGAIN. Get the f*ck over it.

    Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about this album. This is the continued evolution of Arcade Fire. And I, for one, welcome our new disco-inspired overlords. Where Reflektor felt like an experimental one-off, this feels like an Arcade Fire album. Emotionally-charged anthems like Everything
    No, it's not Funeral. NOTHING WILL EVER BE FUNERAL EVER AGAIN. Get the f*ck over it.

    Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about this album. This is the continued evolution of Arcade Fire. And I, for one, welcome our new disco-inspired overlords.

    Where Reflektor felt like an experimental one-off, this feels like an Arcade Fire album. Emotionally-charged anthems like Everything Now and Creature Comfort help create an overarching theme and remind us of what Arcade Fire can do when they're at their best. Unfortunately, those songs exist on the same album with apathetic and downright forgettable songs like Peter Pan and Good God Damn. Still, the first third of the album more than makes up for some missteps in the remainder.

    I guess it's typical Arcade Fire; when they're good, they're incredible. When they're not, they're still better than most, just not as good as we know they can be.
  3. Aug 15, 2017
    Obviously, this album is not up to the usual standard of Arcade Fire, but it is still brilliant in it's own little way. Songs like Everything Now, Creature Comfort, Put Your Money on Me and We Don't Deserve Love make this album great, but songs like Infinite Content, Chemistry and Good God Damn ruin the album and can easily be some of the worst songs Arcade Fire have ever produced. But,Obviously, this album is not up to the usual standard of Arcade Fire, but it is still brilliant in it's own little way. Songs like Everything Now, Creature Comfort, Put Your Money on Me and We Don't Deserve Love make this album great, but songs like Infinite Content, Chemistry and Good God Damn ruin the album and can easily be some of the worst songs Arcade Fire have ever produced. But, there are elements of Reflektor in this album, as well as tiny influences of Funeral and possibly The Suburbs, which makes this album get an 8 from me. Expand
  4. Sep 19, 2017
    While Everything Now isn't as perfect as their previous albums, it still has a majority of enjoyable songs; Everything Now, Signs of Life, Creature Comfort, the Infinite Content songs, Electric Blue, Good God Damn, and Put Your Money on Me are all great, however, this album also comes with some of their most weak songs yet, such as: Chemistry and Peter Pan. I really enojoy this album andWhile Everything Now isn't as perfect as their previous albums, it still has a majority of enjoyable songs; Everything Now, Signs of Life, Creature Comfort, the Infinite Content songs, Electric Blue, Good God Damn, and Put Your Money on Me are all great, however, this album also comes with some of their most weak songs yet, such as: Chemistry and Peter Pan. I really enojoy this album and think there are is much more good than bad in this album, so it's a shame to see it seem so controversial. Expand
  5. Jan 13, 2019
    "Everything Now" seems like a celebration of life, yet it is an album with a theme of consumerism. Right from the beginning, "Everything Now_Continued", is a great intro, which melds into the hit single that shares its title with the album. "Signs of Life" is a funky, yet retrospective view on life through the eyes of an obsessive consumer. "Creature Comfort" is a electronic tune that"Everything Now" seems like a celebration of life, yet it is an album with a theme of consumerism. Right from the beginning, "Everything Now_Continued", is a great intro, which melds into the hit single that shares its title with the album. "Signs of Life" is a funky, yet retrospective view on life through the eyes of an obsessive consumer. "Creature Comfort" is a electronic tune that contains themes of suicide and being obsessed with beauty. This defines and makes Arcade Fire's great, new musical direction known.

    "Peter Pan" is an imaginative song, while "Chemistry" gives off a fun and club-like feel. The punk ode "Infinite Content" eventually segues into the country-waltz emitting "Infinite_Content". The retro disco number, "Electric Blue" is hypnotic, and can get you dancing within the first few seconds. "Good God Damn" is a slight step back, but is still fun.

    There is energy in every song on "Everything Now", and you can feel it making its presence known. "Put Your Money On Me" is no exception, as is "We Don't Deserve Love". It is a more lengthy song in correlation to the rest of the album, yet it makes a great impact with its hypnotic beat and atmospheric vocals, courtesy of Winn Butler. The album closes with "Everything Now (Continued)", which is a more expanded-upon version of the album's first track, complete with an orchestra as well.

    "Everything Now" is a great addition to Arcade Fire's catalogue and introduces dance-rock and synth-pop as standards for the group. Although it is different from their previous albums, it is still a shining and excellent collection of songs.
  6. Aug 1, 2017
    I've lived with this album for a few days now and my perception of it has changed so much. Arcade Fire are known for making these dense, emotional, sweeping albums that are able to punch you in the gut while giving you hope for the future. They give you a sense of something being wrong, and the solution isn't clear, but we're going to try anyway! Everything Now doesn't do that. The albumI've lived with this album for a few days now and my perception of it has changed so much. Arcade Fire are known for making these dense, emotional, sweeping albums that are able to punch you in the gut while giving you hope for the future. They give you a sense of something being wrong, and the solution isn't clear, but we're going to try anyway! Everything Now doesn't do that. The album offers the critique of society we're used to from Arcade Fire, but without that sense of hope, of knowing what to do next. Maybe Arcade Fire are lost in the thick of it along with the rest of us.

    Sure there are some outright flubs on this album (looking at you Chemistry), and it's a really short album counting the Infinite Content duo and the add ons for Everything Now, but there's some real gold here. Maybe there's a lack of lyrical depth missing here, but these songs are ear worms and will grow on you with repeated listening.

    I've been an Arcade Fire fan since Funeral, and truth be told, I tend to take a long time digesting their albums. Neon Bible is great, but it didn't grab me right away. The Suburbs took me weeks to appreciate in it's entirety. And I still find Reflektor exhausting to get through start to finish (with a very forgettable middle section). With the first handful of singles off of Everything Now, my initial reaction was what is this? This isn't Arcade Fire. But slowly the songs wormed their way into my brain to the point that I was listening to them on repeat, over and over. For an album that's getting roasted by critics and fans, why can't I stop listening to it? Why are the songs stuck in my head?

    It's not that Everything Now is bad, but it's a pretty big stretch from what we're used to from Arcade Fire. A satirical, cynical album from a band that's been able to right rallying anthem makes it hard to get swept up in. Some of the content is just too real these days without that element of hope, or having an answer to the problems they outline. We're used to the band marching us into battle to face the challenges of today.

    On Everything Now, Arcade Fire outline many of the societal problems we're all too familiar with, framed with catchy danceable songs. Maybe it's become too hard to give that outside perspective, that outside clarity when a band is rolled into the same things we all face. For a band that seems to have provided hope and rallying cries on previous albums, it seems like they've lost their words, hoping we can just sway beneath a lit disco ball and work it out on the dance floor.
  7. Jul 29, 2017
    Hated it the first few listens. Was so sad one of my favorite bands of the past 13 years made this. I kept listening...I genuinely love it and can't explain it. Even chemistry, which was embarrassing on first few listens doesn't bother me now.

    Maybe it'll be a grower for others. I understand the flaws in a lot of the songs, but I really love this front to back. I'm as baffled as you.
  8. Jul 31, 2017
    Arcade Fire is brilliant. To all the haters and naysayers; Artists evolve and change, it's called art! Everything Now is fresh and new while giving a nod to the past.
  9. Jul 29, 2017
    I don't get all this negative feedback, yes they changed their sound, but their unique quality isn't questioned here at all. I've always said that they're music masters and THEY PROVED IT WITH THIS RECORD ONCE MORE. Such a wonderfully crafted album.
  10. Jul 28, 2017
    Even though it's their least good album, that doesn't mean it's bad. There are some true gems here, from the (almost) opening Everything Now, to Regine's amazing Electric Blue, slow disco burner Put Your Money On Me, beautiful We Don't Deserve Love, and harsh Creature Comfort (with its brilliant lyrics - sorry not sorry).

    Unfortunately, with its 13 songs (two of them being intro and
    Even though it's their least good album, that doesn't mean it's bad. There are some true gems here, from the (almost) opening Everything Now, to Regine's amazing Electric Blue, slow disco burner Put Your Money On Me, beautiful We Don't Deserve Love, and harsh Creature Comfort (with its brilliant lyrics - sorry not sorry).

    Unfortunately, with its 13 songs (two of them being intro and outro), the 4 in the middle (Peter Pan - Infinite_Content) jump the shark, being a rather bad input in Arcade Fire's discography. Luckily, the album ends on a high note and you can continue with more of Everything Now. I hope the middle slug will be an exception to their current music efforts, rather than a new rule.

    There is too much negativity surrounding the album - the expectations were always going to be high, but let's not proclaim the King is dead yet. It is okay to have missteps and hopefully learn from them.
  11. Jul 30, 2017
    I think this is quite a good album. Not on Arcade Fire standards but STILL a good album. They put some thought in the main idea of consumerism and how they could represent it in music. So we have a nice disco/pop vibe in most of the tracks but also sparks of punk in Infinite content (like the anger of anti capitalistic kids). There are boring songs like Electric Blue (Probably their worstI think this is quite a good album. Not on Arcade Fire standards but STILL a good album. They put some thought in the main idea of consumerism and how they could represent it in music. So we have a nice disco/pop vibe in most of the tracks but also sparks of punk in Infinite content (like the anger of anti capitalistic kids). There are boring songs like Electric Blue (Probably their worst track EVER) but also killing songs like We dont deserve love and Put your money on me with their beautiful chorus.

    To be fair this is not a masterpiece like someone claims and neither is garbage.
    Is probably the weakest album in AF history (Imo the ranking is Suburbs >= Funeral > Reflektor > Neon Bible > Everything now) but is still a good album. Arcade Fire were just too good to release a "good album" instead of an "outstanding album" like the others.
  12. Aug 8, 2017
    For a band that have are known for producing some of the greatest albums of this century, it would be easy to fell a little disappointed with everything now; it lacks any clear sense of direction, the lyrics are startlingly weak and the intelligence that was so deeply interwoven into previous albums is all but gone. However, Everything Now does redeem itself, largely through it'sFor a band that have are known for producing some of the greatest albums of this century, it would be easy to fell a little disappointed with everything now; it lacks any clear sense of direction, the lyrics are startlingly weak and the intelligence that was so deeply interwoven into previous albums is all but gone. However, Everything Now does redeem itself, largely through it's balls-to-the-wall attitude, but also greatly down to its undeniably abundant sense of fun. Expand
  13. Jul 28, 2017
    'Everything Now' is a story that begins very promising, tries to reach an epic climax but only gets stuck in a repetitive sound, sometimes loses the way (and sense too) becoming difficult to understand, but at other times rises with stanzas that sound like a hymn. The production in this album is magnificent and manages to grant approval to some songs. The background voices are really good.'Everything Now' is a story that begins very promising, tries to reach an epic climax but only gets stuck in a repetitive sound, sometimes loses the way (and sense too) becoming difficult to understand, but at other times rises with stanzas that sound like a hymn. The production in this album is magnificent and manages to grant approval to some songs. The background voices are really good. I do not know what was the reason for making two versions of a song as 'Infinite Content' but it was a bad decision and also taken into account. While the album is not bad, I know Arcade Fire with able to give even more.

    'Everything Now' es una historia que comienza muy prometedora, trata de alcanzar un clímax épico, pero sólo se queda atascado en un sonido repetitivo, a veces pierde el camino (y el sentido también) y se vuelve difícil de entender, pero en otros momentos se levanta con estrofas que suenan como un himno. La producción en este álbum es magnífica y logra conceder la aprobación a algunas canciones. Las voces de fondo son realmente buenas. No sé cuál fue la razón para hacer dos versiones de una canción como 'Contenido Infinito', pero fue una mala decisión y también se tuvo en cuenta. Si bien, el álbum no es malo, sé que Arcade Fire puede dar aún más.
  14. Jul 28, 2017
    Tenemos frente a nosotros un nuevo trabajo de Arcade Fire, que, como siempre se renuevan trayendo nuevos ritmos en cada una de sus producciones. En "Everything Now" podemos encontrar una influencia muy clara de lo que fue "Reflektor" hace más de 3 años. Ahora, esta banda canadiense nos demuestra que han logrado entender las palabras del gran David Bowie y hacer música para complacer aTenemos frente a nosotros un nuevo trabajo de Arcade Fire, que, como siempre se renuevan trayendo nuevos ritmos en cada una de sus producciones. En "Everything Now" podemos encontrar una influencia muy clara de lo que fue "Reflektor" hace más de 3 años. Ahora, esta banda canadiense nos demuestra que han logrado entender las palabras del gran David Bowie y hacer música para complacer a ellos mismos, más allá de todos sus fieles seguidores. Expand
  15. Jul 28, 2017
    Esse novo disco mostrou um Arcade Fire diferente dos discos anteriores. Everything Now é um bom disco, porém ele é inconsistente. O principio do disco é forte e glorioso, mas o seu intermediário é bagunçado, como se a banda tivesse se perdido na concepção do disco. E sua finalização poderia ser melhor.É boa, mas não louvável ou forte como a finalização de The Suburbs e Reflektor, seusEsse novo disco mostrou um Arcade Fire diferente dos discos anteriores. Everything Now é um bom disco, porém ele é inconsistente. O principio do disco é forte e glorioso, mas o seu intermediário é bagunçado, como se a banda tivesse se perdido na concepção do disco. E sua finalização poderia ser melhor.É boa, mas não louvável ou forte como a finalização de The Suburbs e Reflektor, seus antecessores. Sem dúvidas é o trabalho mais fraco da banda, mas não se pode considerar "EN" um fiasco ou uma decepção. O disco tem bons momentos que devem ser apreciados. Aclamação para as faixas "Creature Confort", "Signs of Life" "Eletric Blue" e "Put your Money on Me". São as faixas que deixam Everything Now um bom disco, mas não inspiradores e conceituais como seus antecessores. Expand
  16. Jul 28, 2017
    Despite this is definetly not their best album to date speaking about composition, it can still be entertaining.
    I think that this album is a brave experiment, and will finish mostly underrated. Well, it's an enormous pity, because I see a lot of experimentations and true potential.
    The lyrics are slapping and touching at the same time, and make you think about how hallucinated is our
    Despite this is definetly not their best album to date speaking about composition, it can still be entertaining.
    I think that this album is a brave experiment, and will finish mostly underrated. Well, it's an enormous pity, because I see a lot of experimentations and true potential.
    The lyrics are slapping and touching at the same time, and make you think about how hallucinated is our society, as usual for an Arcade Fire album.

    So, Funeral was a fantastic masterpiece as The Suburbs also was, but they want to make it clear that those works can't be no more a meter of judgment for their new musical direction.

    Best song: Put Your Money On Me
  17. Jul 28, 2017
    The record begins with the sense of being in a huge venue, the show is about to start, ant Arcade fire is impatient to show what they´ve done, then Everything now starts and you begin to feel it, it´s a gorgeous move, as they use to do, after it the synthesizers start on and on, a little to much but considering thomas bangalter´s influence on the album, it is pretty amazing, the lyrics areThe record begins with the sense of being in a huge venue, the show is about to start, ant Arcade fire is impatient to show what they´ve done, then Everything now starts and you begin to feel it, it´s a gorgeous move, as they use to do, after it the synthesizers start on and on, a little to much but considering thomas bangalter´s influence on the album, it is pretty amazing, the lyrics are not as good as their other albums, but they compensate it with a great concept about having everything now, wanting to get infinite content and dying inside feeling the electric blue, at least i recommend the album for a few listens to grow on you people instead of criticizing it. Expand
  18. Aug 1, 2017
    It's just a different direction from their usual sound. They experimented a bit with Reflektor and it was brilliant but with this they explored the genre of dance music a bit more with dark themes in the lyrics' subject matter. This may be the weakest album in Arcade Fire discography but definitely a strong record on its own.
  19. Jul 29, 2017
    who would be brave enough to make a disco/pop/rock/electronic album these days? and an album that is a real story start to finish? Arcade Fire comes to the top of the list. Again they took an idea, and pushed it to something really audacious. You may not like it because its very different than what they did before. Thats exactly the point
  20. Jul 28, 2017
    The most recent records are getting a lot of influence from 80's groove and disco ballads, and that happens on Everything Now too. It's not great or genious, but it is nice to hear... You may say they are losing their identity, but I will rate it for how it sounds: It is a weel produced record with a lot of good songs!
  21. Aug 2, 2017
    Wonder what the reviews would look like if all of the critics waited two weeks to review the album. It's been less than a week at this point, and for me at least, this thing is a completely different animal than it was after my first few listens.
  22. Jul 30, 2017
    Espere muy ansioso por este disco y no me defraudo, una de las cosas q mas me gustan de esta banda es que son experimentales con su musica en cada disco muestran algo diferente.
  23. Jul 29, 2017
    It took me almost one week to make my mind about this album. Is it as good as their previous efforts? No. But it's far from being bad. But there are 2 major problems with this album. The first one is its terrible production. The tracks often sound messy, with instruments coming out of nowhere. For exemple, remove the ugly rhythmbox and the random trumpets from Peter Pan, and you obtain aIt took me almost one week to make my mind about this album. Is it as good as their previous efforts? No. But it's far from being bad. But there are 2 major problems with this album. The first one is its terrible production. The tracks often sound messy, with instruments coming out of nowhere. For exemple, remove the ugly rhythmbox and the random trumpets from Peter Pan, and you obtain a nice AF song. The second problem is its whole structure. The album is split in two parts (Infinitely Content being the pivot). The first half of EN feels like a single compilation, and the second one like what you'd expect from an AF album. This the the same pattern as Angel Olsen's My Woman, or as Frank Ocean's Blond. But here, the singles part is bad. The tittle track is what you expect from a post-Reflektor era Arcade Fire: it's dancable with a pretty melody. But the other singles feel empty, and the production problem make it not pleasant to listen to.
    At this point you might wonder why this album deserve a 7? The answer can be found in the second part of the album. If you manage to get through the first 23 minutes of it, then you will be able to enjoy the 23 last ones. Those 6 tracks are what EN should have been: the electronic sounds fit nicely to the songs, and make the few appearance of accoustic guitar beautiful. The hooks are made for the stadiums(which is one of the new goal of the band), nice and easy to remember. The tracks are longer and take their time for their grandiose final (Put Your Money On Me and We Don't Deserve Love).
    In the end, yes, this album is frustrating. It could have been much better, but we are lucky to have a half meh/half good album, and not a full meh album.
  24. Aug 4, 2017
    Despite the excessive bashing of this album going around, I really think it's something special. The lyrical themes match the fidgety, electric feel of the music. Consumerism, the effects of consumerism, and self-decay permeate every second of the album. Album highlights: Everything Now, Creature Comfort, Put Your Money On Me, We Don't Deserve Love.
  25. Jul 28, 2017
    Is this Arcade Fire's best album ever? No. But if any other band released Everything Now it would be an achievement. Electric Blue, Creature Comfort, and We Don't Deserve Love are right up there with the band's best work. Unfortunately is bogged down in the middle with a few mediocre tracks. That being said, we shouldn't be punishing the band by comparing this to previous masterpieces.
  26. Jul 28, 2017
    I think that making a review 150 characters long inhibits the ability of this website to collect accurate data. That being said, this album is good. It's just an odd first listen.
  27. Jul 28, 2017
    album do ano p*rra! esses críticos do caralho lambem meu c* cheio de foster the people!!! DEIXEM ELES TESTAREM OUTRAS SONORIDADES CARALH*. vocês ficam vivendo no passado querendo sempre um funeral 2.0 mas ISSO NÃO VAI ACONTECER PQ ELE É ÚNICO D*SGRAÇA. parabéns arcade fire por estar sempre se reinventando e entregando o melhor de si.
  28. Aug 1, 2017
    Conceptualmente este album cumple su cometido, la genialidad de la experimentación es otra cosa que aplaudir de AF. Realmente valió la pena esperar.
  29. Mar 1, 2018
    One fault of Arcade Fire's more recent albums is that they carried too much fat, would have benefitted from more ruthless editing and essentially had longer running times than the content merited. This is one area where the band have learned on "Everything Now". There are some excellent songs on this album that will sit nicely alongside the bands ferocious back catalog nicely. There areOne fault of Arcade Fire's more recent albums is that they carried too much fat, would have benefitted from more ruthless editing and essentially had longer running times than the content merited. This is one area where the band have learned on "Everything Now". There are some excellent songs on this album that will sit nicely alongside the bands ferocious back catalog nicely. There are also a few filler moments. It could be argued that the quality of the bands output has steadily declined since their debut. At their best, Arcade Fire are epic while their weaker moments sound like a band lost in their own self importance. With each album, its as if the band are believing their own hype is enough to pull off incomplete ideas. This album showcases both the good and the bad of Arcade Fire. A strong album with several standout songs but when you consider the gap between albums it does have the feel of a band starting to run out of creative steam. Perhaps a decade of mammoth world tours between records are beginning to take their toll. They are at a moment similar to where U2 were at the end of the 80's. That band returned with a complete reinvention and produced one of the greatest albums of all time in "Achtung Baby". Arcade Fire need to pull off a similar trick next if they have any chance to go down in history as one of the greats. Expand
  30. Aug 15, 2017
    While having respectable elements and harmonic cohesion due to the band’s superb musicianship, the lack of nuance, intent, and strength was very disappointing given the presentation and inability to sustain anything of real quality. My Score: 126/180 (Good) = 7/10

Generally favorable reviews - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 39
  2. Negative: 5 out of 39
  1. Aug 17, 2017
    While not entirely lacking new ideas (the louche, second version of Infinite Content would make Wilco proud), Everything Now feels like a brainstorming idea with one too many executives in the boardroom.
  2. Magnet
    Aug 15, 2017
    Arcade Fire's tightest and tersest album since 2004's Funeral is by far its least ambitious, and the band is cool to riff on this. [No. 145, p.53]
  3. Aug 4, 2017
    The only thing Arcade Fire’s Everything Now is about is Arcade Fire, which is its most pernicious and pathetic quality. Arcade Fire are no longer Orpheus and Eurydice, lovers doomed to tragedy; now they are Narcissus, the Greek hunter who lost the will to live after staring at his own reflection in a pond for too long. They ask their listeners to participate in this cynicism as they grasp so falsely at explanations for why “we” are like this.