• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Feb 6, 2016
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 112 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 62 out of 112
  2. Negative: 23 out of 112

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  1. Jul 28, 2019
    The fact that EVOL's style is a bit different makes the album bearable. There are standouts like Low Life and I really appreciate Future not filling the album to oblivion.
  2. Jul 18, 2017
  3. Apr 13, 2017
    THIS IS FUTURES BEST EVER PROJECT.... I was worried that quantity was taking over quality for this new album.... BUT OH HOW I WAS WRONG... this album is perefct, different beats, different feels, different sounds, good contrast between songs and "low life" with the weeknd just gives that little cherry on top. The quality of every song is perfect.... you can just feel how much effort wasTHIS IS FUTURES BEST EVER PROJECT.... I was worried that quantity was taking over quality for this new album.... BUT OH HOW I WAS WRONG... this album is perefct, different beats, different feels, different sounds, good contrast between songs and "low life" with the weeknd just gives that little cherry on top. The quality of every song is perfect.... you can just feel how much effort was put into this album. What a piece of art, just wow !! Drizzy and Kanye got some compettion Collapse Expand
  4. Jan 15, 2017
    Future is still going on his monotonous, autotuned and meaningless trap, this album is just bad, all the songs sounds the **** same, still bragging songs about how many **** he cheated on, this **** is just boring... what make people say "yeah this is good music" i can't stand
  5. Jun 1, 2016
    Future has especially changed the sounds of his album and some of his themes and he still sometimes mumbles as usual but this album is fire and Future is amazing on this album as usual.
  6. Apr 19, 2016
    most of the music on here doesnt really hold my interest. like his past works. you can only take a few songs that may stand out more than others. but even then those ones dont really have much a sound to them.
  7. Mar 2, 2016
    To say that this album is mediocre I think would be a little overly disparaging; nevertheless, on EVOL Future is just following the same formula he’s established for several projects now, which has become obnoxiously redundant at this point.
  8. Feb 23, 2016
    On "DS2", his previous album, Future did the unthinkable : he surprised us. The album was catchy, quite creative for trap music and without being outstanding lyrically, Future seemed to have things to say and the writing was a lot better than on his previous efforts. You didn't have to like Future's work to like "DS2" : his autotuned flow, usually appalling on a whole song, was the mostOn "DS2", his previous album, Future did the unthinkable : he surprised us. The album was catchy, quite creative for trap music and without being outstanding lyrically, Future seemed to have things to say and the writing was a lot better than on his previous efforts. You didn't have to like Future's work to like "DS2" : his autotuned flow, usually appalling on a whole song, was the most surprising thing on the album.
    2 mixtapes later, Future releases his fourth studio album "EVOL" and the illusion left by "DS2" that Future was actually a promising talent goes right through the window. Of the 11 tracks of the album, it's impossible to remember one in particular, maybe except for "Low Life" (mostly because The Weeknd is on it). The production is absolutely similar to "DS2" except it's lacking of extravagant and surprising moments like "Blood On The Money" and "Slave Master" or catchy mainstream hits like "Where Ya At".
    "EVOL" is just another collection of beats and unsurprising productions. Lyrically, it is a real disaster. The album is slightly boring, to say the least ...
  9. Feb 16, 2016
    Future has elevated the trap genre to a new level and established a distinct sound with Metro Booming and Southside. EVOL is a great counter to DS2 and shows how he can be dynamic and consistent at the SAME DAMN TIME.
  10. Feb 11, 2016
    THIS IS FUTURES BEST EVER PROJECT.... I was worried that quantity was taking over quality for this new album.... BUT OH HOW I WAS WRONG... this album is perefct, different beats, different feels, different sounds, good contrast between songs and "low life" with the weeknd just gives that little cherry on top. The quality of every song is perfect.... you can just feel how much effort wasTHIS IS FUTURES BEST EVER PROJECT.... I was worried that quantity was taking over quality for this new album.... BUT OH HOW I WAS WRONG... this album is perefct, different beats, different feels, different sounds, good contrast between songs and "low life" with the weeknd just gives that little cherry on top. The quality of every song is perfect.... you can just feel how much effort was put into this album. What a piece of art, just wow !! Drizzy and Kanye got some compettion Expand
  11. Feb 10, 2016
    Evol came out of nowhere and I have to say this was a nice surprise from Future.The album starts off the the track Ain't no Time which was one of the best tracks on Evol,the album remains consistent but then dips a bit with the tracks Photo copied and Seven rings which weren't bad tracks but not as good as the other with some over repetitive lyrics.
    The album then picks up with the track
    Evol came out of nowhere and I have to say this was a nice surprise from Future.The album starts off the the track Ain't no Time which was one of the best tracks on Evol,the album remains consistent but then dips a bit with the tracks Photo copied and Seven rings which weren't bad tracks but not as good as the other with some over repetitive lyrics.
    The album then picks up with the track Lie to me which was the best song in this album(fun and energetic trap song),from here the album finishes off well and again I have to praise Future on his consistency there was no bad track in this album though the album really lacked some street banger songs future has been known for like F_ck up some commas and Move that dope.Not sure if Evol is better than Dirty Sprite 2 because really Evol felt like a well produced Mixtape rather than an Album,but this album is cleary from a man in form that is making some fun and enjoyable music which makes is great for us too.
    The best tracks are Ain't no time,Lie to me,Low life feat The Weeknd and Fly Sh*t only.As I said there are no bad songs in this album but Xanny Family,Photo copied and Seven rings are the weaker tracks.
    So Evol is a good,entertaining,fun trap album Future has made and Future fans and probably non future fans will enjoy this,this album has nothing deep that his previous albums have contained but that doesn't stop Evol with some Good production and an inspired Future,Clearly not his best album but definitely a good album in it's own right.
  12. Feb 9, 2016
    I think these consecutive releases by Future with 2 albums and 5 mixtapes are getting tiresome. D2D and EVOL don't have much difference in instrumental and lyrical and this is becoming cloying.

    Clearly the best tracks of this album are Low Life (with the wonderful The Weeknd), Fly **** Only and Photo Copied. The album seems to be more of an exploitative and sexual outburst Future about
    I think these consecutive releases by Future with 2 albums and 5 mixtapes are getting tiresome. D2D and EVOL don't have much difference in instrumental and lyrical and this is becoming cloying.

    Clearly the best tracks of this album are Low Life (with the wonderful The Weeknd), Fly **** Only and Photo Copied. The album seems to be more of an exploitative and sexual outburst Future about his former relationship with Ciara ... I may be wrong, but it is what it seems.

    Anyway... I hope he'll take a break with these extensive releases to develop more well thought out and useful projects.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. The Wire
    Mar 22, 2016
    Despite the bloodlettting and reckless spending, Future just sounds bored. And occasionally lazy. [Apr 2016, p.50]
  2. EVOL is one of if not the best project Future has under his name, and while it may not feel as grandiose and capital I Important as DS2 in his legacy, it pushes his sound forward while he continues to stretch himself as an MC, songwriter, and lyricist.
  3. 50
    EVOL is the first time we begin to hear the ostensible rigidity in Future's formula revealing itself.