• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Jun 30, 2014
    The sounds are by turns troubled, angry, isolated, and wonder-struck in ways that only Hawtin can sound, and Ex adds another mysterious chapter to the Plastikman story.
  2. Aug 1, 2014
    EX will neither enliven classicists nor win new fans. We need challenged by this artist, who normally thrives on doing exactly that.
  3. Jul 15, 2014
    Recorded just a few days prior to the Guggenheim performance, the textures that continue to develop during repeat listens of EX hint at a producer with minimal analog dreams flooding his brain.
  4. Jul 14, 2014
    Ironically, listening to most of EX feels like watching a film with the sound turned off.
  5. Jun 30, 2014
    Using a finite set of equipment to create these seven tracks, much of EX comes off strikingly similar in sound, but Hawtin being the staunch veteran that he is, uses it to his advantage, reusing and appropriating signature tones and modes to craft the most solid live set you weren't lucky enough to attend.
  6. Jul 15, 2014
    EX is not awful, but it’s certainly not good either.
  7. Jul 16, 2014
    It’s an altogether different beast: a gigantic, wondrous thing to get lost in.
  8. Mojo
    Aug 20, 2014
    EX is a contemporary masterpiece. [Sep 2014, p.88]
  9. Jun 30, 2014
    EX is a proper album of all-new material--composed specifically for that iconic space--and features some of the best work of his career.
  10. Jun 30, 2014
    It’s better to conceive of Ex holistically, rather than as seven individual tracks—in part because the album's distinct parts tend to blend into one another, with little to differentiate them.
  11. Jun 30, 2014
    The first new Plastikman material in over ten years was always going to carry some high expectations, and as solid as it is, this one doesn't quite match up.
  12. The Wire
    Jul 21, 2014
    EX is flawed yet enjoyable. [Aug 2014, p.56]
  13. Uncut
    Aug 11, 2014
    Ex is full of Hawtin's old sleek menace and disdain for obvious peaks, though the sound design is fractionally lusher than that of brutalist texts like Musik (1194). [Sep 2014, p.75]

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