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Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 20
  2. Negative: 2 out of 20
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  1. Aug 28, 2014
    A nice 7 track EP that very much keeps with the sunshine pop Best Coast provided on their first two albums. Opening tracks "This Lonely Morning" and "I Wanna Know" are the strongest tracks on show here and would fit in on their excellent debut album. While an enjoyable EP, "Fade Away" raises questions about the bands ability to stay fresh and interesting as they approach album number 3.A nice 7 track EP that very much keeps with the sunshine pop Best Coast provided on their first two albums. Opening tracks "This Lonely Morning" and "I Wanna Know" are the strongest tracks on show here and would fit in on their excellent debut album. While an enjoyable EP, "Fade Away" raises questions about the bands ability to stay fresh and interesting as they approach album number 3. While great fun, 2 albums and several EP's satisfies even the most avid fans appetite for Best Coast's brand of surf pop. The time is right for them to take a left if they can. Collapse
  2. May 21, 2014
    These guys don't disappoint in making top-of-the-line generic indie drivel. Yawwwwwn. Twee Pop was TWENTY years ago guys. And you're not doing it any favors because this is just a really bad album. Highly rec you stay away from it at all costs. I'll admit the production is pretty sleek and cool sometimes.
  3. Feb 9, 2014
    Good rock music. The lyrics are also pretty good, and particularly heartbreaking in the title track. I also enjoyed Bethany's vocal style. They fit the lyrics quite well. My favorite tracks are: I Wanna Know, Fear of My Identity, and Fade Away.
  4. Oct 23, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. On the Fade Away EP, the band finally moves forward. The opening track, “This Lonely Morning”, just barrages you with distorted feedback, and the band go back to their original style with composition and rhythm but now with a distortion pedal, adding some nice subversivness that clouds up the clean, lo-fi atmosphere. With a band whose sound is going stagnant, it’s a fresh and enjoyable alteration. The catchy hooks are still here too, which we all missed. Right? “I Wanna Know” is playful as ever, with a buoyant rhythm and attitude. “Baby goodbye” she sings in the happiest, joyful voice ever accompanied by the distortion, a welcome attribute. This distorted lo-fi style is carried on through the triumphant tracks in this case the album pinnacle ,“Who Have I Become”, where it becomes evident they’ve become something not entirely different but something better.

    The band then takes the tempo down a notch with “Fear of My Identity”, “Fade Away” sounds a lot like “How They Want Me To Be” from their second LP, The Only Place so the clean riffs are back as the distortion, coincidentally “fades away”. They then pick themselves up with “I Don’t Know How”, an indie rock tune that closes the album perfectly with bittersweet lyrics: “I don’t know how to tell you I love you” as it quickly switches up tempo as does the energy and vibe of the songs. The bass stays busy and riffs, while having no distortion, show that Best Coast still have a soft spot for the past. It’s not too much of a problem and with Bethany Cosentino’s sweet yet enraged lyrics “You see me everywhere you walk around without a care” the track explicitly parallels to Los Angeles, sunny and teeming with culture but smoggy and socially shady. Not hating on LA, but whenever you’re down, count on Best Coast to pick you up because they’re moving up and when you hop on, they’re taking you with them.
  5. Oct 22, 2013
    Damn this band is dope. Second album was a bit of a downer, but they are back with a vengeance. Every track on this EP is amazing. Digged it a lot..............................................................................
  6. Oct 22, 2013
    Best Coast have never sounded this confident or aggressive. Even when the majority of the lyrics are introspective, the drums are super tight and guitars growling. Without a doubt some of their best work to date.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Magnet
    Nov 27, 2013
    There's a load of fuzzy power chords ruling these tunes, but they're smoothed out and nudged into the background, allowing a very capable Cosentino to take her rightful place at the front of the mix. [No. 104, p.52]
  2. Nov 20, 2013
    On this seven-song EP, Bethany Cosentino combines the sundown power-pop buzz of Best Coast's 2010 debut with the Hulk-hug melodies and emotional gravity of last year's The Only Place to make for something masterfully archetypal but utterly her own.
  3. Nov 11, 2013
    It may only be 27 minutes, but it still almost feels too long with how similar all of the songs sound. Best Coast unfortunately has slipped into a daze of becoming too comfortable with their sound.