• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Nov 11, 2022
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 471 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 34 out of 471
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  1. Nov 11, 2022
    Louis Tomlinson has no sound of his own and just emulates better artists. Chicago and Angels Cry are Oasis karaoke. She is Beauty is a New Order rip off. Out of My System cosplays The Arctic Monkeys. His vocals are thin and tinny throughout.
  2. Dec 30, 2022
    how can it be so terrible??????? can be even worse than the first ☠️☠️ I thought that was really bad.
  3. Nov 19, 2022
    composições fracas e produção básica, um artista sem identidade e com capacidade vocal limitada.
  4. Nov 15, 2022
    Este álbum es simplemente malo sus vocals son planos demostrando que el definitivamente no puede cantar no tiene una dirección clara en lo rítmico y las letras son simplemente sonsas y malas y su producción muy aburrida
  5. Nov 15, 2022
    Absolutely Nothing Special about this album, almsot every song on the album was boring. 2 maybe 3 ok songs its the reason its getting a 3. You don’t need vocals all you need is to be a good singer and sadly thats not something Louis is.
  6. Nov 14, 2022
    Achei fraco ,uma música se salvar desse álbum mas para os fãs que aceitam qualquer coisa desse homem elas vão gostar e dizer que é obra de arte
  7. Nov 14, 2022
    Horrível. Ele ta perdido e é nítido que ele nem sabe o que ta fazendo, ele não é um bom compositor, as melodias são inesquecíveis e por deus, os vocais são terríveis, esse cara NÃO SABE CANTAR. Ta na hora de procurar outra carreira. Ele é o exemplo mais claro que é possível ficar mundialmente conhecido escorado no talento de outros.
  8. Nov 13, 2022
    What kind of copy and paste is this? And what kind of thin nasal voice is that? I thought to be a musician, you gotta be able to sing.
  9. Nov 13, 2022
    He needs to mature....still making music for larries in his 30's. My 10 year old sister thinks it's good. I guess that's the demo he's going for.
  10. Nov 13, 2022
    If you know the British indie scene from the last five/ten years, you will see a pale imitation of those great bands at play here. There is nothing sonically original. Elements of influence haven't been combined to create anything new. Nothing interesting is being explored. Sadly this falls in to the realm of pastiche. Also not helped by weak vocals and very obvious lyrics.
  11. Nov 13, 2022
    that's.... an album I guess. can't believe he could do something worse than his first album "Walls" but I guess I was wrong. The sound is just mediocre and his vocals are just bad. like I'm sorry lol
  12. Nov 13, 2022
    It feels like my ears are bleeding Over 10 years of vocal coaching and his voice is still unbearable It's a no from me
  13. Nov 12, 2022
    Worst album ever, he has no voice can’t sing

    If you don't want to ruin your eardrums don't hear it
  14. Nov 12, 2022
    Es triste ver como no se despega de sus inicios de one direction, con malos vocals disfrazados con un exceso de autotune, de nuevo, es triste como sigue insistiendo en tener una carrera musical cuando solo se copia de los sonidos de bandas indie, un albúm muy presuntuoso y debil liricamente, los unicos que piensan que este albúm es bueno son sus fans.
  15. Nov 12, 2022
    It's a bad album it doesn't even deserve to be listened to, it's not risky at all and it's a copy of music and sounds that we've already heard, he wants to be different but he's not
  16. Nov 12, 2022
    Todas las canciones son iguales. Producción básica y aburrida. Canciones monótonas y Muy malas. El único miembro talentoso de 1D es Zayn, y como mucho Harry.
  17. Nov 11, 2022
    It was way too boring it's seems like he was trying so hard to be someone who he isn't and the sounds didn't fit him very well. most of the songs were fillers what a shame and what a waste of time
  18. Nov 11, 2022
    I expected that after the change of label he would be able to make better music, I was completely wrong.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Dec 12, 2022
    While other 1D members might grab more of the public spotlight, Tomlinson proves his strength as a songwriter and voice for fans with more complex, deeper emotions.
  2. Nov 11, 2022
    He may have landed on a sound, but as an artist Tomlinson is still directionless.
  3. Nov 10, 2022
    If anything, however, new album ‘Faith In The Future’ is simply too nice. The songwriting is sturdy and well-formed, leaning on his indie roots – you can hear ghosts of the Gallaghers, whispers of Chris Martin – without ever truly channelling something dangerous, or edgy. ... It just doesn’t raise the pulse, or quicken the blood-flow in a way you might long for.