• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Mar 22, 2011

Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16
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  1. Mar 31, 2011
    The easier-but not exactly wiser-route for Brown would've been to take jabs at those who turned their backs on him, but his tactic here seems to give listeners a solid album.
  2. Mar 22, 2011
    All of it is done capably, even superbly in some cases, though F.A.M.E. also feels strained and sometimes downright desperate. That said, there's no denying he pulls off some neat coups.
  3. Mar 22, 2011
    This all makes F.A.M.E. the equal of Forever, if not slightly better, and it hints that Brown's best is yet to come.
  4. Mar 21, 2011
    So, while he fails to reward those fans who are everything to him with a great collection of pop-RnB, Brown at least gives them reason to believe.
  5. 83
    On its own merits, F.A.M.E. deserves to be heard.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 106 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 53 out of 106
  2. Negative: 39 out of 106
  1. Mar 22, 2011
    I think Graffiti was an amazing album that would have been a giant sucess if it was released later. Most of the reviews about it were reallyI think Graffiti was an amazing album that would have been a giant sucess if it was released later. Most of the reviews about it were really biased... Well and as much as i was not sure if Chris Brown will top his previous work, He did just that with F.A.M.E. . Just like Graffiti, Chris jumps from one genre of music to another. This album is much more positive than Graffiti and have more up tempo tracks. Deuces was a perfect choice for the first track as this is the ultimate comeback track for Chris, what is there to say about it? The lyrics are great, vocals are great and you've probably heard it by now. Second track is called "Up 2 You" and is one of my favourite tracks on album, it's a slow heartfelt pure R&B ballad. Great production and impressing vocals. Next are No BS which most of you probably heard by now too, (it's really nice slow jam) & Look at Me Now - The only track where Chris arguably gets outshined by other artist. It's a great hip-hop banger and Chris' verse is really nice although the speed at which Busta Rhymes spit is just unbelievable. The 5th track which i also consider one of the best on F.A.M.E. is "She Ain't You" . It samples Michael Jackson's "Human Nature" and SWV. Really catchy chorus and again great lyrics. 6th track is a production by Harmony. Chris again attempts to rap on it although those raps are much more melodic. The chorus got that 80s, 90s feel to it and features Seven's vocals which are real good. Overally i like the song but i wasn't impressed by lyrics. My least favourite from the 13 track offering probably.

    7th track is YEAH 3X, it was all over music programmes and radio so i doubt anyone didn't have a chance to hear it. I'm not really a fan of euro-pop sound but this song is actually really good and when you hear it you just can't help but dance. It's also very positive!

    Next 2 You, i wasn't sure how it's gonna turn out. Never been a fan nor a hater of Justin Bieber so i was quite curious what it will sound like. Well...it's a mid-tempo love song with great lyrics and great vocals from both Chris and Justin. One of the better tracks on album.

    Then after Next 2 You, comes a great great and deep "All Back" on which Chris sings about his lost love and that he wants eveyrything he lost (porbably after incident in 2009) back. This song is a real gem on here and it shows how amazing voice Chris Brown has.

    Wet the Bed comes next, i think the "plum" sound in the background is really nice touch. Ludacris delivers a great verse and the chorus is catchy. Vocals are again top notch. This is very simillar song to No BS although it's much more raunchy.

    Oh My Love is the 2nd production by Harmony, the beat is really really simillar to Say It With Me although this song is much much better. The verses are a very fast (think Busta & Twista) raps while chorus again has that 80s/90s feel. Kind of reminding me of Michael Jackson's Off the Wall album or even a couple of songs from Thriller.

    Should've Kissed You - It's co-produced by Chris Brown, it's well a little less memorable R&B ballad. The vocals are again really good but what really makes this one special for me is the fact alot of people can relate to the song including me. Definately nice one, not as impressing as Up 2 You or All Back but still really enjoyable.

    The last song is prod by Benny Benassi - Beautiful People. It's Trance if i'm not mistaken...i'm not really into this type of music and was really suprised when i first heard this song cause it's something different than usual stuff Chris Brown made in past. To be honest I did enjoy it though. The beat was well done and the message behind the song was great. "The beauty is inside you."

    There is pretty much nothing about F.A.M.E. that disapoints, some songs are better some songs are worse but all did satisfy me. I'd recommend this one mostly for people that like R&B cause there are alot of R&B songs like on all previous Chris Brown albums. Although i'm sure everyone can find something for themselves! The Deluxe edition includes 4 additional songs. Beg for it & Love me are good but nothing amazing to be honest. Bomb is a great hip-hop song with a lil Reggae vibe to it and Paper,Scissors,Rock is the best out of these. I'd recommend to get the deluxe version as it's worth it.
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 23, 2011
    Very underwhelming. I expected much better. Most song on this album sounds the same. Hopefully Fortune will be better. Besides the hit Deuces,Very underwhelming. I expected much better. Most song on this album sounds the same. Hopefully Fortune will be better. Besides the hit Deuces, F.A.M.E leaves much to be desired and i think Chris Brown needs to go along the same route as his debut album if he wants to make a hit again Full Review »
  3. Mar 23, 2011
    I really feel like this is the best album Chris Brown has put out since his first one from start to end just a prefect 10 all the way. WithI really feel like this is the best album Chris Brown has put out since his first one from start to end just a prefect 10 all the way. With songs like "She Ain't You" ,"Deuces" , "Up 2 You", "No Bullshit","Look at Me Now" and "Yeah 3x" you really can not go wrong with a great album. Full Review »