• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Feb 24, 2015
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 84 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 84
  2. Negative: 35 out of 84
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  1. Oct 14, 2018
    Existe uma ótima química entre estes dois artistas e algumas músicas são cativantes e dão para dançar, mas sejamos sinceros: a criatividade das letras é quase inexistente e as batidas soam quase o mesmo. Se quiseres ouvir um bom álbum pop-rap, "Fan of A Fan: The Album" não é o ideal.
  2. Jun 6, 2016
    If Chris Brown and Tyga would talk less about al that bullsh*t thay could do a really good album, this album is sadly repetitive, they could've did it better
  3. Jan 4, 2016
    the album is good, but i'm tired of all these songs that say always **** **** **** **** hoe", i hope that they will change this type of lyrics, but musically isn't bad
  4. Apr 8, 2015
    When this album was available for pre-order on iTunes, I was anticipating it. I liked "Ayo", but then I pre-ordered the album and heard "B****es n M*******a" and worried about the rest of the album's production because the song sounded exactly like "Ayo". I knew it wasn't going to be lyrical, based on what I already know about Chris Brown and Tyga, but when I pre-ordered the album I had noWhen this album was available for pre-order on iTunes, I was anticipating it. I liked "Ayo", but then I pre-ordered the album and heard "B****es n M*******a" and worried about the rest of the album's production because the song sounded exactly like "Ayo". I knew it wasn't going to be lyrical, based on what I already know about Chris Brown and Tyga, but when I pre-ordered the album I had no idea the production was going to be as repetitive as it was. Almost every song on this album was produced by DJ Mustard, Nic Nac, or other producers that copy their style. Normally I like DJ Mustard's production but when you have an album that makes use of his sound for almost every song, you might as well want to turn the CD off after the fourth or fifth track. And that's exactly what this album is. And the lyrics don't help matters at all. This album currently has the worst album Metascore of 2015 and I hope it doesn't end up that way by the end of the year because there are some good things about this record, like "D.G.I.F.U." and "It's Yo S***". Grade: C. Highlights: "D.G.I.F.U.", "It's Yo S***", "Banjo". Worst songs: All of the songs that take DJ Mustard's sound and spread it across the entire album. Expand
  5. Mar 7, 2015
    It has some good songs with good lyrics. But it feels soft and slow. It's like they were on a rush. I'm not saying that they where exactly on a rush but i'm just saying that it feels like they just wanted to throw some **** just to get catchy. And they fail at that. Tyga always sounds like he raps about the same thing and Chris Brown just did a good job.
  6. Feb 27, 2015
    Ok...I gave this album 10/10 just because I wanted to improve the grade a little bit.In reality I think it deserves 6.5/10.It has great songs like **** and Marijuana,I bet,D.G.I.F.U. is really good and Remember me.When you listen to it it kinda sounds the same and that's what I found bad about this album.Sure you didn't expect some kind of a gangster thing on it but I think there shouldOk...I gave this album 10/10 just because I wanted to improve the grade a little bit.In reality I think it deserves 6.5/10.It has great songs like **** and Marijuana,I bet,D.G.I.F.U. is really good and Remember me.When you listen to it it kinda sounds the same and that's what I found bad about this album.Sure you didn't expect some kind of a gangster thing on it but I think there should have been something different about this album. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 6
  2. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. Mar 18, 2015
    Ultimately, this is likely to satisfy only the most devout sects of Brown's and Tyga's fan bases.
  2. Mar 10, 2015
    It's nothing we've not heard before.
  3. Feb 24, 2015
    Overwrought with rap cliches, Fan of a Fan is a formulaic heaping of bouncy bangers primed for the strip clubs that likely inspired it. There isn't much here, besides expletive-filled musings on sex, drugs, cars, money and dangerous misogyny.