• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Feb 7, 2020
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Mixed or average reviews- based on 217 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 79 out of 217
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  1. Feb 9, 2020
    The album is just rolling through my earphones... excellent, excellent... How do I miss irreverent but no-nonsense rock n roll in all its variations and iterations, but nowadays it's more and more endangered species. Green Day mix rough, banging sound with catchy poppy songs, lifting riffs and melodies from all over the place, but all in the good cause. Some anthemic moments, kitschy but aThe album is just rolling through my earphones... excellent, excellent... How do I miss irreverent but no-nonsense rock n roll in all its variations and iterations, but nowadays it's more and more endangered species. Green Day mix rough, banging sound with catchy poppy songs, lifting riffs and melodies from all over the place, but all in the good cause. Some anthemic moments, kitschy but a bit mythic anyway, something we badly need in these desolate times, something that can lift us from the darkness and into wild dance party. Expand
  2. Feb 12, 2020
    Another different & excellent album...............................................................................................................................
  3. Feb 28, 2020
    Tbh normally I'd give it 8/10. But when I saw how many old pompous superjerks gave it zero just because the band dared to do something different than these jerks wanted, I had to give it ten.

    It's not their best album, but it's fun, fresh, and really grows on you. Definitely worth a try.
  4. Feb 7, 2020
    Look, this is the best album this band released since 21CB. It’s short, but is a short, sweet, neat, adrenaline shot. The production and mixing is on top of everything, the songs are bangers, and they are so diverse. Great work from a band that has been around for over 30 years. Not something it could have been easy to expect from Green Day in 2020, in a really positive way.
  5. Feb 7, 2020
    A big comeback for a band that has been around since 1989. This album might not be perfect, but it deserves a 10 nonetheless. Writing and producing a rock n roll album like Father of all... in 2020 requires talent and braveness. It might not be a classic punk rock record, but its own existence is the definition of punk.
  6. Feb 7, 2020
    Great songs, great lyrics, great music, great production, great Green Day record as se didn’t have in a while.
  7. Feb 7, 2020
    Great album, new sounds, straight to the point. A big comeback that brings back this band to quality levels we have been missing for a while.
  8. Feb 18, 2020
    The best punk rock band, Green Day, is back. And he does it with a great album, possibly the best of his genre in this 2020
  9. Feb 7, 2020
    Greenday können auch Spaß und es tut der Band gut nicht immer den Ernst des Lebens zu thematisieren
    Ich kann es nur empfehlen.
    Alle anderen sollen sich doch bitte verkriechen
  10. Feb 7, 2020
    Straight up Rock n Roll, free of political themes, this album is purely fun
  11. Lsj
    Feb 7, 2020
    This album rocks. New, fresh sound for Green Day. It’s a rollicking good time.
  12. Feb 7, 2020
    Great! They best album on a long time. They really put a incredible sound on a great dance songs.
  13. Feb 8, 2020
    A great, enjoyable album that tries to recapture the 50/60/70's rock and roll sound in a modern way.
    Pure, straightforward rock and roll.
  14. Feb 12, 2020
    Sound great and different. Direct & overwhelming album. Foxboro Hot Tubs vibes. Grow with every listen. I'm very sorry for the haters.
  15. Feb 14, 2020
  16. Feb 16, 2020
    It’s revolutionary ! It’s new! Bad single choices, but stab you in the heart, gerfftia and meet me on the roof are bops.
  17. Oct 14, 2020
    a good effort from a good band. different, experimental, and it works. keep it up.
  18. Feb 8, 2020
    Father of All... is the perfect album that Green Day needed to make at this time in their career. It’s a fun ride that leaves you wanting more. Dare I say it’s their most joyful album since their start at 924 Gilman.
  19. Feb 7, 2020
    I was expecting a bad album when I first heard the lead single from this album. But the truth is that this project is really interesting. It isn't their best album, but it is really enjoyable and listenable (and fun). If you hate Green Day, this album will be another reason to hate them, if you love them, you'll probably enjoy this album
  20. Feb 7, 2020
    Well that was a surprise. This album is one of the most fun things I’ve heard recently. You can really tell they had fun while making it. I even like it better than revolution radio, great album.
  21. Feb 7, 2020
    Green Day choose to not sound how everybody excepted that they should be.
    Pretty refreshing sound, with inspiration from 60's 70's.
    Armstrong always on the top.
    Very enjoyable album ! 9/10
  22. Feb 16, 2020
    There are a lot of disappointed fans of the group that hate this album. There are also many that love this album. After what the group has put out in the past 2 decades why hate this album? They have nothing else to prove. They started as punk, went more ambitious, sold millions and deserve to record whatever the hell they feel like recording.
    I think the songs on "Father of All" are fun
    There are a lot of disappointed fans of the group that hate this album. There are also many that love this album. After what the group has put out in the past 2 decades why hate this album? They have nothing else to prove. They started as punk, went more ambitious, sold millions and deserve to record whatever the hell they feel like recording.
    I think the songs on "Father of All" are fun to listen and full of energy. The only negative i can find is that there isn't enough of material fur a full album to put out. 26 minutes? I've seen some EP's longer than that. That's like Metallica putting an album made of 4 songs (they average 6-7 minutes in length) and still charge full price. I really think Billy and the guys recorded way more than 10 songs and keep remaining locked for the next album. I also think they went like this: **** it, let's pick 10 fastest songs from 30 that we've recorded and put out a fun album. Nobody cares how short it's going to be, just look at freakin' Bruno Mars most of his albums are less than 40 minutes and he sells them like fresh buns!
    This actually is a very smart business decision, why **** around for 12 months and make a concept album (American Idiot) when you can spend 3 and have fun!
    Keep em coming guys, I'm expecting something new in one year!
  23. Mar 30, 2020
    ( 82/100 )

    Para ser alguien que creció lejos del clásico Green Day, confieso que disfruté la energía, la voz, el estilo y contemporaneidad de este álbum. No es falso y se nota mucho que el esfuerzo de la banda por adaptarse a la juventud actual también ha sacrificado un poco su público más maduro, sin embargo, el esfuerzo, aunque arriesga el estilo primordial de la banda, ese mismo
    ( 82/100 )

    Para ser alguien que creció lejos del clásico Green Day, confieso que disfruté la energía, la voz, el estilo y contemporaneidad de este álbum. No es falso y se nota mucho que el esfuerzo de la banda por adaptarse a la juventud actual también ha sacrificado un poco su público más maduro, sin embargo, el esfuerzo, aunque arriesga el estilo primordial de la banda, ese mismo riesgo también se compensa con una explosión de energía y euforia tanto en la producción, a cargo de Butch Walker, como en el humor político y depresivo de sus letras. Considero es vale la pena escuchar la evolución y adaptación de Green Day en este proyecto.
    For being someone that grew up far away from the Green Day classics, I confess that I enjoyed the energy, the voice, style of this album. Is not fake and can be noticed a lot that the effort of the band to adapt to the youth of now of days has sacrificed his more mature public, nevertheless, the effort, even if it risks the main style of the band, those same risks are compensated with an explosion of energy and euphoria in the production, in charge of Butch Walker, as well as in the political and depressive humor of their lyrics. I consider that is worth hearing the evolution and adaptation of Green Day in this project.
  24. Feb 9, 2020
    Drawing more on recent contemporaries like Fall Out Boy than their own classic sound, Green Day blast at a breakneck pace through glittery, hand-clapping schlock rock, middle fingers raised in true punk fashion, with more passion, energy, and innovation than we've seen from them in years.

    Choice Cuts: "Fire, Ready, Aim", "Oh Yeah!", "Meet Me on the Roof"
  25. Feb 11, 2020
    I like it. Catchy and infectious. Will divide opinion for the Dookie and post AI fans. Fave tracks: Father of All, Take the Money and Crawl, Graffitia
  26. Feb 7, 2020
    They are good, in the genre of music they make!
    I expected the same as I have heard through the years, and yes, they made it again.
    Good record, excellent songs!

    Boys are back in town!
  27. Feb 7, 2020
    A different sound for Green Day but very catchy
    Although the album lasts 26 minutes, it is very enjoyable
  28. Feb 7, 2020
    I don't know what most people have been seeing online in places like Discord or Twitter on this album but everything I've been seeing has been mostly extremely negative. If I can give the haters one thing, that billboard that the band posted on Twitter was god awful. I don't know if it's my fangirlism that comes from Green Day being the first band I loved but I really enjoyed this album.I don't know what most people have been seeing online in places like Discord or Twitter on this album but everything I've been seeing has been mostly extremely negative. If I can give the haters one thing, that billboard that the band posted on Twitter was god awful. I don't know if it's my fangirlism that comes from Green Day being the first band I loved but I really enjoyed this album. It's probably their best album post American Idiot. I've listened to the record twice and I've really enjoyed it both times. It's a neat shift in direction that I think anyone who has anything staked in the band at this point should check out. Expand
  29. Feb 9, 2020
    I'll be honest, I didn't expect much from this album going into it. I wasn't even excited to listen to it. I will say that even without complex morals or extreme ambitions, Green Day can make something fun to listen to. Many people suspected a filler album from Father of All..., myself included, but I've found myself enjoying it. I understand that it could have been more. I even supportI'll be honest, I didn't expect much from this album going into it. I wasn't even excited to listen to it. I will say that even without complex morals or extreme ambitions, Green Day can make something fun to listen to. Many people suspected a filler album from Father of All..., myself included, but I've found myself enjoying it. I understand that it could have been more. I even support the fact that it should've been more, but just in terms of listening pleasure, most of this album is surprisingly fun, and Green Day accomplished everything they were trying to accomplish. I do want to point out Graffitia, the final song on the album, for its fantastic atmosphere and tone to end a pretty careless album. If you don't want to listen to half an hour of Father of All..., just listen to Graffitia. It's great. Expand
  30. Feb 7, 2020
    As a whole, a nice fun album that did exceed expectations. FRA and Oh Yeah made me overall worried but thankfully, a lot of the songs that aren't singles are pretty solid. (Highlights: Father of All, Meet Me at the Roof, Stab You In The Heart)
  31. Feb 7, 2020
    This is definitley a grower and nothing like what most people will be expecting, but it demonstrates both Green Day's love for their art and their passion to try new things!
  32. Apr 11, 2020
    Father of All… by Green Day: 6.81

    Father of All…: 1 :) Fire, Ready Aim: 1 :) Oh Yeah: 0.75 Meet Me on the Roof: 1 :) I Was a Teenage Teenager: 0.75 Stab You in the Heart: 0.25 Sugar Youth: 1 :) Junkies on a High: 0.75 Take the Money and Crawl: 0.75 Graffitia: 1 8.25/10 = .825 -> 6.81 Father of All… is Green Day’s most recent album, and it’s a heck of a good one. I feel
    Father of All… by Green Day: 6.81

    Father of All…: 1 :)
    Fire, Ready Aim: 1 :)
    Oh Yeah: 0.75
    Meet Me on the Roof: 1 :)
    I Was a Teenage Teenager: 0.75
    Stab You in the Heart: 0.25
    Sugar Youth: 1 :)
    Junkies on a High: 0.75
    Take the Money and Crawl: 0.75
    Graffitia: 1

    8.25/10 = .825 -> 6.81

    Father of All… is Green Day’s most recent album, and it’s a heck of a good one. I feel like Green Day hyped this album up a lot, and for the most part, my expectations were met and exceeded. Father of All… (the song) and “Fire, Ready, Aim” were both fantastic songs that I would be able to listen to again and again. Oh Yeah was the other song released as sort of a preview for this album (along with the first two) and while the music was top notch, I would’ve preferred a little less repetitiveness with the lyrics in the chorus. Meet Me on the Roof was a very fun and danceable song, and it sounds a little unlike what Green Day has produced in the past, but it totally fits them and is a welcome difference. I Was a Teenage Teenager has a nice foundation bassline, but I wasn’t sure about its lyrics, though I can get down with the attitude behind the song of just being a normal person lost in a sea of talent. Stab You in the Heart was just too much. The music almost sounded like something The Beatles would write, though they would never write the lyrics found in that song; they were just too graphic and they didn’t fit the happy music part of the song. Sugar Youth was awesome, bringing me back to the days of Green Day’s older albums, like Dookie. Junkies on a High was okay, I didn’t know about the subject matter, though the music was good. Take the Money and Crawl was a really good song until the end when they brought in a line I didn’t like and swore without a good reason. Graffitia was a great song, kinda reminding me of the last part of the song 21st Century Breakdown when it was slower but really cool. Plus the lyrics in Graffitia were pretty nice. All in all, a very nice album from Green Day. I look forward to listening to their other stuff because I’ve reviewed a small percentage of what they have wrote, and they are one of my favorite artists. All fans of Green Day will love Father of All…, as well as other fans of rock music. Highlights: Father of All…; Fire, Ready, Aim; Meet Me on the Roof; Sugar Youth; and Graffitia.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 25
  2. Negative: 2 out of 25
  1. Feb 18, 2020
    Green Day have become the very thing they once despised: buck-chasin’ mild boys of mayonnaise corporate rock.
  2. Feb 18, 2020
    Certain songs try to recapture their old glory, while others feel like an embarrassing pop ploy—but the most consistent feeling is pure disappointment. Even when Green Day is supposedly having fun here, they sound tired and overworked at best.
  3. 90
    Father of All Motherfuckers is a danceable, feel-good pop album with some really stellar songwriting and, after the impotent Revolution Radio and the ludicrous ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, ¡Tré! trilogy, seeing Green Day branch out a bit and succeed at something different is refreshing. It’s a sign of artists with a great deal of range and imagination who are far from done surprising us.