• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Aug 30, 2019
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 733 Ratings

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  1. Apr 11, 2022
    Хороший альбом, в духе старых Tool. Конечно это не лучшая их работа, слышны наработки Lateralus/10 000 Days, до уровня темного звучания моего любимого альбома у них – Ænima он конечно не дотягивает. Но Fear Inoculum совсем другой альбом. Альбом мужиков за 50, которые прожили большую часть жизни, они больше ушли в философию "Reflection", чем в драйв "Stinkfist" и это можно понять. Tool неХороший альбом, в духе старых Tool. Конечно это не лучшая их работа, слышны наработки Lateralus/10 000 Days, до уровня темного звучания моего любимого альбома у них – Ænima он конечно не дотягивает. Но Fear Inoculum совсем другой альбом. Альбом мужиков за 50, которые прожили большую часть жизни, они больше ушли в философию "Reflection", чем в драйв "Stinkfist" и это можно понять. Tool не пытаются сделать что-то новое, но всё же это хороший альбом, он монолитен, содержит их проверенные и цепляющие ходы. Стоили ли эти 13 лет ожиданий? Думаю, что да, но в силу стольких лет, ожидания фанатов были явно завышены, поэтому и оценки настолько полярные. Если воспринимать это на холодную голову – альбом удался, но несколько затянут. Вещи вроде culling voices не настолько сильны, явно могли бы быть короче. Expand
  2. Sep 1, 2019
    After listening to each track twenty times. Tool sounds just as amazing as ever. I feel that the goal of the album wasn't to really explore or try anything entirely different, but to focus on creating that typical transcending experience that you'd expect Tool to give us. I didn't hear any new or truly outstanding unique riffs by either Adam (guitar) or Justin (bass), and that's slightlyAfter listening to each track twenty times. Tool sounds just as amazing as ever. I feel that the goal of the album wasn't to really explore or try anything entirely different, but to focus on creating that typical transcending experience that you'd expect Tool to give us. I didn't hear any new or truly outstanding unique riffs by either Adam (guitar) or Justin (bass), and that's slightly disappointing. However Adam gets a chance to shine toward the end of Descending, which is great, because Adam is the weakest member of the band (just my opinion). But he works well with Tool, and that's what matters. Danny (drums) is clearly in the spotlight of the album. His odd and mathematical drumming style is just as prominent as ever. His work in Pneuma is phenomenal. He gets an entire track (Chocolate Chip Trip) to show off his talent. I'm not sure how I feel about the sounds chosen for that particular track. It's.... wildly different. Maynard gives a decent performance. He didn't have that many lyrics. Most of what he sang was just the same lines over and over. That's not a terrible thing, but it's a little disappointing. He uses his angelic like tone for what seems like the entire album. I didn't hear any rough sounds or screams that Maynard has given us in his previous work. 7empest is probably the closest he gets to that. In my opinion nothing in the album really stands out. Don't expect anything even close to the level of Vicarious, The Grudge, Lateralus, 10,000 Days, Ænema, Right in Two, Parabola, etc..

    As someone who loves Tool, I give the album, Fear Inoculum, a 7/10. My review is based on Tool's previous work, not comparing it to other artists. I've ordered 2 digital copies and a physical copy of the album. And I'll keep listening for years to come.
  3. Sep 7, 2019
    Far from the band's best work but still a solid effort with plenty of complex timings and interesting instrumentation for fans to gush at. Maynard's vocals are, as always, brilliant, but the three sound scape tracks that are included on one version of the album honestly ruin the flow of the project as a whole. These sound scapes are boring and unnecessary and the album would be much betterFar from the band's best work but still a solid effort with plenty of complex timings and interesting instrumentation for fans to gush at. Maynard's vocals are, as always, brilliant, but the three sound scape tracks that are included on one version of the album honestly ruin the flow of the project as a whole. These sound scapes are boring and unnecessary and the album would be much better with them removed. Expand
  4. Mar 11, 2020
    this album is a progressive beast . It is long and complex. While that could be a diminishing factor in accesibility, it does work brilliantly in good hands.
    The album is made of 6 real songs and 4 interludes (one of these is a battery solo). The songs are long and heavy, they're complex and have the time to breathe, morph and develop
    The band is on its best performance: Danny is a
    this album is a progressive beast . It is long and complex. While that could be a diminishing factor in accesibility, it does work brilliantly in good hands.
    The album is made of 6 real songs and 4 interludes (one of these is a battery solo). The songs are long and heavy, they're complex and have the time to breathe, morph and develop
    The band is on its best performance: Danny is a complete beast!!! In fact, this might be one of the best drumming albums ever made, it's just brutal. Songs tend to develop into extended jams, those might be good if you're in the right mindset .
    As for the cons... MJK is well past its prime, he does it ok here, but not as outstanding at he was before
    Clean vocals are mellower they´ve ever been, and agressive vocals are just limited to one track
    As of today, i feel this might be a 7 for me, but it may change (as all Tool albums)
    Highlights: Pneuma, Invincible, Descending, 7empest
  5. Sep 19, 2019
    Being a new Tool fan, my expectations weren't as high as some of the older fans. Fear Inoculum, in my opinion, is good. Not bad, not great, but good. Perhaps I would've been harsher on this album if I was one of the people who waited 13 years for it to come out. So far, however, I would say that it is MAYBE a fraction better than 10,000 days.

    Favorite Tracks: Fear Inoculum, Pneuma,
    Being a new Tool fan, my expectations weren't as high as some of the older fans. Fear Inoculum, in my opinion, is good. Not bad, not great, but good. Perhaps I would've been harsher on this album if I was one of the people who waited 13 years for it to come out. So far, however, I would say that it is MAYBE a fraction better than 10,000 days.

    Favorite Tracks: Fear Inoculum, Pneuma, 7empest.

    Least Favorite Tracks: Invincible.
  6. Aug 30, 2019
    While all the technical elements of this album are spot on - band is very tight, production is good, songs flow well, members play their instruments skillfully - it left a little to be desired in the intensity department. All of the main tracks (Fear Inoculum, Pneuma, Invincible, Descending, Culling Voices and 7empest) take a little too long to take off, and even once they do it stillWhile all the technical elements of this album are spot on - band is very tight, production is good, songs flow well, members play their instruments skillfully - it left a little to be desired in the intensity department. All of the main tracks (Fear Inoculum, Pneuma, Invincible, Descending, Culling Voices and 7empest) take a little too long to take off, and even once they do it still feels like it could be much more intense and gritty. Honestly the album just isn't all that exciting. My other gripe is that none of the songs sound unique within Tools discography. All the songs sound like they've been done before on previous albums, but better and with more emotion. It just seems like Tool went through the motions of writing songs without putting much soul into it. All that being said it is still a very well executed album by one of the most technical bands in mainstream music so it still rocks, just a little softer than it could. Expand
  7. Sep 1, 2019
    Comes back with this album. Worth the waiting! Tool are the best. Absolutely always be
  8. Sep 3, 2019
    Come on now. It is really good. But the worst of their works. The amount of recycled riffs dings it another point. Maybe my ears are just tired of Adam Jones playing a million variations of the end riff of Schism.

    Also a ton of instrumental space that would have really benefited from a vocal. There were a lot of times where they weren't really in a groove yet it just went on. This makes
    Come on now. It is really good. But the worst of their works. The amount of recycled riffs dings it another point. Maybe my ears are just tired of Adam Jones playing a million variations of the end riff of Schism.

    Also a ton of instrumental space that would have really benefited from a vocal. There were a lot of times where they weren't really in a groove yet it just went on.

    This makes it sound like I didn't like it. I really liked it. 7/10
  9. Sep 20, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album still has it’s hypnotic Tool vibes, but the music doesn’t give you goosebumps anymore Expand
  10. Apr 25, 2020
    Tool has given the world some of the finest progressive music since the drum was invented. However, they went too technical here. It's missing something. This is an album that's all head and little heart. I wish it had the energy of their earlier work. The last track, 7empest, comes closest to that energy. There are some fine moments that appear in a few other songs too. It will beTool has given the world some of the finest progressive music since the drum was invented. However, they went too technical here. It's missing something. This is an album that's all head and little heart. I wish it had the energy of their earlier work. The last track, 7empest, comes closest to that energy. There are some fine moments that appear in a few other songs too. It will be interesting. But don't expect it to be moving. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Oct 9, 2019
    The album plays like an extended mood piece that bends and drifts, with a shortage of the crushing hard-rock crescendos and riffs that defined the band’s work on “Lateralus” (2001) and before.
  2. Sep 19, 2019
    Sadly, there’s nothing on Fear Inoculum as immediately accessible or anthemic as past Tool glories like “Sober” or “The Pot,” but what is here will reward repeated spins, even if listeners initially find themselves waiting for those mammoth riffs to show up, a la “7empest,” or for Maynard to finally kick into high gear, as in the rousing refrain of “Descending.”
  3. Sep 10, 2019
    Musically, Tool have taken the best of Lateralus's dynamism and the heaviness of 10,000 Days to explore the middle ground with great length on Fear Inoculum. Those who stuck it out through the decade-plus wait won't mind hanging around a little longer until the album's close.