• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Aug 30, 2019
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  1. Apr 11, 2022
    Хороший альбом, в духе старых Tool. Конечно это не лучшая их работа, слышны наработки Lateralus/10 000 Days, до уровня темного звучания моего любимого альбома у них – Ænima он конечно не дотягивает. Но Fear Inoculum совсем другой альбом. Альбом мужиков за 50, которые прожили большую часть жизни, они больше ушли в философию "Reflection", чем в драйв "Stinkfist" и это можно понять. Tool неХороший альбом, в духе старых Tool. Конечно это не лучшая их работа, слышны наработки Lateralus/10 000 Days, до уровня темного звучания моего любимого альбома у них – Ænima он конечно не дотягивает. Но Fear Inoculum совсем другой альбом. Альбом мужиков за 50, которые прожили большую часть жизни, они больше ушли в философию "Reflection", чем в драйв "Stinkfist" и это можно понять. Tool не пытаются сделать что-то новое, но всё же это хороший альбом, он монолитен, содержит их проверенные и цепляющие ходы. Стоили ли эти 13 лет ожиданий? Думаю, что да, но в силу стольких лет, ожидания фанатов были явно завышены, поэтому и оценки настолько полярные. Если воспринимать это на холодную голову – альбом удался, но несколько затянут. Вещи вроде culling voices не настолько сильны, явно могли бы быть короче. Expand
  2. Jul 1, 2021
    i am a big proghead, and this album is a wet dream for someone like me. Other people needed to sit on this album for a bit in order to actually start to appreciate it, but when i first listened to the album i knew this was going to be my favorite album of all time immediately, which it did become. This album is pretty much perfect. The digital release's linking tracks are kind ofi am a big proghead, and this album is a wet dream for someone like me. Other people needed to sit on this album for a bit in order to actually start to appreciate it, but when i first listened to the album i knew this was going to be my favorite album of all time immediately, which it did become. This album is pretty much perfect. The digital release's linking tracks are kind of irritating, but the actual tracklist is an absolute eargasm. I'm fairly certain Invincible's bass solo made me cream my pants lol Expand
  3. Feb 12, 2021
    Although in 2019 I had a great listen, now I can tell why this album wasn't that received well with fans. It is their most uninspired record to date, but like with any TOOL record, I like this record as much as the next.
  4. Oct 1, 2020
    Amazing album full of psychedelic pieces. The level of musicianship is at an all high.
  5. Jul 6, 2020
    Not a bad album, but for 13 years to make music, the album feels like it lacks much of its originally, most of the music feels like it's been taken from Lateralus and lengthened, and some riffs are reused, like the riff from Jambi is used in invincible, just slowed down. The songs definitely aren't aren't bad, but some of them feel like they drag on. I'm certainly disappointed, but it'sNot a bad album, but for 13 years to make music, the album feels like it lacks much of its originally, most of the music feels like it's been taken from Lateralus and lengthened, and some riffs are reused, like the riff from Jambi is used in invincible, just slowed down. The songs definitely aren't aren't bad, but some of them feel like they drag on. I'm certainly disappointed, but it's not bad at all. It's still a solid album, it's just not Tool solid.

    Update (07/06/2020): After almost year of listening, I'd have to say these songs have grown on me quite a bit. A few of the songs have worked their way up as some of my favorites. Descending for example has arguably the best bass-line of any Tool song. Updating from 7/10 to an 8/10.
  6. Jun 23, 2020
    Tool's comeback is widely welcomed. And this album is really immersive from start to finish.

    Some parts are a little repetitive, but that is no major problem.

    fantastic album!
  7. Jun 5, 2020
    I previously had this album at a 3, however, I have given it more listens and definitely more dedicated listens. Trying to rate a Tool album in pieces is just not fair. It must be ingested in one full sitting to fully appreciate. If you are a fan of Tool then you’ll like this newest release.
  8. Apr 25, 2020
    Tool has given the world some of the finest progressive music since the drum was invented. However, they went too technical here. It's missing something. This is an album that's all head and little heart. I wish it had the energy of their earlier work. The last track, 7empest, comes closest to that energy. There are some fine moments that appear in a few other songs too. It will beTool has given the world some of the finest progressive music since the drum was invented. However, they went too technical here. It's missing something. This is an album that's all head and little heart. I wish it had the energy of their earlier work. The last track, 7empest, comes closest to that energy. There are some fine moments that appear in a few other songs too. It will be interesting. But don't expect it to be moving. Expand
  9. Apr 16, 2020
    Fear Inoculum sounds like TOOL, the feeling, the sounds, the production, the visuals are all TOOL. I do not think this will make the TOON fanbase grow, because this is not their most accessible album. But then again the hype surrounding this record has been overwhelming, and that might lead new followers to TOOL.
    Fear Inoculum demands a lot from the listener, and the 10+ minutes song are
    Fear Inoculum sounds like TOOL, the feeling, the sounds, the production, the visuals are all TOOL. I do not think this will make the TOON fanbase grow, because this is not their most accessible album. But then again the hype surrounding this record has been overwhelming, and that might lead new followers to TOOL.
    Fear Inoculum demands a lot from the listener, and the 10+ minutes song are all capable of mesmerizing the listener if the person listening is patient. Patience might be not be the thing in 2019, but try it, and you will be rewarded.

    Personally I think the songs are awesome and much better than I had hoped and for me it adds a lot to the legacy of TOOL.
  10. Mar 11, 2020
    this album is a progressive beast . It is long and complex. While that could be a diminishing factor in accesibility, it does work brilliantly in good hands.
    The album is made of 6 real songs and 4 interludes (one of these is a battery solo). The songs are long and heavy, they're complex and have the time to breathe, morph and develop
    The band is on its best performance: Danny is a
    this album is a progressive beast . It is long and complex. While that could be a diminishing factor in accesibility, it does work brilliantly in good hands.
    The album is made of 6 real songs and 4 interludes (one of these is a battery solo). The songs are long and heavy, they're complex and have the time to breathe, morph and develop
    The band is on its best performance: Danny is a complete beast!!! In fact, this might be one of the best drumming albums ever made, it's just brutal. Songs tend to develop into extended jams, those might be good if you're in the right mindset .
    As for the cons... MJK is well past its prime, he does it ok here, but not as outstanding at he was before
    Clean vocals are mellower they´ve ever been, and agressive vocals are just limited to one track
    As of today, i feel this might be a 7 for me, but it may change (as all Tool albums)
    Highlights: Pneuma, Invincible, Descending, 7empest
  11. Feb 3, 2020
    YES! It's here and it's amazing. Let's get them out of the way and say that the interludes are really cleverly and creatively made and they do have a creepy, trippy, nice vibe. Now, the 7 tracks that Fear Inoculum comes with are really amazing as they come up with different vibes than the other seen before, although 7empest and Invincible do share lots in common with the older Tool tracks,YES! It's here and it's amazing. Let's get them out of the way and say that the interludes are really cleverly and creatively made and they do have a creepy, trippy, nice vibe. Now, the 7 tracks that Fear Inoculum comes with are really amazing as they come up with different vibes than the other seen before, although 7empest and Invincible do share lots in common with the older Tool tracks, they have completely different meanings and vibes and are of other complexity. So in my opinion all 7 tracks are great and I'm going to put them in my order (best to worst) even though I like them all and I can't really rank them (I'm also going to exclude Chocolate Chip Trip as it is just a great and complex drum solo). So we got Descending as my personal favorite, then Pneuma, Invincible both in second place, Culling Voices is damn right amazing, eerie and Justin ripps, 7empest being the complete Tool Jam with meaning, complex patterns, lots of solos, kick-offs and bassy bass riffs. Least but not last is Fear Inoculum which is really great but I can't really up it any higher amongst the others. Loved it, can't wait to get deeper into the meanings of the lyrics. Expand
  12. Jan 13, 2020
    How does a a band that transcends generations meet the hype train that comes with a 13 year delay between albums?.... By exceeding ALL expectations with a masterpiece. This album absolutely rips and only gets better with each listen. Outstanding.
  13. Jan 9, 2020
    Phenomenal evolution of this band - perfect
    Very dense and may take a few listens to have everything click but well worth the journey.
  14. Jan 9, 2020
    I wasn't a fan of Tool before this album (now I am). Amazing instrumentals, the only critics is for Maynard vocals. They are not so powerful as in the other albums and that is sad :(
  15. Jan 2, 2020
    This is so different from everything tool has ever done!!! They really explored some psychodelic stuff... It also reminds me of some of the first albums by king crimson.
    And 7empest... wtf this song is 15 min but it feels like its 5
  16. Dec 31, 2019
    It took me several listens to grasp this album. Now I get goosebumps almost every time I blast the album.
  17. Dec 25, 2019
    Never being a tool fan until now.Have heard some of their most knowned songs and liked them but never gone through listening a complete album.This one made me revisit their oldest work.Can easylly say its thei best and an amazing album.Its being since my early 20s that i find myself captivated by an lp and listening it over and over again.With a good set of headphones its a magicalNever being a tool fan until now.Have heard some of their most knowned songs and liked them but never gone through listening a complete album.This one made me revisit their oldest work.Can easylly say its thei best and an amazing album.Its being since my early 20s that i find myself captivated by an lp and listening it over and over again.With a good set of headphones its a magical experience best think ive listened as far a production. Expand
  18. Nov 2, 2019
    It took quite a few spins but I suddenly found myself loving Fear Inoculum. Listening from start to finish, not skipping the interludes, and out of nowhere it became a magical experience every bit as wonderful as previous Tool albums. Listen with the best headphones you can find or go to the quietest space available, and just allocate some time to sit and listen properly withoutIt took quite a few spins but I suddenly found myself loving Fear Inoculum. Listening from start to finish, not skipping the interludes, and out of nowhere it became a magical experience every bit as wonderful as previous Tool albums. Listen with the best headphones you can find or go to the quietest space available, and just allocate some time to sit and listen properly without interruption. Worth every day of the 13 year wait. Expand
  19. Oct 23, 2019
    Not easy to get into but after few longer sessions i realized it's masterpiece with "Pneuma" being best song of 2019, followed by "Descending" and "Invincible".
  20. Oct 11, 2019
    definitely a great album. lacks a bit on the hooks and great isolations. those moments were more powerful and prominent in previous albums, but still delivers a wonderful journey of musical chaos. my favorite part of the album is that is seems to be off rythm or ever changing to where you don't quite feel comfortable or as if somthing is off. i highly recommend te listen, also try bobbingdefinitely a great album. lacks a bit on the hooks and great isolations. those moments were more powerful and prominent in previous albums, but still delivers a wonderful journey of musical chaos. my favorite part of the album is that is seems to be off rythm or ever changing to where you don't quite feel comfortable or as if somthing is off. i highly recommend te listen, also try bobbing your head along to the music. Expand
  21. Oct 2, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I was not ready for Fear Inoculum. I have studied every track for the past 1 month or so and tried to make sense of the passages. It will stand the test of time and go down as an influential metal relic of sorts in the years to come. It's breathtakingly complex and exponential. Expand
  22. Sep 28, 2019
    This album is going to age well .
  23. Sep 26, 2019
    Overwhelming at first, it grows into you and every piece brings you in deeper each listening. Maynard's enlightened lyrics coupled with the powerful mastery of the music reaches ever higher. I cannot stop listening to this beauty. Moving to say the least.
  24. Sep 21, 2019
    Absolutely worth the wait, the new Tool album, potentially considered by some as their Magnum Opus, is a musical tour de force.
    Metal, prog and Tool fans will definitely appreciate the finer details behind every title, each a musical journey in their own right and collectively telling a tight nit conceptual story of awakening and transcendence. Typical Tool!
    Each member rises up to the
    Absolutely worth the wait, the new Tool album, potentially considered by some as their Magnum Opus, is a musical tour de force.
    Metal, prog and Tool fans will definitely appreciate the finer details behind every title, each a musical journey in their own right and collectively telling a tight nit conceptual story of awakening and transcendence. Typical Tool!
    Each member rises up to the occasion but most notably, Danny Carey; as he takes drumming and percussions to a whole new level.
  25. Sep 20, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album still has it’s hypnotic Tool vibes, but the music doesn’t give you goosebumps anymore Expand
  26. Sep 19, 2019
    Being a new Tool fan, my expectations weren't as high as some of the older fans. Fear Inoculum, in my opinion, is good. Not bad, not great, but good. Perhaps I would've been harsher on this album if I was one of the people who waited 13 years for it to come out. So far, however, I would say that it is MAYBE a fraction better than 10,000 days.

    Favorite Tracks: Fear Inoculum, Pneuma,
    Being a new Tool fan, my expectations weren't as high as some of the older fans. Fear Inoculum, in my opinion, is good. Not bad, not great, but good. Perhaps I would've been harsher on this album if I was one of the people who waited 13 years for it to come out. So far, however, I would say that it is MAYBE a fraction better than 10,000 days.

    Favorite Tracks: Fear Inoculum, Pneuma, 7empest.

    Least Favorite Tracks: Invincible.
  27. Sep 17, 2019
    Masterpiece ...............................................................!
  28. Sep 17, 2019
    Fear Inoculum isn't perfect but is absolutely a worthy successor to 10,000 Days and Laterlalus. The album starts off with a bang in the the title track, Fear Inoculum. It's one of the more brief pieces on the record but is easily one of Tool's finest songs, perfectly blending atmosphere and a catchy chorus. Next is Pneuma, and while the lyrics are a little too typical for Tool, the songFear Inoculum isn't perfect but is absolutely a worthy successor to 10,000 Days and Laterlalus. The album starts off with a bang in the the title track, Fear Inoculum. It's one of the more brief pieces on the record but is easily one of Tool's finest songs, perfectly blending atmosphere and a catchy chorus. Next is Pneuma, and while the lyrics are a little too typical for Tool, the song itself is a powerful one that will likely get stuck in your head. Invincible and Descending are powerful and masterfully crafted epics, speaking on the aging process and the human condition. Chocolate Chip Trip isn't nearly as interesting as the other tracks, but at least is enjoyable and knows when it should end. Finally, the record ends with 7empest, easily one of Tool's most angry and energetic songs since Aenima; it's a little meandering, clocking in at 15 minutes, but is overall very well written and a great experience. In fact, I would say that line perfectly encapsulates the entire album. The lyrics are a bit cliched and the tracks themselves have a tendency to wander for long periods of time, but Fear Inoculum is an amazing experience once you allow your patience to catch up with the album. It may take a couple of listens to fully appreciate, but trust me when I say it's worth it. If i had one piece of advice though, skip the interludes on the digital version. They're probably the only straight-up bad thing about the whole experience, although they really don't get in the way. Expand
  29. Sep 16, 2019
    Kickass high quality is their lowest common denominator. Thirteen years we’ll spent imho.
  30. Sep 16, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wow, this album is just amazing. 80 minutes traveling in my mind and soul. Open your ears Expand
  31. Sep 15, 2019
    Nice mix, the songs feel very jammy, even though they are calculated as hell .Nice new synth elements, trippy vibe and nice vocals, even though they feel a litte bit monotonouse in 3 of the songs
  32. Sep 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I am completing my 30th - 40th listen of this album at the moment. I can't stop wondering about this album and everything else that isn't TOOL just feels bland because of this album, It's how I felt when I fell in love with Lateralus. When I heard TOOL for the first time I couldn't stand it, and my girlfriend at the time just couldn't stop listening to them. I just didn't get it. "Why would anyone like this band? Lamb of God is way better" I had thought at the time. But then something just clicked. I guess it started to grow on me and since then it just hasn't stopped. Understanding this band can be frustrating for some, as this album. I see this album as a reintroduction to TOOL's activity, their way of saying that were official out of our light hiatus.

    Like many in the negative reviews section, I felt overly underwhelmed with this album when I first listened to it. I didn't truly listen to it, I judged it and wanted it to do what I wanted but that's not what TOOL is about, They were never about that. They've always reflected on their lives at the time and tried to get to the next evolutionary step. "Patience is required" I am paraphrasing Maynard here and it's what a lot of people excessively lack in our time and age. You don't need to force yourself to like it, don't like it now? Don't worry about it, be angry or upset if you must and hopefully tomorrow or 5 years from now you'll try this album and it'll make sense to you. This isn't the first time this has happened to TOOL, fans were divided with 10,000 days ( I know I was).

    Now to the nitpicking in this album, IF YOU WANT MY HONEST OPINION AND FEEL LIKE SKIPPING THE PART ABOVE THEN START HERE. This album is repetitive, uninspired and lacking of various "TOOL" features. It is repetitive at first glance and it feels so familiar, until you find the other TOOL song that you think it is copying and realized that it is different, way different. It's different to the point it is hypnotic. Adam, Danny and Justin take their **** time but just like anything in life, the good **** the really good **** is right in front of your eyes but you don't see it since your so occupied with your own ego. I know, I do it all the damn time. The synchronization of the instrumentals are impeccable and masterful with Adam's ability to enlighten all in riffs that are soft, twisted yet organized and aggressive without any excess. Justin's hypnotic grooves foretell past and future as always with lovecraftian essence and superb flux but what's to say about Danny? Danny's inter-connective beats that make love to the universe in it's calm, chaotic states and everywhere in between; A **** kraken on the drums.

    TOOL is almost a religion to me and like all "good" religions we need some words to understand it. They felt forced and kept reminding me of APC (Note: past tense) which isn't a big problem but I didn't like it. And then I realized that this isn't Maynard... Well, not the Maynard I was expecting which was a 36 to 41 year old Maynard. This is a matured 55 year old Maynard and how he as aged like a fine wine, or vineyard. Fear Inoculum, A vaccination for our fears in our world of fears. Reflective lyrics that criticize the world aren't new to Maynard, but the way he looks at it now is peculiar and illusive at times, I swear I felt them super forced the first time around but I had learned my lesson with 10,000 days and knew that I had to keep trying, I still am trying but god **** damn it are these lyrics still good even though I understand maybe half of it. It reminded me of when I was 16 and shouting out the lyrics to Prison Sex good. Goosebumps once it lost that sense of being forced... Or was I the one forcing something? Trying to force something out of my reach because I'm a spoiled brat and everything needs to please my selfish desire. This album is criticizing me, you, us, we. "Free fall through our midnight. This epilogue of our own fable. Heedless in our slumber. Floating nescient, we". The opening lyrics to "Descending" make a critic of us, we humans. Instead of going with the flow and seeing where the river takes us we struggle and when we get irritated we drown in our own negativity. Just take a deep breath and try again.

    In the end, This album is all I can think about and I feel it unnecessary to listen to anything else for the moment. There is so much sweat and energy put into this album with pure ingenuity and awareness. My favorite that always give me chills is in "Descending" at 6:55, god damn that soulful Duet of guitars that reflect yet don't match as if they were copulating.

    Well, I tried to keep it short but I'm almost reaching the limit here on Metacritic. For those of you read it all, I'm happy you took the time and know that it means a lot to me since I tend to keep my opinion to myself but I just couldn't with this album and If you didn't like the album well then that is perfectly fine. Just try to give it a chance in your approximate future.
  33. Sep 14, 2019
    Wow! This was well worth the wait, ladies and gentlemen!
    Fear Inoculum is not just an album...It's an experience!
    Tool has the had best thing going for years, and that's the fact that they cannot truly be compared to any other artists in music. The mold breaking ideals behind every album, every song and every lyric keep them in a class of their own, and this album is no exception! From
    Wow! This was well worth the wait, ladies and gentlemen!
    Fear Inoculum is not just an album...It's an experience!
    Tool has the had best thing going for years, and that's the fact that they cannot truly be compared to any other artists in music. The mold breaking ideals behind every album, every song and every lyric keep them in a class of their own, and this album is no exception!
    From MJK's lyrical genius to the pumping feel of Danny's complex drum beats, to Adam's pioneering riffs and metal bass lines that keep the metal tripping grin on my face...I'm impressed!
    I can't really say if this is the Best of Tool, because this art, like all others, is subject to interpretation... but I will say that this consistence in quality means that Tool will always be my favorite band.
  34. Sep 14, 2019
    Fear Inoculum is a great album from start to finish, Danny and Adam were at their best and yes, worth the wait.
  35. Sep 13, 2019
    I'm not an a-hole, so I don't write reviews. Why does it say leave rating only, then not allow me to do so?
  36. Sep 13, 2019
    This is beyond a reasonable doubt the best rock album of the year. The mix of heavy metal guitar riffs and lengthy tracks that make it really good. From the titular track to invincible to 7empest, the album has it all. I definitely recommend purchasing the album and not just stream it.
  37. Sep 13, 2019
    Easily the best album in 13 year's and might be the quickest I've ever got addicted to of any Tool Album .
    Danny is a maniac
  38. Sep 13, 2019
    The more you listen the more you notice. Each song is a journey, and even the interludes feel like they belong.
  39. Sep 13, 2019
    Fantastic record that just keep growing! Could very well be their best album
  40. Sep 12, 2019
    I don't know if its the long wait or the extremely high expectations but upon my first listen, i was underwhelmed. i felt like i needed more from my favorite band. Granted, i heard it while running errands without letting myself get fully immersed in the music (which is what TOOL's music needs and deserves.) Although Culling Voices and 7empest DID suck me right in!

    I don't know if its the long wait or the extremely high expectations but upon my first listen, i was underwhelmed. i felt like i needed more from my favorite band. Granted, i heard it while running errands without letting myself get fully immersed in the music (which is what TOOL's music needs and deserves.) Although Culling Voices and 7empest DID suck me right in!

    After re-listening.... and REALLY listening: i was blown away by the album. And the more i would listen, the better it got. i have probably heard the album 20+ times and read the lyrics and taken my time to experience this masterpiece! I fall further in love with it with every listen.

    The riffs, the vocals, the intricacies, the bass, the lyrics, the messages, the rises and falls, the drumming.... OH, THE DRUMMING!

    The music Gods created perfection when they put these four in a room together and they repay the Gods by making perfection! I really enjoyed 10000 Days but i have to say, this album is better! Its right up there with Laturalus and Aenima and FAR above Undertow and Opiate.

    Only negative? i could have done without Chocolate Chip Trip. That time could have been used for another beautiful song
  41. Sep 11, 2019
    Feels like bathing in a metal waterfall. They've grown, and given us a musical landscape. The skill. Holy fk. I've just been playing it through from the beginning to end and then starting over.
  42. Sep 11, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Worth the wait!! Best metal album in the last few 10 years! An experience from start to to finish! Expand
  43. Sep 11, 2019
    A true work of art, well worth the wait. Longtime Tool fans will get it and love it, while those just hopping on the bandwagon will complain about the length of the songs, the interludes, etc....same as it’s always been with Tool albums. Hoping for more new music relatively soon.
  44. Sep 10, 2019
    They're back and just as good. You have to let the album grow on you, it really is worth the wait.
  45. Sep 10, 2019
    From a progressive metal stand point, the album has a great dynamics and the musicianship of tool is nothing less than amazing. Lyrically, Maynard keenan blew me away with Descending and Culling Voices. The songs are extremely tight because, god damn it, they are tool. The album is hypnotic as tool should be -- smoke a spliff and nod your head boys. And the zero reviews from so calledFrom a progressive metal stand point, the album has a great dynamics and the musicianship of tool is nothing less than amazing. Lyrically, Maynard keenan blew me away with Descending and Culling Voices. The songs are extremely tight because, god damn it, they are tool. The album is hypnotic as tool should be -- smoke a spliff and nod your head boys. And the zero reviews from so called x-fan-boys that look forward to the second coming of their original tool albums are nothing less than hilarious. I foresee hours of enjoyable listening pleasure. Blessed are the progressive rock/metal heads for they shall inherit the earth. Expand
  46. Sep 9, 2019
    A majestic beast of a record that people will be exploring for years to come. Nothing particularly new here but when it comes to this band, how is that a bad thing? Sits beautifully in their catalogue. Hope its not their last release!
  47. Sep 9, 2019
    it didn't disappoint, everything that made previous Tool albums very enjoyable is still very much present here. I was left a little underwhelmed by the title track when it came out, but when I listened to the album I gladly found that it was the worst track of the record. The rest of it is pretty great. Maynard's delivers some of his best vocal performances ever in this album, this timeit didn't disappoint, everything that made previous Tool albums very enjoyable is still very much present here. I was left a little underwhelmed by the title track when it came out, but when I listened to the album I gladly found that it was the worst track of the record. The rest of it is pretty great. Maynard's delivers some of his best vocal performances ever in this album, this time his singing is actually very close to his A Perfect Circle style, mellower, more melodic and less aggressive. His vocal melodies on Culling Voices are amazing. Adam Jones also brings a nice chord progression on this track and on Invincible. I also love the guitar riff towards the end of the track. It does actually remind me of his riff on Jambi. 7empest is also full of great riffs and drum parts. Some parts are not as great as others, some jams on the album are a little boring at times, but as an overall piece of work it holds up really well. Pneuma is also one of my favorite tracks of the record.
    Just like previous Tool records this album takes a little bit of time to settle in your brain. Specially given the fact all the tracks are longer than 10 minutes, it's a very dense album and there's a lot to take in. But once you get involved in these melodies and masterful musicianship, as well as a really great sound and production, you'll be listening to this record over and over for quite a while. I'm still discovering new things that I like with each listen.
  48. Sep 9, 2019
    At first listen I would have said 8/10, but in classic TOOL fashion this gets better with each successive listen. The details in each of these records is staggering. All members were on top of their game on this one. Phenomenal album. Welcome back TOOL!
  49. Sep 9, 2019
    Excelente álbum, sem duvidas um dos melhores dessa década, álbum diferente de tudo que temos visto na atualidade.
  50. Sep 8, 2019
    Tool new album is like a bottle of good vine. Let it breathe a little, before you will experience all the taste. In the end it doesnt matter if this vine will be worth 13 year waiting, what does matter is an understanding that still no one can createaomething like that. Only TOOL can. And for that I am gratefull!
  51. Sep 8, 2019
    We know your nature, and a tempest must be just that. Inoculate yourself and face your fears...
  52. Sep 7, 2019
    Was honestly, somehow, not a Tool fan previous. I haven't yet decided where this record lands in their catalog, but this is an exceptionally good, loud, rock, metal, riff, geek record. The secret isn't MJK, it's the way the guitar and bass build solid, thick riffs and expand on them with patience, dishing out the sparks with masterful restraint.
  53. Sep 7, 2019
    Sonically its: Complex, dense, technical, challenging, atmospheric, calculated, mature and inspiring.

    Danny Carey  Adam Jones (7empest it's his magnum opus) Justin Chancellor  Maynard James Keenan  They all have their moments. Lyrically it matches Tool's standards, lots of: pedagogies, metaphors, parables, philosophy, mythology, literature, psychology, historical
    Sonically its: Complex, dense, technical, challenging, atmospheric, calculated, mature and inspiring.

    Danny Carey 

    Adam Jones (7empest it's his magnum opus)

    Justin Chancellor 

    Maynard James Keenan 

    They all have their moments.
    Lyrically it matches Tool's standards, lots of: pedagogies, metaphors, parables, philosophy, mythology, literature, psychology, historical references, scientific references, sociology, etc. It takes multiple listens to fully comprehend it. Be patient.
  54. Sep 7, 2019
    This album is not 10,000 Days Part 2. This album is not a smattering of radio hits or music that should necessarily be dropped into every playlist on your Spotify profile. But from a strictly full-album-listen standpoint, it really comes together. Clearly this was the attempt, and a noble one at that, still it is not my favorite of Tool's efforts perhaps for this reason. I don't findThis album is not 10,000 Days Part 2. This album is not a smattering of radio hits or music that should necessarily be dropped into every playlist on your Spotify profile. But from a strictly full-album-listen standpoint, it really comes together. Clearly this was the attempt, and a noble one at that, still it is not my favorite of Tool's efforts perhaps for this reason. I don't find myself tapping away at my desk with my pen, humming lightly to a melody that hangs around for weeks, as was my experience after listening to Tool albums previously. But as a piece of art, this album stands on its own two feet. Despite what most are saying, I don't see this as a flex of 7-based time signatures and unfollowable interludes that "you aren't supposed to get." Even when there isn't a clear path in the music, you can tell that this was created entirely organically by a group of extremely talented musicians.

    All in all, I enjoyed this quite a bit. I expect to create a playlist without the interludes and listening to once every few months.
  55. Sep 7, 2019
    Fear Inoculum's seven songs - which in digital format come with three more songs: "Litanie contre le peur", "Legion Inoculant" and "Mockingbeat", in practice three climatic and instrumental interludes - feature pretentious, original and hypnotic work . Six of the seven tracks exceed ten minutes (with the exception of "Chocolate Chip Trip", another instrumental interlude) and featureFear Inoculum's seven songs - which in digital format come with three more songs: "Litanie contre le peur", "Legion Inoculant" and "Mockingbeat", in practice three climatic and instrumental interludes - feature pretentious, original and hypnotic work . Six of the seven tracks exceed ten minutes (with the exception of "Chocolate Chip Trip", another instrumental interlude) and feature chords, harmonic progressions, rhythmic scales and predominantly ascending melodies, which makes the album have a very strong sound magnetism. In practice, this translates into a hearing that causes a kind of hypnosis as the songs unfold. The choice to construct the songs using sister chords and notes, coupled with Keenan's mostly ethereal vocal melodies, intensifies this mind-numbing sensation while opening new untapped songs in the listener's brain.

    The rhythmic part remains one of the highlights, with unconventional movements and an approach that talks with fusion, always supported by the univiteline union between bass and guitar. Chancellor's instrument, always a highlight, continues to play an almost percussive role and fills the spaces omnipresently. Drummers will still love Carey's work, while Jones maintains a guitar playing that, especially in Fear Inoculum, is much more interested in creating sound atmospheres than riffs.

    However, the weight comes. And when it comes, it arrives beautiful. The apexes of the songs, with instrumental explosions full of rhythmic turns, are chilling to even the most bald of fans. It's an original, unique and beautiful song that could either be defined as a hypnotic prog metal or a meditative fusion.

    The fact is that in Fear Inoculum the Tool requires a listener partnership so that what the band is proposing is effectively assimilated. This means that in a world where urgency predominates and anxiety is no longer an exception and has become the company of most individuals, a disc that is over 70 minutes long and tracks that are over ten minutes need some effort. from most listeners. Fear Inoculum is not one of those albums made for occasional and occasional listening. It demands an immersion, it takes time from those on the other side of the headset. But in doing so, it rewards you with creative delivery, a song that is totally out of the box and delivers incredible sensations.

    Among the tracks, highlight the sensational song that beats the album, "Invincible", "Descending" and the incredible "7empest", the longest and heaviest of the album and where the full protagonism goes to the guitar of Adam Jones.

    Fear Inoculum makes up for the thirteen year long wait for a new Tool album with a complex, extremely immersive, musically rich work that carries both the seal of quality and the original aura the band has always possessed. One of the biggest albums of 2019 and one of the best albums of the quartet's career.
  56. Sep 7, 2019
    As usual not first listen friendly (hence some of the negative reviews) but incredibly rewarding with time.
  57. Sep 7, 2019
    Far from the band's best work but still a solid effort with plenty of complex timings and interesting instrumentation for fans to gush at. Maynard's vocals are, as always, brilliant, but the three sound scape tracks that are included on one version of the album honestly ruin the flow of the project as a whole. These sound scapes are boring and unnecessary and the album would be much betterFar from the band's best work but still a solid effort with plenty of complex timings and interesting instrumentation for fans to gush at. Maynard's vocals are, as always, brilliant, but the three sound scape tracks that are included on one version of the album honestly ruin the flow of the project as a whole. These sound scapes are boring and unnecessary and the album would be much better with them removed. Expand
  58. Sep 7, 2019
    "Fear Inoculum" - Tool

    First things first: **** off Fantano and the gullible fanbase who follows his opinions Debatable if Tool's new album is a bonafide masterpiece or just rather underwhelming, there's no denying that this album has been an event. Prog-Metal and Art-Rock pioneers Tool returns with a more intricate, a more mature and yes, a ridiculously circuituous album that excels
    "Fear Inoculum" - Tool

    First things first: **** off Fantano and the gullible fanbase who follows his opinions

    Debatable if Tool's new album is a bonafide masterpiece or just rather underwhelming, there's no denying that this album has been an event. Prog-Metal and Art-Rock pioneers Tool returns with a more intricate, a more mature and yes, a ridiculously circuituous album that excels after every listen.
    Sonically pleasing, as it should have been, that even the minute of details can be picked up by even the lowest of volumes, as expected since the band's renowned for their whimsical production choices. While having no complaints regarding this album, an argument could be brought up since it's 13 years in the making, hyping it up to be album of the decade, but unfortunately, the band doesn't deliver that energetic presence they once had making it hard to convince for me to even consider Fear Inoculum as album of the year; however, considering that this is the same band that created ground-breaking accomplishments in "Lateralus" and "Ænima", not many bands could out-perform those spectacles. Nevertheless, Fear Inoculum does indeed come close, each song being over ten minutes long does make it feel a bit jarring, but the build-up to each rivoting track by instantly amusing intricate riffs and drumming patterns culminating in a - Grunge-esque Maynard vocals in one of the most extra-ordinary Tool song since 2001 - satisfying end, making the wait for the entire album and the entire listen, absolutely worth it as each significant member get their moments to shine.

    Absolute Favourite Track/s: Invincible, Pneuma, 7empest

    Great track/s: The rest of the album minus the interludes

    Least favourite track/s: The Interludes

    Rating: 10/10 (Masterpiece)
  59. Sep 6, 2019
    Listen to this album at least three times before coming to any conclusions. The first time I was unsure, but by the third listen I was grinning and joyfully following along with the songs. Once your mind knows what to expect the whole thing is an extremely enjoyable experience, probably the most sonically pleasing Tool album. It's true that Maynard's vocals a little more subdued that inListen to this album at least three times before coming to any conclusions. The first time I was unsure, but by the third listen I was grinning and joyfully following along with the songs. Once your mind knows what to expect the whole thing is an extremely enjoyable experience, probably the most sonically pleasing Tool album. It's true that Maynard's vocals a little more subdued that in other albums but it actually works for the best, his lyrics and vocals mix with the other elements of the band better than ever before. The group sounds completely in their element and everyone does a fantastic job throughout, though Danny can't help but steal the show at times. It stands up to the band's reputation and can easily sit alongside their other albums as a wonderful and awe-inspiring work of art. The lyrics here also carry an urgency and desire for change that wasn't always present in past works... it's obviously written to move you and inspire action and change within, to remember where we come from, where we're going and how precious the time between is. Expand
  60. Sep 6, 2019
    A really solid album that could use a little editing. The 7 track version plays better than the 10 track, and honestly this could have just been 6 tracks and the better for it. Prime stuff, though, on the main 6 songs.
  61. Sep 6, 2019
    Great album. Love all 83 min. It has been a long time in the making. And it doesn’t disappoint
  62. Sep 6, 2019
    Simply put, all the band members deliver their A game except for Maynard, who delivered more of a B. He's definitely good, but not as good as before. So therefore, 9/10.
  63. Sep 6, 2019
    Enjoy tour trip around the spiral. A deep, tribal, psychodelic experience. Love it.
  64. Sep 6, 2019
    Just brilliant. Amazing adaption of their craft and evolution of their sound.
  65. Sep 5, 2019
    Initially, I wasn't very impressed. But because of the complexity, the differences in their sound and the way they use dynamics that's something that can be a seminar alone, I needed some time to synchronize with their universe. Oh boy, what a place to be. 10/10 they're driving music forward.
  66. Sep 5, 2019
    Album is PHENOMENAL! Everything about it, the intricacies, the builds, and the overall experience. Puts you in another dimension, it really does! The length of the songs is not a problem at all either, Tool is exceptional at pulling you in on each song, and every song does that! 13 years, WELL WORTH THE WAIT! This may just be my favorite album from them to.
  67. Sep 5, 2019
    Although it might not be the strongest Tool album, that’s not really saying much as it is amazing and It’s a musical journey.
  68. Sep 5, 2019
    I actually love what they have evolved into with this album, pnuema and invincible are top 10 tool songs for me, I will say that it took a few days of listening for me to really start liking this album, and my complaint not just for this album but for tools history is that since Aenima (which in my mind is the best album) they have less and less music or at least less variety of music onI actually love what they have evolved into with this album, pnuema and invincible are top 10 tool songs for me, I will say that it took a few days of listening for me to really start liking this album, and my complaint not just for this album but for tools history is that since Aenima (which in my mind is the best album) they have less and less music or at least less variety of music on their albums with each release and this new one gets an 8 from me for that very reason, not enough product after 13 years Expand
  69. Sep 5, 2019
    Fear Inoculum is a beautiful piece of artwork. Tool delivered a well rounded masterpiece in my opinion. I don't understand the hate on this album, as I feel it is a culmination of their best work compiled into 7 amazing long form tracks (not counting the interludes). Danny Carey is the stand out. The album is worth multiple listens based on his work alone. He is the star of the album.Fear Inoculum is a beautiful piece of artwork. Tool delivered a well rounded masterpiece in my opinion. I don't understand the hate on this album, as I feel it is a culmination of their best work compiled into 7 amazing long form tracks (not counting the interludes). Danny Carey is the stand out. The album is worth multiple listens based on his work alone. He is the star of the album. It is by far his best work in Tool's discography. Adam Jones delivers exactly what you would expect from him but also expands on his great riff writing by adding some great lead moments which you don't usually get from a Tool album. I really enjoyed it. The musicianship is as good as it gets, the engineering was beautiful. Tool delivered a mature, spacious, very well rounded, musical opus that warrants multiple listens and is a perfect addition to their discography. Favorite tracks are 7empest, Descending, Pneuma, Invincible and Chocolate Chip Trip. Expand
  70. Sep 5, 2019
    Best metal album of this decade. I can't believe even after 13 years TOOL can still blow my goddamn mind... Whole jniverse came together to make an album.. #fearinoculum
  71. Sep 5, 2019
    This is Tool in its prime - in the league with AEnema and Lateralus. Although some other top prog and industrial bands have put out solid but past-prime albums in the last few years, this isn't that. Tool still has the fastball and Maynard's voice sounds perfect.
  72. Sep 5, 2019
    This album is another masterpiece they've produced.

    It's so clinical yet chaotic but disciplined. A perfect blend. The musicianship is otherworldly. Jones has produced his best work to date. All the tracks challenge you as a listener and require your full attention to genuinely appreciate and enjoy. After each listen it grows on me more and more. Layered beautiful album. This
    This album is another masterpiece they've produced.

    It's so clinical yet chaotic but disciplined. A perfect blend.

    The musicianship is otherworldly. Jones has produced his best work to date.

    All the tracks challenge you as a listener and require your full attention to genuinely appreciate and enjoy. After each listen it grows on me more and more. Layered beautiful album.

    This album is not for the impatient and people looking for quick easy melodies. Be patient!!!
  73. Sep 5, 2019
    There is nothing better than this album. Pneuma is my favorite. Best surprise was to hear a drum solo song on an album.
  74. Sep 4, 2019
    Fear Inoculum is a masterpiece. It's a Tool album that fits in nicely with the rest of their discography and certainly as a proper follow up to 10,000 Days. Even 13 years later is sounds like they never missed a beat, never lost their sound or their skills, or their vision. Maynard James Keenan's lyrics are as sharp and mysterious as ever; his voice is still spectacular. The combination ofFear Inoculum is a masterpiece. It's a Tool album that fits in nicely with the rest of their discography and certainly as a proper follow up to 10,000 Days. Even 13 years later is sounds like they never missed a beat, never lost their sound or their skills, or their vision. Maynard James Keenan's lyrics are as sharp and mysterious as ever; his voice is still spectacular. The combination of Adam Jones' unique guitars, Justin Chancellor's booming bass, and Danny Carey's carefully controlled chaos on the drums still give me chills after all these years. It doesn't feel Tool's been gone for 13 years. It feels like they've still been here all along. If you hate this album, if you can't listen to it...then you're not a Tool fan. You never were. THIS IS TOOL. THIS IS WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE. Expand
  75. Sep 4, 2019
    I'm a TOOL fanboy and I love the album. I get that they're an acquired taste. I think it's great.
  76. Sep 4, 2019
    After quite a few listens to the album, I gotta say it is well worth the 13 year wait. Every song on the album is definitely Tool quality. Adam Jones really showcases his riffs, Justin Chancellor's off kilter bass rhythms are great and the octopus Danny Carey powers though every song with his drums. As always, MJK's lyrics are basically poetry and are excellent. His vocals have somewhatAfter quite a few listens to the album, I gotta say it is well worth the 13 year wait. Every song on the album is definitely Tool quality. Adam Jones really showcases his riffs, Justin Chancellor's off kilter bass rhythms are great and the octopus Danny Carey powers though every song with his drums. As always, MJK's lyrics are basically poetry and are excellent. His vocals have somewhat softened in style, but for a guy who is in 3 bands and is almost 60 he sounds pretty damn good. To all the naysayers who say there are "filler" tracks, NEWSFLASH, they have them on practically every album. Those songs are simply there to convey a mood for the next track. Don't just give this album one listen, give it MULTIPLE and I swear you won't be disappointed. Expand
  77. Sep 4, 2019
    You can't judge Tool music that quick. This is just silly. Try to swallow this album first without choking. Once you do, listen how it starts to diagest. It always grows on you.
  78. Sep 4, 2019
    Overall it's a great album that features great performances of Adam and Danny. Personally, I would have wanted to hear more invested vocals and more synergy between them. The interludes feel out of place, disconnected from the rest of the music and uninteresting.
  79. Sep 4, 2019
    13 years in the making, those who are worried that time would perhaps deliver something other than exceptional need not worry, this is a truly majestic piece of work. Layered and textured, like previous Tool albums, this album deserves your attention with nuances that become apparent upon further listening, a feast for the ears. The music is different to previous albums in that it is13 years in the making, those who are worried that time would perhaps deliver something other than exceptional need not worry, this is a truly majestic piece of work. Layered and textured, like previous Tool albums, this album deserves your attention with nuances that become apparent upon further listening, a feast for the ears. The music is different to previous albums in that it is softer in parts (these guys are 13 years older) a little of the anger has gone but still the quiet gives way to chugging guitar and machine like drumming, the bass drum sounds like a Harley motorbike starting up, insane. A great clean mix with bass guitar to the forefront with the drums over this rather than behind gives it a freshness, Adam's technical licks give it that high end, and Maynard's signing transcendent, forced at times, but still restrained, sublime. 10/10 for a Tool fan, 8/10 for a non fan that must appreciate the fine craft, scores of 0? That's not really fair on what is in my opinion their best work. Expand
  80. Sep 4, 2019
    This album slaps after a few listens, but that's the standard recipe for Tool. For me, it falls between Lateralus and Aenima and maybe slightly ahead of 10,000 Days. Each song is a roller coaster that bobs and weaves between tranquil melodies, signature Tool timing, long and calculated builds, and soul jarring breakdowns. This is the complete package for Tool fans, stem to stern. BiggestThis album slaps after a few listens, but that's the standard recipe for Tool. For me, it falls between Lateralus and Aenima and maybe slightly ahead of 10,000 Days. Each song is a roller coaster that bobs and weaves between tranquil melodies, signature Tool timing, long and calculated builds, and soul jarring breakdowns. This is the complete package for Tool fans, stem to stern. Biggest drawback are the interludes that are common for Tool albums but in this one, they are certainly more of a distraction than an element that builds into the record as a whole. Expand
  81. Sep 4, 2019
    This is a massive record...The days, months and years will reveal more about the new record. As with releases previous, there are wrinkles that will only emerge after the record is lived with and absorbed. But if you’re wondering whether ‘Fear Inoculum’ was worth the wait, then the answer is yes. If you’re wondering whether it’ll touch your heart, soul and spirt, the answer is also so.
  82. Sep 4, 2019
    Its a great album but the 10 scores are ridiculous. Its content could be from any Tool session in the last 3 albums. It isnt different enough and doesnt show enough progression (ironic right?) to warrant 10 scores. Thats not to say it is bad. Its great. But its what we have come to expect from them and Tool were never about that. Its exactly what i expected it to be. 10k days part 2.
  83. Sep 4, 2019
    Best album ever! Only sheep that never understood Tool hate on this album, it’s absolute perfection..change my mind??
  84. Sep 4, 2019
    I love everything except the voice and the fillers. The long riffs which I love to absorve with time, the crazy tempos that makes them real hard for me to preditct are absolutely great. The drums man, so good. That man is insane.
    I feel that Maynard could have deliver better. Not screams to be honest but better melodies. Sometimes he just repeat stuff in the same note.
    The fillers could
    I love everything except the voice and the fillers. The long riffs which I love to absorve with time, the crazy tempos that makes them real hard for me to preditct are absolutely great. The drums man, so good. That man is insane.
    I feel that Maynard could have deliver better. Not screams to be honest but better melodies. Sometimes he just repeat stuff in the same note.
    The fillers could be better. Great drum solo on chocolate ruined by weird synth.

    But I'll keep on hearing on this one for years to come. I wish I could make something as good as this
  85. Sep 4, 2019
    For me the album is amazing. I think that many people have problems with their unreallistic expectations. Through masterpiece.
  86. Sep 4, 2019
    Maybe the most interesting drumming performance captured on tape. Adam and Justin elevate their playing again. The music is just amazing. However, it sounds like they spent 13 years working on the music and a few months working on vocals. I'm fine with Maynard's new approach to how he uses his voice for Tool. It just seems like he had more opportunities (I'm thinking specifically ofMaybe the most interesting drumming performance captured on tape. Adam and Justin elevate their playing again. The music is just amazing. However, it sounds like they spent 13 years working on the music and a few months working on vocals. I'm fine with Maynard's new approach to how he uses his voice for Tool. It just seems like he had more opportunities (I'm thinking specifically of the first few minutes of 7empest) with how the music was written. That being said, the songs feel complete and cohesive. And while the 6 songs are each over 10 minutes, none of them feel that long. At the end of each one you feel like "is that it?" Expand
  87. Sep 4, 2019
    Worth the wait. The laborious drawn out writting process is evident in the album, but somehow it elevates it for me. It's dense, often monotone but something about it just keeps drawing me back. I just hope now that they have this out they're not so constipated with their future releases. In the meantime this one is an instant classic for me.
  88. Sep 3, 2019
    Much better than expected. 13 years worth the wait. It's dreamy, powerful, atmospheric, brutal and deeper than the void itself. The level of production and mastering is as good or better than 10,000 days. It's the same Tool sound, but at a next level (if that's even possible).
  89. Sep 3, 2019
    Come on now. It is really good. But the worst of their works. The amount of recycled riffs dings it another point. Maybe my ears are just tired of Adam Jones playing a million variations of the end riff of Schism.

    Also a ton of instrumental space that would have really benefited from a vocal. There were a lot of times where they weren't really in a groove yet it just went on. This makes
    Come on now. It is really good. But the worst of their works. The amount of recycled riffs dings it another point. Maybe my ears are just tired of Adam Jones playing a million variations of the end riff of Schism.

    Also a ton of instrumental space that would have really benefited from a vocal. There were a lot of times where they weren't really in a groove yet it just went on.

    This makes it sound like I didn't like it. I really liked it. 7/10
  90. Sep 3, 2019
    I love this album. At first, I was skeptical since Im a big big Tool fan and I thought I might just be fanboying out. But I really love it. Its taken multiple listens, but the more I absorb it, the more I dig what they're doing. For me its at least on par with Lateralus and Aenima, and a big improvement over 10,000 days. It might be the best thing they've ever done. Danny Carey isI love this album. At first, I was skeptical since Im a big big Tool fan and I thought I might just be fanboying out. But I really love it. Its taken multiple listens, but the more I absorb it, the more I dig what they're doing. For me its at least on par with Lateralus and Aenima, and a big improvement over 10,000 days. It might be the best thing they've ever done. Danny Carey is an absolute monster! I can understand why some fans may be put off by the long, winding songs. Its definitely not for everyone, but it certainly works for me! Expand
  91. Sep 3, 2019
    I love this album, I really do and it’s near perfect except for one thing. Lengthy sections of song where it’s just open chugging on the low d, like it’s ok to use it but just it takes up maybe ten minutes total on the whole album, do you really want that? It just seems very low effort even with odd time signatures
  92. Sep 3, 2019
    By far the Apex of Tool's evolution. Thoroughly enjoyed the album. Definitely worth the wait!!!
  93. Sep 3, 2019
    Prog Rock and complex music at its best. Worth the waiting. It is not schubidu 3:30 min Pop, its complex music to dive in.
  94. Sep 3, 2019
    I feel like there is always a cultural barometer that exists for every music release: where does it fit in in the current geopolitical climate? How does it capture the attention of the youth? To say that such barometers are meaningless in considering this album feels almost too obvious, yet it is so singular that it cannot be overstated. This album exists in a space encompassing 13 longI feel like there is always a cultural barometer that exists for every music release: where does it fit in in the current geopolitical climate? How does it capture the attention of the youth? To say that such barometers are meaningless in considering this album feels almost too obvious, yet it is so singular that it cannot be overstated. This album exists in a space encompassing 13 long years and in doing so does not even try to comment on the present. It speaks in sweeping gestures lyrically, encompassing such universal beliefs that life is ruled by fear, or that we all struggle to remain relevant while constantly heading toward obsolescence. Musically this album does not give a flying **** about what the kids are into. There are no sing-along choruses. There are no pleas to a disenfranchised youth. There are no BASS DROPS. There is only a sonic landscape that requires effort to indulge in and comprehend.

    As always, TOOL is using complicated time signatures and polyrhythms to keep the listener on their toes throughout plodding passages that would otherwise be snoozefests. Trying to figure out what Danny Carey is even doing is always one of the great pleasures of listening to a TOOL album and this one is as far from disappointment on that front as you could imagine. Adam Jones even gets to go nuts, as 7empest is a monolithic riff crucible that does not stop delivering for nearly 16 minutes. Pneuma - like Parabola before it - asks us to sit back and comprehend what a beauty life could (and should) be if we can only get out of our own way.

    If there is something negative to be said about the album, it's that the vocals are too tame. Even spots where it feels like Maynard should be cutting loose (the end of Invincible and Culling Voices, for example) he just sits back. Even if you don't care if he is getting aggressive, he is also way too shy about his vocal range. Parts of Fear Inoculum (the song) and Invincible really could have been sung much more dynamically (he proved he can do it on The Pot) but he just rests on his laurels.

    The fact that such an album could even exist let alone be embraced in 2019 is something to be celebrated. For people who long for the "old" TOOL, they are gone and thank god, because we needed this album more than we ever knew.
  95. Sep 3, 2019
    This and Aenima are neck-and-neck in terms of breadth and quality, though with time frame and expectations in account, Fear Innoculum seems to shore up about 1 more "main" song short of the impact Aenima had in the late '90s.

    Even still, it manages to bring quality and execution to a modern table and does so successfully.
  96. Sep 2, 2019
    13 years of wait is well rewarded. I listened Fear Inoculum more then 50 times before album was out and it is perfect song. 10 minutes feels like 2. Sam is with album. It has everything I wanted from Tool album but more mature. When you have such recognizable sound like Tool it is very hard to create something new but not to fat away from the sound that everyone expect from you. And Tool13 years of wait is well rewarded. I listened Fear Inoculum more then 50 times before album was out and it is perfect song. 10 minutes feels like 2. Sam is with album. It has everything I wanted from Tool album but more mature. When you have such recognizable sound like Tool it is very hard to create something new but not to fat away from the sound that everyone expect from you. And Tool did just that. Great album in every aspect Expand
  97. Sep 2, 2019
    Unlimited power! Has been and always will be my favorite band. Perhaps that makes me bias, but Tool is just genius.
  98. Sep 2, 2019
    A great album, very dense and long. It takes time to unravel it.
    The biggest problem? The majority will judge the wait instead of the music.
  99. Sep 2, 2019
    This Album is on another Level. Unbelievably amazing! A must listen numerous times. For all the negative reviews above. I honestly can't understand how you can rate a zero . The effort, quality, technicality is above the vast majority of artists period! If your giving the album a zero because you don't like it est to never listen to music again.
  100. Sep 2, 2019
    I never write reviews. So Since I'm here Best to grab a copy of this Gem. It's truly a Masterpiece. I really hope TOOL continues to write music!

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Oct 9, 2019
    The album plays like an extended mood piece that bends and drifts, with a shortage of the crushing hard-rock crescendos and riffs that defined the band’s work on “Lateralus” (2001) and before.
  2. Sep 19, 2019
    Sadly, there’s nothing on Fear Inoculum as immediately accessible or anthemic as past Tool glories like “Sober” or “The Pot,” but what is here will reward repeated spins, even if listeners initially find themselves waiting for those mammoth riffs to show up, a la “7empest,” or for Maynard to finally kick into high gear, as in the rousing refrain of “Descending.”
  3. Sep 10, 2019
    Musically, Tool have taken the best of Lateralus's dynamism and the heaviness of 10,000 Days to explore the middle ground with great length on Fear Inoculum. Those who stuck it out through the decade-plus wait won't mind hanging around a little longer until the album's close.