• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Feb 25, 2022

Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Mar 2, 2022
    Strictly speaking, there are no surprises or detours within these 16 tracks, yet it's unexpected to hear Marr maintain his drive through a full double album without lagging. He sounds in full command of his craft, and that's a pleasure to hear.
  2. 60
    Arched and anthemic, it’s pumped and primed with drama, mood, mystery, and intrigue. It’s a sound that’s strikingly similar to his old ‘80s contemporaries—Echo and the Bunnymen, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, and the like.
  3. Feb 24, 2022
    Revealing, emotional, powerful and progressive, ‘Fever Dreams Pts 1-4’ is an impressive and committed body of work.
  4. Classic Rock Magazine
    Mar 7, 2022
    It's all delivered in a broad range of tech-rock colours. [Apr 2022, p.78]
  5. Feb 23, 2022
    His perfectly serviceable croon is not quite strong enough to carry it across 16 long tracks. If only he’d given ‘Lightning People’ to Liam Gallagher, it might well have been the soundtrack of the summer. Moments of greatness are plentiful, but ‘Fever Dreams…’ shines brightest when Marr lets his guitar do the talking.
  6. Feb 25, 2022
    Though Marr has always been more musically creative than his former, outspoken songwriting partner, Fever Dreams Pts I-IV proves it. With such a broad array of influences drawn from in the formation of this album, there is much to discover in each track and multiple listens are bound to reveal much more.
  7. Mojo
    Feb 23, 2022
    While tracks like The Whirl, Receiver, Sensory Street and Human are among Marr's most impressive, Fever Dream is too long, uniform and persistent to enjoy in one sitting. Perhaps best, then, to take your time and discover its sparkling delirium in its 4 x 12-inch singles form. [Apr 2022, p.81]
  8. 80
    This album is the work of a man with no time for big cash reunions or the squabbling that prevents them. Instead, he has turned in a record fuelled by soul and new ideas.
  9. Feb 23, 2022
    Fever Dreams Pts 1-4 is some great reward for the Marr faithful, a hope-fuelled 16-song set mounted on a generous, expansive balance of scope and detail.
  10. 80
    By the time you reach the angelic post-rock “Rubicon”, you’ve given up looking for any cohesive thread in Fever Dreams Pts 1-4 and given in to its hazy momentum. Like the post-pandemic age, you never know what’s coming next.
  11. 80
    It’s keyboards that take centre stage here on a set of energetic, electro-indie cuts that are as dancefloor-friendly as anything he has been involved with since Electronic.
  12. Uncut
    Feb 23, 2022
    Four albums in, feels like Marr is finally settled into the business of a solo career. [Mar 2022, p.31]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 22
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 22
  3. Negative: 2 out of 22
  1. Jun 22, 2022
    This album is Johnny Marr's best album since he left The Smiths. Johnny puts up a virtuoso performance in the entire album.
  2. Mar 20, 2022
    A solid, raucous piece of glam inspired indie from a professional who knows his craft. The opening track (Spirit, Power and Soul’) is destinedA solid, raucous piece of glam inspired indie from a professional who knows his craft. The opening track (Spirit, Power and Soul’) is destined to be a real live crowd pleaser. Indeed are many on this offering. The guys come a long way since the days of ‘Hand in Glove’ but the skill in weaving harmony, great riffs and bangers remains his gift to us all. Johnny Marr is definitely getting better with age and there’s not many guitar players you can say that about! Shout out to his band as well here, tight and know their way around their respective instruments, the perfect accompaniment for an artist that’s just getting better and better. Full Review »
  3. Mar 1, 2022
    Johnny Marr returns with another natural progression. His last outing, CALL THE COMET, had a more cerebral, album-oriented sound than hisJohnny Marr returns with another natural progression. His last outing, CALL THE COMET, had a more cerebral, album-oriented sound than his previous solo outings, and FEVER DREAMS PTS 1-4 (six tracks of which came out last year as EPs) continues in that vein, mixing the pop smarts of rockers like the leadoff single "Spirit Power Soul" and the possibly Gorillaz-influenced "The Whirl" with airy, midtempo fare like "Lightning People" and the cavernous, beautiful cloud that is "The Speed Of Love". Along the way there are still suprises: the funk-pop mix of "God's Gift", the bass-heavy symphony that is "Ghoster". Like all his solo output to date, there are so many treasures and layers within the songs that it's hard to believe that most are under five minutes long. Once again, Mr. Marr gives us pop, AOR, and then some, and he does it all well. Treat yourself and dive in with headphones if you get the chance. Full Review »