• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2017
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 504 Ratings

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  1. Dec 8, 2021
    Su álbum con mejor cohesión y apreciación vocal de las integrantes a pesar de la ausencia de camila
  2. Nov 6, 2021
    este álbum fue el mejor de Fifth Harmony sin duda estas críticas están sesgadas por la falta de una integrante pero este proyecto fue donde la chicas tuvieron más libertad creativa, un álbum infravalorado
  3. Nov 2, 2021
    Masterpiece! My favorite songs are Bridges and Lonely Night. They did an amazing job
  4. Mar 12, 2021
    Melhor álbum sem dúvidas! Muito maduro e a divisão é muito mais igualitária
  5. Dec 1, 2020
    Admito que me gusto el álbum aun que creo qur no el mejor de la Girlband de la decada incluso podria decir que reflection es su mejor trabajo discográfico
  6. Nov 30, 2020
    Honestly really liked this album! I feel like all four of them really got to shine as they discover new r&b sounds. I really liked the maturity of this album which reflects in their lyrics and visuals. I feel like with this album they show a more authentic side with a lot more personality and chemistry. But unfortunately due to their management's lack of interest and budget, some of theirHonestly really liked this album! I feel like all four of them really got to shine as they discover new r&b sounds. I really liked the maturity of this album which reflects in their lyrics and visuals. I feel like with this album they show a more authentic side with a lot more personality and chemistry. But unfortunately due to their management's lack of interest and budget, some of their best recordings and visuals weren't released. They had so much potential and hope to see the four of them come together in the future. Expand
  7. Sep 20, 2020
    Aun sigo esperando a que algun dia regresen como grupo y sigan sacando arte de musica
  8. Sep 13, 2020
    PERFECT!!! This girls DID THAT! They grew so much and this album is so authentic and so them! So great!
  9. Sep 3, 2020
    This album is literally perfect and I can’t explain how much i love it, it definitely deserves more!
  10. Aug 28, 2020
    Fifth Harmony demuestra que con una colaboración es más que suficiente para brillar, en su mayoría de tracks muestran sonidos diferentes. Siendo 7/27 su album más maduro.
  11. Aug 28, 2020
    scoskdkdkskwkwkwjshshdhdwjakwkwkkssksks me dieron ganas de vomitar cuando lo escuche wakala
  12. Aug 1, 2020
    The most cohesive and balanced album from the ladies. Fith harmony is a timeless album even 3 years after its release still.
  13. Feb 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. DEMASIADO ARTE, LETRAS PERFECTAS. NADA MAS QUE DECIR, NO ABUSARON DE AUTOTUNE.
    Simplemente el mejor album
  14. Feb 12, 2020
    If only epic let them CREATE, it would have been even better than Self Titled. PERFECT
  15. Feb 7, 2020
    In a more cohesive album and fully focused on super productions and good compositions and larger participations, the lack of a member disappeared. Their harmony together was a very high point of this album that proved once and for all that they are professional yes! R&B's investment was the icing on the cake, I'd get in my car and listen to the album all the way.
  16. Dec 7, 2019
    O melhor álbum das meninas, a evolução delas, e as letras, que elas poderam pela primeira vez participar da composição, letras emocionantes e tocantes, álbum digno de muita aclamação
  17. Dec 7, 2019
    Apesar de mal planejado o álbum possui uma sonoridade nova e que combina muito com o grupo. No entanto não foi tão explorada como deveria.
  18. Dec 6, 2019
    The album shows a growth from the 4 girls. The harmonies are insane and their voices are very beautiful!
  19. Dec 21, 2018
    Fifth Harmony, even in difficult times and losses in its composition made an incredible album and that really saw detail and finger of each. We have generic songs, we have sad songs, dances and reflections! The flex album I usually call. Amazing.
  20. Sep 22, 2018
    This is a mixture of soft and eccentric rhythms that are concentrated in the harmonic dance that the 4 former members have, after the departure of camila pelo we all imagined that they would focus on an album of hints but it was just the opposite, congratulations for their album so personal and full of good rhythms.
  21. Jul 23, 2018
    Fifth Harmony has never been able to get over it at all and they have not even done it for what is probably their final project, it's a shame. It is evident how difficult it was to adapt to the new world with one less member and that is reflected in the artistic and commercial performance of this album. Very good work choosing both promotional and official singles because they are the mostFifth Harmony has never been able to get over it at all and they have not even done it for what is probably their final project, it's a shame. It is evident how difficult it was to adapt to the new world with one less member and that is reflected in the artistic and commercial performance of this album. Very good work choosing both promotional and official singles because they are the most discoverable album and naming the album because to participate for the first time directly in the composition of the songs it was necessary that their first and last album as a quartet was homonymous. Expand
  22. Jun 8, 2018
    is the best of fifth harmony, the deserves all amazing work hard, love you girls,
  23. Mar 18, 2018
    O primeiro álbum delas sendo um quarteto não deixou à desejar em nenhum quesito.Ótimos vocais,músicas que se encaixaram a cada integrante.Um álbum digno de prestígios.
  24. Feb 1, 2018
    I bought "Fifth Harmony" yesterday along with the new album ''Camila" by the former integrande of the group, and frankly now I can understand why she left. This album is kind of well produce but it lack hard in lyrics. It's not a bad album, but it's certainly an album that I would not listen again. This does not surprise me as this is a typical band focused on success without substance.I bought "Fifth Harmony" yesterday along with the new album ''Camila" by the former integrande of the group, and frankly now I can understand why she left. This album is kind of well produce but it lack hard in lyrics. It's not a bad album, but it's certainly an album that I would not listen again. This does not surprise me as this is a typical band focused on success without substance. But at least in older albuns the songs had a feminine empowerment messege, now most are just very sexual or average (i have nothing against this, is just not my style). The most annoying thing is: They all are vary talented but the style of the songs never showcase the potential that they can achive, it's really a shame. Expand
  25. Jan 31, 2018
    I honestly was hoping for more. After the fifth member left I thought they would improve since she had the most distinct voice, but no, they still the same thing. Maybe the name should change from Fifth Harmony to No Harmony. And that is not even what bothered me most, it was actually the empty lyrics, only one of the tracks was more elaborate. Really disappointed!
  26. Jan 17, 2018
    I love all the songs, the beat, the voices, the lyrics, everything in it is perfect. This album is wonderful, I listen to it every day. I recommend!
  27. Jan 17, 2018
    Without a doubt, the best album I've ever heard! Perfect harmony, great beats, vocals on the spot, in my opinion this is the best album of their career.
  28. Jan 17, 2018
    Underrated and didn't deserve to flop. also fir the person who said "terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible dismember please, my ears, they hurt. they cant sing. theyre always out of breath." I mean ok we been knew ur only saying this cuz u stan C*mila and can't handle the fact that they're prettier and more talented than that lemur will ever be
  29. Jan 16, 2018
    This is so generic, their past album sounds better than this one. I'm disappointed.
  30. Jan 14, 2018
    Honestly the album kinda sucks, the songs ain't memorable and the integrants voices are not as strong or memorable enough, even though Jauregui has shown some potential. Their debut album, Reflection, and the second album, 7/27, are way better than the third album. Without Cabello, the group seems to be weak and ruined.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Oct 3, 2017
    The majority of its ten tracks resemble either retreads of their former glories or listless attempts at Spotify-friendly R&B which rob them of any identity whatsoever.
  2. Sep 8, 2017
    Fifth Harmony isn’t offensively bad, in fact, it sits quite comfortably with many other acts dominating the charts at the moment. But it’s too safe, too by-the-numbers, too beige to stand up to even Fifth Harmony’s previous work, which carried more lyrical and musical heft.
  3. Aug 31, 2017
    A workmanlike pop album, vocally immaculate and sonically au courant, but seldom more than functional.