
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Snow Patrol sound terribly awkward when they play loud and fast.
  2. Mojo
    The best songs... sound as if singer Gary Lightbody spends a lot of time sitting in the dark pretending to be Lou Barlow. [Sep 2003, p.108]
  3. Final Straw's grand, intricately layered production covers up for how underdeveloped most of its songs are.
  4. Fizzing along spitefully, Final Straw is a fine start to Snow Patrol's second chapter.
  5. Alternative Press
    This heart-cleansing vulnerability renders much of Final Straw's latter half monotonous. [May 2004, p.96]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 47 out of 50
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 50
  3. Negative: 3 out of 50
  1. Aug 17, 2021
    A brilliant album, very calming. Songs like "Run" have a really rocky-lovely athmosphere, songs like "How To Be Dead" and "Chocolate" create aA brilliant album, very calming. Songs like "Run" have a really rocky-lovely athmosphere, songs like "How To Be Dead" and "Chocolate" create a kind of apocalypse style of music, but which is also very calming. Full Review »
  2. May 24, 2012
    After 2 averagely good Indie albums it was do or die time for the Northern Irish outfit when they were releasing their 3rd record Final Straw.After 2 averagely good Indie albums it was do or die time for the Northern Irish outfit when they were releasing their 3rd record Final Straw. This is the record that introduced the vast majority of people to Snow Patrol and along with Eyes Open I think it's their best work. Unlike their more recent work, it's not just the singles that are sharp on Final Straw. It has some mega hits on it but some of the albums tracks are just as engaging. The tunes are rocking and up tempo, the lyrics refrain from sopiness and the production is just right - not too raw and not over cooked. Chocolate, How to Be Dead and Spitting Games still all sound great today. Overplay has kind of ruined Run for me. When it's all over... was a huge progression from Songs for Polar Bears. Final Straw is an equally huge progression from it's predecessor. Eyes Open was a successfull attempt to consolidate the success of Final Straw but since then the bands albums have been disappointing overall, especially when you listen to this Full Review »
  3. AaronG
    Oct 1, 2006
    Very good, some awesome songs, but all in all very listenable.