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Universal acclaim- based on 3032 Ratings

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  1. Dec 29, 2019
    It's very distressing for Harry Styles to try to go of the genre "Rock". Yes, he is extremely talented, but wanting to be like a David Bowie of this generation is not very sure.
    This new work has managed to be worse than the previous one, songs that I don't quite understand what message you want to convey, but maybe with one or two that still won't let it be a musical disaster.
  2. Sep 8, 2020
    this man is EXTREMELY overrated. he is the definition of white mediocrity. all of the songs on this album sound like something i’ve already heard before. the majority of the people that listen to his music are his fans who mostly listen to mainstream pop so for them, this album seems revolutionary. but for me, who listens to music from almost every genre, this album is nothing special.
  3. Feb 13, 2020
    Ehh i gave it a try, wasn’t for me sorry. Kinda fell asleep. Wont listen to it again
  4. Oct 3, 2020
    Harry's vocals are truly outstanding and emotional, a strong point for this album. There seemed to be a clear concept as well. However, like many albums this year, many of the songs sounded incredibly similar to each other, the lyrics were also extremely similar from song to song, and the subject matter was really lacking. The production on some tracks was unique and they tried new thingsHarry's vocals are truly outstanding and emotional, a strong point for this album. There seemed to be a clear concept as well. However, like many albums this year, many of the songs sounded incredibly similar to each other, the lyrics were also extremely similar from song to song, and the subject matter was really lacking. The production on some tracks was unique and they tried new things but ultimately it was pretty messy. But production on other tracks like Cherry was smooth and pretty. This is another album that fell in the retro-alt category, but it failed to really stand out in any way. Expand
  5. Jan 2, 2020
    Most overrated and overhyped album of the year. Not Grammy-worthy. Do not understand these puff piece reviews.
  6. Mar 9, 2020
    Waste of time.
    Mine and the guy singing.
    Will the industry ever get up from the voice and other idols?
    this guy is over represented in the medias. WHY?

    anyway the 2 points are for the title song. nice one.
  7. Dec 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Everyone on twitter was hyping this album up like crazy but I listened to the leak and there was one good song. The songwriting is bland and boring. Falling is great but the lyrics could have had deeper meaning with more metaphors. Tpwk is horrible and sounds like a 80s rock influenced kids bop song. Sunflower had so much potential but the weird sounds in the bridge completely ruined the song. White male mediocrity strikes again Expand
  8. Dec 16, 2019
    I am baffled by the high critical score, then again the biased media always favored Harry over the others. This album is mediocre, bland, over hyped, and literally only has two decent songs.

    This album is worse than his first one.
  9. Jan 29, 2020
    A lot of hype but he really needs to work on his lyrics and think better about the deep of his work. I am seeing beauty and sex material only in a nice package of high profile producers. I can not see him properly in this. But if he only wants to be a performer and not a complete artist. That's fine.
  10. Mar 27, 2020
    despite what he says, it just doesn’t feel genuine or like there’s much thought behind it. i loved his first album and was looking forward to this one, but this doesn’t even compare in the slightest. there’s a catchy song or two on there and the obligatory ballads, which are the only ones that have even half decent lyrics. repeating the same two words 50 times isn’t songwriting (i’mdespite what he says, it just doesn’t feel genuine or like there’s much thought behind it. i loved his first album and was looking forward to this one, but this doesn’t even compare in the slightest. there’s a catchy song or two on there and the obligatory ballads, which are the only ones that have even half decent lyrics. repeating the same two words 50 times isn’t songwriting (i’m looking at you, watermelon sugar) Expand
  11. Dec 14, 2019
    Just like its creator, Fine Line is a a colorful cover in a world of nothing with real substance. This album feels more like a rushed assortment of cute titles and promo marketing than actual artistic growth or genuine creativity and imagination. Harry Styles needs to put more effort in song writing and lyrical development instead of trying so hard to sell his image. That image being a ripJust like its creator, Fine Line is a a colorful cover in a world of nothing with real substance. This album feels more like a rushed assortment of cute titles and promo marketing than actual artistic growth or genuine creativity and imagination. Harry Styles needs to put more effort in song writing and lyrical development instead of trying so hard to sell his image. That image being a rip off of David Bowie, Elton John and Mick Jagger. For someone who looks highly of them, the listener would be confused if Harry was emulating or making a mockery of them. How drab and repetitive many tracks off the album come and go, building up to absolute nothing. Even the title track and the infamous motto of TPWK echo as uninspired. What seemed like a promising good start with Lights Up, you are left with an empty feeling as the album comes to a close. How did someone with the privilege and urge to be that different to his male counterparts miss the mark that hard? You think if only had Styles spent less time replaying Bowie videos and spent more time fostering his own artistic passion and vision, this album would have delivered something of interest. Frankly, I'm not buying what Harry Styles is selling. Expand
  12. Dec 23, 2019
    If "meh" were a genre of music, this would definitely be an average "meh" album. In other words, between the extremes of "so-so" and "absolutely horrible", I would say Fine Line is "blah". Everything that people have said about the emptiness of the lyrics and the not-so-inspiring nature of the melodies is on the mark. The Wall Street Journal review is the most honest professional reviewIf "meh" were a genre of music, this would definitely be an average "meh" album. In other words, between the extremes of "so-so" and "absolutely horrible", I would say Fine Line is "blah". Everything that people have said about the emptiness of the lyrics and the not-so-inspiring nature of the melodies is on the mark. The Wall Street Journal review is the most honest professional review I've seen. Every other professional is covering their real opinion with what to me is masterfully crafted rhetoric... They won't directly say it's below average, but the way they are beating around the bush with hands-off phrases are the same thing I do with people who have done poorly, but I don't want to discourage them with outright criticism; so I encourage them with abstract criticism that doesn't seem like they failed, but is not direct praise, either. I notice so many reviews trying to make this album "seem" good by comparing it to what great musicians have done and what this "attempts" to do, without saying directly that it doesn't quite meet up to the standards of those others' great works. So... Kudos to Fine Line for being Middle Meh. Expand
  13. Dec 23, 2019
    Really boring album Not worth the hype at all same sound as hs1 thought it would be amazing from reading reviews
  14. Jan 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. é inacreditável como artistas visionários como prince, david bowie, iggy pop e afins criaram um movimento artistico que buscou quebrar padroes e papeis de genero só para em 2020 um pseudo, não-artista, farsante e estelionatario da arte como HARRY STYLES ser intitulado como revolucionario quando o maximo q o mesmo é capaz de proferir em sua "musicalidade" sao acordes banais, letras repetitivas e alguns looks "supostamente" provocativos quando na verdade não passa de um rapazinho revoltado com sua propria banalidade e q busca desesperadamente uma identidade coesa que expresse alguma realidade palpavel... ele nao é um grande compositor como taylor swift, não é um ícone como the weeknd e não tem o carisma de bruno mars... harry styles não passa de um FARSANTE que engana pre adolescentes e reforça esteriótipos com muito queer bait! Expand
  15. Dec 13, 2019
    Boring album. He always wants to be innovative but ends up getting a dull salad. You won't empower wearing dresses.
  16. Dec 14, 2019
    Absolutely horrible. Mediocre men and the pick me girls worshipping them for doing the bare minimum will be the downfall of the music industry.
  17. Dec 14, 2019
    The album is ok nothing interesting, i find his songwriting pretty repetitive. Its over-hyped in my opinion.
  18. Dec 16, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Honestly, so disappointed the album is definitely over-hyped. There is no proper theme, feels like a bunch of songs just thrown together with no proper production, even lyrically the album is lacking so much there is no depth at all and it is shocking because so many people worked on it lyrics wise (watermelon sugar or literally any other song). Falling is a better song but even then I don't feel anything it had so much potential. THIS ALBUM IS ONLY SELLING BECAUSE OF HARRY STYLE Expand
  19. Dec 13, 2019
    No evolution from his first album, the lyrics are ordinary and have nothing special. The songs mostly carry a boring trate and it’s more of the same. A drop down from the debut.
  20. Dec 16, 2019
    Absolutely horrible. Fan bois are the only ones who like this immature drivel
  21. Dec 25, 2019
    Not really good. Liam's still better than him. Anyway his music is kinda boring no offense
  22. Dec 13, 2019
    Boring, repetitive lyrics, a waste of time. Even Niall can do better than this.
  23. Dec 13, 2019
    Album muy repetitivo,no tiene innovación,por que siempre tiene que hablar de lo mismo?,no me gusto en lo absoluto mi calificación es 0
  24. Dec 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sinceramente eh escuchado mejores ... El esta muy sobrevalorado ................ Expand
  25. Mar 20, 2021
    real não entendo o que vêem nessa cara, ele não passa de um vocalista meia boca, performer medíocre e letricista podre, exemplo disso é esse álbum horrível feito com a única intenção de charts. podre
  26. Dec 13, 2019
    boring, same song over and over again... just different lyrics. Liam’s LP1 otherwise is such a eclectic album!!
  27. r23
    Dec 13, 2019
    terrible album doesn't deserve the hype at all, it could've been better with all the printout got
  28. Dec 13, 2019
    I don't understand the hype. The only song worth listening to was Lights Up. The whole album is... so bland and the lyrics are awful. Harry doesnt seem to have one creative bone in his body. I'm just confused as to how such a mediocre album is doing such numbers? It has to be good promo
  29. Dec 13, 2019
    Disappointing. It was hard to get myself through the album. No theme, just a bunch of various genre songs with bad vocals and poor production thrown together. Perhaps his first album was better. This wasn't my cup of tea
  30. Dec 14, 2019
    i don’t understand why he is so overhyped. his music is not good. this album is unlistenable for me.
  31. Dec 16, 2019
    o integrante favorito da falecida oned escorado a anos em um visual extravagante, intrigas do antigo grupo, com um novo álbum sem um real propósito, com faixas cansativas
  32. Dec 25, 2019
    Overhyped ; repetitive , his first album sounds better by far smh fdgfgfdgg
  33. Jan 9, 2020
    they gave this album good reviews just because it’s a good looking white body who was in one direction. it’s not a good album at all.
  34. Aug 7, 2020
    The only one I can have with you is so pretty and I wanna see it in my life and you can see the way I do it omg omg was the time to look for it haha is this one time to this girl she is a queen and queen of queen king of queen and king king of y’all king king of bop music and dance to the music queen queen king queen of
  35. Jan 26, 2020
    Boy needs to learn writing and read books.He always says the same word for five times and everyone praises him . Just listened lights out and he says two things do you know who you are and light out.This isn't it.Watermelon suger same litteraly only thing he says is watermelon sugar and everybody praises him.GO AND READ BOOOKS.
  36. Jan 30, 2020
    I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It's boring, feels like he's trying too hard to be like some rock legends of the past, borrowing their sounds, but fails to live upto it.
  37. Aug 19, 2021
    i listened to the whole album to see what is why this hype all about. but i didn't like it and it sounds boring to me and the lyrics are so basic
  38. Feb 9, 2020
    this album is so pretentious. trying too hard to be a rockstar!!!! all songs sound exactly the same it's ridiculous!!!
  39. Feb 8, 2020
    This not harry styles ........................................................
  40. Mar 26, 2020
    Don't recomend it sounds boring and harry and his album are over hipped, trying to hard to be david Bowie wanna be.
  41. Apr 2, 2020
    chato demais mo kkkkkkkkk cancela kkkkkkkkk.................................
  42. Jul 27, 2020
    I didn't liked the album, the song watermelon sugar sucked God knows why ppl liked it
  43. Aug 29, 2020
    This is what happens when Harries give low rating to smile album this is what u get
  44. Aug 31, 2020
    this album is so overrated. i was excited to hear it because some of my friends recommended it to me. nothing special at all
  45. Dec 11, 2020
    Watermelon Sugar and Cherry are skips.
    The lyrics did not convince me at all.
    Hs1 was better I guess.
  46. Dec 11, 2020
    I dare to say that hearing this album was a lost of time. It's all commercial songs in his majority, very pop-y, annoying. The lyrics are meaningless, Styles's got a very regular voice nothing of other planet.
  47. Mar 19, 2021
    Sus canciones eran mejor cuando estaba en One Direction. Es horrible todo el álbum
  48. Mar 23, 2021
    Trash and borin album. Also his musty is using gays to gain attentions cant stand him
  49. Mar 20, 2021
    Horrible. Absolute horrible. I wasn’t expecting it to be this bad. So mediocre
  50. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Overrated album and artist. So much better music you could listen to. I suggest someone who knows how’s to right meaningful music. Expand
  51. Apr 15, 2021
    lixo, álbum chato, homem de personalidade chata, odeio seu trabalho, é muito medíocre, não merecia toda essa atenção, extremamente superestimado.
  52. May 21, 2021
    worst album i've listen fr , that so so bad, not count that this guy are so ughhh
  53. Sep 17, 2021
    Why is he screaming for ? And also can we talk about him singing about fruits I personally find this disrespectful
  54. Oct 15, 2021
    I hear no lyrics, just some weird instruments. I wonder when this guy will finally learn new vocabulary and write songs by himself instead of working with 342762 people for some awful songs. And this is the same person Rolling Stone wanting us to believe that a rock icon? Even Liam Payne can write better lyrics. Oops.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 17, 2019
    Free of the shackles that hobbled his debut, Styles manages to show more of his personality here, especially on the Vampire Weekend-style Sunflower, Vol. 6. It's just a shame he can't quite keep up with his ambition. [Feb 2020, p.110]
  2. Dec 17, 2019
    Fine Line is entirely inoffensive, but it’s also open-ended, and maybe those questions are the reward. Maybe Harry Styles just wants to keep us guessing.
  3. Dec 17, 2019
    Fine Line proves that the musician has absorbed the best lesson passed down by California’s great musicians: Don’t be afraid to take chances within a folk- or pop-rock framework, as that’s how you create iconoclastic music that endures.