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Mixed or average reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 17
  2. Negative: 4 out of 17
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  1. Jan 21, 2023
    This album is so beautiful I love it so much it’s amazing more people need to listen to this album multiple times and I have listened to it twice in 2 days!
  2. Feb 3, 2023
    When I heard he was going to release a new instrumental I just hoped it would be as good as or surpass "Some Other Ones". I listened to it as soon as he released it on spotify and I admit I had a hard time finding anything nice about it. Until two days later I started doing housework, cleaning, tidying up...and I played the whole album in the background on the that moment I knewWhen I heard he was going to release a new instrumental I just hoped it would be as good as or surpass "Some Other Ones". I listened to it as soon as he released it on spotify and I admit I had a hard time finding anything nice about it. Until two days later I started doing housework, cleaning, tidying up...and I played the whole album in the background on the that moment I knew it's a great album and super recommendable to play it on loop over and over's impossible to get tired of listening to it. Expand
  3. Jan 20, 2023
    As a fan of Mac's prior instrumental outings, this album was a nice surprise. Definitely not as lively as Some Other Ones, but that's ok. It's different, and I'm glad to see an artist continue to try different things. Also nice to have some more Mac instrumentals on streaming services as well.
  4. Mar 22, 2023
    While I can see what Mac was trying to achieve here continuing in the direction that Here Comes the Cowboy was doing, it was somewhat underwhelming as nothing really stood out. Despite that, Five Easy Hot Dogs does create a more luscious and easygoing atmosphere that fills in for the absence of vocals. It’s still a nice listen though but leaves you wishing there was more to it.
  5. Jan 20, 2023
    I was quite the fan of Mac's last work (Here Come the Cowboy) with its underproduced-overproduced balance, however even as background music this album is pretty boring and some songs left me waiting for the album to be finished so I could move on. I understand the rudimentary nature of the recordings but most of the songs sound like watered-down versions of the last album, which itselfI was quite the fan of Mac's last work (Here Come the Cowboy) with its underproduced-overproduced balance, however even as background music this album is pretty boring and some songs left me waiting for the album to be finished so I could move on. I understand the rudimentary nature of the recordings but most of the songs sound like watered-down versions of the last album, which itself felt watered-down. For example, the synth in "Gualala" sounds similar to the one on "Nobody", but in the case of Nobody it fit and yet in Gualala its like a fly you want to shoo away. I like this style of music, but I don't like this version. Expand
  6. Jan 23, 2023
    Mac Demarco is a gifted song writer.
    Now here are 14 instrumentals made on a long and spontaneous solo road trip.
    Though each track is named for where it was recorded, there’s not any connection to the location, it's all nice but just boring. The instrumentals are utterly uninspired, so skip this album if you want to listen to something interesting. I will continue to love Mac DeMarco
    Mac Demarco is a gifted song writer.
    Now here are 14 instrumentals made on a long and spontaneous solo road trip.
    Though each track is named for where it was recorded, there’s not any connection to the location, it's all nice but just boring.
    The instrumentals are utterly uninspired, so skip this album if you want to listen to something interesting.
    I will continue to love Mac DeMarco in spite of this crappy album which he should have kept for himself.
  7. Jan 25, 2023
    This was extremely disappointing and sounded cheap. It almost sounded like a fan making a "Mac Demarco type beat" on youtube.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Mojo
    Feb 22, 2023
    This is no holding exercise. Instead, think beautifully conceived curio. [Apr 2023, p.85]
  2. Uncut
    Feb 15, 2023
    Despite the scattered and itinerant nature of the process, there's a pleasing coherence and warmth to the record. [Apr 2023, p.26]
  3. Jan 23, 2023
    ‘Five Easy Hot Dogs’ isn’t going to win DeMarco any more fans, nor will it distract from his past triumphs. ... This instrumental offering will, like most of his tunes, act as great company for those who just wanna lay back and disconnect from it all.