• Record Label: Lex
  • Release Date: Oct 3, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 37
  2. Negative: 3 out of 37

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  1. JustinB.
    Sep 21, 2007
    This is a true 10. what an album, it seems like it was overlooked by many.
  2. Mr.Hankey
    Apr 3, 2007
    The greatest album of 2006. A beautiful extravaganza of rap, rock, and electronica. Not many albums are as dark and loud as this.
  3. DtrainH.
    Apr 2, 2007
    This album took a LOOOOOOOOOONG time to grow on me. Look up the lyrics on the internet or something to follow along to the album with . . . it helps you understand what's going on tremendously. Nomanisisland is best lyrically for me and The Mercury Craze, if there were any justice in the world, would be a #1 single (editing out the last minute or so, maybe) for 5 years in a row.
  4. MihaiV
    Jan 1, 2007
    A fresh new sound. The album just flows from one song to another. It's more about athmosphere than about hit songs, and it works perfectly.
  5. MichaelC
    Dec 31, 2006
    This is a very good album, I took it all in on the first listen, every time I thought about skipping a track, it started somthing lush and beutiful and made me want to listen more. My one complaint it the end of the album is a bit to ambitious, and is a bit unfocused, but this is based on the first listen, who knows what cool stuff i'll discover with some repeated listens.
  6. SimonO
    Dec 29, 2006
    The finest release of the year; broader in scope than any other 2006 record. Lyrically strong, with a collection of amazing voices.
  7. ReubenF
    Dec 18, 2006
    Part of an apparent renaissance in Alternative Hip-Hop. Similar to TV On The Radio in contributing to an emerging new sound.
  8. [Anonymous]
    Dec 15, 2006
    Great even from the first listen, but like others said, it gets better with repeated listens. The way it blends indie, rap, and electronica together is amazing. One of the best this year.
  9. JonathanM
    Dec 2, 2006
    This is an amazing record. "Nomanisisland," in particular... WOW.
  10. ElliottM
    Dec 1, 2006
    To be honest, this took a WHILE to grow on me, but now I find it completely indispensable. I can't really say why I find it so fascinating, but I keep going back to it over and over again and when it ends, I start it right up again. I wouldn't say it's necessarily flawless, but there is just SO MUCH GOING ON HERE that with every listen, I pick up on more nuances... This is To be honest, this took a WHILE to grow on me, but now I find it completely indispensable. I can't really say why I find it so fascinating, but I keep going back to it over and over again and when it ends, I start it right up again. I wouldn't say it's necessarily flawless, but there is just SO MUCH GOING ON HERE that with every listen, I pick up on more nuances... This is easily one of the year's best albums. Expand
  11. ChuckN
    Dec 1, 2006
    These guys amaze me - prog rock hip hop for the masses.
  12. PerspicaciousCritic
    Nov 17, 2006
    Subtle's For Hero: For Fool is the album legendary, innovative hip-hop producer J. Dilla would make if he found four like-minded musicians and formed his own indie/rock/electronic/hip-hop band. Put another way, if you liked the eclectic eccentricity of The Avalanches' Since I Left You, and can imagine that band with a lead rapper/singer, then you'd be foolish not to Subtle's For Hero: For Fool is the album legendary, innovative hip-hop producer J. Dilla would make if he found four like-minded musicians and formed his own indie/rock/electronic/hip-hop band. Put another way, if you liked the eclectic eccentricity of The Avalanches' Since I Left You, and can imagine that band with a lead rapper/singer, then you'd be foolish not to consider adding For Hero: For Fool to your album collection. Expand
  13. TrevorI
    Nov 7, 2006
    I rarely pick up an album based on its cover art, but this fire-haired, turkey-tailed, fleshy-armed, zebra-faced prince charles practically assaulted me and I didn't really have a choice. Turns out the record sounds like the cover looks - it is easily the most exciting album I've heard all year. In fact, it is the only album in the last few years that I'd be willing to give I rarely pick up an album based on its cover art, but this fire-haired, turkey-tailed, fleshy-armed, zebra-faced prince charles practically assaulted me and I didn't really have a choice. Turns out the record sounds like the cover looks - it is easily the most exciting album I've heard all year. In fact, it is the only album in the last few years that I'd be willing to give a rating of '10' - maybe since as far back as Radiohead's 'Kid A'. Now, I'm not saying 'For Hero:For Fool' is my favourite album of the last six years, but it's impossible not to appreciate it for the artistic achievement that it is. It's as innovative, original, and conceptually whole as Radiohead's best work. DoseOne is a lyrical genius and the music shifts around with ease from one brilliant idea to the next. I'd be hard-pressed to find a flaw in this record. Expand
  14. TC
    Nov 6, 2006
    For me this is the album of the year. I even heard it today in my hairdressers. They normally play albums by pop Brit guitar bands. It didn't sound so out of place, Not as much as you'd have thought, The hairdresser said he just thought it was like Outkast. He hadn't heard of Clouddead or Themselves and had bought it off the back of a newspaper review... For me this was a For me this is the album of the year. I even heard it today in my hairdressers. They normally play albums by pop Brit guitar bands. It didn't sound so out of place, Not as much as you'd have thought, The hairdresser said he just thought it was like Outkast. He hadn't heard of Clouddead or Themselves and had bought it off the back of a newspaper review... For me this was a really unexpected highlight of the year. Massive electro pop rap like The Mercury Craze and a complete monster outro that rivals B Boy Bouillabaisse. Expand
  15. TylerF
    Oct 31, 2006
    Album of the Year hands down!
  16. jr
    Oct 27, 2006
    i've followed dose since 'the circle' with boom bip. he's proven that he can work within multiple musical contexts, and this album has some definite highlights. however, at times his style approaches annoying, and the songwriting here is a bit awkward.
  17. Kyle[infinitezer0]
    Oct 25, 2006
    An original, beautiful creation. No one out there sounds like Subtle, and if you've never heard of them, one listen will hook you as early as track two. Album of the year contender.
  18. JohnD
    Oct 24, 2006
    Nobody's going to agree with me on this, but fuck it: this is the greatest album I have ever heard.
  19. LawrenceP
    Oct 24, 2006
    If there has ever been a great alternative rap long player made by anyone other than Busdriver...this would be it, and after many spins I can safely say this is one of the best.
  20. WillyC
    Oct 16, 2006
    I'm not a big Doseone fan, but this is some next level rap / crossover movement. This deserves to be the biggest thing of the year - every time I listen to it, I find a whole new side to the album. The Mercury Craze is like some kind of post Gnarls Barkley 'Crazy' Extravaganza on speed, via Rephlex. Awesome.
  21. BrianF
    Oct 12, 2006
    Nothing short of brilliant. This record has more of a hip hop feel then past subtle releases. The music is textured and creates a musical landscape that takes several listens to fully appreciate. I LOVE this album. I have been listening to it over and over again on my ipod all week.
  22. MAC
    Oct 10, 2006
    Best album of the year, "hip-hop" or otherwise. This album not only requires thought, it makes anyone who listens actually WANT to put in that effort. Figuring out what the hell Dose One is saying is half the battle, and making sense of it all is the other half, but doing so is beyond enjoyable. And for those of us who don't enjoy thinking, the music backing Dose's lyrical depth Best album of the year, "hip-hop" or otherwise. This album not only requires thought, it makes anyone who listens actually WANT to put in that effort. Figuring out what the hell Dose One is saying is half the battle, and making sense of it all is the other half, but doing so is beyond enjoyable. And for those of us who don't enjoy thinking, the music backing Dose's lyrical depth and ingenuity is nothing short of incredible. 51 minutes of pure aural perfection. All six members did their part, and the sum of their parts is the best album I've heard in a long time. Expand
  23. KevinC
    Oct 7, 2006
    This definitely exceeds any expectations I had for a follow-up to their incredible "A New White" album, and draws from a wider sonic pallete than anything I've heard in quite a while.
  24. NXO
    Oct 6, 2006
    Best hip hop album of the year

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Dose’s clever, rich, image-gorged writing is at that forefront more than ever, and, mercy, does he ever slam down the goods.
  2. Where Subtle use many words to convey many things, I will use one: perfection.
  3. The chemistry has changed, the music is harder, the frustration's more palable, and you can hear that this is some kind of a make-or-break moment. And this time they made it-- just.