
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. There’s not a bad song in the bunch, but the songs from Death’s only official release are the clear highlights on ...For the Whole World to See.
  2. This previously unreleased mini-album (recorded in late 1974) turns out to be a marvellously invigorating blast of proto-punk intensity.
  3. The album falls short of a diamond-in-the-rough-caliber discovery, but considering these seven songs are the remains of an aborted 12-song full-length-from a band that reinvented itself every three or four years, For the Whole World holds up well alongside, say, concurrent Blue Oyster Cult or New York Dolls albums.
  4. For the Whole World to See is not the true revelation the label wants you to think it is but it has some catchy melodies and delivers them at breakneck speeds.
  5. Q Magazine
    Although just 26 minutes long, it's an unexpected triumph. [Apr 2009, p.115]
  6. As hard-rock takes on the shape of minimalist composition, the repeated rhythms and snatches of melody express rage and frustration long after the lyrics have ceased explicitly stating the message. It’s the kind of song that feels as appropriate today as it did 33 years ago. That kind of fervor makes ...For the Whole World to See such a blast and a defining example of the spirit that drives not just rock ‘n’ roll, but true outsider art.
  7. Uncut
    Belatedly, it turns out to be great: seven prescise, insurrectionist ramalams that somehow fit somewhere between the MC5's high Time and Dead Boys' 'Sonic Reducer.' [Mar 2009, p.82]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 2 out of 13
  1. Joseph
    Mar 20, 2009
    If you read Pitchfork, you're an idiot. This album IS diamond-in-the-rough territory. Am I to believe the limp shoegaze indie pop If you read Pitchfork, you're an idiot. This album IS diamond-in-the-rough territory. Am I to believe the limp shoegaze indie pop throw-back of The Pains of Being Pure At Heart or the lemme-run-my-mix-through-a-digital-brickwall-compressor-so-no-one-realizes-my-songs-suck of Wavves is better than DEATH!? Get the hell outta here! Full Review »
  2. ryink
    Mar 24, 2009
    Not necessarily a lost classic, but an incredible document.