• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Jun 2, 2023
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Jun 23, 2023
    This record came out of nowhere for me. It is one of the best collections of songs I have heard in a long time. The subject matters are dense and emotionally taxing, but communicated in the most beautifully simplistic and striking series of metaphors. The introduction of lap steel and other sonic elements really accentuate the emotional components of the lyrics well. It is the bestThis record came out of nowhere for me. It is one of the best collections of songs I have heard in a long time. The subject matters are dense and emotionally taxing, but communicated in the most beautifully simplistic and striking series of metaphors. The introduction of lap steel and other sonic elements really accentuate the emotional components of the lyrics well. It is the best Protomartyr in existence. Collapse
  2. Jun 20, 2023
    They actually took a big jump forward on this album, but there is an interesting dynamic going on in here. I do feel that, in most of the songs, two thirds of the song gets stuck in a monotonous punk loop. These loops, even though they are monotonous, they do let you hear some interesting textures, risks and explorations on the concept the band has for itself. It is not until the lastThey actually took a big jump forward on this album, but there is an interesting dynamic going on in here. I do feel that, in most of the songs, two thirds of the song gets stuck in a monotonous punk loop. These loops, even though they are monotonous, they do let you hear some interesting textures, risks and explorations on the concept the band has for itself. It is not until the last third of the song, when the band would actually take a step out of the loop to present some dope arrangements.
    The production kind of leaves the complete project adrift when the composition is actually showing some real magic tricks to prevent the album stay still to drown. Nevertheless... each song has its own value, and I do feel this is a really strong grip that will hold on in our heads for a long time.
    I'm also sure that this will grow to be, very probably, a high classic from Protomartyr. Yet, I do hope they still take the opportunity they clearly have to impress us even further.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Jun 26, 2023
    On Formal Growth in the Desert, Protomartyr have ever-so-subtly evolved their sound into something not quite mellow and not quite as expansive as its titular reference – and yet also not as claustrophobically volatile as previous efforts. It’s something gloriously in between.
  2. 90
    As they continue to challenge conventions and push boundaries, while still being utterly and completely themselves, Protomartyr stand tall as a testament to the enduring spirit of innovation that defines Detroit's rich musical history.
  3. Jun 8, 2023
    The band remain successful at finding lush nuances in their well-established formula and ‘Formal Growth in the Desert’ packs more hooks than any of their albums since 2015’s ‘The Agent Intellect’.