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Universal acclaim- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 68 out of 79
  2. Negative: 8 out of 79
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  1. May 29, 2023
    It deserves the high score for the drumming alone, even if some of the tracks are kind of similar.
  2. Aug 4, 2021
    good album
    some songs are not my cup of tea like The Trails or Another World
    but on the other hand there are many awesome and Heavy songs that i'll listen to for some time
  3. May 8, 2021
    Gojira are a stunning band but this album feels like theyre less themselves than we have ever seen them. They tap too much into the (real) Sepultura vein and lose their own identity. This is weird Gojira in full flight. The cleanish singing doesnt do them any favours either and comes across as the result of listening to too much lamb of god. Im hoping this album isnt the result of covidGojira are a stunning band but this album feels like theyre less themselves than we have ever seen them. They tap too much into the (real) Sepultura vein and lose their own identity. This is weird Gojira in full flight. The cleanish singing doesnt do them any favours either and comes across as the result of listening to too much lamb of god. Im hoping this album isnt the result of covid fatigue or the start of more preachy albums. Expand
  4. May 7, 2021
    I discovered Gojira few years ago. Their early stuff wasn't for me as it was too dark (although I like heavy).With this album they became my kind of heavy. I only dislike 2 songs on this album.
  5. May 6, 2021
    This is a very good progressive metal album where the instrumentation is just straight up impressive with very memorable and melodic tracks that will stay in your head.
  6. May 5, 2021
    brilliant album! we needed it!! When I reached the last track I wanted more
  7. May 2, 2021
    An amazing addition to an impeccable catalogue! It’s easily Gojira’s most unique but never letting up like it’s predecessors
  8. May 2, 2021
    "Beautiful" is not often a word applied to a metal album, but it fits here in every respect. What the giant lizard boys have done here, melding various styles with a rousing emotional journey and a sensibility of all life existing together, is nothing short of perfection. Well done.
  9. May 2, 2021
    I've had this on repeat for the last couple of days and can't get enough. Brilliant album from start to finish.
  10. Apr 30, 2021
    Not a bad song on the album. My least favorite would be “Into The Storm” and I honestly couldn’t pick a favorite. I’m loving the progressions in the sound of Gojira. Can’t wait to listen to this for months!
  11. Apr 30, 2021
    On my third listen and all I can say is not being a Gohira fan,this album is spectacular. I gave it a 9 but we all know how this albums grow on you the more you listen to can be a 10 after a few more listens
  12. Apr 30, 2021
    Gojira as always very inventive, each of their albums sounds good and at the same time is not similar to the previous one. This one was no exception.
  13. Apr 30, 2021
    Phenomenal album beginning to end! So much variance of old and new sound... If I had to choose stand out tracks, for me they would be Hold On and Into the Storm but there's is little no drop in quality. One of Gojira's finest
  14. Apr 30, 2021
    After The Way of All Flesh came Lenfant Sauvage, and although this last album is excellent like its predecessor, it could not be repeated, it was already obvious that Gojira needed to expand its sound, and they was do this several times in the 2012 record, be it in ways very innovative and distinct, these experiments took place with notoriety in songs like Born in Winter, The Fall or PainAfter The Way of All Flesh came Lenfant Sauvage, and although this last album is excellent like its predecessor, it could not be repeated, it was already obvious that Gojira needed to expand its sound, and they was do this several times in the 2012 record, be it in ways very innovative and distinct, these experiments took place with notoriety in songs like Born in Winter, The Fall or Pain Is a Master ... More melodious and intrasingent passages. Magma, which came later, was already an expected album, but maybe it come so fast, skipping steps, but the melancholy and deeply emotional feelings related to grief and the loss of a loved one caused the expulsion of more melodies and atmospheric passages in the composition of the album, representing this more personal and intimate side of the brothers in the composition. What came after that, in Fortitude, is a resumption of the band to its main philosophy and current state of mind, more mature and open to experimentation favored on the previous album, which made the band's palette of sounds more diverse, with new colors, nuances and contrasts even bigger. It’s as if they’ve acquired even more tools, supplies and materials in their sound-building workshop. Which is great, because Fortitude doesn’t seem to be the peak of the band, but a continuous progression and excellent and solid adhesion to the discography, without being repetitive, but still maintaining the signature and identity of the band preserved and presenting so many creative novelty that only make us even more curious as to what they can still do and show from now on. Expand
  15. Apr 30, 2021
    Fortitude is an unexpected and absolutely mind blowing album from Gojira. A breathtaking showcase of heaviness and emotional resonance that other bands just can't access.
  16. Apr 30, 2021
    Gojira further expand their sound and experimentation to create a killer new record. Some songs are heavy, others are melodic, and some are a combination of both. I welcome this change to their sound, but I do believe they can still work even more to perfect it. An almost perfect album, in my opinion.

    Favorites: "Born for One Thing", "Amazonia", "New Found", "The Chant", The Trails",
    Gojira further expand their sound and experimentation to create a killer new record. Some songs are heavy, others are melodic, and some are a combination of both. I welcome this change to their sound, but I do believe they can still work even more to perfect it. An almost perfect album, in my opinion.

    Favorites: "Born for One Thing", "Amazonia", "New Found", "The Chant", The Trails", "Grind".

    Least Favorite: "Into the Storm".
  17. Apr 30, 2021
    Gojira no pierde el talento de reflejar una buena carga de contenido simbólico en sus letras, como tampoco deja atrás su sonido caracteristico aún cuando lleva su versatilidad musical un paso más adelante  (en comparación con el resto de su discografía).
    Fortitude es, tal vez, un claro ejemplo de cómo una banda puede variar ó  experimentar para enriquecer y complementar su propia carrera y
    Gojira no pierde el talento de reflejar una buena carga de contenido simbólico en sus letras, como tampoco deja atrás su sonido caracteristico aún cuando lleva su versatilidad musical un paso más adelante  (en comparación con el resto de su discografía).
    Fortitude es, tal vez, un claro ejemplo de cómo una banda puede variar ó  experimentar para enriquecer y complementar su propia carrera y repertorio musical, sin necesidad de abandonar lo hecho anteriormente. Personalmente lo considero de lo mejor del año hasta ahora y claro candidato a ser el mejor album del 2021.
  18. Apr 30, 2021
    Wow. What a journey...album number 7 is a really great mix of everything, with quite the expanded growth on full display

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. The Wire
    Sep 1, 2021
    Gojira once again let loose their own brand of fury on the world. Fortitude is a tightly executed example of the way their songs are propelled as anthems – emblazoned metallic sound banners flapping loudly in the gale they have summoned up. [Sep 2021, p.62]
  2. May 25, 2021
    Unfortunately, 20 years of the same thematic thrust—coupled with the new material’s proximity to generic heavy rock—blunt the new material's impact just as the stage is set for Gojira to shine.
  3. May 11, 2021
    Fortitude is a fitting, welcome follow-up, and a brave new chapter in Gojira's continuing musical evolution as they weave old sounds with new ones in creating a sonic tapestry that showcases startling imagination, thought-provoking musical and human intelligence, complex emotions, and immense physical power.