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Universal acclaim- based on 129 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 9 out of 129

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  1. Oct 24, 2022
    The debut of the greatest singer of all time, simply stunning. Everything is pure perfection
  2. Jun 15, 2022
    honestly,listening to this is album is so nostalgic in a sort of way i cant explain.
  3. Mar 22, 2022
    A very good attempt to mix jazz with contemporary sounds. A little try of what Amy would do in later years musically speaking.
  4. May 22, 2021
    Perfeito, ele transmite um sentimento cristalino de uma cantora, que anos depois traria o brilhante e melancólico Back to Black
  5. Dec 9, 2019
    if it was possible i would've rated 10000
    this album is a mix of everything i love about music
  6. Nov 6, 2019
    Realmente a Amy Winehouse foi uma cantora espetacular e suas músicas tinham alma. Uma grande perda para o cenário musical atual.
  7. Jun 26, 2019
    Arte , Amy Winehouse es lo más arte de toda la munda , el mundo no la merecía
  8. Sep 1, 2015
    Such a fabulous and organic album released by a true queen of music, Amy Winehouse. Stronger Than Me is such a great song and there are many others on this jazzy debut record,
  9. Nov 6, 2013
    I love this album. Probably it's just me, but this is better than Back to Black, I can't believe that this was a commercial failure. It sounds very underrated and very original. "Stronger than me" & "F*ck Me Pumps" are the best songs. Buy it now.
  10. Jul 26, 2013
    Frank is Back To Black's neo-soul older sister. Creativity just oozes out of this record, from the first track to the very last one. Every song gripped me as a listener and held me tight for a constant two or three weeks. I couldn't turn this record off, and for good reasons. Back To Black is a modern classic, same should be said about this underrated masterpiece. For how young Amy wasFrank is Back To Black's neo-soul older sister. Creativity just oozes out of this record, from the first track to the very last one. Every song gripped me as a listener and held me tight for a constant two or three weeks. I couldn't turn this record off, and for good reasons. Back To Black is a modern classic, same should be said about this underrated masterpiece. For how young Amy was when she recorded this record, she had the chops to make an album as good and even better than Back To Black. I could go on all day comparing her only two records, but the truth is they're hardly even comparible. Frank incorporates more sounds and a younger vibe and vision, while Back To Black was an older Winehouse going through men and drug issues. Two completely different records. Amy sounds much more conservative and pure in this album, and her songwriting is poetry.

    All In All, Amy Winehouse was meant to be a singer, and as far as debuts go, this is one of the best I've ever had the pleasure to listen too. A
  11. Nov 25, 2012
    Overall, I give Frank a 10/10. Though some parts may be better than others, the whole is just an amazing record and one of my favorites. Stellar debut from a girl with a big voice and a wonderful talent. R.I.P.
  12. Sep 28, 2012
    Far less produced and therefore that bit rawer than her smash hit album "Back to Black", "Frank" still has her unmistakable soul/jazz sound. Her voice brings the songs, which are generally just above average, up a couple of notches. Fans of "Back to Black" might not like the rougher edges of this, but everyone will appreciate her vocal talents on show here.
  13. Jun 3, 2012
    Amazing Debut Album!
    One Of The Best Of 2007!
  14. Nov 14, 2011
    the pitchfork review of frank is probably the biggest piece of **** i've ever seen in my life. how the hell can you compare her "frank" to "back to black" seeing as there is a **** 4 year difference?? obviously kinks are worked out of b2b that weren't available for frank, but to me, frank is a lot smoother and possess a pleasing lighter sound than b2b.
  15. Sep 30, 2010
    In "Frank," we see a full album of the year not seen in albums that inusse r&b, jazz and soul, there is evidence of great classic, but there are songs of truth, wrapped by the voice of Winehouse, implanting in our minds a interpretation of velvet, a very nice night scene, no errors, except that its size to reduce the serene charm of the album, yet brilliant.
  16. Aidan
    Feb 20, 2008
    This is a fantastic album, exposing the contemporary music industry for the fake that it is. Ms. Winehouse is one of the few true artists in the world today, complete with human frailty and beauty. Ms. Winehouse's jazz-advent album proves that with enough talent and creativity, music can be fun again. For those stuck on her battle with drug addiction, take a look at some of your This is a fantastic album, exposing the contemporary music industry for the fake that it is. Ms. Winehouse is one of the few true artists in the world today, complete with human frailty and beauty. Ms. Winehouse's jazz-advent album proves that with enough talent and creativity, music can be fun again. For those stuck on her battle with drug addiction, take a look at some of your favorite artists, starting with classical. . . Expand
  17. DorisN.
    Feb 11, 2008
    This record is incredible. I actually prefer it to Back To Black whose heavy handed borrowing from the Motown sound feels overly contrived comparatively... What sets Amy apart from Sharon Jones or her other peers is that she is an amazing songwriter who avoids all the cliches - she is also an original who will stand out in any crowd. I strongly question the intentions of anyone who claims This record is incredible. I actually prefer it to Back To Black whose heavy handed borrowing from the Motown sound feels overly contrived comparatively... What sets Amy apart from Sharon Jones or her other peers is that she is an amazing songwriter who avoids all the cliches - she is also an original who will stand out in any crowd. I strongly question the intentions of anyone who claims not to like this album - my guess is that they are a sad breed of sociopaths who like to put on their white hoods and vomit their negativity online... Give us all a break. Expand
  18. DR.
    Feb 10, 2008
    Back when Ms Winehouse wasn't crazy she was still just as capable of making a colossal (debut) record. Tracks like F Me Pumps, In My Bed and Stronger Than Me are sharp, chirpy and satirical which make for a very warm and fuzzy feeling at the end of it!
  19. SamiP
    Feb 1, 2008
    An astounding entrance to the music industry, Amy's "Frank" demonstrates that vocal prowess and meaningful lyrics still have radio credibility, or at least commercial viability. While not as jazzy and nostalgic as her successor, there is no denying that Winehouse can make the ordinary extraordinary and with candor and tongue-in-cheek magnificence. Bravo Amy!
  20. FredR.
    Jan 31, 2008
    Well I was going to rate this cd 8 or 9, but i thought i had to do something about all those low scores people are giving! "Drink and Drugs" should have nothing to do with the music itself. im sure amy wouldnt want her sales to be "Pity" Sales. No, amy winehouse is a talented young singer, her lyrics are meaningful, her beats are extraordinary. and this album in particular gives us Well I was going to rate this cd 8 or 9, but i thought i had to do something about all those low scores people are giving! "Drink and Drugs" should have nothing to do with the music itself. im sure amy wouldnt want her sales to be "Pity" Sales. No, amy winehouse is a talented young singer, her lyrics are meaningful, her beats are extraordinary. and this album in particular gives us exclusive access to the thoughts and emotions of a young London girl. Expand
  21. EinarJ.
    Jan 26, 2008
    This is an amazing fresh debut of warmth, soul and a melancholy voyage in the quest for love. I will undoubtedly say that I first listened to 'Back To Black' and loved it. When first listening to 'Frank', I found it somewhat less accessible and not nearly as catchy. When I revisited the album, however, I found out that this album was amazing. Winehouse sings with This is an amazing fresh debut of warmth, soul and a melancholy voyage in the quest for love. I will undoubtedly say that I first listened to 'Back To Black' and loved it. When first listening to 'Frank', I found it somewhat less accessible and not nearly as catchy. When I revisited the album, however, I found out that this album was amazing. Winehouse sings with sorrow and always seems to lose i relationships. 'Fuck Me Pumps' is the most amazing track I've heard by Winehouse and hope that she will remain on the market until she finds that fictional ideal man. Expand
  22. Tessa
    Jan 21, 2008
    Maybe some of you don't recall that ms winehouse has just had problem(that are probablly still present)with drink and release an album this good while being under the influence,most of the time anyway,is pretty damn good.
  23. Urban
    Dec 12, 2007
    Amy Winehouse can sannng, and possesses a true raw sing ability. The music world must embrace this artist with open ears and arms. I look forward to future releases. Get well Amy.
  24. KenH.
    Dec 12, 2007
    Several really great tracks but there's also too many filler tracks with lazy studio production. The reggae tunes are especially poor and her great voice doesn't really work with that type of song at all.
  25. Brilliant!
    Nov 23, 2007
    This album is brill! a must get for all music fans!!! Amazing!
  26. AvaJ.
    Nov 21, 2007
    She has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard!! Her voice makes me so emotional and touches my heart.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Winehouse's record has the feeling of being allowed to grow on its own--without being meddled with and fussed over.
  2. Frank is an honest, refreshingly personal record which, though very occasionally strays into easy jazz, has Gucci bags of personality.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Her first album--a UK smash in '03, now being issued here-- bristles with fiercer intelligence, though it lacks the classic soul-warmth of the Mark Ronson-produced Black. [16 Nov 2007, p.79]