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Universal acclaim- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 35
  2. Negative: 3 out of 35
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  1. Oct 26, 2021
    Duran Duran fans are a long-suffering bunch, trained by years of questionable choices and missed opportunities to not expect *too* much from a new DD album. Generally I expect to like a handful to half of the songs per new album, but this time they really brought the confidence, energy, playing, and songwriting.

    There are no skips on the album for me, even Beautiful Lies, which sort of
    Duran Duran fans are a long-suffering bunch, trained by years of questionable choices and missed opportunities to not expect *too* much from a new DD album. Generally I expect to like a handful to half of the songs per new album, but this time they really brought the confidence, energy, playing, and songwriting.

    There are no skips on the album for me, even Beautiful Lies, which sort of goes nowhere, goes by enjoyably enough. The title track, Nothing Less, Give It All Up, Wing, and Anniversary are the standouts for me at this point. Even the rap on Hammerhead (which other fans have balked at) fits in nicely and doesn’t take away from the song as far as I’m concerned.

    Overall, great album, great songs, and a reinvigorated Duran Duran! It’s a great time to be a fan.
  2. Nov 6, 2021
    They are in full form since 2011's "All You Need Is Now", and through this decade they've created three fantastic albums that found them at the peak of their craft. The cracking sound of "Invisble", the funky up-beat of "All Of You" and the emotional trip of the song "Future Past", just initiates a total immersion in Duran's sound. The deluxe cd version with three new songs, not just addedThey are in full form since 2011's "All You Need Is Now", and through this decade they've created three fantastic albums that found them at the peak of their craft. The cracking sound of "Invisble", the funky up-beat of "All Of You" and the emotional trip of the song "Future Past", just initiates a total immersion in Duran's sound. The deluxe cd version with three new songs, not just added at the end of the album, but included as creative part of it, just makes it even better. Expand
  3. Oct 25, 2021
    After the disappointing Paper Gods album in 2015, Duran Duran are back to their very best with Future Past. Sounds like classic Duran Duran, but modern at the same time. There's not a weak song on the album. It's a stunning record. The standouts are All Of You, Give It All Up, Wing, Nothing Less and the sublime Falling. Their best album since Rio.
  4. Oct 25, 2021
    Very solid record. I'm happy that Duran Duran is back to their original selves.
  5. Oct 26, 2021
    Great album, great production, great songs. I keep coming back and back to it. Certainly one of the best from Duran Duran in DECADES!!!
  6. Dec 1, 2021
    Best album since Rio. Every song is strong both musically and lyrically and after a few listens extremely catchy, giving the album the energy of a greatest hits album, yet the album also has the feel of a concept album, the past and future being shaped by the present and the themes of nostalgia, memory, regret, realisation of the present and aspirations for the future run through the albumBest album since Rio. Every song is strong both musically and lyrically and after a few listens extremely catchy, giving the album the energy of a greatest hits album, yet the album also has the feel of a concept album, the past and future being shaped by the present and the themes of nostalgia, memory, regret, realisation of the present and aspirations for the future run through the album which is echoed in the music which is both fresh and classic sounding.
    The production, arrangement and execution are close to perfection and the whole album sounds like the band has dug deep and struck creative gold which they have crafted a modern/retro instant classic that will still sound fresh to future audiences the way rio does to us now. Even the cover art is the most bold and artistic since Rio and represents the blurry time related themes of the album perfectly.
    Even thought there is no single song as strong as ordinary world on this album the title track is probably the best song they have written since ordinary world and feels like a happier more content follow up to it.
  7. Mar 4, 2022
    Amazing comeback album. I loved paper gods, and this is amazing too! Great performance and songs.
  8. Oct 26, 2021
    fantastic album.
    80-s music resonates in the 20-s.
    lots of hits.
    p.s. listening duran duran since 1982 (Rio)
  9. Oct 27, 2021
    an amazing album taking listeners through an exciting journey.
    this is an album made with heart and conviction.
    each song is a standout track and permeates nicely into one another making this album a solid sonic art masterpiece. it is a A+ performance in terms of each of the individual performance of Simon, John, Nick and Roger, and together they created something more....something
    an amazing album taking listeners through an exciting journey.
    this is an album made with heart and conviction.
    each song is a standout track and permeates nicely into one another making this album a solid sonic art masterpiece.
    it is a A+ performance in terms of each of the individual performance of Simon, John, Nick and Roger, and together they created something more....something ethereal.

    This is a classic concept/pop album of the highest order.
  10. Nov 3, 2021
    I am incredibly positively surprised by the new album of Duran Duran. They are really good again! Of course, the big hits are missing, like those on their first two albums. But this is still a great album. If you compare it with what Coldplay, for example, have done recently, Duran Duran beats them by far.
  11. Oct 23, 2021
    Still taking chances and be relevant,not just blast from the past,this is a fair and worthy effort.
  12. Mar 25, 2022
    Finally they turned back to their classic style of 1981 an that's good! There are only two disadvantages - not so many guitar parts and rap vocals on "Hammerhead". I don't think that they had to add it.
  13. Oct 25, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. More depth and variety of texture than previous release “Paper Gods” which felt a little patchy and jumbled, Future Past opens with Graham Coxon’s stabby guitars, Blur’s enfant terrible fitting seamlessly into the gaping void left twice by original member Andy Taylor. Simon Le Bon’s swooning vocals, undiminished with age, drive a moody banger whose lyrics capture the social division brought about by the pandemic: “a voiceless crowd isn’t backing down.” It’s heavy stuff. Other highlights include the heart-breaking “Give it All Up” and “Hammerhead”, which features a rap by Ivorian Girl. Coxon is the glue that holds together much of the record and although he stamp his knackered Converse-shaped footprint on it, the he never truly lets rip. And more’s the pity. “Anniversary” and “Tonight United” are hard passes. Their choruses are too cheesy for a band entering their sixties. Drunk uncles on a wedding dance floor. Death by cheese. No, nope. Definitely not. But then Duran Duran have always walked a tightrope between pop genius and commercial suicide, so why break the habit of a lifetime? “Give it all Up” and Expand
  14. Oct 26, 2021
    Best Duran Duran Album in Decades! I recommend “Give it All Up”, “Anniversary” and “Falling”.
  15. Nov 15, 2021
    I wanted to like the album. I ordered the deluxe version from the UK. After a listen through, I have to say I don't care for all the guest vocals and can't remember a single catchy song. Just being honest.
  16. Oct 25, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum se siente tan básico genérico repetitivo aburrido vacío y esa es la cruda realidad Expand
  17. Aug 23, 2022
    This album is for everyone. It has all the elements. It has pop, rock, dark even Japanese pop, funk, you name it. My favorite songs from the album are
    Wing, invisible, Hammerhead, give it all up, future past. etc
    The whole album is amazing from the beginning to the end.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Oct 29, 2021
    It takes a couple of plays for the songs to individually stand out. Simon le Bon’s still remarkably youthful voice remains the most recognisable element but John Taylor’s bass and Nick Rhodes’s ear for keyboard shade come into their own, while Roger Taylor retains his steady presence on drums.
  2. Oct 25, 2021
    Duran Duran are taking some calculated risks here which sometimes means they stumble -- occasionally, the ballads feel a shade strident -- but the restlessness makes for a kinetic, exciting album.
  3. Uncut
    Oct 22, 2021
    Shouty Japanese pop-punk quartet Chai guest on wonderfully bleepy “More Joy!”, Giorgio Moroder assists with the thrilling digital disco of “Beautiful Lies”, Bowie’s pianist Mike Garson guests on the elegant ballad “Falling”, while producer Erol Alkan adds a dancefloor-friendly sheen to proceedings. [Dec 2021, p.27]