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Universal acclaim- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 39
  2. Negative: 1 out of 39
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  1. Apr 3, 2021
    This is probably the best album of the decade, a majestic and chaotic journey perfect for these strange times. A perfect masterpiece
  2. May 16, 2021
    Notable Tracks

    > A Military Alphabet (five eyes all blind) (4521.0kHz 6730.0kHz 4109.09kHz) / Job’s Lament / First of the Last Glaciers / where we break how we shine (ROCKETS FOR MARY)
    > Fire at Static Valley
    > GOVERNMENT CAME” (9980.0kHz 3617.1kHz 4521.0 kHz) / Cliffs Gaze / cliffs’ gaze at empty waters’ rise / ASHES TO SEA or NEARER TO THEE
    > OUR SIDE HAS TO WIN (for D.H.)
  3. Apr 3, 2021
    What more can I really say other than GY!BE is back! And right on time too. The first track, A Military Alphabet, reminds me a lot of their earlier work on F# A# and LYSF and I am here for it. The first of two shorter ambient pieces, a Fire at Static Valley, is more akin to their newer stuff yet is as equally haunting and powerful as ever. The third piece, while in my opinion not as goodWhat more can I really say other than GY!BE is back! And right on time too. The first track, A Military Alphabet, reminds me a lot of their earlier work on F# A# and LYSF and I am here for it. The first of two shorter ambient pieces, a Fire at Static Valley, is more akin to their newer stuff yet is as equally haunting and powerful as ever. The third piece, while in my opinion not as good as the first, is extremely cathartic, climatic, and dark. The album ends very strongly with the beautiful "ambient" piece Our Side Has to Win, which has a beautifully soft and somber ending. I would not be surprised if this is my favorite album by the end of the year. A must listen. Expand
  4. Apr 2, 2021
    A beautiful, dark, ugly, monolithic album for the times that we live in. Remarkable piece of work. Highly recommended!
  5. Apr 2, 2021
    A long awaited album that delivered a moving and emotional final product that was astounding overall. The only grievance I have with this album is the ending two songs, especially the second to last song, Cliffs Gaze. It was not a bad song, however I was taken out of the moment by a cliche 4/4 rock drum beat and a relatively chipper track, which in my opinion didn’t fit with the broaderA long awaited album that delivered a moving and emotional final product that was astounding overall. The only grievance I have with this album is the ending two songs, especially the second to last song, Cliffs Gaze. It was not a bad song, however I was taken out of the moment by a cliche 4/4 rock drum beat and a relatively chipper track, which in my opinion didn’t fit with the broader narrative. The last song, OUR SIDE HAS TO WIN, was a weak ending to such a powerful album, again there was nothing musically that bothered me rather it didn’t fit in the broader narrative. Expand
  6. Apr 2, 2021
    Their best since Don't Bend! The string arrangements are simply incomparable and may be the best they've laid down since Skinny Fists, if not better. Military Alphabet sounds like a country rager, and Government Came is one of the most climactic tracks they've made since "Mladic" or even **** = redeemer." Wonderful return from their mid-to-late 2010's slump.
  7. Aug 31, 2021
    Not as good as Godspeed You! Black Emperor classics but a solid album, I'll never get enough of them.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jun 10, 2021
    There are moments here that feel like being carried aloft by a parade, and moments that feel like the jail doors shutting. There are pools of calm and surges of impossible triumph.
  2. Mojo
    Apr 27, 2021
    This remains far from forbidding music, with an orchestrated heft that's as close to Ennio Morricone as it is Glenn Branca. [Jun 2021, p.83]
  3. Uncut
    Apr 20, 2021
    It finds its sound in glowing electric waltzes, piled high with massed guitars and sawing fiddles, that take up a riff and grind it into extinction. Not to be missed, though, is their skill for softer atmospheres. [Jun 2021, p.27]